Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

(The TQCC of Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Detection of chromium in different valence states in water and soil using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with an ion enrichment chip55
Integration of capillary vibrating sharp-edge spray ionization as a nebulization device for ICP-MS52
Nebulization assisted molecular LIBS for sensitive and fast fluorine determination in aqueous solutions48
Unraveling the role of aerosol transport on nanomaterial characterization by means single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry45
Reduction of surface charging effects in laser ablation ionisation mass spectrometry through gold coating43
Lithium-ion batteries: direct solid sampling for characterisation of black mass recyclates using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry35
Quantitative imaging of fluorine in human teeth by cryogenic laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry35
Single particle ICP-MS: a tool for the characterization of gold nanoparticles in nanotheranostics applications35
Determination of La in ore using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with laser-induced fluorescence and standard addition method34
Exploration of LIBS as a novel and rapid elemental mapping technique of nuclear fuels in the form of surrogate TRISO particles34
Characterizing a nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma ion source for element mass spectrometry32
Uranium–lead isotopic analysis from transient signals using high-time resolution-multiple collector-ICP-MS (HTR-MC-ICP-MS)32
Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with a generalized regression neural network and LASSO-type methods for estimation of arsenic and chromium in soil29
Applying plasma acoustic and image information for underwater LIBS normalization28
An efficient Cd two-stage column system for high-precision determination of Cd isotopic compositions by double spike MC-ICP-MS27
Integration of cobalt ion assisted Fenton digestion and photochemical vapor generation: a green method for rapid determination of trace cadmium in rice26
The standardization and application of an external (in air) particle induced gamma emission (PIGE) method for the rapid and non-destructive quantification of light elements at major to trace concentra26
High-precision measurement of europium isotopic composition of geological reference materials by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS)25
Parallel flow ablation cell for short signal duration in LA-ICP-TOFMS element imaging24
Fast and high spatially resolved multielemental mapping of otoliths using IR&UV-femtosecond laser ablation-ICP-TOFMS24
Investigating the potential of tandem inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for 41Ca determination in concrete22
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Effects of gas temperature gradient on the accuracy of single-particle inductively coupled plasma (SP-ICP) measurements22
Further characterizing Eppawala-AP as a potential Cl-rich apatite Sr isotope reference material22
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Fundamental studies on droplet throughput and the analysis of single cells using a downward-pointing ICP-time-of-flight mass spectrometer21
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Separation and isotope ratio measurements of actinides and lanthanides in spent nuclear fuel samples by CE-MC-ICP-MS21
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Development and performance evaluation of a multi-modal optical spectroscopic sensor20
Analysis of geological glasses by electron probe microanalysis under low beam current density conditions20
Stability of iron single atoms in graphene structures from X-ray absorption spectroscopy data20
Iron, copper and zinc isotope compositions of biological reference materials determined by MC-ICP-MS20
Determination of trace rare earth elements in uranium ore samples by triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry20
Combining standard addition and isotope dilution in order to improve SI traceable LA-ICP-MS measurements19
Limitations in using the Cu isotopic composition of minerals from ancient copper mines for archaeometric purposes – a case study19
Evaluation of nanodebris produced byin vitrodegradation of titanium-based dental implants in the presence of bacteria using single particle and single cell inductively coupled plasma mass spect19
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The (NH4)2CO3 exchange reaction and double-spike MC-ICP-MS method for gypsum U–Th dating19
On-line vacuum degree monitoring of vacuum circuit breakers based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with random forest algorithm19
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Improvement in the sensitivity of LA-ICP-MS bioimaging by addition of nitrogen to the argon carrier gas19
Determination of carbon isotopes in carbonates (calcite, dolomite, magnesite, and siderite) by femtosecond laser ablation multi-collector ICP-MS19
Highly sensitive determination of arsenic in water samples by hydrogen-doped solution anode glow discharge-optical emission spectrometry18
Effect of laser polarization on molecular emission from femtosecond LIBS18
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis with a glass substrate treated with a He atmospheric pressure plasma jet18
Correction of moisture interference in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy detection of coal by combining neural networks and random spectral attenuation18
