Journal of Managerial Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Managerial Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Servant leadership and employee voice: a moderated mediation47
Health-oriented leadership as a job resource: can staff care buffer the effects of job demands on employee health and job satisfaction?31
Linking leader humor to employee creativity: the roles of relational energy and traditionality29
How does appreciation lead to higher job satisfaction?25
The role of perceived high-performance HR practices and transformational leadership on employee engagement and citizenship behaviors24
All's well that ends well!? Moderating effects of goal progress on the relation between challenge and hindrance appraisal and well-being23
Work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours and employee fatigue: the exacerbating effect of affective commitment20
How and when responsible leadership facilitates work engagement: a moderated mediation model20
Experiencing workplace ostracism with loss of engagement19
Mentoring and newcomer well-being: a socialization resources perspective18
Same talk, different reaction? Communication, emergent leadership and gender16
Perceived age discrimination in the workplace: the mediating roles of job resources and demands16
Conceptualizing social well-being in activity-based offices16
Editorial: Addressing the nurse workforce crisis: a call for greater integration of the organizational behavior, human resource management and nursing literatures15
Humble leader behavior and team creativity: the team learning perspective15
Strengths use and work-related flow: an experience sampling study on implications for risk taking and attentional behaviors15
Losing compassion for patients? The implications of COVID-19 on compassion fatigue and event-related post-traumatic stress disorder in nurses14
LMX, organizational justice and performance: curvilinear relationships13
Proactive personality congruence and creativity: a leader identification perspective11
Workplace ostracism, paranoid employees and service performance: a multilevel investigation11
Can you manage shocks? An investigation of career shocks on proactive career behavior: a COR theory perspective11
Gender, formal organizational status and humor use: perceptions of social acceptance11
Understanding business owners' challenge and hindrance appraisals11
Office types and workers' cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective11
Coping strategies and perceived productivity in open-plan offices with noise problems11
Caring for yourself and for others: team health climate and self-care explain the relationship between health-oriented leadership and exhaustion11
Job experience as a buffer against incivility: a daily diary study10
Passion in the pit: the effects of harmonious and obsessive passion on nurse burnout10
The importance of appraisal in stressor–well-being relationships and the examination of personality traits as boundary conditions10
How leaders benefit from engaging in high-quality leader-member exchanges: a daily diary study10
Forgiveness and attribution: when abusive supervision enhances performance9
Challenge-hindrance stressors and career initiative: a moderated mediation model8
Tenets of self-determination theory as a mechanism behind challenge demands: a within-person study8
The influence of dispositions and shared leadership on team–member exchange8
The impact of authoritarian leadership on employee creativity: the joint moderating roles of benevolent leadership and power distance8
Person–job fit and job involvement: the curvilinear effect and the moderating role of goal orientation7
How and when team reflexivity influences employee innovative behavior7
More than just managerial self-efficacy: conceptualizing and predicting top managers' means efficacy about the organization under extreme events7
Entitlement: friend or foe of work-family conflict?7
How shared leadership affects team performance: examining sequential mediation model using MASEM7
The antecedents and outcomes of corporate volunteering: an employee- and organizational-level meta-analysis7
The self-initiated work adjustment for learning scale: development and validation7
Decent work and employee performance: a conservation of resources perspective7
The relationship between two dimensions of felt trust and promotive voice behaviour: the motivational mechanisms6
What can I do for you? Line managers’ behaviors to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders6
HR practices and counterproductive behaviors: a meta-ethnographic study6
Is it my job? Leaders' family-supportive role perceptions6
The intersectional effect of age and gender on the work–life balance of managers6
The potential of game- and video-based assessments for social attributes: examples from practice6
Perceptions and performance of knowledge workers transitioning from single-cell offices to shared workspaces: evidence from panel data6
When does benevolent leadership inhibit silence? The joint moderating roles of perceived employee agreement and cultural value orientations6
Workspace transitions: conceptualizing and measuring person–space fit and examining its role in workplace outcomes and social network activity6
Identifying the optimal safety leader: a person-centered approach5
Using necessary condition analysis in managerial psychology research: introduction, empirical demonstration and methodological discussion5
Connect vs conquer? CEO gender and implicit motives5
Gig worker organizing: toward an adapted Attraction-Selection-Attrition framework5
Investigating the effects of high-involvement climate and public service motivation on engagement, performance, and meaningfulness in the public sector5
