Liquid Crystals

(The TQCC of Liquid Crystals is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Optical approaches for the simple and sensitive detection of aflatoxin B1 via a liquid crystal aptasensor99
Synthesis and phase behavior of Y-shaped Schiff base liquid crystal oligomers60
Polymer sustained alignment for vertical aligned liquid crystal devices with a fast response and high contrast51
Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of new azo H-shaped liquid crystal compounds49
Can liquid crystal Blue Phase textures be described by Voronoi tessellations?49
Spatially periodic deformations in hybrid aligned flexoelectric nematic layers39
Kerr coefficient and third-order nonlinear optical absorption coefficient of isotropic diacrylate mesogens at 632.8 nm wavelength34
A liquid crystal leaky-wave antenna with fixed-frequency beam scanning and open-stop-band suppression29
Taylor & Francis Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine26
Effects of ferroelectric nanoparticles on smectic-A to chiral smectic-C* phase transition24
Thermoplastic liquid crystal elastomer soft actuators22
Columnar liquid crystalline phases of surfactant-DNA complexes21
Continuous modulation of geometric phase via electrically tuning the in-plane orientation of nematic liquid crystal21
Investigation of the mesogenic behavior of alkoxy and fluorine tail terminated alkoxy nitrobiphenyls for chemoresponsive liquid crystals20
Pseudo-polar order in the tilted smectic phases of bent-core hockey stick shaped molecules20
Effects of polar end group, flexible spacer length and molecular conformation on properties of the liquid crystal dimers19
Colourful cholesteric liquid crystal polymer network gratings prepared through nanoimprinting19
Preparation and applications of the epoxy resin-based polymer- stabilised cholesteric liquid crystal films with microcracks at the surface18
Optical sensing of organic vapor using blue phase liquid crystals18
High efficiency, lossless, large free-standing photonic bandgap polymer films18
Dielectric and thermodynamic studies of n-cyano-biphenyl (nCB) liquid crystals at microwave frequency18
Transmittance spectra expression for dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal with large optical activity17
Spontaneous polarisation due to flexoelectric effect in liquid crystalline elastomers prepared by cross-linking under splay distortion17
Modulation of electro-optical properties of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals by multi-walled carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite fibres17
A ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal vitrified at room temperature17
Optical characterisation of dyed liquid crystal cells17
Insights into the dynamic symphony: a comprehensive computational exploration of pure and fluorinated 6O.6 liquid crystals with the help of DFT analysis16
Novel properties of high-performance multi-component mixture for Vertically Aligned mode LCDs16
Inclusion of CoFe 2 O 4 ultrafine nanoparticles in 7CB liquid crystal: effects on temperature-dependent magnetic properties and in16
Broadband reflective liquid crystal films prepared by doping fluorescent dyes-loaded nanofiber membranes15
Size effect of submicron barium titanate particles on dielectric properties of smectic A liquid crystal 4-nitrophenyl 4‘-decyloxy benzoate14
Liquid crystal textures, neural networks and art14
Fast-response and high figure of merit phase shifter based on polymer- stabilised liquid crystals13
Influence of different small styryl molecules on electro-optical characteristics of reverse-mode polymer stabilised cholesteric liquid crystal devices13
Cholesterol based mesogenic Schiff’s base derivatives with carbonate linkage: Synthesis, characterisation and photoluminescence study13
Preparation of triple-layer polymer dispersed liquid crystal films with progressive driving functionality13
Effect of internal energy depletion on active nematic texture and dynamics12
Manipulated deformation of lipid bilayer vesicles in magnetic fields12
Studies of some bio-inspired liquid crystals12
Optimisation of stratified anisotropic media for security films11
Zero-field bandwidth stable, reflection bandwidth controllable polymer- stabilised cholesteric liquid crystals enabled by dynamic covalent boronic ester bonds11
Fluorescent cholesteric liquid crystal polymers with dual properties: design, synthesis and characterisation11
Balance the trade-offs between high birefringence, large dielectric anisotropy and low viscosity in nematic liquid crystals through molecular splicing strategy11
Dual-field responsive polymer-dispersed liquid crystal films with polymer spacer columns and fluorescent properties11
Optical sensor for butylamine vapour based on the photonic structure infiltrated by liquid crystal10
Stepwise driving and multi-transparency of polymer dispersion liquid crystals10
