Planning Perspectives

(The median citation count of Planning Perspectives is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
On Foucault and Brazilian Urbanismo: a genealogy of city planning in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (c. 1850s–1945)19
Planning Venice after the Italian Unification: The Development of a Space-based Identity13
El urbanismo de la Transición. El Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid de 1985, (The Urbanism of Transition: The Master Plan of Madrid 1985)12
19th IPHS Conference, 5–6 July 2022 (Delft, The Netherlands) prizes and awards10
Critical cartographies for assessing and designing with planning legacies: the case of Jaap Bakema’s Open Society in ‘t Hool, the Netherlands9
Mass housing: modern architecture and state power – a global history9
Ströme und Zonen: Eine Genealogie der ‘funktionalen Stadt’8
People before highways: Boston activists, urban planners, and a new movement for city making6
Protecting neighbourhood character while allowing growth? Pike/Pine Conservation Overlay District, Seattle, Washington5
The city makers of Nairobi: an African Urban history5
Nonprofit neighborhoods: an urban history of inequality and the American state5
Old and New Vallila. The early years of affordable housing production in Helsinki5
Towards the creation of model mill cities in New England: the planning contributions of the Boston manufacturing company in Waltham, Massachusetts5
The bonds of inequality: debt and the making of the American city4
Bauhaus 100+1: reverberaciones latinoamericanas / edición académica4
The post-war rebirth of Yokohama: the planner Akira Tamura’s contributions to municipal reform4
Planning and construction of the British concessions and settlements in modern East Asia (1845–1876): Shanghai, Yokohama, and Tianjin4
States of cultivation: imperial transition and scientific agriculture in the Eastern Mediterranean3
From monumentality to diversity – Lourenço Marques between the urban plans of Aguiar and Azevedo (1950-1970)3
The manufacture of heritage in the face of the diktats of authenticity: the case of the Algerian medinas from the beginning of the French occupation to the present3
‘The core’: the centre as a concept in twentieth-century British planning and architecture. Part two: the realization of the idea3
On the police as infrastructure and managers in the African city3
Instituições de Urbanismo no Brasil, 1930-1979 [Institutions of Urbanism in Brazil 1930-1979]3
Regulating capital investment in urban property: towards comparative-historical research in planning history3
Pensando as favelas cariocas: história e questões urbanas (volume 1) [Reflecting on Rio’s Favelas: history and urban questions]3
Housing Haussmann’s Paris: the politics and legacy of Second Empire redevelopment3
The location of a railway station and its impact on urban planning in colonial Lahore 1846–19473
Yaba housing scheme and the colonial ‘re-planning’ of Lagos, 1917–19523
Unsettling a sanitary enclave: malaria at Mian Mir (1849–1910)2
Interrogating voices from the past: making use of oral testimony in planning historical research2
TheHispanic International Seminar on Urban Form(ISUF-H). A platform for dialogue between urban planners and urban form researchers in Spanish-speaking countries2
Colonial development policies as tools of ecological imperialism in Southeast Asia2
Beyond Chinatown: Chinese diaspora, the transition of power, and the planning of the City of Medan in Dutch East Indies2
The emergence and evolution of workers’ villages in early New China2
Planning history and everyday urban change: an appreciation of J.W.R. Whitehand (1938–2021)2
Obituary: Jean-Louis Cohen (20 July 1949–7 August 2023)2
Influenza pandemic and the development of public health infrastructure in Bombay city, 1919–19352
The cleanliness of otherness: epidemics, informal urbanization and urban degeneration in early twentieth-century Madrid2
Conjectures on an absence: Latin American planning thought, seen in the mirror of Revolutionary Cuba2
Paternal partnerships: how Aramco transformed Saudi environments, bodies, minds, and homes, c. 1930–1970s2
Wilful ignorance at Waterloo: public housing quality and political stigma in Sydney's largest estate renewal1
Frederick Law Olmsted. Architecte du paysage [Frederick Law Olmsted: architect of landscape]1
Davids and the Goliath at Downtown: why central Auckland’s largest post-war urban renewal scheme could not be stopped1
Not wholly belonging: British planning’s uncertain European connections1
The assembly of locally rooted industrial networks in the Pearl River Delta region: insights for the regeneration of industrial land1
Vision and practice: the 1967 Robson Report on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government1