Nanoparticle-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for serum element analysis using an Ag NP-coated filter paper substrate17
Direct measurement of Fe isotope compositions in iron-dominated minerals without column chromatography using MC-ICP-MS17
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An X-ray fluorescence and machine learning based methodology for the direct non-destructive compositional analysis of (Th1−xUx)O2 fuel pellets17
Assessment of a low-energy high repetition rate DPSS laser for quantitative analysis of marine ferromanganese nodules by LIBS17
High-precision analysis of potassium isotopes by MC-ICP-MS without collision cell using cool plasma technique in low-resolution mode17
Direct analysis of cotton swipes for plutonium isotope determination by microextraction-ICP-MS17
Evaluation of miniaturized ultrasonic nebulization for high-efficiency sampling in characterization of silver nanoparticles by single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry16
A single-column and efficient procedure for separating Fe and Mg from geological materials for isotopic analyses using MC-ICP-MS16
Quantification routines for full 3D elemental distributions of homogeneous and layered samples obtained with laboratory confocal micro XRF spectrometers16
Direct analysis of tree rings using laser ablation-ICP-MS and quantitative evaluation of Zn and Cu using filter paper as a solid support for calibration16
High-precision, mass dependent Si isotope measurements via the critical mixture double-spiking technique16
Development of methods for Mg, Sr and Pb isotopic analysis of crude oil by MC-ICP-MS: addressing the challenges of sample decomposition16
A deep spectral prediction network to quantitatively determine heavy metal elements in soil by X-ray fluorescence16
Quantitative elemental mapping of chondritic meteorites using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-time of flight-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-TOF-MS)16
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First demonstration of in situ Lu–Hf dating using LA-ICP-MS/MS applied to monazite16
Spatiotemporal characterization of cerium monoxide in laser ablation plasmas using spectrally-resolved fast-gated imaging16
The production of polymer reference materials for microanalysis with high homogeneity by a 3D printing method16
Detection of lead in water at ppt levels using resin-enrichment combined with LIBS-LIF15
Plasma emission intensity expansion of Zr metal and Zr oxide via microwave enhancement laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy15
Emission and stability improvement of AlO molecular bands in NELIBS using laser pretreatment15
Data processing made easy: standalone tool for automated calculation of isotope ratio from transient signals – IsoCor15
Towards the best total consumption infrared-heated sample introduction system for nanoparticle measurement using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry15
Quantitative manganese dissolution investigation in lithium-ion batteries by means of X-ray spectrometry techniques15
Front cover15
In situ Sn isotope analysis of cassiterite (SnO2) by nanosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS15
High-accuracy quantitative analysis of coal by small sample modelling algorithm based laser induced breakdown spectroscopy15
Accurate in situ oxygen isotopic analysis at high resolution by secondary ion mass spectrometry shows the potential of aragonite as a reference material15
Accurate determination of stable silver isotopes in zinc-rich samples through effective separation of silver and zinc15
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Rapid isotopic analysis of uranium particles by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS14
Metastable states in sputtered sample atoms: a tutorial review in perspective of elementary plasma processes14
Origin of the analytical 183W effect and its implications for tungsten isotope analyses14
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An optimization method based on spatial confinement for direct detection of laser-induced particle flow14
Novel solid sampling electrothermal vaporization atomic absorption spectrometry for fast detection of cadmium in grain samples14
A zircon LA-ICPMS reverse depth profiling analysis method and its geological application14
A new technique for baseline calibration of soil X-ray fluorescence spectra based on enhanced generative adversarial networks combined with transfer learning14
Feasibility of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as a direct raw bile analysis tool for screening of gallbladder cancer14
Study on the evaluation of the aging grade for industrial heat-resistant steel by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy14
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A fast and robust direct solid sampling method for the determination of 27 trace, main and minor elements in soda-lime glass based on ETV-ICP OES and using a gaseous halogenating modifier13
A chemically functionalized glass support for gold and silver metallic nanoparticle analysis with LIBS13
A compact AC-glow discharge-optical emission spectrometer for real-time detection of N2 and Ar in O2 with sub-ppm-level sensitivity13
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Nano-imaging mass spectrometry by means of high-energy laser desorption ionization (HELDI)13
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The potential of a multi-method platform centred on ICP-MS to provide new insights into the size-resolved quantification of TiO2 particles in food13
Determination of the zirconium isotopic composition of the new isotopic standard NRC ZIRC-1 using MC-ICP-MS13
