Seventeenth Century

(The TQCC of Seventeenth Century is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
“Not so much open professed enemies as close hypocritical false-hearted people”: Lucy Hutchinson’s manuscript account of the services of John Hutchinson and mid-seventeenth-century factionalism5
Early modern state formation or gute Policey? The good order of the community3
Addressing audiences abroad: cultural and public diplomacy in seventeenth-century Europe3
“My friendship with her is by no means an ordinary one”: the friendship alliances of Christian Hebraist Anna Maria van Schurman (1607–1678)3
“A most excellent medicine”: Malaria, Mithridate, and the death of Andrew Marvell2
The reception of Italian neo-Latin poetry in English manuscript sources, c.1550-1720: literature, morality, and anti-popery2
Between the galley and plantation: the rhetorical construction of English servants in the seventeenth century2
“I would not have taken her for his sister”: financial hardship and women’s reputations in the Hartlib circle (1641-1661)2
Collective empiricism at the Paris Observatoire in the late seventeenth century1
English public diplomacy in the Dutch Republic, 1609–16191
Pride and precedence: the rivalry of the House of Orange-Nassau and the Palatine family at the Anglo-Dutch wedding of 16411
Nathaniel Bacon, John Milton, and the idea of an English climate and “constitution”1
Engraving Accuracy in Early Modern England: Visual Communication and the Royal Society1
Cavendish and Hutchinson, secretaries1
Elizabeth Attaway, London preacher and Theologian, 1645–16461
Diabolical men: reintegrating male witches into English witchcraft1
Contesting the Church of England 1640-70: the European Dimension1
‘We have sick souls when God’s physic works not’: Samuel Rutherford’s pastoral letters as a form of literary cure1
Reading Milton reading Shakespeare politically: what the identification of Milton’s First Folio does and does not tell us1
A new biography of Milton1
Eucharistic devotion and textual appropriation in post-reformation England1
“Woe unto us”: divine wrath and godly sorrow in an English plague sermon (1637)1
Some unpublished fragments on Descartes’s life and works1
Witchcraft and deformity in early modern English literature1
Print, authority, and the bills of mortality in seventeenth-century London1
The staging of Islam and The Alcoran of Mahomet in Charles Saunders’s Tamerlane the Great and the Restoration politics1
Words and Richard Baxter1
A Trojan horse in the citadel of orthodoxy: Samuel Maresius’s critique of Cartesian theology1
Selden’s reply to Salmasius, an alternative title for thePro Populo Anglicano Defensio, and why Milton deserves to be strangled: rumour and opinion in the correspondence of Guy Patin1
Re-thinking nostalgic antiquarianism: time, space, and the English reformation1
Portraits of Lucy and Colonel John Hutchinson - a relationship with art and Robert Walker1
Henry More and Descartes on the passions of the soul0
Waltoniana Extensa: A Previously Unidentified Political Pamphlet by Izaak Walton0
Forensic anthropological analysis of a skull sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini0
John Donne and English Puritanism, 1650–17000
Clarendon’s moral History0
Drowned books and ghost books. Making sense of the finds from a seventeenth-century shipwreck off the Dutch island of Texel0
Lucy Hutchinson and the English revolution0
When your body is a battlefield: Lucy Hutchinson and the Militarized Womb10
Peripheral promises: political oaths as instruments of trust and control, Sweden 1520–17200
Habsburg Studies under Siege: Notes on Recent Early Modern Scholarship0
The last witches of England: a tragedy of sorcery and superstition0
Lucy Hutchinson in her fifth century0
Calvinist conformity in post-reformation England: the theology and career of Daniel Featley0
‘The fire of patriotism’: the historiographical success of Lucy Hutchinson’s Memoirs in the nineteenth century10
Decorating the parish church in post-Reformation England: material culture, community and identity in Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire, 1560-16400
Décolletage disputes in early modern France0
Taste and knowledge in early modern England0
