Literature and Theology

(The TQCC of Literature and Theology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Becoming Divine Women: Miriam Toews’ Women Talking as Parable13
Politics of Haya: Embodied Materiality of Piety as Everyday Resistance among British Muslim Women in Ayisha Malik's Fiction1
Stephen Mitchell’s Version of the Tao Te Ching: A Spiritual Interpretation1
Early Modern Economic Theology and Oikonomia in The Merchant of Venice1
‘The Name of God Has Priority’: ‘God’ and The Apophatic Element in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire1
Bearing Witness to God: Ricoeur and the Practice of Religious Testimony1
Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World. By Zakiyyah Iman Jackson1
On White Theology … and other Lies: Redemptive Communal Narrative in Toni Morrison’s Beloved1
Mad Love: Surrealism and Soteriological Desire1
God Bothering Beckett1
The Place, and Problems, of Truth1
The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World. By Catherine Nixey0
Inverting the ‘Gracelorn’ Father: Augustinian Notions of Evil and Goodness in Cormac McCarthy’S Outer Dark and The Road0
The Dreamer and the Dream: Afrofuturism and Black Religious Thought, By Roger A. Sneed0
Religions in Shakespeare’s Writings, Edited by David V. Urban0
Intersections of Forgiveness And ‘Queer Use’ In T.S. Eliot’s ‘Marina’0
Breaking Down Boundaries and ‘Making it New’: Oriental Elements in Western Modernism. By Zhaoming Qian0
Introduction: The Place of Truth0
Taoism and Western Literature Introduction to Special Forum0
Materiality, Postcoloniality, and the Phenomenology of Mental Health0
Hope in a Secular Age: Deconstruction, Negative Theology, and the Future of Faith. By David Newheiser0
The Politics of Ritual, By Molly Farneth0
Religious Experience, Storytelling, and Ethical Action in Muhammad Iqbal’s Javid Nama and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Nathan0
Religion, Secularism, and the Spiritual Paths of Virginia Woolf. Edited by Kristina K. Groover0
Toward A Second Theology: Avant-Garde Art and Theopolitics0
The Yijing as Inspiration in Raymond Queneau’s Morale Élémentaire III (1975): An Intermingling of the Particular and the Universal0
Coleridge’s Contemplative Philosophy. By Peter Cheyne0
‘Warma Kuyay (Amor de Niño)’ By Josê María Arguedas: A Dialectic Prelude to Liberation Ecotheology0
The Philosophy of Change and the Metaphor of Body: From the I Ching (The Classic of Changes) to Wenxin Diaolong (Carving the Dragon With A Literary Heart)0
What If God is a ‘Pagan Amalgam’: Marilynne Robinson and Historical Bible Scholarship0
Oscar Wilde’s Reading of Zhuangzi in ‘A Chinese Sage’0
The Works of Lucy Hutchinson Volume II Theological Writings and Translations0
Wild Mind, Wild Earth:Our Place In the Sixth Extinction. By David Hinton0
‘Who Knows What We’d Make of It, if We Ever Got Our Hands on It?’: The Bible and Margaret Atwood. Edited by Rhiannon Graybill and Peter Sabo0
Secularism and Hermeneutics. By Yael Almog0
Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography, By Holly Ordway0
Phenomenal Knowledge and Martyrdom: Endō’s Silence0
The Everlasting People: G.K. Chesterton and the First Nations, By Matthew J. Milliner0
Legal, Mythic, and Divine Violence: Post-secular Entanglements in Walter Benjamin’s ‘Toward the Critique of Violence’0
Marilynne Robinson and Theology. Edited by Håkan Möller and Ola Sigurdson0
Literature and Religion: A Dialogue between China and the West, By David Jasper and Ou Guang-an0
Teaching Religion and Literature. Edited by Daniel Boscaljon and Alan Levinovitz0
Modernism, Nominalism, and the Hidden God in Samuel Beckett, Wallace Stevens, and David Jones0
Superman as the Measure of All Things: Black Gods and White Saviours in Watchmen and Doomsday Clock0
Judaism and Temporary Community: Moses Mendelssohn on imperfection and truth0
The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics, By Ruth Vanita0
Bridging the Divide: The Crucifixion in Endo’s The Samurai0