Effect of π-conjugation units on the liquid crystal and photovoltaic performance of heterocyclic pyridine-based compounds10
Light-controllable chiral dopant based on azo-fragment: synthesis and characterisation10
Numerical simulation of the 2D lid-driven cavity flow of chiral liquid crystals10
The morphology and the electro-optical properties of PDLCs cured in the presence of electric fields10
The helical twisting power of chiral dopants in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals10
Enlarging the colour gamut of LCD with YAG-LED by using a liquid crystal based polarisation interference filter10
Electrooptics of mm-scale polar domains in the ferroelectric nematic phase10
Synthesis and liquid crystal behaviour of tetrathiafulvalenes/1,3-dithiol-2-thione and p-cyanoazobenzene10
Fabrication of optical vortex array by fixing standing wave mediated periodic defects in nematic liquid crystals via photopolymerization10
Tunable spectral manifestation of Tamm plasmon-polaritons in a hybrid structure with 2d black phosphorus in the terahertz range10
Beam scanning leaky wave antenna based on liquid crystals with gesture-controlled system10
Symmetry arguments and the totalitarian principle in the physics of liquid crystals and other condensed matter systems10
Thermotropic liquid crystal doped with silica, silica grafted with aniline (ANI@SiO2) and polyaniline (PANI@SiO2)9
Synthesis, mesomorphic and magnetic properties at room temperature of biphenyl ester-aromatic imine with terminal alkoxy chains and methoxy substituent9
Broadband reflection in polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal film with zinc oxide nanoparticles film thermal diffusion method9
Influence of the molecular structure of compounds with terminal isothiocyanate group on the induction of the smectic A phase: Part II9
On the measurement of the bend elastic constant in nematic liquid crystals close to the nematic-to-SmA and the nematic-to-NTBphase transitions9
Oxazoline derivatives exhibiting chiral liquid crystalline mesophases9
Band-gap-tailoring in Liquid Crystals: Organizing Metal Atoms and Nanoclusters in LC Media9
Unsymmetrical Coumarin based dimeric liquid crystals: Synthesis, Characterization, Mesomorphic investigation, Photoluminescence and Thermal conductivity9
Modelling dielectric behaviour and anomalous relaxation in chromonic liquid crystals9
1,2,3-Triazole lamellar liquid crystal and its non-covalent palladium complex dimer: structure, mesomorphism and self-assembly properties9
Two-dimensional blue phase liquid crystal microlens array with low driving voltage and polarization independence9
Flexible liquid crystal micro-lens arrays for curved integral imaging 2D/3D convertible display9
Real-time visual humidity response films of interpenetrating polymer network based on cholesteric liquid crystal and poly (acrylic acid)9
Liquid crystal and photophysical properties of laterally fluorinated azo-ester materials9
Liquid crystal trimers containing secondary amide groups9
Three-layer polarisation volume grating with enhanced diffraction efficiency and FOV in AR and VR applications8
Selenium-linked cyanobiphenyl-based liquid crystal dimers: the effects of chalcogen linkage and spacer length on the twist-bend nematic phase8
Structural investigation of the liquid crystalline phases of three homologues from the nOS5 series ( n = 9, 10, 11) by X-ray diffraction8
Cybotactic nematic liquid crystal – an overview8
Influence of the molecular structure of calamitic compounds with trifluoromethoxy terminal group on the induction of the smectic a phase. Part I8
Design of 5CB liquid crystal antenna for tunable microwave frequency applications8
Broadband reflective films with temperature response combined with thermochromic materials8
Preparation of reverse mode polymer dispersion liquid crystals with vertically oriented layers and the electro-optical properties8
Enhancing morphological, electro-optical and dielectric properties of polymer-dispersed liquid crystal by doping of disperse Orange 25 dye in LC E78
Equilibrium locations of defects in two-dimensional configurations of the NLC director field8
Synthesis and properties of biphenyl liquid crystal diluters terminated by 2,2-difluorovinyloxyl for high birefringence liquid crystals8
Ferroelectric nematic fluids as spontaneous polarization field for enhanced orientational-dependent second-harmonic generation8
Mesomorphic, magnetic and DFT studies of biphenyl-based molecule with various substituted anilines8
Synthesis and examination of alkoxycyanobiphenyl mesogens with a single fluorine atom at specific locations in the tail8
The influence of the side-arms structure on the properties of the liquid crystal dimers centred on mandelic acid8
Running streams of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal on a lithium niobate surface8
Chirality exists in the isotropic liquid above blue phase III8
A novel multi-stimuli responsive fluorescence liquid crystal material with aggregation-induced emission effect7