The dynastic diplomacy of the Princely Count of Arenberg at the Stuart court in 16030
“We ought to obey God rather then men”: John Rogers’s millenarian hermeneutics and legal reform in 16530
The Private Life of William Shakespeare0
Commonplacing John Owen: auditors’ sermon notes in Restoration England0
Towards an equality of the sexes in early modern France0
‘There is a religion in our love’: friendship and ecclesiology in the poetry of Katherine Philips, 1650-16530
‘Old delights’: the politics of pastoral nostalgia in Hutchinson’s manuscript verse0
Urban government and the early Stuart state: provincial towns, corporate liberties, and royal authority in England, 1603-16400
Infinite Variety: literary invention, theology, and the disorder of kinds, 1688-17300
England’s Islands in a Sea of Troubles0
‘Precept upon precept’: biblical commonplacing in Lucy Hutchinson’s Memoirs0
“Will doe all in her power”: the role of women in the contested will of Henry Cavendish0
Booming Business. Communication, Print and Advertisement in the Seventeenth Century0
Science in an Enchanted World: Philosophy and Witchcraft in the Work of Joseph Glanvill0
Holding a mirror up to nature: shame, guilt, and violence in Shakespeare0
The Subject of Britain, 1603-250
The body and constructive pain: Christ and his compassionate human “witness” in selections from Richard Crashaw’s Steps to the Temple0
Poussin and the Dance0
Women (Re)Writing Milton0
Poemataon affairs of state: political satire in Latin in later Stuart Britain, 1658–17140
The Devil from over the Sea: remembering and forgetting Oliver Cromwell in Ireland The Devil from over the Sea: remembering and forgetting Oliver Cromwell in Ireland , b0
Religion around John Donne0
The Metaphorical Metaphysic of John Donne: An Interpretation of his Poetry and his Prose0
Annals of the War in the Low Countries Annals of the War in the Low Countries , by Hugo Grotius, edited, translated, and with an Introduction by Jan Waszink, Bibliotheca0
Deluge and disease: plague, the poetry of flooding, and the history of health inequalities in Andrew Marvell’s Hull0
The Dunghill Fight: Maurice Wheeler’s translation of Polemo-Middinia from the Oxford edition0
Pride and prejudice. Proto-racism in Walerian Nekanda Trepka’s ‘Liber generationis plebeanorum’ (c. 1624-1640)0
Cromwell and Ireland: New Perspectives0
George Chapman, Edward Coke, and Crooked Justice0
Rebel with a Cause. Gesellschaftliche Reform und radikale religiöse Aufklärung bei Friedrich Breckling (1629-1711)0
Literature, learning, and social hierarchy in early modern Europe0
The Scholastique Catechisme of Tristram Sugge: Reconciling Ecclesial and Monarchical Authority During the English Civil Wars0
Dancing Queen: Marie de Médicis’ ballets at the court of Henri IV0
Keeping the Ancient Way: Aspects of the Life and Work of Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)0
Descartes’s fictions: reading philosophy with poetics0
Puritanism and Natural Philosophy revisited: the case of Ralph Austen ( c . 1612–1676)0
The Irish Parliament, 1613-89: The Evolution of a Colonial Institution0
Restoration Playbooks and Receivers’ Stamps: James Magnes, Richard Bentley, and ‘the Post-Office in Russel-street in Covent-Garden’0
Triumphal Entries and Festivals in Early Modern Scotland: Performing Spaces0
Books received 20200
The Ottoman art of word-painting. Rhyme and reason in seventeenth-century Turkish literary letters0
Ephemeral print culture in early modern England: sociability, politics and collecting0
For a “Livorno-on-Thames”: the Tuscan model in the writings of Henry Robinson (1604-1673?)0
Russia’s 17th century crisis of modernization: the autobiographical saint’s Life of the Archpriest Avvakum0
The Legal Writing of Sir Edward Coke, the Anglo-Saxons, and Lex Terrae0
‘Darkness Visible’: Modes of Coal Smoke in Milton’s Hell0
Oliver Cromwell’s Kin, 1643-1726: The Private and Public Worlds of the English Revolution and Restoration Oliver Cromwell’s Kin, 1643-1726: The Private and Public Worlds of the English 0
‘Oliver Cromwell is a Devil!’ Religious Radicalism and Political Turmoil in Geneva during the English Civil Wars0
Reading mathematics in early modern Europe: studies in the production, collection, and use of mathematical books0
Royalism, Religion and Revolution: Wales, 1640-16880
