Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

(The H4-Index of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering is 35. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Analysis of the importance coefficient of offshore bridges under earthquakes based on seismic fragility and incremental dynamic analysis108
Simple models for simulating shear key arrangement in nonlinear seismic analysis of arch dams106
An experimental evaluation of helical piles as a liquefaction-induced building settlement mitigation measure88
Seismic evaluation of helical soil-nailed walls using shaking table testing77
Probabilistic assessment of seismic earth pressure against backfills with a nonlinear failure criterion76
Experimental study on the dynamic behavior of pile-anchor structures under impact loading of debris flow and rockfall75
Large-scale shake table testing of pile group-bridge model in inclined liquefiable soils with overlying crusts75
Assessment of existing Vs-Lab correlations regarding Eastern Canadian clays67
Efficient simulation of stochastic seismic response of long-span bridges in river valleys using hybrid BEM-FEM61
Numerical analysis of dynamic compaction using FEM-SPH coupling method59
Improved computational methods for probabilistic liquefaction hazard analysis59
Effect of flexibility ratio on seismic response of rectangular tunnels in sand: Experimental and numerical investigation58
Analysis of the efficiency of intensity measures from real earthquake data recorded in buildings57
Fractal damage and crack propagation in decoupled charge blasting54
Test and simulation on tall reinforced concrete bridge bents with shear links as structural fuses components52
Seismic response of braced excavation wall supporting deep sand layer using dynamic centrifuge tests46
Influence of facing conditions on the dynamic response of back-to-back MSE walls46
A Modified Algorithm to identify the strongest velocity pulse in three orthogonal components of ground motions45
Selection of pulse-like ground motions with strong velocity-pulses using moving-average filtering45
Dynamic characteristics of deposit slope under coupled action of earthquake and rainfall45
Quantitative identification of near-fault pulse-like ground motions based on variational mode decomposition technique43
Pounding induced overturning resistance of FPB-isolated structures considering soil-structure-interactions43
Field testing study on jacked pile penetration characteristics in laminated clay based on FBG sensing technology43
A comprehensive numerical analysis of EQ-induced lateral earth pressure on structures basement walls42
Optimal sliding force characteristics of friction dampers for seismic response control of building structures considering sway-rocking motion42
Seismic performance of a novel partly precast RC shear wall with double precast edge members and a central T-shape CIP member41
Vibration mitigation in porous soil using periodic rock-socketed pile barriers40
Stiffness and damping properties of railway ballast aggregate considering influence of degradation of aggregate and incorporation of crumb rubber40
Dynamic response of a transversely isotropic and multilayered poroelastic medium subjected to a moving load40
Development of hybrid test system for three-dimensional viscoelastic damping frame structures based on Matlab-OpenSees combined programming39
Shear rate effect on clay-structure interface strength properties in various interface boundary conditions38
Correlation of CPT measurements and relative density of LEAP-2017 and LEAP-2020 centrifuge models38
Lifetime response of a liquefiable soil foundation-embankment system subjected to sequences of mainshocks and aftershocks36
On the determination of cyclic shear stress for soil liquefaction triggering in centrifuge model test36
Investigation on the cyclic shear properties of steel-crushed red mudstone particles interface36
Research on modal combination coefficients considering the spectral characteristics of strong ground motion35
Seismic fragility assessment of an in-service piled bridge abutment subjected to a liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and mitigation strategy35
Cyclic cumulative strain of coarse-grained soil under large cyclic stress amplitude35
Study on dynamic shear properties of sulfate saline soil- geotextile interface with different salt content35