Fabricating Lureland - a history of the imagination and memory of Peacehaven, a speculative interwar garden city development by the sea1
The modernity of the Regional Planning Association of America1
Historia de las Villas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Desde los orígenes hasta nuestros días [History of the shantytowns in the city of Buenos Aires: from the origins to the present]1
Two technical assistance methods: the activity of the Ford Foundation in Chile and Argentina, 1960–19721
Formation and transformation of critical modern rural architecture: the case of the Göl Village Institute Campus in Kastamonu, Türkiye1
An analysis of the small planned towns built for the workers of the Badajoz Plan dams in Spain1
The social psychologist as planner: the pioneering work of Oscar Oeser in urban and rural communities in mid-twentieth century Australia1
Black Arts/West and the ironies of development in Seattle’s ‘Other America’1
Bangkok utopia: modern architecture and Buddhist felicities, 1910–19731
Race, Faith and Planning in Britain1
The making of a model town: planning in a Princely city and the All-India Sanitary Conferences1
Israel’s largest landfill rehabilitation: creative landscape design as a catalyst for a functioning metropolis1
20th IPHS biennial conference report1
Reshaping the frontier landscape: Dongchuan in 18th-century Southwest China1
Rehearsing experts and ‘inperts’: crossing transnational housing narratives in West Africa1
Building Roma Capitale: knowing and interpreting the city of the past (1870–1925)1
Clean water supply and urban hygiene control in colonial Semarang, Indonesia1
Pseudo-public spaces in Chinese shopping malls: Rise, publicness and consequences1
Bratislava (un)planned city1
How did the idea of the garden suburb emerge in the 1970s? An analysis based on the performance of the City of São Paulo Company in São Paulo1
Trophy cities: a feminist perspective on new capitals1
L’architetto integrale and Gustavo Giovannoni’s role in education and cultural dissemination0
How cities matter0
Stabilization and change under planning and everyday practices – the politics of becoming public space in Dharavi, Mumbai0
Housing low-income populations as a Cold War geostrategic tool. The case of the Instituto de Credito Territorial’s Ciudad Kennedy in Colombia0
Petroleumscapes and the urban fabric: a study of hinterland development in Cepu, Indonesia0
Spatial Transformation of Tehran between two political upheavals (1953-1979); an analytical approach to making a middle eastern metropolitan region0
Charles Rice, Atrium0
A New Town and a numbers game: Runcorn, Merseyside, and Liverpool0
The anniversaries of the Ecole d’urbanisme de Paris (1919–1969–2019)0
Southern regionalism: social science and regional-national planning in the interwar U.S. South0
Product and process: New York’s Model Cities vest-pocket housing and rehabilitation programme0
Recent evolution of housing finance policy and development agendas in Mexico0
Landed internationals. Planning cultures, the academy and the making of the modern Middle East0
Urbanism of zines: the potential of environmentalist zines as sources for planning history0
China’s architecture in a globalising world: between socialism and market0
Romanian water-cure resorts and the state before the Second World War: health, leisure and public-private partnership0
Evolving security motifs, Olympic spectacle and urban planning legacy: from militarization to security-by-design0
Merlin Chowkwanyun, All Health Politics is Local0
The urban planning transformation of Jaffa: pre and post-1948 perspectives0
Housing matters in the 1970s: foundations, legacies, and impacts from the national laboratory for civil engineering’s research in Portugal0
Parallel and overlapping temporalities of city fabric, the New York Parkway Odyssey: 1870s–2000s0
CINVA: un proyecto latinoamericano 1951-19720
Résonnances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara [Resonances from the Oases. Sensitive approaches to the urban in the Sahara]0
Dwelling on the green line: privatize and rule in Israel/Palestine0
From Utopias to Roman residential realities: the golden era of Roman social housing 1919–19320
À Beira da Cidade: Política e Poética do Loteamento [On the edge of the city: politics and poetics of land subdivision]0
Urban design in the 20th century. A history0
The biogeopolitics of cities: a critical enquiry across Jerusalem, Phnom Penh, Toronto0
Hebei New Area in Tianjin, 1902–1912 – implementing Japanese commercial and industrial urban planning ideas in China0
Israel’s planning historiography: interrogating spatio-temporal discourse and ‘whiteness’0
Queer premises: LGBTQ + venues in London since the 1980s0
Interurban knowledge exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870–19500