‘The rich help of books’: patterns of annotation in Latin and English versions of Abraham Cowley’s Sex Libri Plantarum0
Regional Book Distribution and Political Participation in the English Civil War0
Andrew Marvell: a literary life0
The ambassador and the press: printed diplomatic letters and the entanglement of public and private news provision in the late seventeenth-century Dutch Republic0
Somewhat ‘of the old manner of romances and somewhat of the new’: Francis Kirkman’s continuations to Don Bellianis of Greece0
Antiquarianism, philology, and translatio studii in the epistolary translations of Sir John Hobart and Nicholas Bacon0
Shakespeare’s Tutor: the influence of Thomas Kyd0
Globalizing fortune on the early modern stage0
De Veertigjarige Oorlog: 1672-1712: De Strijd van de Nederlanders Tegen de Zonnekoning. [The Forty Years’ War: 1672-1712: the struggle of the Dutch against the Sun King]0
John Milton, Catholic0
Merchants: the community that shaped England’s trade and empire0
The godly lives of Samuel Clarke and the ‘national church’ in the 1650s0
Prehistory of consular diplomacy. A new perspective on the activity of 17th-century Venetian consuls in the Ottoman Empire0
Preaching and the body: Lame Mephibosheth in early seventeenth-century England and Scotland0
New light on Lucy Walter, 1649-16590
“Wilmot’s blots” and Cavalier plots, June 1644: fresh evidence from captured correspondence0
The Reformed and Celibate Pastor: Richard Baxter’s Argument for Clerical Celibacy0
Lucy Hutchinson’s Memoirs, François Guizot’s histories of the English revolution, and Henriette Guizot de Witt’s women’s history0
Speaking with the Dead in Early America0
‘The Governor’s wife’: women and garrisons in the English civil war0
Memory and mortality in Renaissance England0
‘The wall and glory of Jerusalem’: the sermons preached before the Lord Mayor and City of London during in the Commonwealth, Protectorate and early Restoration (1649-1662)0
Passion’s Fictions from Shakespeare to Richardson: literature and the sciences of soul and mind0
A literary history of Latin & English poetry: bilingual verse culture in early modern England0
The Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and textual studies0
A new biography of Oliver Cromwell: a matter of character?0
The Histories of Alexander Neville (1544-1614): A new Translation of Kett’s Rebellion and The City of Norwich; The Great Blow: Examinations and Informations relating to the Great Blow in Norwich, 16480
Making the Memoirs: missing leaves in the manuscript of Lucy Hutchinson’s life of John Hutchinson0
After 1662: ejected ministers and the support for nonconformity, the first decade revisited0
Reframing the covenant:A Solemn Acknowledgment(1648) and the resubscription of the Solemn League and Covenant0
Libertines and the law: subversive authors and criminal justice in early seventeenth-century France0
The rhetoric of conversion in English Puritan writing from Perkins to Milton0
Empire and Enterprise: Money, Power and the Adventurers for Irish Land During the British Civil Wars0
Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, and his world: Restoration court, politics, and diplomacy0
Fictions of consent: slavery, servitude, and free service in early modern England0
Comunidad, pertenencia, extranjería: El impacto de la migración laboral y mercantil de la región del Mar del Norte en Nueva España, 1550-16400
Milton, Marvell, and the Dutch Republic0
Books received 20210
Trace of Stoic logic in Descartes: Stoic axiōma and Descartes’s pronuntiatum in the Second Meditation0
The fate of character in Dryden’s theatre of passion0
Pleasure in Profit: Popular Prose in Seventeenth-Century Japan0
Was there an explosion of print in the 1640s?0
History and Antiquities of Dutch Catholicism in Jacobus de la Torre’s 1656Relatio seu descriptio status religionis Catholicae in Hollandia0
Andrew Marvell and the Dutch fifth column: new evidence from a copy of Mr Smirke with authorial annotations0
New light on the strolling performers Thomas Peadle and Thomas Cosby, 1639–16500
“Celestial Epicurisme”: John Locke and the Anglican language of pleasure, 1650–16970
The Madman and the Churchrobber: law & conflict in early modern England0