Skyrmions in blue phases of chiral liquid crystals7
Synthesis and mesomorphic characterisation of coumarin-Schiff base and carboxylate molecules7
Modifying mesomorphic and optical properties of 4-isothiocyanoterphenyls through terminal moiety variation7
Mesophase behavior of four ring ester/azomethine/ester liquid crystals in pure and mixed states7
Optimization of the properties of nematic matrix suspended with subtle quantities of the nanoparticles for improved alignment and operating voltage7
Ionic liquid crystal elastomers for actuators, sensors, and organic transistors7
Difluoromethoxyl bridged substituted 2-cyano-pyrrole based pure organic luminescent liquid crystals towards white light emitting single-molecule7
Enhancement of electro-optical properties and phase transition temperature of thermotropic liquid crystal 5CB by doping with 4-n-pentylbenzoic acid7
Deuterated Liquid Crystals - design and synthesis of deuterium labelled 4,4ʺ-dialkyl-2′,3′-difluoro-[1,1′:4′,1ʺ]terphenyls using batch and continuous flow systems7
Flexible bistable polymer stabilised cholesteric texture light shutter display7
Electrochromic reverse-mode PDLCs as smart windows7
Novel fluorescence liquid crystals based on thiophene-vinylnitrile Schiff-base derivatives7
Unlocking the potential of 2,1,3-benzoxadiazole-based luminescent liquid crystals7
Systematic development for fast and high-accuracy wavefront corrector based on liquid crystal on silicon device7
A cinnamate liquid crystal for rapid optical recording7
Determination of the flexoelectric coefficient in nematic liquid crystals by using fully leaky optical guided mode7
New self-organised benzo[b]thiophene-based materials for GHz applications6
Decomposition of topological defects in liquid crystal wells with homeotropic anchoring6
Synthesis and performance evaluation of fluorinated biphenyl diluters for high birefringence liquid crystals6
Aroyloxycinnamates with wide mesophase temperature ranges6
Enhanced broadband reflection properties of PSCLCs films supported by electrospun nanofiber networks loaded with Cs 0.33 WO 3 nano6
The 2020 Luckhurst-Samulski Prize6
Lyotropic isotropic to columnar phase transition in RNA solutions6
In Loving Memory of Maria Teresa Cidade6
The effect of doping sulphhydryl-functionalised silica with different diameters on the electro-optical properties of PDLC6
A design approach to obtaining highly polar liquid crystal dimers6
Gamma-radiation exposure-induced modifications in the thermal, dielectric, and electro-optical properties of two-room temperature antiferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures6
Electrically-controlled generation and switching of arbitrary vector vortex beams on multiple hybrid-order Poincaré spheres based on liquid crystal devices6
Accurate numerical calculation method for liquid crystal phase shifter loaded with metallic NaM6
Enhancing the electro-optic response of polymer stabilised cholesteric liquid crystals with ionic dopants6
Planar and Vertical Alignment of Rod-like and Bent-core Liquid Crystals Using Functionalized Indium Tin Oxide Substrates6
Optical switching of bent-core liquid crystals with azocinnamoyl units6
Optical activity and linear electrooptic response in the paraelectric subphase of an achiral ferroelectric nematic compound6
Distinctive features of pretransitional behaviour between nematic phases as revealed by DDM6
Melted grain boundaries in smectic A under imposed bend: role of the anisotropy6
Broadband reflection cholesteric liquid crystal film fabricated by near-infrared photothermal response technology6
Chirality transfer to harness mesophase transitions in liquid crystal mixtures containing an oxadiazole derivative6
Improvement of rewriting time of optically driven liquid crystal display by azo-dye doping6
Synthesis and study the liquid crystalline behaviors of double Schiff bases bearing ester linkage as a central core6
Fringe-field-induced out-of-plane reorientation in vertically aligned nematic spatial light modulators and its effect on light diffraction6
Nematic liquid crystals in lens shape geometry6
Asymmetrically anchored liquid crystal cell for display and photonics applications6
Nematic-isotopic phase separations induced by hydrogen bonding between a rodlike polymer and solvent molecules5
Tunable liquid crystal metamaterial filter with polarization-insensitive characteristic5
The ferroelectric nematic phase: on the role of lateral alkyloxy chains5
Dielectric response of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystalline phase in thin cells5
Low-temperature properties of nematic liquid crystal materials for display5
Ferroelectric nematic phase in the system of perfectly aligned cylindrically symmetric rods5
Low driving voltage reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid crystal devices using small phenylacetylene molecule5
Interplay between bulk and molecular viscosity of a soft glassy nematic gel5
