
(The TQCC of Midwifery is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Mental Health & Parental Concerns during COVID-19: The Experiences of New Mothers Amidst Social Isolation60
Women's experiences of maternity service reconfiguration during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative investigation59
“Anxious and traumatised”: Users’ experiences of maternity care in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic56
Pregnancy and birth planning during COVID-19: The effects of tele-education offered to pregnant women on prenatal distress and pregnancy-related anxiety56
Changes in social support of pregnant and postnatal mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic48
Breastfeeding after a cesarean section: A literature review46
Obstetric violence a qualitative interview study44
Becoming a mother in the ‘new’ social world in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic44
The impact of COVID-19 on prenatal care in the United States: Qualitative analysis from a survey of 2519 pregnant women42
The effectiveness of telemedicine interventions, delivered exclusively during the postnatal period, on postpartum depression in mothers without history or existing mental disorders: A systematic revie41
Variations in health behaviors among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic39
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on women's pregnancy and postpartum experience in England: A qualitative exploration39
Maternal vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic:A qualitative interview study with UK pregnant women36
Restructuring maternal services during the covid-19 pandemic: Early results of a scoping review for non-infected women36
Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce anxiety in pregnancy, labour and postpartum: A systematic review35
Women's views and experiences of maternity care during COVID-19 in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study34
The importance of nurturing trusting relationships to embed shared decision-making during pregnancy and childbirth33
Mums on the Move: A pilot randomised controlled trial of a home-based physical activity intervention for mothers at risk of postnatal depression31
The effectiveness of prenatal breastfeeding education on breastfeeding uptake postpartum: A systematic review27
Predictors of postpartum depression among Chinese mothers and fathers in the early postnatal period: A cross-sectional study26
Stress During Pregnancy and the Development of Diseases in the offspring: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis25
The impact of social media influencers on pregnancy, birth, and early parenting experiences: A systematic review.25
The effect of cognitive behavioral techniques using virtual reality on birth pain: a randomized controlled trial25
‘I know my place’; a meta-ethnographic synthesis of disadvantaged and vulnerable women's negative experiences of maternity care in high-income countries25
Pandemic-related pregnancy stress assessment–Psychometric properties of the Polish PREPS and its relationship with childbirth fear24
Relationship between perceived obstetric violence and the risk of postpartum depression: An observational study24
Understanding workforce experiences in the early career period of Australian midwives: insights into factors which strengthen job satisfaction24
Barriers and facilitators of maternal healthcare utilisation in the perinatal period among women with social disadvantage: A theory-guided systematic review22
First-time fathers’ experiences and needs during childbirth: A systematic review22
Triggering of postpartum depression and insomnia with cognitive impairment in Argentinian women during the pandemic COVID-19 social isolation in relation to reproductive and health factors22
The Covid 19 outbreak: Maternal Mental Health and Associated Factors21
Views and experiences of women, peer supporters and healthcare professionals on breastfeeding peer support: A systematic review of qualitative studies21
Suicidal ideation: Prevalence and risk factors during pregnancy21
Parents experiences of pregnancy following perinatal loss: An integrative review20
Midwives’ experiences of father participation in maternity care at a large metropolitan health service in Australia20
Maternity care experiences of women with physical disabilities: A systematic review20
How do women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus use mHealth during and after pregnancy? Qualitative exploration of women's views and experiences20
Leadership and management in midwifery-led continuity of care models: A thematic and lexical analysis of a scoping review20
Midwifery and nurse staffing of inpatient maternity services – A systematic scoping review of associations with outcomes and quality of care19
Factors associated with postpartum women's knowledge, attitude and practice regarding human milk banks and milk donation: A cross-sectional survey19
