Health Policy and Planning

(The TQCC of Health Policy and Planning is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Document analysis in health policy research: the READ approach156
On time horizons in health economic evaluations41
Tuberculosis control and care in the era of COVID-1935
What are the barriers to implementing national antimicrobial resistance action plans? A novel mixed-methods policy analysis in Pakistan33
What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems?31
From resilient to transilient health systems: the deep transformation of health systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic29
The burden of household out-of-pocket health expenditures in Ethiopia: estimates from a nationally representative survey (2015–16)26
The origins of Ethiopia's primary health care expansion: The politics of state building and health system strengthening23
Interventions to strengthen the leadership capabilities of health professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review23
The worse the better? Quantile treatment effects of a conditional cash transfer programme on mental health19
Evaluating implementation strategies for essential newborn care interventions in low- and low middle-income countries: a systematic review17
Implementation research and human-centred design: how theory driven human-centred design can sustain trust in complex health systems, support measurement and drive sustained community health volunteer17
Hope and trust in times of Zika: the views of caregivers and healthcare workers at the forefront of the epidemic in Brazil17
How does embedded implementation research work? Examining core features through qualitative case studies in Latin America and the Caribbean17
How ready is the system to deliver primary healthcare? Results of a primary health facility assessment in Enugu State, Nigeria17
Is patient navigation a solution to the problem of "leaving no one behind"? A scoping review of evidence from low-income countries16
Implementation research on sustainable electrification of rural primary care facilities in Ghana and Uganda15
Health reform and Indigenous health policy in Brazil: contexts, actors and discourses15
Policy Process And Non-State Actors’ Influence On The 2014 Mexican Soda Tax14
A public–private partnership for dialysis provision in Ethiopia: a model for high-cost care in low-resource settings14
Implementation research is crucial to countries’ efforts to strengthen learning health systems13
Applying a complex adaptive systems approach to the evaluation of a school-based intervention for intimate partner violence prevention in Mexico13
Understanding the factors influencing the implementation of participatory interventions to improve care coordination. An analytical framework based on an evaluation in Latin America13
Staff recognition and its importance for surgical service delivery: a qualitative study in Freetown, Sierra Leone13
Effectiveness of a nutrition education and counselling training package on antenatal care: a cluster randomized controlled trial in Addis Ababa13
Optimizing treatment cascades for mental healthcare in Mozambique: preliminary effectiveness of the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach for Mental Health (SAIA-MH)13