A label-free liquid crystal-based immunosensor for the detection of indole-3-acetic acid5
Mesophase properties of fluorene-core mesogens and their effects on blue phase liquid crystals5
Preparation of a novel ternary photosensitive polyimide for liquid crystal alignment films5
Designing, generating and reconfiguring disclination interconnects in nematic liquid crystals5
On the effects of Ericksen and Deborah numbers on the flow in microfluidic capillaries5
Optical Tamm states in a hybrid structure with a holographic polymer-liquid crystal grating5
Effect of nematic liquid crystal on light extraction in perovskite light-emitting diodes5
Effects of diluents and Ag nanowires on the electrical-optical properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal films based on aromatic polyurethane acrylate5
Luminance and chrominance parameters through image analysis in ferroelectric liquid crystals5
Spiralling defect cores in chromonic hedgehogs5
Generalization of the Maier-Saupe theory to the ferroelectric nematic phase5
Automated flow synthesis of algorithmically designed ferroelectric nematogens5
Mechano-chemical synthesis of liquid crystal materials: an easy method towards fast, simple and almost solvent-free molecular screening5
Photo-responsive graphene oxide liquid crystal hybrid modified with imidazolium surfactant containing azobenzene5
The influence of core fluorination on the phase behaviour of rod-like mesogens5
Compact integral imaging 2D/3D compatible display based on liquid crystal micro-lens array5
Aided- and self-assembly of liquid crystalline nanoparticles in bulk and in solution: computer simulation studies5
Synthesis of helical branched carbodiimide polymers with liquid crystalline properties5
Synthesis, characterisation, and effects of molecular structure on phase behaviour of 4-chloro-1,3-diazobenzene bent-core liquid crystals with high photosensitivity4
Observation of a frustrated nematic phase in amphiphilic, disc-like complexes of gold(III) containing hydrocarbon and semiperfluorocarbon terminal chains4
Improving PDLC electro-optical performance using a photomask multi-step polymerisation method4
The influence of the benzimidazole-based nematic liquid crystals containing ethynyl and difluoro-substitution on mesomorphic and birefringence properties4
The smectogenity as a crucial factor of broadening of the selective light reflection peak in cholesteric photopolymerizable mixtures4
Intensity-dependent optical nonlinearities of composite materials made of ionic liquid crystal glass and bimetallic nanoparticles4
Rupture of thin nematic walls between isotropic droplets of the same mesogenic material4
Mesophase behaviour of 1,2,3-triazole-based nematic liquid crystals influenced by varying alkyl chains and halogen atom substitution4
Increasing the negative dielectric anisotropy of liquid crystals with polar substituents parallel to their long molecular axis through adding terminal 2,2-difluoroethyl group4
Lateral fluoro-substitution driven molecular packing difference in a series of pyridinium-based chiral ionic liquid crystals4
Optical gain and photo-bleaching of organic dyes, quantum dots, perovskite nanoplatelets and nanodiamonds4
Rack-gear structures in columnar liquid crystal phases of trialkoxybenzyl pentafluorobenzoates and their influences on intercolumnar interdigitation and macroscopic morphologies4
Gold nanoparticles doped organic liquid crystalline material for fast charge migration in nano-devices4
Colorful patterned polyacrylate films prepared using cholesteric liquid-crystalline mixtures with a smectic order4
Synthesis and microwave dielectric properties of polyphenylene liquid crystal compounds with lateral substitution by methyl and fluorine4
Liquid crystal assisted optical DNA biosensor for the selective detection of bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae4
Characterising nematic liquid crystals using a circular patch resonator4
Tuning the colour of glassy cholesteric liquid crystals using copolymerization of two left-handed menthyl- and cholesteryl-based mesogenic monomers4
Selection rules and a new model for stable topological defect arrays in nematic liquid crystal4
Novel graphene oxide derivatives and its effect in broad-band reflectors4
High-quality deformed lying helix in chiral LC on surface with periodic alignment prepared by two-step optical treatment4
Cholesterol-based nonsymmetric dimers comprising phenyl 4-(benzoyloxy)benzoate core: the occurrence of frustrated phases4
A long-term stable low-viscous self-organized blue phase liquid crystal superstructure with wide operation temperature range4
Tunable THz absorbers based on LC-tuned Yagi-Uda antennas4
Determining dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystals at microwave frequencies using inverted microstrip lines4
Young’s interference experiment using self-aligned liquid crystal optical control devices4