Impact of bereavement care and pregnancy loss services on families: Findings and recommendations from Irish inquiry reports19
Adaptation of independent midwives to the COVID-19 pandemic: A national descriptive survey19
Pandemic-related pregnancy stress among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain19
Implementing the MAMAACT intervention in Danish antenatal care: a qualitative study of non-Western immigrant women's and midwives’ attitudes and experiences18
Breaking the silence: Determining Prevalence and Understanding Stillbirth Stigma18
“It's always hard being a mom, but the pandemic has made everything harder”: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of perinatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic18
Coping, wellbeing, and psychopathology during high-risk pregnancy: A systematic review17
Why women utilize traditional rather than skilled birth attendants for maternity care in rural Nigeria: Implications for policies and programs17
Improvement of the breastfeeding self-efficacy and postpartum mental health after lactation consultations – Observational study17
Improving uptake of vaccines in pregnancy: A service evaluation of an antenatal vaccination clinic at a tertiary hospital in the UK17
Perceptions of physical activity during pregnancy among women: A descriptive qualitative study17
The importance of face to face, group antenatal education classes for first time mothers: A qualitative study16
Labouring Together: Women's experiences of “Getting the care that I want and need” in maternity care16
Social media use and postpartum body image dissatisfaction: The role of appearance-related social comparisons and thin-ideal internalization16
Exploring and developing student midwives’ experiences (ESME)—An appreciative inquiry study16
Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey16
Maternal health care for refugee women - A qualitative review16
Women's experience of obstetric anal sphincter injury following childbirth: An integrated review.15
Birth plans: A systematic, integrative review into their purpose, process, and impact15
Trauma informed care education for midwives: An integrative review15
Effects of online antenatal education on worries about labour, fear of childbirth, preparedness for labour and fear of covid-19 during the covid-19 pandemic: A single-blind randomised controlled study14
The impact of midwifery continuity of care on maternal mental health: A narrative systematic review14
A landscaping review of interventions to promote respectful maternal care in Africa: Opportunities to advance innovation and accountability14
Women's experiences of initiating feeding shortly after birth in Ireland: A secondary analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from the National Maternity Experience Survey14
The experience of fathers during the covid-19 UK maternity care restrictions14
Development and evaluation of TEARDROP - a perinatal bereavement care training programme for healthcare professionals14
Primary healthcare midwives’ experiences of caring for parents who have suffered an involuntary pregnancy loss: a phenomenological hermeneutic study14
Factors associated with childbirth self-efficacy: a multicenter cross-sectional study in China13
Probiotic interventions to reduce antepartum Group B streptococcus colonization: A systematic review and meta-analysis13
Postpartum PTSD and birth experience in Russian-speaking women13
A systematic integrative review examining the impact of Australian rural and remote maternity unit closures13
Maternal guilt and shame in the postpartum infant feeding context: A concept analysis13
Posttraumatic growth after perinatal loss: A systematic review13
Midwives’ perception of advantages of health care at a distance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland13
Who benefits most from skin-to-skin mother-infant contact after birth? Survey findings on skin-to-skin and birth satisfaction by mode of birth13
The views and experiences of LGBTQ+ people regarding midwifery care: A systematic review of the international evidence13
Indonesian midwives’ perspectives on changes in the provision of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study13
A survey of perceived traumatic birth experiences in an Irish maternity sample – prevalence, risk factors and follow up12
Intrapartum synthetic oxytocin, behavioral and emotional problems in children, and the role of postnatal depressive symptoms, postnatal anxiety and mother-to-infant bonding: A Dutch prospective cohort12
Becoming a mother: Predicting early dissatisfaction with motherhood at three weeks postpartum12
A systematic integrative literature review of the factors influencing the professionalization of midwifery in the last decade (2009–2019)12
WRISK voices: A mixed-methods study of women's experiences of pregnancy-related public health advice and risk messages in the UK12
A qualitative study of Norwegian first-time mothers’ information needs in pre-admission early labour12