The Yijing Principles in the Japanese Creation Myth: A Study of the Jindai-No-Maki (‘Chapters on the Age of the Gods’) in the Nihon Shoki (‘The Chronicles Of Japan’)0
Good Deaths in Wendell Berry’s Short Stories0
‘A Word of Song’: Reverberations of the Psalms in Christina Rossetti’s Roundels0
Little Dorrit and the Structure of Belief0
‘Blundering Brutuses’: Michael Field, Nonconformism, and The Politics of Social Purity0
Belief and Doubt in the Landscape and Holocaust Poems of David Fram (1903–88)0
Connectivity, Grounding, and Amplification: The Base-Line in Changing and its Functions0
Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord, Edited by Ronald R. Bernier, Rachel Hostetter Smith0
Correction to: Feminist Storytelling and the Problem of White Feminism0
Reading the Materiality of Caste0
‘In the End, There Was No End’: Colonial Modernism and Moral Perfectionism in Patrick White’s The Tree of Man0
Old Forgotten Flowers: George Macdonald as Mystic0
Predestination in Dante’s Commedia in Light of Augustine0
Introduction to Special Issue on Postcolonial Women's Writing and Material Religion: New Directions0
The Machine Anxieties of Steampunk: Contemporary Philosophy, Victorian Aesthetics, and the Future, By Kathe Hicks Albrecht0
‘Zion, Memory and Hope of All Ages’: Nina Davis Salaman’s Romantic-Zionist Poetry0
Questions We Share0
Jewish Religious Music in Nineteenth-Century America: Restoring the Synagogue Soundtrack0
The ‘Strange Fruit’ of Flannery O’connor: Damning Monuments in Southern Literature and Southern History0
The Charge of God: Laudato Si’ read through Chesterton, Wordsworth, and Hopkins0
Making Strange: Teaching 19th-Century Gothic and Fantastic Literature0
The Disappointing, Parenthetical Providence of God in Daniel Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year0
The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas. By Robert Zaretsky0
The Theology of Ecclesiastical Architecture in Geoffrey Hill’s Book of Baruch by the Gnostic Justin0
Hunger, Poetry and the Oxford Movement: The Tractarian Social Vision. By Lesa Scholl0
‘A Light in Sound, A Sound-Like Power in Light’: Coleridge’s Phenomenal Invisible0
C.S. Lewis and the Christian Worldview. By Michael L. Peterson0
‘Time Is Not All Powerful’: The Johannine Eschatological Vision in Eugene Vodolazkin’s Laurus0
Coleridge and Newman: Four Aspects0
Jesus in an Age of Enlightenment: Radical Gospels from Thomas Hobbes to Thomas Jefferson. By Jonathan C.P Birch0
Secret Selves: A History of Our Inner Space. By Stephen Prickett0
Lyric Theology: Art and the Doctrine of Creation. By Thomas Gardner0
Correction to: Between Form and Faith: Graham Greene and the Catholic Novel. By Martyn Sampson0
Religion, Reading, and Metacognition in the Victorian Literature Classroom0
A Sigh After Sleep: Poiesis and the Sacramentality of Nature in Annette von Droste-Hüshoff’s Late Lyric0
Literary Representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China. By John T. P. Lai0
Decay, Death, and the Return of Light: The I Ching Yin-Yang Cycle in Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle0
Wordsworth and the World: Teaching Postsecular Romanticism in the Humanities0
The Ghosts of Lilith: haunting narratives of witness and the postcolonial poetry of Shivanee Ramlochan0
Dante’s Christian Ethics: Purgatory and Its Moral Contexts. By George Corbett0
Fantastic Creatures of the Mountains and Seas: A Chinese Classic, By Jiankun Sun, Siyu Chen0
The Autism of Gxd: An Atheological Love Story. By Ruth Dunster0
Creation and Beauty in Tolkien’s Catholic Vision: A Study in the Influence of Neoplatonism in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Philosophy of Life as “Being and Gift”. By Michael John Halsall0
Teaching 19th-Century Literature Beyond the Secularisation Thesis: Introduction to the Special Forum0
Cain Furens: Imitations Of Virgil and Ovid in Canto Six of Lucy Hutchinson’s Order And Disorder0
The Figure of Christ in the Long Nineteenth Century. Edited by Elizabeth Ludlow0
Stories We Tell Ourselves: Making Meaning in a Meaningless Universe By Richard Holloway0