‘Captains of industry’ of the metropolitan nexus: private mass housing development in twentieth-century Belgium0
A review of housing policy in post-war Yugoslavia and Kosovo0
Urban lowlands: a history of neighborhoods, poverty, and planning0
Photographs and the practice of history: a short primer0
Protecting the historical city – urban regeneration in Eastern Germany during the 1990s as a starting point for a sustainable urban development?0
Housing the nascent middle class: the first high-rise planned community in post-war Hong Kong0
Who owns public spaces? The trailblazer exhibition on women’s everyday life in the City of Vienna (1991)0
Have the Olympics outgrown cities? A longitudinal comparative analysis of the growth and planning of the Olympics and former host cities0
Manila’s Architectural Heritage 1571-1960. Volume 1 The Center: Intramuros, Binondo, San Nicolas, Tondo Manila’s Architectural Heritage 1571-1960. Volume 1 The Center: Intramuros, Binon0
Olympic urbanism: past, present and future0
The art of preserving and building cities in Italy (1860–1930): legacies and actors0
The patchwork planning of a welfare landscape: reappraising the role of leisure planning in the Swedish welfare state0
Torino 1914–1976: La costruzione della città dalla prima guerra mondiale alla guerra fredda/Turin 1914–1976: building the city from World War I to the Cold War [in Italian and English]0
Global ideas and cultural responsiveness: why new towns in Israel and Brazil are not the same0
La città degli igienisti. Riforme e utopie sanitarie nell’Italia umbertina [The city of hygienists. Health reforms and utopias in Umbertine Italy]0
Peripheralization through mass housing urbanization in Hong Kong, Mexico City, and Paris0
Rödabergsområdet: a verdant small town idyll within the city0
Revisiting the Australian Government’s Growth Centres programme 1972–19750
Architecture and Urbanism in a contact zone: histories of difference migrancy and dwelling in Kolkata0
Review of Marcel Smets, Fondements du Projet Urbain, translation from the Dutch ‘Fundamenten van het stadsontwerp’, 20200
‘University in the city’: Percy Johnson-Marshall and the reconstruction of Edinburgh’s South Side, 1961–760
Environmental changes and the first Olympic Winter Games. Infrastructure projects for ‘Chamonix 1924’0
The aftermath of failure. Paris, 1992–2012: the urban economy of a host Olympic City0
Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape0
Designing San Francisco: art, land, and urban renewal in the city by the Bay0
Retrospect and prospect: a review of research contributions on China’s planning history (2011-2020)0
All health politics is local0
The planning of the Beijing Legation Quarter and the multiple identities of post-colonial heritage (1950s–2010s)0
A 90th birthday tributeAnthony D. King: an appreciation0
Governor’s houses: unique Gothenburg workers’ housing0
Taming ‘wild’ Vienna? The handling of informal settlements by the planning authorities – perspectives, discourse, (counter)actions in the interwar and post-war periods0
Rare yet relevant: Trondheim Cooperative Housing Association0
A plan to guide rather than to master: the urbanism of negotiation on the Île de Nantes0
The establishment process of Türk Traktör between 1948 and 1963: a critique of ‘modernization’ as development in Early Cold War Turkey0
The pursuit of permanence: regulating land for socio-economic stability in a colonial Massachusetts town0
Im Gleichschritt. Der Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin im Nationalsozialismus0
Skelmersdale: design and implementation of a British new town, 1961–19850
The role of Dutch civil engineering in modern port planning in Japan (1870s–1890s)0
Reassembling Marseille’s mosaic: urban planning in service of a post-World War II imagined identity0
The past, present and future of African cities: commemorating the life and work of Bill Freund0
Post-war architecture between Italy and the UK: exchanges and transcultural influences0
Everyday sectarianism in urban Lebanon: infrastructures, public services, and power0
Epidemics, Planning and the City: A Special Issue of Planning Perspectives0
Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s historic peninsula: musealization and urban conservation0
Deconstructing Cerdá: historical approaches in his three urban planning theories (1855–1867)0
Garden suburb: path and reinterpretations of an ideal: London, Paris and São Paulo0
Tracking the morphology of building types and site planning layouts within Seoul’s reconstructed and redeveloped apartment complexes0
From Model Reform Country to Critic: Chile and its cooperation with the USA in urban planning and housing under Eduardo Frei Montalva (1964–1970)0
Against the commons: a radical history of urban planning0
Seminars on urban design and the constitution of the discipline in mid-1980s Brazil0