The postnatal experiences of resettled Syrian refugee women: Access to healthcare and social support in Nova Scotia, Canada12
What are women's experiences of immediate skin-to-skin contact at caesarean section birth? An integrative literature review12
A scoping review of evidence comparing models of maternity care in Australia12
Providing woman-centred care in complex pregnancy situations11
Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of a physiological approach during labour and birth: A systematic review and thematic synthesis11
“Stranger in a mask” midwives’ experiences of providing perinatal bereavement care to parents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study11
A SWOT analysis of the opinions of midwifery students about distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic a qualitative study11
Women's views and experiences of occasional alcohol consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review of qualitative studies and their recommendations11
The use of continuous foetal monitoring technologies that enable mobility in labour for women with complex pregnancies: A survey of Australian and New Zealand hospitals11
Perceptions of primiparous women about the effect of childbirth preparation classes on their childbirth experience: A qualitative study11
Sustaining quality education and practice learning in a pandemic and beyond: ‘I have never learnt as much in my life, as quickly, ever’11
A meta-analysis of the effects of resistance training on blood sugar and pregnancy outcomes11
Effects of an integrated childbirth education program to reduce fear of childbirth, anxiety, and depression, and improve dispositional mindfulness: A single-blind randomised controlled trial11
Reconsidering fear of birth: Language matters11
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of midwife-led care for childbearing women in low- and middle-income countries: A mixed-methods systematic review11
The effectiveness of psychological interventions for pregnant women with anxiety in the antenatal period: A systematic review11
The perceived impact of birth trauma witnessed by maternity health professionals: A systematic review11
Perspectives of partners of mothers who experience mental distress in the postnatal period: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis10
Perinatal mental health and women's lived experience of the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of the qualitative literature 2020-202110
Postnatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on mothers’ postnatal sense of security and on mother-to-infant bonding10
Experiences of pregnant women and healthcare professionals of participating in a digital antenatal CMV education intervention10
Midwife-performed checklist and ultrasound to identify obstetric conditions at labour triage in Uganda: A quasi-experimental study10
Mindfulness-based childbirth and parenting for pregnant women with high fear of childbirth and their partners: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial assessing short- and longer-term effects on psy10
A pilot study to evaluate the effect of classroom-based high-fidelity simulation on midwifery students’ self-efficacy in clinical lactation and perceived translation of skills to the care of the breas10
The progression on the measurement instruments of maternal health literacy: A scoping review10
How norms concerning maternity, femininity and cisgender increase stress among lesbians, bisexual women and transgender people with a fear of childbirth10
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”: Positives from disrupted maternity care in Australia during COVID-1910
Prevalence and predictors of poor mental health among pregnant women in Wales using a cross-sectional survey10
Intergenerational co-parenting in the postpartum period: A concept analysis10
The barriers and needs of transgender men in pregnancy and childbirth: A qualitative interview study9
Relationship between coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy and maternal and fetal outcomes: Retrospective analytical cohort study9
Woman-centred ethics: A feminist participatory action research9
The effectiveness of psychoeducation interventions on prenatal attachment: A systematic review9
The Journey towards resilience following a traumatic birth: A grounded theory9
Effect of aerobic water exercise during pregnancy on epidural use and pain: A multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial9
Relationship between fear of childbirth, self-efficacy, and length of labor among nulliparous women in Indonesia9
Non-birthing mothers’ experiences of perinatal anxiety and depression: Understanding the perspectives of the non-birthing mothers in female same-sex parented families9
Improving antenatal engagement for Aboriginal women in Australia: A scoping review9
Nutritional adequacy and the role of supplements in the diets of Indigenous Australian women during pregnancy9