The political thought of the English free state, 1649–1653 The political thought of the English free state, 1649–1653 , by Markku Peltonen, Cambridge, Cambridge Universi0
The Rule of Manhood: Tyranny, Gender, and Classical Republicanism in England, 1603-16600
Early modern women’s complaint: gender, form, and politics0
Detestable and wicked arts: New England and witchcraft in the early modern Atlantic world0
The Arminian Nunnery: virginity at Little Gidding0
Bernini and His World: Sculpture and Sculptors in Early Modern Rome0
Coming To: consciousness and natality in early modern England0
The people of West Nottinghamshire and the English Revolution0
Margaret Cavendish: Philosophical Letters, abridged0
Imagining Andrew Marvell at 4000
“Presenting a Book to Orinda”: Anne Twice, Katherine Philips, and John Oldham in New York Public Library, Drexel MS 41750
William Lawrence’s Newes from Geneva, or The Lewd Levite (1662): recovering a manuscript restoration play0
‘A Late Court-Poet’ Revisited: Milton, Cleveland, and The Readie and Easie Way0
Allegory and social mores in Abraham Bosse’s L’Hyver0
Words Turned Upside Down0
Charles I, the ‘Protestant Party,’ the Palatinate and a Franco-Stuart Alliance – 1636-90
Out of the saddle, and onto the easel: the correlative influence of equitational culture on early modern equestrian portraits0
TheNoctambuli: tales of sleepwalkers and secrets of the body in seventeenth-century England0
Early Modern Trauma: Europe and the Atlantic World0
‘Epiques chang’d to Doleful Elegies’: The Poems on the Death of Henry Stuart, Duke of Gloucester0
Royal policy and local initiative in challenges to autonomy under James VI and I: church and state in Jersey and Guernsey0
Shakespeare Beyond the Green World: Drama and Ecopolitics in Jacobean Britain Shakespeare Beyond the Green World: Drama and Ecopolitics in Jacobean Britain , by Todd And0
The Precious Summary: a history of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing dynasty The Precious Summary: a history of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing dynasty 0
Literature and Natural Theology in Early Modern England Literature and Natural Theology in Early Modern England , by Katherine Calloway, Cambridge, Cambridge University 0
Relationality, community and collaboration in seventeenth-century Chancery court records0
Books received 20220
Stuart Style: monarchy, dress and the Scottish male elite0
The readmission of the Jews and the power of the civil magistrate: Thomas Barlow on the Jews and natural law, 1655-16560
Philosophical reflections on Japan’s Sakoku policy: seventeenth-century English perspectives0
Books received 20230
Re-assessing the seventeenth-century quarto of Sir David Lindsay’s Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis (1602-04)0
Rhetoric and scepticism: Thomas Browne’s Amphibium mind in Religio Medici0
Women who reason in print: blazing worlds and blameless girls in early modern ballads0
Re-assessing the ars moriendi: good and bad deaths in early modern England0
Shakespeare and virtue: a handbook0
Memorials of Queen Elizabeth I in early Stuart London0
Poetics and Polemics: reading seventeenth-century Irish political verse0
The restraint of the press in England, 1660-1715: the communication of sin0
“One neighbour will strive to wrong another”: The dangers of London presented in Seventeenth-Century broadside Ballads0
Catholics in the Interregnum0
The Glass Ceiling: Hutchinson and elusive promotion10
Monarchy, print culture, and reverence in early modern England: picturing royal subjects0
Courting India: England, Mughal India and the origins of empire0
Dignified Retreat: writers and intellectuals in the age of Richelieu0
British Catholic Merchants in the Commercial Age, 1670-17140
Elizabeth Currer: religious non-conformity in John Dryden’s The Kind-Keeper and Aphra Behn’s The Widdow Ranter0
Recasting and Refashioning the Tower of London in Milton’s Eikonoklastes and Paradise Lost0
The poems and songs of Henry Hall of Hereford: a Jacobite poet of the 1690s0
The Daughters of the First Earl of Cork: Writing family, faith, politics and place0
The Fables of Aesop: Paraphrased in Verse by John Ogilby and Adorned with Sculpture [By Francis Cleyn] (Franz Klein)0
The English Presbyterian Conundrum of 1660-10