Double-edged sword of perceived mastery climate on evasive knowledge hiding: the mediating roles of perceived status and perceived social support5
Differential effects of rude coworkers and patients on nurses' safety performance: an emotional labor perspective5
Gamifying an assessment method: what signals are organizations sending to applicants?5
A multilevel model of job insecurity and engagement5
Linking person–organization adhocracy value congruence to creativity4
When does witnessing patient mistreatment hurt nurses' performance? Gauging the moderation roles of self-concern and other-orientation4
Hindering talented employees’ internal mobility: managers’ territorial response to stress4
Ethicality neutralization and amplification: a multilevel study of ethical leadership and unethical pro-organizational behavior4
Authentic leadership and employee health: a conditional process model4
Signaling and social influence: the impact of corporate volunteer programs4
Exploring the limits of mindfulness during the COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative evidence from African context4
Dark side of leadership and information technology project success: the role of mindfulness4
Work flexibility-ability and work–family conflict: the joint role of willingness and worry4
The (socio) politics of misfit: a moderated-mediation model4
Understanding awe elicitors in the workplace: a qualitative inquiry4
Empowering and directive leadership and taking charge: a moderating role of employee intrinsic motivation4
Guest editorial4
Devote yourself to enjoy daily work: a diary study on flow experience and organizational identification3
Impact of supervisor developmental feedback on employee innovative behavior: roles of psychological safety and face orientation3
Feeling stressed but in full flow? Leader mindfulness shapes subordinates' perseverative cognition and reaction3
How's the boss? Integration of the health-oriented leadership concept into the job demands-resources theory3
Above and beyond: helping behaviors among nurses in positive and negative reciprocity relationships3
Curvilinear relationship between ambidextrous leadership and employee silence: mediating effects of role stress and relational energy3
Why and when are silent employees less satisfied with their jobs? A conservation of resources perspective3
Avoiding the scenario of “The farmer and the snake”: the dark side of servant leadership and an intervention mechanism3
True knowledge vs empowering knowledge: conceptualizing a theory of mindfulness and knowledge transfer (TMKT)3
Employee engagement in corporate social responsibility: disentangling the effects of values vs prestige3
A resources gain perspective on family outcomes of proactive helping behavior3
Relationship of immediate workspace and environmental workplace with organizational citizenship behaviors3
Methodological and conceptual issues in studying effort-reward fit3
A dynamic process of different helping behavior: from the extended self-theory perspective3
Non-work-related instant messaging in the workplace and daily task performance: complementarity between social and cognitive resources2
Effect of workplace ostracism on employee initiative behaviour: a chained double mediation model2
Occupational self-efficacy, job crafting and job satisfaction in newcomer socialization: a moderated mediation model2
Ethical leadership behaviors are their own reward for leaders: a moderated mediation model2
Daily supervisor support, engagement and prosocial behavior: how turnover intentions reduce the resources to pay it forward2
Women leaders' views on demand-side strategies2
Co-worker undermining, emotional exhaustion and organisational commitment: the moderating role of servant leadership2
The impact of support on employees' adaptive behavior: a moderated mediation model2
Performance matters: when supervisors socially accept unethical behavior2
Trust in management and state government mitigate the relationships between individual- and state-level stressors and well-being during COVID-192
Deep-level dissimilarity and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality: the role of status2
When I see your pain: effects of observing workplace ostracism on turnover intention and task performance2
The role of events and affect in perceived organizational support: a within-person approach2
The influence of multitasking on creative work involvement: a conservation of resources perspective2
Why do employees craft their jobs: a qualitative analysis of job crafting motives from actor and observer perspectives2
Overcoming risk for women in leader identity development2
Working in times of COVID-19: investigating the effect of daily risk perception of COVID-19 infection on goal progress2
Perceived job insecurity climate in uncertain times: implications for work-related health among leaders versus non-leaders2
A tale of two leaders: employees’ work–family experiences in the context of dual leadership2
Leader failed humor and follower advice seeking2
Resurrecting the evil genius: examining the relationship between unethical behavior and perceived competence2
Birds of a feather flock together? Leader–member trait mindfulness congruence effects on work outcomes2
Interrupting the crossover effect of leader's role overload on employee's negative affect: the moderating role of self-concordance goal2
Guest editorial: Are challenges hindering us? The limitations of models that categorize work stressors2
The effects of individual differentiation on newcomer group identification2
Impact of leader aggressive humor on employee extra-role behaviors: opposite moderating effects of team identification and professional identification2