Continuity and Change

(The TQCC of Continuity and Change is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Reconsidering maternal mortality in medieval England: aristocratic Englishwomen, c. 1236–15036
Girls and their families in an era of economic change4
In peace and war: birth control and population policies in Norway (1930–1945)4
Rents instead of land. Credit and peasant indebtedness in late medieval Mediterranean Iberia: the kingdom of Valencia4
The transfer of land in medieval England from 1246 to 1430: the language of acquisition4
Credit and investment between town and countryside: the market in grain annuities in Normandy (thirteenth-fourteenth centuries)3
How permanent were farms in the manorial system? Changes of farm occupancy in the nineteenth-century Russian Baltic Provinces of Estland and Livland3
From commons to resilience grabbing: Insights from historically-oriented social anthropological research on African peasants2
Hard numbers? The long-term decline in violence reassessed. Empirical objections and fresh perspectives2
Georgian Washerwomen: tales of the tub from the long eighteenth century2
Strategies for old age and agency of the elderly in towns of the Low Countries in the Renaissance2
Conceptualising childhood as a relational status: parenting adult children in sixteenth-century England2
From the resilience of commons to resilience through commons. The peasant way of buffering shocks and crises2
Age as a yardstick for political citizenship Voting age and eligibility age in Sweden during the twentieth century2
Seigneurial governance and the state in late medieval Guelders (14th–16th century)1
Blood money and the bloody code: the impact of financial rewards on criminal justice in eighteenth-century England1
Poor Relief as ‘Improvement’: Moral and Spatial Economies of Care in Scotland, c.1720s–1790s1
Persecuted or permitted? Fraternal Polyandry in a Calvinist colony, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), seventeenth and eighteenth centuries1
Tying the knot in language-divided Belgium. A research into marriage partner selection in Flemish municipalities along the language border with Wallonia, 1798–19381
Debasement and demography in England and France in the Later Middle Ages1
Mortuary dues in early sixteenth-century England1
The route from informal peasant landownership to formal tenancy and eviction in Palestine, 1800s–19471
Vulnerabilities avoided and resilience built. Collective action, poor relief and diversification as weapons of the weak (The Campine, Belgium, 1350–1845)1
Women, town councils, and the organisation of work in Bilbao and Antwerp: a north-south comparison (1400–1560)1
Geographical mobility and community-building in seventeenth-century Palestine: insights from the records of Bethlehem's Catholic Parish1
Coroners’ inquest juries in sixteenth-century England1
Impediments to expropriation. Peasant property rights in medieval England and Marcher Wales1
Missing from parish records: Anglican and nonconformist occupational differences and the economy of Wales c.18171
Fashionably late? Time, work and the industrious revolution in early modern Antwerp (1585–1795)1
Journeymen Migration and Settlement in Eighteenth-century Holland1
Alternatives to expropriation: rent, credit and peasant landholding in medieval Europe and modern Palestine1
The regulation of the rural market in waged labour in fourteenth-century England1
Partnership among peasants: rural England, 1270–15201
Industriousness and its discontents: wages, workloads, and the mechanisation of papermaking, 1750–18201