Mind & Language

(The median citation count of Mind & Language is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Extended active inference: Constructing predictive cognition beyond skulls48
Polysemy: Pragmatics and sense conventions39
Polysemy and thought: Toward a generative theory of concepts34
A tribal mind: Beliefs that signal group identity or commitment25
Non‐human consciousness and the specificity problem: A modest theoretical proposal22
“I didn't mean to suggest anything like that!”: Deniability and context reconstruction19
Insightful artificial intelligence18
Aphantasia: In search of a theory18
Creating a large language model of a philosopher15
The signaling function of sharing fake stories15
Imitation and culture: What gives?15
Accounting for the preference for literal meanings in autism spectrum conditions15
How (not) to underestimate unconscious perception14
Can the mind wander intentionally?13
Signalling, commitment, and strategic absurdities13
Semantic polysemy and psycholinguistics12
The polysemy view of pain12
Extended mind and artifactual autobiographical memory12
Decomposing relevance in conditionals11
Semantics without semantic content10
Cumulative culture and complex cultural traditions10
“All animals are conscious”: Shifting the null hypothesis in consciousness science9
Normative inferentialism on linguistic understanding9
The notorious neurophilosophy of pain: A family resemblance approach to idiosyncrasy and generalizability9
The rationality of eating disorders9
How can perceptual experiences explain uncertainty?8
Moving beyond content‐specific computation in artificial neural networks7
Essentializing inferences7
How thirst compels: An aggregation model of sensory motivation7
Distributed autobiographical memories, distributed self‐narratives6
Interpersonal trust in children's testimonial learning6
Do we see facts?6
Integration, lateralization, and animal experience6
Anorexia nervosa: Illusion in the sense of agency6
A new empirical challenge for local theories of consciousness6
Deflationary realism: Representation and idealisation in cognitive science6
Enhancing thoughts: Culture, technology, and the evolution of human cognitive uniqueness5
Metalinguistic effects5
Perceiving commitments: When we both know that you are counting on me5
Self‐consciousness in autism: A third‐person perspective on the self5
Spatial representations in sensory modalities5
Assertion, denial, and the evolution of Boolean operators5
The theory theory of metalinguistic disputes5
Is pain modular?4
Teleosemantics and the frogs4
Coming from a world without objects4
Evaluative theories in psychology and philosophy of emotion4
Should the teleosemanticist be afraid of semantic indeterminacy?4
Entitativity and implicit measures of social cognition4
Notions of arbitrariness4
Rules of use4
First saying, then believing: The pragmatic roots of folk psychology4
What are linguistic representations?4
What do plants and bacteria want? Commentary on Carrie Figdor's Pieces of mind4
Weakneo‐Whorfianismand the philosophy of time4
Going on as one ought: Kripke and Wittgenstein on the normativity of meaning4
The empirical status of semantic perceptualism3
Perceiving agency3
A metacognitive account of phenomenal force3
Vividness and content3
Spatial content of painful sensations3
Mental simulation and language comprehension: The case of copredication3
Moral rationalism on the brain3
Against the mind package view of minds: Comments on Carrie Figdor'sPieces of mind3
The rational role of the perceptual sense of reality3
Experiences of linguistic understanding as epistemic feelings3
A vessel without a pilot: Bodily and affective experience in the Cotard delusion of inexistence3
Assertoric content, responsibility, and metasemantics3
The definition of assertion: Commitment and truth3
How language shapes our minds: On the relationship between generics, stereotypes and social norms3
Objectivity, perceptual constancy, and teleology in young children3
Conceptual engineering, predictive processing, and a new implementation problem3
Underwhelming force: Evaluating the neuropsychological evidence for higher‐order theories of consciousness3
Core morality? Or merely core agents and social beings? A response to Spelke'swhat babies know3
The innocuousness of folieism and the need of intentionality where transduction fails: Replies to Adger and to Stainton & Viger3
Experiential holism in time2
Speaker's reference, semantic reference, sneaky reference2
Backtracking through interventions: An exogenous intervention model for counterfactual semantics2
Is meaning cognized?2
Consciousness as a natural kind and the methodological puzzle of consciousness2
Does the mind care about whether a word is abstract or concrete? Why concreteness is probably not a natural kind2
On the roles of false belief and recalcitrant fear in anorexia nervosa2
What is diffuse attention?2
Missing persons: Young children's talk about absent members of their social network2
Pretend play: More imitative than imaginative2
Recognition and the perception–cognition divide2
Troubles with Rey's linguistic Eliminativism2
Reinforcement learning and artificial agency2
Susanna Schellenberg on perception2
Normative folk psychology and decision theory2
How to think about higher‐level perceptual contents2
Teleology beyond explanation2
Why I am not a literalist2
Experiments on causal exclusion2
Explaining early generics: A linguistic model2
Solipsistic sentience2
What is it like to be colour‐blind? A case study in experimental philosophy of experience2
Stone tools, predictive processing and the evolution of language2
Tracking representationalism and olfaction2
The perspective‐sensitivity of presuppositions1
The generality and particularity of perception1
Spatial experience and olfaction: A role for naïve topology1
Reasonable compartmentalization?1
Public language, private language, and subsymbolic theories of mind1
Design and syntax in pictures1
Beyond adverbialism: A new non‐relational theory of perceptual experience1
How we got stuck: The origins of hierarchy and inequality1
Capacitism and the transparency of evidence1
The perceived unity of time1
Metaphysics of the Bayesian mind1
Disgust and the logic of contamination: Biology, culture, and the evolution of norm (over)compliance1
Focus on slurs1
“Philosophers care about the truth”: Descriptive/normative generics1
Are psychopaths moral‐psychologically impaired? Reassessing emotion‐theoretical explanations1
The acquisition of generics1
A (contingent) content–parthood analysis of indirect speech reports1
Representing shape in sight and touch1
Rainbow's end: The structure, character, and content of conscious experience1
A Bayesian interpretation of cross‐linguistic ambiguity tests1
Confusion and explanation1
Are sensory experiences contingently representational? A critical notice of David Papineau's The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience1
Why literalism is still the best game in town: Replies to Drayson, Machery, and Schwitzgebel1
Against neuroclassicism: On the perils of armchair neuroscience1
Core knowledge, language learning, and the origins of morality and pedagogy: Reply to reviews of What babies know1
Shared semantics: Exploring the interface between human and chimpanzee gestural communication1
How we talk about smells1
Further thoughts on hierarchy and inequality1
Content and phenomenology in The unity of perception1
Losing the light at the end of the tunnel: Depression, future thinking, and hope1
Self‐signs and intensional contexts1
Language and children's understanding of knowledge: Epistemic talk in early childhood1