Veiled Superheroes: Islam, Feminism, and Popular Culture., By Sophia Rose Arjana0
Four Uses of Tao in the Chinese Translation of the Psalms and the New Testament: On John C.H. Wu’s Shengyong Yiyi Chugao and Xinjing Quanji0
‘Free to act by your own lights’: Agency and Predestination in Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead Novels0
Marilynne Robinson’s Worldly Gospel. A Philosophical Account of Her Christian Vision, By Ryan S. Kemp, Jordan Rodgers0
The Mind of the Holocaust Perpetrator in Fiction and Nonfiction., By Erin McGlothlin0
Correction to: The Inconspicuous God: Heidegger, French Phenomenology, & the Theological Turn, by Jason W. Alvis0
The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships, By Barbara Newman0
Unparalleled Poetry: A Cognitive Approach to the Free-Rhythm Verse of the Hebrew Bible, By Emmylou Grosser0
Make-Belief Translation: Fictive Truths and World-Building from The Lord of the Rings to Theological Institutions0
Science and Religion in Western Literature: Critical and Theological Studies, Edited by Michael Fuller0
John Rechy’s Sodomites0
South Asian Ways of Seeing. Contemporary Visual Cultures, Edited by Samarth Singhal and Amrita Ajay0
Repressed Religious Modernity: Zhu Weizhi and the Rise of the Bible as Literature in Modern China, 1925–350
postcolonial Racialisation of Gender and Religious Experience within the Settler Colonial Context: Ahed Tamimi’s Experience of a Racialised Practice0
Iris Murdoch and the Others: A Writer in Dialogue with Theology, By Paul S. Fiddes0
Black Utopias: Speculative Life and the Music of Other Worlds. By Jayna Brown0
Spinoza’s Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics, By Clare Carlisle0
An Interview with Mayra Rivera: Postcolonial Women’s Writing and Material Religion0
The Living Spring: A Comparison of Jacob’s Well and the Well Hexagram0
Rereading Cain, Abel, and Martin Luther King Jr in Charles Johnson’s Dreamer0
‘Her body is Divided From Her Head’: Beheading and Biblical Intertextuality in Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam0
The Inconspicuous God: Heidegger, French Phenomenology, & the Theological Turn. By Jason W. Alvis0
Rethreading the Fabric of Mystery: Thinking Myth, Counter-Myth, and Christian Theology With Hortense Spillers0
The Opposites and Unity: A Study of Chinese Taoist Thought Found in Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game0
Senghor’s Eucharist: Negritude and African Political Theology, By David Tonghou Ngong0
Buddhist Reception in Pulp Science Fiction0
Dao Jing Ying Yi Shi (The History of the English Translation of the Daoist Scriptures), By Senlin Yu0
Celestial Nonsense: George Macdonald’s Apophatic Play0
Dropping the Albatross: Teaching Religion and Literature in a Postsecular Age0
A Comparative Study of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche’s Tragic Vision and Aestheticism0
The I Ching and World Literature: Introduction to the Special Forum0
Feminist Storytelling and the Problem of White Feminism0
Heresy and Borders in the Twentieth Century, By Karina Jakubowicz and Robert Dickins0
Haunted by Christ: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith. By Richard Harries0
‘Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty’: A Novel Account of Beauty, Bildung, and Truth in Hegel and Thomas Mann0
Democratic Criticism: Poetics of Excitement and the Muslim Sacred, By Masood Ashraf Raja0
Sultana’s Sisters: Genre, Gender, and Genealogy in South Asian Muslim Women’s Fiction, By Haris Qadeer, P.K. Yasser Arafath0
The ethico-religiousness of Atwood’s “God’s Gardeners” vis-à-vis Kierkegaard’s thought0
Queering Faith in Fantasy Literature: Fantastic Incarnations and the Deconstruction of Theology, By Taylor Driggers0
Sacred Modes of Being in a Postsecular World, Edited by Andrew W. Hass0
The Logic of Secular Sense in Cendrars’ Epic Trilogy0
Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living, By Menachem Fisch  and Debra Band0
Between Form and Faith: Graham Greene and the Catholic Novel. By Martyn Sampson0