
(The TQCC of Aphasiology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Building Trust between Speech Pathologists and Interpreters in the Assessment of Aphasia27
Long-term Functional Connectivity Alterations in the Mismatch Negativity, P300 and N400 Language Potentials in Adults with a Childhood Acquired Brain Injury18
Effects of cognitive and social demands on linguistic production for people with moderate, mild, or no aphasia17
Automatically measuring speech fluency in people with aphasia: first achievements using read-speech data16
Combining low-technology augmentative and alternative communication with regular aphasia treatment: interim findings of a hospital-based RCT in post-stroke patients15
Feasibility of awake brain surgery in glioblastoma patients with severe aphasia: Five case illustrations15
Reassessing assessment : what can post stroke aphasia assessment learn from research on assessment in education?14
How ten speech-language pathologists provide informational counseling across the rehabilitation continuum for care partners of stroke survivors with aphasia13
“Difficult but Good”: enjoying accessible digital creativity13
“Play on Words”: An analysis of a participatory play-making process with speakers with aphasia12
A Tale of Two Classifier Sets: Aphasia Treatment for a Cantonese Speaker12
The 51st Clinical Aphasiology Conference12
Relationship between Aphasia Impairment and Communication Confidence in Mild Aphasia12
Public awareness of aphasia in Kuwait11
Sorting the “mixed bag” of semantic tasks in aphasia therapy: a scoping review11
Toward Self-Regulated Learning in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Proposed Framework11
Sentence comprehension in Malay-speaking adults with aphasia: the role of affix integration10
Group intervention for acquired writing disorders in aphasia9
Dyadic conversation training in Mandarin for bilinguals with aphasia and their communication partners9
Quantifying aphasia treatment: The effect of aphasia severity on treatment dose9
Phase I test development for a brief assessment of transactional success in aphasia: methods and preliminary findings of main concepts in non-aphasic participants9
Early considerations of genetics in aphasia rehabilitation: a narrative review9
Improving coordination of international aphasia research9
Harnessing insights from a community of practice to progress aphasia psychological care in Ireland: A mixed methods integration study informed by normalisation process theory8
“But if you do not keep doing it, you won’t maintain”. A qualitative study on the perspectives of speech-language pathologists on maintenance of therapy gains in aphasia8
“It’s not a normal relationship, and it won’t be”: The impact of aphasia on spouses7
Working together: experiences of people with aphasia as co-researchers in participatory health research studies7
Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Persons with Alexia and Aphasia7
Agrammatic output in non-fluent, including Broca’s, aphasia as a rational behavior7
Ways to improve communication and support in healthcare centres according to people with aphasia and their relatives: a Dutch perspective7
Research gaps in Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs: A qualitative study7
Verb Frequency and Density Drive Naming Performance in Primary Progressive Aphasia7
Word retrieval in aphasia: From naming tests to connected speech and the impact on well-being7
Action naming deficits in Parkinson’s disease: the role of semantic complexity7
The “I” in ICAPs: examining treatment intensity under the microscope7
Core lexicon in aphasia: A longitudinal study7
Development of a tailored intervention to implement an Intensive and Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP) into Australian health services6
Do gestures have a hand in verb retrieval? Investigation of iconic and non-iconic gestures in aphasia6
A comparison of different connected-speech tasks for detecting mild cognitive impairment using multivariate pattern analysis6
“The illuminating quiet”: a metaphor analysis of autobiographical descriptions of inner speech in aphasia6
Characterization of agrammatism in Tagalog: Evidence from narrative spontaneous speech6
What do people with aphasia want in rehabilitation? Designing diagnostic materials that occupational therapists can use to assess the needs, values and preferences of people with aphasia6
Write here write now. What can we learn from the writing goals of people with aphasia?6
Predictors of object naming in aphasia: does cognitive control mediate the effects of psycholinguistic variables?6
A feasibility study of a novel computer-based treatment for sentence production deficits in aphasia, delivered by a combination of clinician-led and self-managed treatment sessions6
Aphasia and acute care: a qualitative study of healthcare provider perspectives6
An analysis of descriptions by Catalan-speaking individuals with aphasia5
An aphasia research agenda – a consensus statement from the collaboration of aphasia trialists5
In it for the long haul: a reflective account of collaborative involvement in aphasia research and education5