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Determination of stable isotope ratios using nuclear reaction analysis coupled with a particle–gamma coincidence method13
Measurement of Fe emission spectrum from 170 nm to 600 nm with a coma-free spectrometer13
Detection of lead chrome green in Tieguanyin tea by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy13
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Study on a modified spectral standardization method and quantitative analysis of cement based on microwave plasma torch13
Filament induced breakdown spectroscopy with enhanced excitations from plasma gratings13
A feasibility study on the application of separable coded masks to X-ray fluorescence imaging13
Simultaneous detection of a submerged Cu target and bulk water by long-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy13
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Analytical capabilities of LA-ICP-ToF-MS for ultra-fast 2D quantitative elemental mapping of micrometeorites13
Evaluation of two methods allowing the full preparation in a single day of silicate rocks in view of radiogenic isotope (Nd, Sr, and Pb) analyses13
Improving quantitative analysis of cement elements in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy through combining matrix matching with regression13
Inside front cover13
Studying gold nanoparticle degradation during laser ablation–single particle-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis13
Discrimination of rocks by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with Random Forest (RF)13
Increasing the sensitivity of micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy through an optimized adaptation of polycapillary lenses to a liquid metal jet source13
A hybrid wavelength selection strategy-based quantitative analysis model for LIBS data from standard ground samples of the Curiosity rover on Mars12
Study on the spectral characteristics and analytical performance of pulverized coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy under a fast physical constraint12
Determination of the naturally occurring vanadium-complex amavadin in Amanita muscaria with HPLC-ICPMS12
Preparing microparticles on an elementary substrate using a micro-hole array sprayer to assist LIBS: a highly sensitive trace rare earth element detection method for aqueous solution analysis12
A LIBS quantitative analysis method for samples with changing temperatureviafunctional data analysis12
Spectroscopic characterization of uranium atoms in uranium-dioxide laser-produced plasma in a high-vacuum environment12
In-line HPLC-ICP-MS method for the rapid speciation and quantification of metal constituents in cell culture media12
Quantitative analysis of palladacycle-tagged PLGA nanoparticle biodistribution in rat organs by means of atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry12
Investigation of signal enhancement in nanoparticle enhanced molecular LIBS of graphite12
High precision MC-ICP-MS measurements of11B/10B ratios from ng amounts of boron in carbonate samples using microsublimation and direct injection (μ-dDIHEN)12
Determination of picogram amounts of uranium in micrometre-sized particles by isotope dilution mass spectrometry12
Determination of Cu in bloodviadirect analysis of dried blood spots using high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry12
Determination of gadolinium MRI contrast agents in fresh and oceanic waters of Australia employing micro-solid phase extraction, HILIC-ICP-MS and bandpass mass filtering12
Parameter optimization of the spectral emission of laser-induced tungsten plasma for tokamak wall diagnosis at different pressures12
Ultra-sensitive determination of mercury in flue gas by atmospheric pressure glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry coupled with gold amalgam enrichment12
Front cover12
Trigger-free LIBS using kHz and a few mJ laser in combination with random forest regression for the quantitative analysis of steel elements12
Infrared radiation-assisted thermochemical vapor generation for mercury speciation by atomic absorption spectrometry12
Rapid determination of iodide ion content in chloride molten salt by ascorbic acid reduction12
Needle Tip-Enhanced Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Nebulized Aqueous Solution Analysis12
Determination of ultra-trace level Cr(vi) in seawater using large-volume direct injection by LC-ICP-MS with in-line matrix elimination11
Ultrasensitive determination of mercury by atmospheric pressure glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy coupled with solution cathode glow discharge microplasma11
High-accuracy quantification of soil elements by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on PCA-GS-ELM11
A newly synthesized reference material for in situ sulfur isotope measurement of sphalerite using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS11
Characterisation of gas cell reactions for 70+ elements using N2O for ICP tandem mass spectrometry measurements11
A novel spectral standardization method capable of eliminating the influence of plasma morphology to improve LIBS performance11
Improving laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy regression modelsviatransfer learning11
Rapid and accurate determination of chlorine isotopic ratios with ICP-MS/MS using O2 reaction gas11
The efficiency of Hg cold vapor generation and its influence on Hg isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS11
A simultaneous atomic absorption and emission spectrometer with dielectric barrier discharge for atomization and excitation11