The breastfeeding and early motherhood experiences of older first-time mothers: A constructivist grounded theory study9
Modifiable socio-cultural beliefs and practices influencing early and adequate utilisation of antenatal care in rural Bangladesh: A qualitative study9
Compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction among Chinese midwives working in the delivery room: A cross-sectional survey9
Validation of the postpartum bonding questionnaire: A cross-sectional study among Flemish mothers9
Sources of information during pregnancy and the early parenting period: Exploring the views of women and their partners9
The emotional responses of women when terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons: A scoping review9
Effectiveness of mobile application-based perinatal interventions in improving parenting outcomes: A systematic review8
A qualitative study of Turkish midwives’ experience of providing care to pregnant women infected with COVID-198
Exploring body dissatisfaction in pregnancy and the association with gestational weight gain, obesity, and weight stigma8
Traditional practices during pregnancy and birth, and perceptions of perinatal losses in women of rural Pakistan8
“They hold your fate in their hands”: Exploring the power dynamic in the midwifery student-preceptor relationship8
The prevalence of obstetric violence experienced by women during childbirth care and its associated factors in Türkiye: A cross-sectional study8
Doula engagement and maternal opioid use disorder (OUD): Experiences of women in OUD recovery during the perinatal period8
Development and validation of a new questionnaire to measure mistreatment of women during childbirth, satisfaction of care, and perceived quality of care8
Postnatal depression and anxiety screening and management by maternal and child health nurses in community settings: A scoping review8
Exploring barriers to domestic violence screening among culturally and linguistically diverse and migrant women in a regional midwifery setting8
Maternal perceptions of breastfeeding support in a birth hospital before and after designation to the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: A quasi-experimental study8
‘A small person that we made’ - Parental conceptualisation of the unborn child: A constructivist grounded theory8
Fear of childbirth: Validation study of the Chinese version of Wijma delivery expectancy/experience questionnaire version A8
Frontline health professionals’ perinatal depression literacy: A systematic review8
A qualitative study of pregnant women's opinions on COVID-19 vaccines in Turkey8
First-time fathers’ experience of childbirth: a cross-sectional study8
Association between one-to-one midwifery care in the active phase of labour and use of pain relief and birth outcomes: A cohort of nulliparous women8
The challenges and opportunities for implementing group antenatal care (‘Pregnancy Circles’) as part of standard NHS maternity care: A co-designed qualitative study8
Experiences of midwives and nurses when implementing abortion policies: A systematic integrative review8
Anxiety, stress, and depression in Australian pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross sectional study8
Reduced length of hospital stay after caesarean section: A systematic review examining women's experiences and psychosocial outcomes8
Male involvement in promotion of safe motherhood in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review8
Development of a tool to assess students’ perceptions of respectful maternity care8
Breastfeeding trajectories of young and short-term educated mothers and their partners; experiences of a journey facing tailwind and headwind8
Providing respectful maternity care in northern Ghana: A mixed-methods study with maternity care providers8
Establishing information needs and research priorities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the local maternity setting8
Maternal perception of paternal breastfeeding support: A secondary qualitative analysis8
The road from ICPD to SDGs: Health returns of reducing the unmet need for family planning in India8
Nutrition information-seeking behaviour of Indonesian pregnant women7
Differences in maternal characteristics and their associations with breastfeeding attitudes among primiparous mothers7
New graduate midwives’ transition to practice: A scoping review7
Providing gender affirming and inclusive care to transgender men experiencing pregnancy7
Depression, anxiety, and stress in pregnancy and postpartum: A longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Self-reinforcement: Coping strategies of Iranian mothers with preterm neonate during maternal role attainment in NICU; A qualitative study7
Prospective risk from prenatal anxiety to post traumatic stress following childbirth: The mediating effects of acute stress assessed during the postnatal hospital stay and preliminary evidence for mod7
Family life starts at home: Fathers’ experiences of a newly implemented Swedish home-based postnatal care model – an interview study7