Integrity of input verbal short-term memory ability predicts naming accuracy in aphasia5
Switching attention deficits in post-stroke individuals with different aphasia types5
An electrophysiological and behavioral investigation of feedback-based learning in aphasia5
Exploring the use of co-speech hand gestures as treatment outcome measures for aphasia5
Development of an “Aphasia-Accessible Participant in Research Experience Survey” through co-production5
Improved comprehension of irony and indirect requests following a severe traumatic brain injury: two case studies5
Revealing linguistic and verbal short-term and working memory abilities in people with severe aphasia4
Preferences of people with post-stroke aphasia for aphasia research videos: An international project4
Virtual reality as a new tool for the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients with chronic aphasia: an exploratory study4
Understanding User Needs for Digital Aphasia Therapy: Experiences and Preferences of Speech and Language Therapists4
An update on validating the Hong Kong Cantonese version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (cant-cat)4
Evaluating the co-designed “kalmer” relaxation intervention for people with aphasia: a feasibility case series4
The Mystery of Language4
Treating lexical retrieval using letter fluency and tDCS in primary progressive aphasia: a single-case study4
The validation of aphasia united best practice recommendations with people with aphasia and their caregivers in Vietnam: a nominal group technique study4
Contribution of acoustic analysis to the detection of vocoid epenthesis in apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders4
Contemporary issues in apraxia of speech4
Reading comprehension in aphasia: the relationship between linguistic performance, personal perspective, and preferences4
Foundations of Familiar Language. Formulaic Expressions, Lexical Bundles, and Collocations at Work and Play Foundations of Familiar Language. Formulaic Expressions, Lexical Bundles, and4
Linguistic performance during monologues and correlates of neuropsychological function for adults with multiple sclerosis4
Aphasia subsequent to stroke in adults with Williams syndrome or autism: A review4
Creating a novel approach to discourse treatment through coproduction with people with aphasia and speech and language therapists3
A feasibility study of teleassessment for people with aphasia in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait3
One cat, two cats, red cat, blue cats: eliciting morphemes from individuals with primary progressive aphasia3
Evaluation of treatment effects of semantic feature analysis on mild anomia in multiple sclerosis3
Ratings of perceived stress in persons with aphasia by unfamiliar proxy reporters, proxy reporter self-reported perceived stress, stress contagion, and trait empathy3
Persevering through communication challenges: a qualitative descriptive exploration of communication experiences in aphasia3
Aphasia and acute care: a qualitative study of family perspectives3
How do speech pathologists use the Australian Aphasia Rehabilitation Pathway to inform practice? A qualitative study3
Māori aspirations following stroke: A pathway forward for the speech-language therapy field3
“It’s like a lifeboat”: stakeholder perspectives of an intensive comprehensive aphasia program (ICAP)”3
ICT usage in aphasia rehabilitation – beliefs, biases, and influencing factors from the perspectives of speech and language therapists3
Investigating the neural basis of post-stroke aphasia therapy; a systematic review of neuroscience-based therapy studies3
Time reference in French-speaking people with fluent and non-fluent aphasia (part I): tense dissociations, task effects and cognitive predictors3
Neural regions underlying object and action naming: complementary evidence from acute stroke and primary progressive aphasia3
A longitudinal study of narrative discourse in post-stroke aphasia3
What do people with aphasia want from the Queen Square Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programme and do they achieve it? A quantitative and qualitative analysis of their short, medium, long-term and e3
Self-initiated self-repairs of connected speech and novel vocabulary learning during the first year of recovery from aphasia: four longitudinal case studies3
Statistics and psychometrics for the CAT-N: Documenting the Comprehensive Aphasia Test for Norwegian3
Do best practice recommendations align with current aphasia practices in the Swedish care context: a national survey3
The efficacy of treatments for sentence production deficits in aphasia: a systematic review3
The Effects of Using Video-Clip Stimuli in Response Elaboration Training in Persian Speakers with Chronic Broca’s Aphasia3
Factors affecting cross-language activation and language mixing in bilingual aphasia: A case study3
The pattern of phonological, semantic, and circumlocution naming errors for nouns and verbs in primary progressive aphasia3
Psycholinguistic variables influencing word retrieval in Persian speaking people with aphasia3