The mass market for history paintings in seventeenth-century Amsterdam: production, distribution, and consumption0
Scottish Colonial Literature: Writing the Atlantic, 1603-17070
Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes0
“InItalianhand”: melancholy, gender and bibliographical codes in commemorative text0
The millennial theory of Lucy Hutchinson and Mary Cary0
Exceptional bodies in early modern culture: concepts of monstrosity before the advent of the normal0
Racine et les trois publics de l’amour0
Memorializing the Everyday: The Evidence of the Final Decade of Frances Wolfreston’s Life0
“A suppurating ulcer”: religious orders and transnational conflict in Valladolid at the start of the seventeenth century0
Sovereignty: seventeenth-century England and the making of the modern political imaginary0
Islamic Thought through Protestant eyes0
Governors, the Royalist war effort, and power’s personalisation in Northern England, 1642–90
A Couple of Soles: a Comic Play from Seventeenth-Century China0
Shakespeare and Senecan tragedy0
Fallacy/The Sophister (c. 1614), a Wykehamist play Fallacy/The Sophister (c. 1614), a Wykehamist play , by William Zouche, edited by William Poole, Oxford, New College L0
You can leave your hat on: Men’s portraits, power, and identity in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic0
Confessional public diplomacy? Bernardino de Rebolledo’s defence of Catholicism in Denmark, 1655–16560
The lost funeral Sermon of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham (d. 1628), discovered0
Cheap print, crime and information in early modern London:The Life and Death of Griffin Flood0
Gifts and Graces: Prayer, Poetry, and Polemic from Lancelot Andrewes to John Bunyan0
John Harris, the Oxford Army Press, and the radicalizing process0
The Church of Ireland: power and distance in the early-seventeenth-century Atlantic0
Painting, poetry, and music in Nicholas Lanier’s ‘Hero’s Lament to Leander’0
Comparative essays on the poetry and prose of John Donne and George Herbert: combined lights0
The English Republican exiles in Europe during the Restoration0
The Impact of Milton’s Of Education on the Hartlib Circle’s Understanding of Public and Private0
Performing Gods in Classical Antiquity and the Age of Shakespeare0
Catholics During the English Revolution 1642-1660: Politics, Sequestration and Loyalty0
Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Hearts0
Editiones Rariores, nos. 1 and 2, Edited by William Poole, Oxford, 2021-23 Editiones Rariores, nos. 1 and 2 , edited by William Poole, Oxford, 2021-23 0
Poly-Olbion: New Perspectives0
John Locke and Samuel Rutherford on the distance between paternal care and fiduciary trust0
Civil War London: mobilizing for Parliament, 1641-50
The cultural role of diplomats in an age of war: French fashion in Vienna under Leopold I0
Gaspard de Monconys’ Defence against the Charge of Imposture: Criminal Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Personal Identity in Early Seventeenth-Century France0
How to do things with the Church Fathers: Mary Magdalene and anti-Calvinist court rhetoric in Lancelot Andrewes’s Easter Sermons (1620-22)0
Hospitality towards European travellers in Latin America in the colonial middle0
Standardising English spelling: the role of printing in sixteenth and seventeenth-century graphemic development0
George Wither and the New World0
Politics, Patronage, and Poetics in Hobbes’s Homer0
Shakespeare’s language0
Diversity, complexity and compromise: first thoughts from the House of Commons 1640–1660 project on the reshaping of the church0
Dorothy Parsons of Birr: writing, networks, identity, 1640–16700
Connecting Centre and Locality: Political communication in early modern England0
Master or Handmaid?: Dryden’s view of the New Science in Annus Mirabilis0
Northern echoes: regional identity in the early Quaker Movement, c.1650–16660
The State Trials and the politics of justice in later Stuart England0
The minister is much disheartened: clergy and their communities in Interregnum legal records0
Practical algebra and hydrostatics: the legacy of Thomas Harriot0
Neo-Latin verse satire, ca. 1500-1800: an ethical approach0
The constraints of public diplomacy: Don Alonso de Cárdenas in London, 1638–16550