Do women's perceptions of their childbirth experiences change over time? A six-week follow-up study in a Danish population7
Access to, and experiences of, maternity care for women with physical disabilities: A scoping review7
Baby-friendly hospital initiative accreditation in Taiwan: Challenges and assistance needs7
Community midwives views of postnatal care in the UK; A descriptive qualitative study7
Chinese midwives’ perceptions on upright positions during the second stage of labour: A qualitative study7
Expressed breast milk feeding practices in Hong Kong Chinese women: A descriptive study7
Swedish midwives’ experiences and views of amniotomy: An interview study7
High-risk health behaviours of pregnancy-planning women and men: Is there a need for preconception care?7
COVID-19-related stress in postpartum women from Argentina during the second wave in 2021: Identification of impairing and protective factors7
Postpartum care content and delivery throughout the African continent: An integrative review7
Impact of a medical mobile phone app (QUiPP) for predicting preterm birth on the anxiety and decisional conflicts faced by women in threatened preterm labour7
Validating a scale to measure respectful maternity care in Australia: Challenges and recommendations7
Planned homebirth in Catalonia (Spain): A descriptive study7
How to improve preconception care in a local setting? Views from Dutch multidisciplinary healthcare providers7
Perceptions and predictors of respectful maternity care in Malawi: A quantitative cross-sectional analysis7
Integration of technology to clinical teaching:The impact of mobile and web-based software automation designed for midwifery students on motivation, time management and anxiety levels7
Lessons learned from the implementation of Canada's first alongside midwifery unit: A qualitative explanatory study7
Women's experiences of pregnancy and lactation after bariatric surgery: A scoping review6
Experiences of midwives regarding provision of culturally competent care to women receiving maternal care in South Africa6
Psychometric properties of the modified breastfeeding self-efficacy scale–short form (BSES-SF) among Chinese mothers of preterm infants6
Flemish midwives’ perspectives on supporting women during the transition to motherhood – A Q-methodology study6
Adherence to Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (IFAS) intake among pregnant women: A systematic review meta-analysis6
Factors associated with giving birth at advanced maternal age in the United States6
The BLIiNG study - Breastfeeding length and intensity in gestational diabetes and metabolic effects in a subsequent pregnancy: A cohort study6
Creating the Capacity to Screen Deaf Women for Perinatal Depression: A Pilot Study6
“I didn't feel like I could trust her and that felt really risky”: a phenomenographic exploration of how Australian Midwives describe intrapartum risk6
Health awareness and skilled birth attendance: An assessment of sustainable development goal 3.1 in south and south-east Asia6
Women's experience of mild to moderate mental health problems during pregnancy, and barriers to receiving support6
Fear of childbirth among pregnant women in Eastern Ethiopia: A community-based study6
African midwifery students’ self-assessed confidence in postnatal and newborn care: A multi-country survey6
A review of levator ani avulsion after childbirth: Incidence, imaging and management6
Women's views and experiences of augmentation of labour with synthetic oxytocin infusion: A qualitative evidence synthesis6
Unhealthy gestational weight gain: Are we neglecting inadequate gestational weight gain?6
Risk perception of cigarette and e-cigarette use during pregnancy: A qualitative postpartum perspective6
Evaluation of psychological training for nurses and midwives to optimise care for women with perinatal depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis6
Direct and indirect determinants of prenatal depression among Arab-Bedouin women in Israel: The role of stressful life events and social support6
Lived Experiences of Mothers Following a Perinatal Loss6
Barriers and facilitators of psychological help-seeking behaviors for perinatal women with depressive symptoms: A qualitative systematic review based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation R6
“My husband is my family.” The culture of pregnancy disclosure and its implications on early pregnancy registration in a child nutrition intervention in rural Maharashtra, India6
Can a simple assessment of fear of childbirth in pregnant women predict requests and use of non-urgent obstetric interventions during labour?6
The association between intimate partner violence and low birth weight and preterm delivery in eastern Ethiopia: Findings from a facility-based study6
Pregnancy, birth and neonatal outcomes associated with reduced fetal movements: A systematic review and meta-analysis of non-randomised studies6
