Journal of Information Technology

(The median citation count of Journal of Information Technology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Artificial intelligence and the conduct of literature reviews80
Capabilities for value co-creation and value capture in emergent platform ecosystems: A longitudinal case study of SAP’s cloud platform74
What is the Metaverse and who seeks to define it? Mapping the site of social construction45
The anatomy of ‘fake news’: Studying false messages as digital objects26
Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates and null p-values25
Interoperability in the era of digital innovation: An information systems research agenda25
Algorithmic pollution: Making the invisible visible24
Algorithmic audiencing: Why we need to rethink free speech on social media22
Steps toward a digital ecology: ecological principles for the study of digital ecosystems22
Influencing information systems practice: The action principles approach applied to robotic process and cognitive automation22
Blockchain: From Bitcoin to the Internet of Value and beyond21
Digital infrastructure evolution as generative entrenchment: The formation of a core–periphery structure19
Orchestrating a digital platform ecosystem to address societal challenges: A robust action perspective17
Robo-Apocalypse? Response and outlook on the post-COVID-19 future of work17
Workplace cyberbullying: A criminological and routine activity perspective15
‘ChatGPT et al.’: The ethics of using (generative) artificial intelligence in research and science14
The formal rationality of artificial intelligence-based algorithms and the problem of bias14
The theoretical basis of enterprise architecture: A critical review and taxonomy of relevant theories14
Behavioral economics in information systems research: Critical analysis and research strategies13
Instantiation: Reconceptualising the role of technology as a carrier of organisational strategising11
Understanding the global diffusion of B2B E-commerce (B2B EC): An integrated model11
Toward replication study types for design science research11
Making sense of continuous development of digital infrastructures11
The Pursuit of Innovative Theory in the Digital Age10
From transformation to normalisation: An exploratory study of a large-scale agile transformation10
Regulation of data-driven market power in the digital economy: Business value creation and competitive advantages from big data9
Digital assemblages, information infrastructures, and mobile knowledge work8
Toward a Theory of Identity Performance in Unsettled Digital Work: The Becoming of ‘Digital Nomads’8
Identifying the patterns: Towards a systematic approach to digital platform regulation7
Big Tech’s power, political corporate social responsibility and regulation7
The regulation of and through information technology: Towards a conceptual ontology for IS research7
When Harry, the human, met Sally, the software robot: Metaphorical sensemaking and sensegiving around an emergent digital technology7
Selecting on statistical significance and practical importance is wrong7
Generating impactful situated explanations through digital trace data7
Statistical significance versus practical importance in information systems research6
Symbolic practices and power asymmetries in ICT4D projects: The case of an Indian Agricultural Marketing Board6
Rethinking online friction in the information society6
Data science in organizations: Conceptualizing its breakthroughs and blind spots6
The connected workplace: Characteristics and social consequences of work surveillance in the age of datification, sensorization, and artificial intelligence5
IT’s a matter of trust: Literature reviews and analyses of human trust in information technology5
Digitalization of multisensory collective activity: The case of virtual wine tasting5
Exploring technological instantiation of regulatory practices in entangled financial markets5
Improving the governance of information technology: Insights from the history of Internet governance5
Building data management capabilities to address data protection regulations: Learnings from EU-GDPR5
Institutional pressures and RegTech challenges for banking: The case of money laundering and terrorist financing in Lebanon4
The axis of accessibility and the duality of control of remote workers: A literature review4
Metacognitive skills in low-code app development: Work-integrated learning in information systems development4
Artificial Intelligence’s new clothes? A system technology perspective4
Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: The moderating effect of environmental dynamism4
To regulate or not to regulate: unravelling institutional tussles around the regulation of algorithmic control of digital platforms4
A framework to support Robotic process automation4
Identifying the idiosyncrasies of behavioral information security discourse and proposing future research directions: A Foucauldian perspective3
The contract-type choice for short-term software development outsourcing: The role of behaviour-based formal control3
Investigating the determinants of inter-organizational information sharing within criminal justice: A context-mechanism-outcome approach3
Non-profit organisations in the digital age: A research agenda for supporting the development of a digital transformation strategy3
Reforming work patterns or negotiating workloads? Exploring alternative pathways for digital productivity assistants through a problematization lens3
Governmental regulation and digital infrastructure innovation: The mediating role of modular architecture3
Information systems as a nexus of information technology systems: A new view of information systems practice3