Computer Law & Security Review

(The TQCC of Computer Law & Security Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Asia–Pacific developments140
Digital evidence in fog computing systems57
Data protection law beyond identifiability? Atmospheric profiles, nudging and the Stratumseind Living Lab50
A preliminary study on artificial intelligence oracles and smart contracts: A legal approach to the interaction of two novel technological breakthroughs43
NFTs and the virtual yet concrete art of money laundering33
Asia Pacific33
An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI data-intensive systems33
When data protection norms meet digital health technology: China's regulatory approaches to health data protection29
Copyright trolling as threat to internet users’ legal and economic security: Comments in light of EU and US legislations28
Cyber Resilience Act 2022: A silver bullet for cybersecurity of IoT devices or a shot in the dark?26
Prospective implementation of ai for enhancing European (in)security: Challenges in reasoning of automated travel authorization decisions25
An analysis of cybersecurity in Dutch annual reports of listed companies24
Stuxnet vs WannaCry and Albania: Cyber-attribution on trial24
Why fairness cannot be automated: Bridging the gap between EU non-discrimination law and AI24
Fairness and justice through automation in China's smart courts23
Diffusion of the Budapest Convention on cybercrime and the development of cybercrime legislation in Pacific Island countries: ‘Law on the books’ vs ‘law in action’21
The dual function of explanations: Why it is useful to compute explanations19
‘Algorithms and Law’ by Martin Ebers & Susana Navas19
Asia Pacific19
European National News18
International and regional commitments in African data privacy laws: A comparative analysis18
European National News18
Shifting the digital paradigm: Towards a sui generis competition policy17
Can the GDPR make data flow for research easier? Yes it can, by differentiating! A careful reading of the GDPR shows how EU data protection law leaves open some significant flexibilities for data prot17
Asia Pacific17
Editorial Board17
The case against ‘Narrow’ price parity clauses16
UK further education sector journey to compliance with the general data protection regulation and the data protection act 201816
Contradictions and inconsistencies in Australia's mandatory data breach notification laws15
Research on the dilemma and improvement of legal regulation for unfair competition related to corporate data in China15
An institutional account of responsiveness in financial regulation- Examining the fallacy and limits of ‘same activity, same risks, same rules’ as the answer to financial innovation and regulatory arb14
Financial instruments entail liabilities: Ether, bitcoin, and litecoin do not14
Detecting resale price maintenance for competition law purposes: Proof-of-concept study using web scraped data13
Digital distortions and interpretive choices: A cartographic perspective on encoding regulation13
The protection of human biodata: Is there any role for data ownership?13
Regulating the use of electronic evidence in Chinese courts: Legislative efforts, academic debates and practical applications12
European National News12
The joined cases of Dwyer, SpaceNet and VD and SR before the European Court of Justice: The judgments of the Grand Chamber about data retention continue falling on deaf ears in Member States12
FutureNewsCorp, or how the AI Act changed the future of news12
Professional Board12
Tell me who your contacts are, or what can we learn from standard setting in the context of COVID-19 tracing apps12
The right to a fair trial as a conceptual framework for digital evidence rules in criminal investigations12
Consumer neuro devices within EU product safety law: Are we prepared for big tech ante portas?11
Protection path of personal data and privacy in China: Moving from monism to dualism in civil law and then in criminal law11
ETIAS system and new proposals to advance the use of AI in public services10
Device manufacturers as controllers – Expanding the concept of ‘controllership’ in the GDPR10
Fine-tuning GPT-3 for legal rule classification10
What's wrong with death images? Privacy protection of photographic images of the dead10
Ready or not? A systematic review of case studies using data-driven approaches to detect real-world antitrust violations10
Analysis of the attributes of rights to inferred information and China's choice of legal regulation10
Critiquing the U.S. characterization, attribution and retaliation laws and policies for cyberattacks10
The platformisation of digital payments: The fabrication of consumer interest in the EU FinTech agenda9
The thin red line: Refocusing data protection law on ADM, a global perspective with lessons from case-law9
Human-centric data protection laws and policies: A lesson from Japan9
Cybercrime awareness and victimisation in individuals over 60 years: A Portsmouth case study9
Facial recognition technology, democracy and human rights9
Incentivizing the sharing of healthcare data in the AI Era9
In principle vs in practice: User, expert and policymaker attitudes towards the right to data portability in the internet of things8