Postnatal depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: The needs and experiences of New Zealand mothers and health care providers6
Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP) in a London maternity ward-a qualitative pilot study6
Midwifery students experience of continuity of care: A mixed methods study6
Birth choices after caesarean in Taiwan: A mixed methods pilot study of a decision aid for shared decision making6
Midwives’ experiences of facilitating informed decision-making – a narrative literature review6
Parenting styles and types: Breastfeeding attitudes in a large sample of mothers6
Burden of obstructed labor in ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis6
Weight stigma and prenatal physical activity: Exploring the perspectives of pregnant women living with obesity6
Predictors of childbirth experience: Prospective observational study in eastern Spain6
Is directed open-glottis pushing more effective than directed closed-glottis pushing during the second stage of labor? A pragmatic randomized trial – the EOLE study6
The river of postnatal psychosis: A qualitative study of women's experiences and meanings5
Healthcare professionals’ experiences and perceptions of providing support for mental health during the period from pregnancy to two years postpartum5
Turkish midwives’ experiences and opinions in promoting normal births: A grounded theory study5
Influencers of women's choice and experience of exclusive formula feeding in hospital5
Cultivating awareness of sexual and gender diversity in a midwifery curriculum5
A double blind randomized controlled trial using copper impregnated maternity sanitary towels to reduce perineal wound infection5
Associations of rooming-in with maternal postpartum bonding: the impact of mothers' pre-delivery intentions5
Exploring lived experiences of informal caregivers for pregnant women seeking scheduled antenatal care during the COVID-19 lockdown in China: A phenomenological study5
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on midwifery-led service provision in the United Kingdom in 2020-21: Findings of three national surveys5
Relaxation interventions for improving sleep outcomes in perinatal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials5
Exploring trust in (bio)medical and experiential knowledge of birth: The perspectives of pregnant women, new mothers and maternity care providers5
Open dialogue – A grounded theory study on peer learning at birthing units5
“I would never be able to forgive myself if it ended up having consequences for the child”: A qualitative study of perceptions of stress and worries among healthy first-time pregnant Danish women5
Critical ethnography in maternity care research: bridging creativity and rigour – a discussion paper5
Improving teamwork in maternity services: A rapid review of interventions5
“Putting the baby back in the body”: The re-embodiment of pregnancy to enhance safety in a free-standing birth center5
A descriptive qualitative study exploring the postpartum confinement experiences among first-time mothers from the three major ethnic groups in Singapore5
Multi-tasking community-based bilingual doulas are bridging gaps–Despite standing on fragile ground. A qualitative study of doulas’ experiences in Sweden5
The impact of COVID-19 on breastfeeding rates: An international cross-sectional study5
The birth trauma psychological therapy service: An audit of outcomes5
Practice, skills and experience with the Pinard stethoscope for intrapartum Foetal monitoring: Focus group interviews with Norwegian midwives.5
Essential components of midwifery ethics education: results of a Delphi study5
Intrapartum risk perception–A qualitative exploration of factors affecting the risk perception of midwives and obstetricians in the clinical setting5
“My whole room went into chaos because of that thing in the corner”: Unintended consequences of a central fetal monitoring system5
Interventions to reduce preterm birth in pregnant women with psychosocial vulnerability factors–A systematic review5
Experiences in the delivery of preconception and pregnancy care for LGBTIQA+ people: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of patient and healthcare provider perspectives5
Developing multi-language maternal health education videos for refugee and migrant women in southeast Melbourne5
Depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms among Jordanian midwives: A hospital-based study5
Factors that influence midwives’ leaving intentions: A moral imperative to intervene5
Maternal attachment and mental health status in mothers who have babies with infantile colic5
Parents’ perceptions of antenatal educational programs: A meta-synthesis5
Perceived stress and support preferences during bed rest in twin pregnancies: A cross-sectional online survey5
Association of oxytocin augmentation and duration of labour with postpartum haemorrhage: A cohort study of nulliparous women5
Association of prenatal stress with distance to delivery for pregnant women in Western North Carolina5