Planning ports in proximity: Koper and Trieste after 19450
Hallman in Stockholm: the garden-city movement in artistic town planning for working-class families0
Replacing place with space: the influences and the challenges of the new norm on the Milan-Cortina Winter Games 20260
Out of stock: the warehouse in the history of capitalism0
President’s address*0
Urban legends: the South Bronx in representation and ruin0
Ngā pūtahitanga/Crossings: the 2022 joint conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group0
The pathogenic city: disease, dirt and the planning of Dublin’s Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Markets0
八大重点城市规划——新中国成立初期的城市规划历史研究 (第二版) [The Planning of Eight Key New Industrial Cities: Urban Planning History of the People's Republic of China in the 1950s (Second Version)]0
Planning and damming: know-how, logistics, and organization of Italian corporates in Africa0
Controversies surrounding Japan’s ‘flexible’ urban planning: a comparative analysis of consensus-building and public engagement in Tokyo’s redevelopment projects0
The Regional Planning Association of America: Past and Future0
Agricultural land change, planning and urbanisation: a case study from Erzurum, Türkiye (1940–2022)0
Plague, quarantine, and environmental design in nineteenth century Odesa0
News from the Modern Front: Constantinos A. Doxiadis’s Ekistics, the United Nations, and the post-war discourse on housing, building and planning0
A research agenda for US land use and planning law0
A Maravilhosa Fábrica de Virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711–1822)0
Colonial legacies and contemporary urban planning practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh0
Košice, Bratislava, Prague. De la planification urbaine à la ville-région0
On balance: architecture and vertigo On balance: architecture and vertigo , by Davide Deriu, London, Lund Humphrys, 2023, 256 pp, £300
Il senso delle donne per la città. Curiosità, ingegno, apertura. [Women’s sense for the city. Curiosity, ingenuity, opening]0
Building the capital city: Maria Ponti Pasolini, the Passeggiata Archeologica and the planning of Rome (1887-1917)0
Theorizing the postcolonial city of Kuching: the socio-spatial production of colonial logistics0
Local planning in the national provisions of the Polish Building Code of 1928 - a forgotten legacy0
Tiexi Workers’ Village: shaping collective life in socialist China from the 1950s to the 1970s0
Arquitetura Evanescente, o desaparecimento de edifícios cariocas em perspectiva histórica [Evanescent architecture, the disappearing of Rio de Janeiro buildings from a historical perspective]0
Lessons from the British and French new towns: paradise lost?0
The park built by the modern Wuxi gentry (1905–1930): a special space under local power interaction0
Plus ça change? Recent sources on architectural modernism, urbanism and the city0
Ford’s network: the American-Yugoslav project and the circulation of urban planning expertise in the Cold War0
VI International Seminar on Urban Form – Hispanic (ISUF-H) 2022. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid0
Port-railway connection in Setúbal (Portugal) – an understanding of the past for a sustainable future0
Unabhängige Historikerkommission “Planen und Bauen im Nationalsozialismus” [Independent Commission of Historians “Planning and Construction during National Socialism”0
Tripoli coloniale. Histoire sociale et économique d’une ville sous domination italienne [Colonial Tripoli: social and economic history of a city under Italian Rule]0
A hole in the wall: French colonial planning approaches and the building of the Central Market in Rabat, Morocco (1922–1925)0
Tra simili, Storie incrociate dei quartieri italiani del secondo dopoguerra [Of the same type: connected stories of Italian neighbourhoods since the Second World War]0
The Dutch ‘Gateway to Europe’ spatial policy narrative, 1980–2020: a systematic review0
A 2200-year-old document of planning history: the border city planning system in Chao Cuo’s memorials to the throne0
Report from the 19th International Planning History Society Conference: July 5–6 2022, Delft, The Netherlands0
The Olympic Effect in strategic planning: insights from candidate cities0
For the defence of Florence: site-specific urbanism versus sanitary planning0
Bioregional urbanism: reflecting on the legacy of the RPAA through the lens of Jaqueline Tyrwhitt0
‘Living beyond its present means’: World Bank push and local pushback over lowest-cost housing for postcolonial Dakar0
Unpacking the intricacies of urban development in Eswatini: from fragmentation to integration0
Taking critical junctures seriously: theory and method for causal analysis of rapid institutional change0