Theoretical study on signal enhancement of orthogonal double pulse induced plasma11
Initial demonstration of microplasma ionization/Orbitrap mass spectrometry for molecular screening of perfluorinated compounds11
A perspective on the evolving role of stable isotope analysis and the emergence of cavity enhanced spectroscopy as a potent tool11
Enhancement of LIBS plasma and efficient collection of emitted light by open smooth triangular cavities11
Mass spectrometry insights into interactions of selenoprotein P with auranofin and cisplatin11
Cavity-constrained LIBS combined with the gray wolf optimization algorithm for optimizing bidirectional long short-term memory (GWO-BiLSTM) networks for classification prediction of different brands o11
Purification of Mg from extremely low-Mg felsic rocks for isotopic ratio determination by MC-ICP-MS11
Development and characterization of a new in-house reference material for stable carbon and oxygen isotopes analyses11
Determination of thallium isotopic composition through MC-ICP-MS with mass bias corrected using admixed W11
The sensitivity determination of energetic materials from laser spark spectrometry based on physical-parameter-corrected statistical methods11
Cross double point discharge as enhanced excitation source for highly sensitive determination of arsenic, mercury and lead by optical emission spectrometry11
Developing and downscaling a method by HILIC coupled simultaneously to ESIMS and ICPMS to determine the affinity of lanthanide chelating molecules using specific isotope dilution11
An interactive Python-based data processing platform for single particle and single cell ICP-MS10
Excitation and ionization processes of chlorine in molybdenum dichloride dioxideflakesusing the glow discharge mass spectrometry technique10
High precision cadmium isotope analysis of geological reference materials by double spike MC-ICP-MS10
Determination of iodine-129 in twenty soil and sediment reference materials10
Mass-shift mode to quantify low level129I in environmental samples by ICP-MS/MS10
The semi-quantitative analysis of hole defects in metal additive manufacturing components using LIBS10
Correction: Nano-bismuth sulfide based dispersive micro-solid phase extraction combined with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for determination of mercury ions in waters10
Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis10
A single-stage purification method for the precise determination of zirconium isotopic composition in geological samples by double spike MC-ICP-MS10
Ultratrace determination of arsenic by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry with preconcentration on gold nanoparticles10
Instrumental mass-independent fractionation accounting for the sensitivity of the double spike proportion effect by MC-ICP-MS: a case study of Zn isotope measurements10
A novel strategy for direct elemental determination using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: fluence calibration10
Feasibility of nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS (NELIBS) for the analysis of archaeological metallic artifacts: a critical assessment10
High-precision double-spike Sn isotope analysis of geological materials by MC-ICP-MS10
Front cover10
Neptunium transition probabilities estimated through laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measurements10
Highly selective and sensitive determination of mercury ions by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry10
Precise and accurate isotopic analysis of uranium and thorium in uranium ore concentrates using ICP-MS and their age dating for nuclear forensic analysis10
Simultaneous multi-angle AR-XANES for surface-sensitive chemical speciation of gold nanolayers in wall painting replica10
Titanomagnetite, a new potential geochronometer for in situ U–Pb dating10
High-precision iron isotopic measurements in low resolution using collision cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS10
Improved methods for high-precision Pb–Pb dating of extra-terrestrial materials10
Laser textured superhydrophilic silicon for uniform solidification and sensitive detection of water based samples using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy10
Characterization of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy on tungsten at variable ablation angles using a coaxial system in a vacuum10
Exploring the possibilities of calcium isotopic analysis in aqueous humor using a fast and miniaturized calcium isolation procedure10
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SIMS simultaneous measurement of oxygen–hydrogen isotopes and water content for hydrous geological samples10
Nano-bismuth sulfide based dispersive micro-solid phase extraction combined with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for determination of mercury ions in waters10
Trace xenon detection in helium environment via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy10
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Quantitative elemental analysis of human leukemia K562 single cells by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in combination with a microdroplet generator10
Correction: A single-step purification method for the precise determination of the antimony isotopic composition of environmental, geological and biological samples by HG-MC-ICP-MS10
Correction: Development of a multi-isotopic (Pb, Fe, Cu) analytical protocol in gold matrices for ancient coin provenance studies10
In situ determination of antimony isotope ratios in Sb minerals by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS10
Gated and non-gated silver detection using microwave-assisted laser induced breakdown spectroscopy9
