Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

(The H4-Index of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Offshore renewable energy site correlated wind-wave statistics52
An enhanced PDEM-based framework for reliability analysis of structures considering multiple failure modes and limit states27
A long short-term memory based deep learning algorithm for seismic response uncertainty quantification26
First-passage reliability of high-dimensional nonlinear systems under additive excitation by the ensemble-evolving-based generalized density evolution equation26
Probabilistic method for wind speed prediction and statistics distribution inference based on SHM data-driven26
Elucidating appealing features of differentiable auto-correlation functions: A study on the modified exponential kernel25
Probabilistic reconstruction for spatiotemporal sensor data integrated with Gaussian process regression24
Monte Carlo and variance reduction methods for structural reliability analysis: A comprehensive review23
Extreme riser experimental loads caused by sea currents in the Gulf of Eilat22
Error-based stopping criterion for the combined adaptive Kriging and importance sampling method for reliability analysis22
Probabilistic modeling for reliability analysis of buried pipelines subjected to spatiotemporal earthquakes21
Copula-based JPDF of wind speed, wind direction, wind angle, and temperature with SHM data21
Comparison of PDEM and MCS: Accuracy and efficiency18
Reliability of dynamical systems with combined Gaussian and Poisson white noise via path integral method16
Multilevel Monte Carlo simulations of composite structures with uncertain manufacturing defects15
Topology optimization of buildings subjected to stochastic wind loads15