Through the bridges: the Black Cultural Association in São Paulo, urban planning and the contours of the white city0
From HURPI to community corridor: the evolution of the central linear axis in South Korean new towns0
Minimum government assistance: planning cottage resettlement areas in post-war Hong Kong0
Dourgouti and Tavros: the development of two Athenian neighbourhoods with social housing estates0
Urban design in the 20th century: a history0
The shape of things to come, Hong Kong's infrastructural city fabric: 1989–20200
In the Skin of the City. Spatial transformation in Luanda0
From home to work to shop to home: the planned retail chain in Soviet Lithuania, 1960s–1980s0
Report on the XXXI International Seminar on Urban Form Conference, São Paulo, Brazil, 16–20 September 20240
Atlas histórico del urbanismo español0
Diverging space for deviants: the politics of Atlanta’s public housing0
Joint City: cross-border planning diffusion, local elites, and planning practices – case studies of Kouang-Tchéou-Wan and Swatow, 1898–19450
Unveiling the neo-Moroccan city: a historical exploration of Casablanca's Habous district (1917-1926)0
Planning at the edge: urbanism and socio-political transition in Chelas, Lisbon0
Concrete city: material flows and urbanization in West Africa0
The UK levelling up strategy and changing the spatial economy0
The new urban aesthetic: digital experiences of urban change0
The post-war reconstruction planning of London0
A Construção do Algarve. Arquitectura Moderna, Regionalismo e Identidade no Sul de Portugal, 1925–1965 [Algarve Building. Modernism, Regionalism and Architecture in the South of Portugal, 1925–1965]Ri0
Tokyo as an Olympic city across modern history: planning culture as the intangible heritage from a century of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games0
Festival cities – culture, planning and urban life0
Pensando as Favelas Cariocas: Memória e Outras Abordagens Teóricas [Thinking the favelas of Rio de Janeiro: memory and other theoretical approaches]0
Airbnb, short-term rentals and the future of housing0
‘Beyond repair’: modernism, renewal and the conservation of Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market, 1967–760
The enduring importance of strategic vision in planning: the case of the West Midlands Green Belt0
Planning a Christian campus in Quasi-colonial China: Lingnan University, Guangzhou, 1904–19310
Le prolétariat ne se promène pas nu. Moscou en projets [The proletariat does not walk naked. Moscow through its projects]0
Ebenezer Howard: inventor of the garden city0
Replanning and rebuilding cities damaged by catastrophe: thePlanning Perspectivescontribution0
Eforie Sud from glory to oblivion - a historical and urbanistic overview of the first balneoclimatic resort of Romania. 1898–20240
Cairo Collage. Everyday life practices after the event0
Electrifying Mexico: technology and the transformation of a modern city0
The Routledge handbook of infrastructure design: global perspectives from architectural history0
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) experts’ contribution in the establishment of the University of Patras0
Imagining Manila: literature, empire, and orientalism0
Hamburger und Altonaer Reformwohnungsbau der 1920er Jahre – Vergleichende Perspektiven von Modellen der Moderne0
Biagio Rossetti secondo Bruno Zevi [Biagio Rossetti according to Bruno Zevi]0
‘The core’: the centre as a concept in twentieth-century British planning and architecture.Part one: the emergence of the idea0
Corridors as empty signifiers: the entanglement of Mozambique’s colonial past and present in its development corridors0
Landscapes of housing: design and planning in the history of environmental thought0
From the RPAA to the RDCA – communitarian regionalism as a consistent theme0
A century of urban planning for Zanzibar’s other side, 1923–20230
The making of Canberra as captured on film (1900–1945)0
All cities should have a dream: in memoriam Jaime Lerner0
Broker power: real estate brokers in the St. Louis Model Cities program, 1966–19750
Building colonial Hong Kong: speculative development and segregation in the city0
The urban parks in Nanjing, 1900s–2000s: a brief introduction0
London’s global office economy: from clerical factory to digital hub0
Shaping early twentieth century Rome: the AACAR and the contributions of Filippo Galassi and Gustavo Giovannoni0
Historia y memoria de villas y favelas0
Colonial toxicity: rehearsing French radioactive architecture and landscape in the Sahara0
Asuntos y debates en torno a las instalaciones militares en abandon. Una reseña en perspectiva internacional [Questions and debates around the military installations in abandonment. An international o0
‘The first rearguard battle’: an analysis of the autarkic (re)planning for Spanish grain agriculture, 1937–19590