Mapping interpretations of the law in online content moderation in Germany8
A European right to end-to-end encryption?8
What the Dickens: Post-mortem privacy and intergenerational trust8
For whom is privacy policy written? A new understanding of privacy policies8
The Metaverse impact on the politics means8
Copyright protection during the training stage of generative AI: Industry-oriented U.S. law, rights-oriented EU law, and fair remuneration rights for generative AI training under the UN's internationa8
A New Right to Procedural Accuracy: A Governance Model for Digital Evidence in Criminal Proceedings8
Dissecting liabilities in adversarial surgical robot failures: A national (Danish) and EU law perspective7
Cybersecurity as praxis and as a state: The EU law path towards acknowledgement of a new right to cybersecurity?7
Reconciling transparency and privacy through the European Digital Identity7
A cybersecurity strategy fit for purpose? Introducing the special issue on EU cybersecurity: Collective resilience through regulation7
A Matter of (Joint) control? Virtual assistants and the general data protection regulation7
The UK and the EU personal data framework after Brexit: A new trade and cooperation partnership grounded in Council of Europe Convention 108+?7
Averting enfeeblement and fostering empowerment: Algorithmic rights and the right to good administration7
From compliance to security, responsibility beyond law7
Asia Pacific7
Regulation under administrative guidance: The case of China's forcing interoperability on digital platforms7
DLA Piper EU Update6
Toward a practical legal rule revision in legal debugging6
European National News6
Asia-Pacific Developments6
Patent trolls in China: Some empirical data6
The role of the Council of Europe on the 40th anniversary of Convention 1086
What competition law can do for data privacy (and vice versa)6
The legal nature of cryptocurrency as property: Accounting and taxation implications6
How to deal with virtual property crime: Judicial dilemma and a theoretical solution from China6
Convention 108 and the GDPR: Trends and perspectives in Latin America6
Editorial Board6
Enforcing legal information extraction through context-aware techniques: The ASKE approach6
Lost in translation? Critically assessing the promises and perils of Brazil's Digital Markets Act proposal in the light of international experiments5
Transparency of machine-learning in healthcare: The GDPR & European health law5
Introduction for computer law and security review: special issue “knowledge management for law”5
The law and economics of AI liability5
Profiling and (automated) decision-making under the GDPR: A two-step approach5
Pairing EU directives and their national implementing measures: A dataset for semantic search5
The future EU postal regulation. What can be learnt from the telecommunication regulations5
Rule of law or not? A critical evaluation of legal responses to cyberterrorism in the UK5
Originality and the future of copyright in an age of generative AI5
Cybersecurity in a post-data environment: Considerations on the regulation of code and the role of producer and consumer liability in smart devices5
European National News5
DLA Piper EU update5
The European AI liability directives – Critique of a half-hearted approach and lessons for the future5
Evaluation of trust service and software product regimes for zero-knowledge proof development under eIDAS 2.05
Online content filtering in EU law – A coherent framework or jigsaw puzzle?4
Cyber operations and automatic hack backs under international law on necessity4
Foreword: Advancements and challenges for Latin American AI and data governance4
From insight to compliance: Appropriate technical and organisational security measures through the lens of cybersecurity maturity models4
Pornography, sexual privacy and copyright4
Legal evaluation of the attacks caused by artificial intelligence-based lethal weapon systems within the context of Rome statute4
GDPR-compliant AI-based automated decision-making in the world of work4
Unpacking AI-enabled border management technologies in Greece: To what extent their development and deployment are transparent and respect data protection rules?4
The blocking of Booking/Etraveli – When the first victim of EU's anti-US tech stand was a European4
Better alone than in bad company: Addressing the risks of companion chatbots through data protection by design4
Making the private public: Regulating content moderation under Chinese law4
How platforms govern users’ copyright-protected content: Exploring the power of private ordering and its implications4
China's Interim Measures on generative AI: Origin, content and significance4
Council of Europe convention 108+: A modernised international treaty for the protection of personal data4
Harmonizing innovation and regulation: The EU Artificial Intelligence Act in the international trade context4
Will the GDPR Restrain Health Data Access Bodies Under the European Health Data Space (EHDS)?4
Mapping the development of China's data protection law: Major actors, core values, and shifting power relations4