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Front cover9
Size determination of nanoparticles by ICP-ToF-MS using isotope dilution in microdroplets9
Development of a novel direct magnetic sorbent sampling device by flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (DMSS-FF-AAS) using a carbonaceous nanocomposite for highly sensitive determination of ca9
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Measurement of 87Sr/86Sr in limestones after acid leaching and direct injection in a liquid chromatograph coupled to a multicollector ICP-MS9
Investigation of matrix independent calibration of oxygen in glow discharge optical emission spectrometry9
Extraction of ultratrace dissolved gaseous mercury and reactive mercury in natural freshwater for stable isotope analysis9
238U–206Pb dating of U-series disequilibrium zircons by secondary ion mass spectrometry9
Contents list9
Rapid screening of wood and leaf tissues: investigating silicon-based phytoliths in Populus trichocarpa for carbon storage applications using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and scanning e9
Novel thiol-functionalized covalent organic framework-enabled ICP-MS measurement of ultra-trace metals in complex matrices9
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Quantitative elemental bioimaging: an antibody-based double-labelling method to quantify the cell-specific distribution of silver nanoparticles in lung tissue sections9
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An application of micro X-ray fluorescence computed tomography for the determination of three-dimensional elemental distribution in a single hair strand9
Influence of the molecular structure on heterocyclic-ring dissociation kinetics and structural evolution of laser-induced plasmas9
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The effect of hydrogen on fluorine detection in solid sampling electrothermal vaporization-inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry9
Mass spectrometry as a powerful analytical tool for the characterization of indoor airborne microplastics and nanoplastics9
An insight into the determination of size and number concentration of silver nanoparticles in blood using single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS): feasibility of application to samples relevant to in viv9
Contents list9
Exploring the working range of automated standard dilution analysis of nutrient elements in foods by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry9
Community Leaders: Ramon M. Barnes9
A numerical simulation and high-speed photographic study of the audio-frequency noise in an analytical ICP source9
δ 13C compound-specific isotope analysis in organic compounds by GC/MC-ICPMS9
Artificial neural network for high-throughput spectral data processing in LIBS imaging: application to archaeological mortar8
A Gaussian spot overlap ablation model for prediction of aluminium alloy spectral peak intensity in high pulse repetition frequency LIBS8
Rapid determination of Hg isotopes in low concentration water samples by flow injection-plasma electrochemical vapor generation8
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Zirconium analysis in microscopic spent nuclear fuel samples by resonance ionization mass spectrometry8
Determination of indium isotopic ratios of geostandards with different matrices by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS)8
Accurate correction for the matrix interference on laser ablation MC-ICPMS boron isotope measurements in CaCO3 and silicate matrices8
Provenancing of cement using elemental analyses and isotope techniques – the state-of-the-art and future perspectives8
Iron quantification at the sub femtogram level in magnetite hybrid silica methacrylate core–shell nanocomposite particles by sp-ICP-MS8
Sanidine in obsidian and its applicability in neutron flux monitor development for 40Ar/39Ar dating8
Reversed-phase dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for elemental analysis of gasoline by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry8
Potential clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene reference materials for SIMS water content analysis8
Micro-PIXE reveals cisplatin uptake followed by Fe accumulation in U87 cells8
Development of a simple and rapid EDXRF method for quantification of ZrO2 and HfO2 in aqueous and organic process stream solutions generated from a zirconium extraction facility8
Spectral stability improvement in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on an image auxiliary data preprocessing method8
Long-term repeatability and interlaboratory reproducibility of high-precision ID-TIMS U–Pb geochronology8
Comparative analysis of LDA, PLS-DA, SVM, RF, and voting ensemble for discrimination origin in greenish-white to white nephrites using LIBS8
High-sensitivity determination of heavy metal elements in water with circular grooves and nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS8
Sequential separation of cerium (Ce) and neodymium (Nd) in geological samples for high-precision analysis of stable Ce isotopes, and stable and radiogenic Nd isotopes by MC-ICP-MS8
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Characteristics of laser-induced plasma generated in water and in air with different nanosecond laser pulse durations8
The spatial resolution of nanosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy in gases8
Atomic spectrometry update: review of advances in elemental speciation8
Influence of ambient pressure on spatial–temporal evolution of local thermodynamic equilibrium for laser-induced plasma8