Journal of Applied Statistics

(The median citation count of Journal of Applied Statistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Model-based joint curve registration and classification35
Point estimation and related classification problems for several Lindley populations with application using COVID-19 data29
Kernel mixed and Kernel stochastic restricted ridge predictions in the partially linear mixed measurement error models: an application to COVID-1928
Confidence intervals for ratios of means applied to corpus-based word frequency classes27
A new flexible regression model with application to recovery probability Covid-19 patients25
Spatio-temporal modeling of traffic accidents incidence on urban road networks based on an explicit network triangulation21
K-Bessel regression model for speckled data18
Bootstrapping a powerful mixed portmanteau test for time series17
Isotonic regression for metallic microstructure data: estimation and testing under order restrictions16
Regression-based rectangular tolerance regions as reference regions in laboratory medicine16
Asymmetric autoregressive models: statistical aspects and a financial application under COVID-19 pandemic16
Penalized robust learning for optimal treatment regimes with heterogeneous individualized treatment effects15
Monitoring SEIRD model parameters using MEWMA for the COVID-19 pandemic with application to the state of Qatar15
Inference on exponentiated Rayleigh distribution with constant stress partially accelerated life tests under progressive type-II censoring15
Classifying contaminated cell cultures using time series features15
Analysis of medians under two-way model with and without interaction for Birnbaum–Saunders distributed response14
Circular analyses of dates on patients with gastric carcinoma13
A hierarchical Bayesian approach for modeling the evolution of the 7-day moving average of the number of deaths by COVID-1913
Statistical estimation and comparison of group-specific bivariate correlation coefficients in family-type clustered studies12
Inference for depending competing risks from Marshall–Olikin bivariate Kies distribution under generalized progressive hybrid censoring12
Distribution-free Phase II triple EWMA control chart for joint monitoring the process location and scale parameters12
Conservative confidence intervals for the intraclass correlation coefficient for clustered binary data12
Causal mediation analysis between resistance exercise and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease based on the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study12
Nonparametric estimation of mean residual lifetime in ranked set sampling with a concomitant variable11
A new family of quantile regression models applied to nutritional data11
Functional principal component models for sparse and irregularly spaced data by Bayesian inference11
Determination of new multiple deferred state sampling plan with economic perspective under Weibull distribution11
Multicriteria decision frontiers for prescription anomaly detection over time11
Incomplete clustering analysis via multiple imputation10
A family of bimodal distributions generated by distributions with positive support9
Performance of diagnostic tests based on continuous bivariate markers9
A non-linear integer-valued autoregressive model with zero-inflated data series9
A hidden Markov modeling approach combining objective measure of activity and subjective measure of self-reported sleep to estimate the sleep-wake cycle9
A continuous age-specific standardized mortality ratio for estimating the unascertained rates in the early epidemic of COVID-19 in different regions9
TreeKDE: clustering multivariate data based on decision tree and using one-dimensional kernel density estimation9
Robust multi-outcome regression with correlated covariate blocks using fused LAD-lasso8
Efficient design of geographically-defined clusters with spatial autocorrelation8
Goodness of fit tests for random multigraph models8
Smoothing regression and impact measures for accidents of traffic flows8
On diagnostic accuracy measure with cut-points criterion for ordinal disease classification based on concordance and discordance7
Prediction and model evaluation for space–time data7
A general class of trimodal distributions: properties and inference7
On a log-symmetric quantile tobit model applied to female labor supply data7
A novel group VIF regression for group variable selection with application to multiple change-point detection7
Type-II progressive censoring with GLM-based random removal mechanism dependent on the experimental conditions6
The efficient design of Nested Group Testing algorithms for disease identification in clustered data6
Estimation of time-varying kernel densities and chronology of the impact of COVID-19 on financial markets6
Machine learning and design of experiments with an application to product innovation in the chemical industry6
A size-of-loss model for the negatively skewed insurance claims data: applications, risk analysis using different methods and statistical forecasting6
A multivariate zero-inflated binomial model for the analysis of correlated proportional data6
Smoothing level selection for density estimators based on the moments6
Testing the reliability of forecasting systems6
Latent class profile model with time-dependent covariates: a study on symptom patterning of patients for head and neck cancer6
Three approaches to supervised learning for compositional data with pairwise logratios6
Diagnostics for categorical response models based on quantile residuals and distance measures6
Bayesian selector of adaptive bandwidth for multivariate gamma kernel estimator on [0,∞ )d6
Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis , authored by Leonard Kaufman and Peter J. Rousse6
A Markov random field model with cumulative logistic functions for spatially dependent ordinal data6
Modeling bivariate geyser eruption system with covariate-adjusted recurrent event process6
Robust inference for skewed data in health sciences5
A two-sample nonparametric test for one-sided location-scale alternative5
Matching a discrete distribution by Poisson matching quantiles estimation5
Stochastic cusp catastrophe model and its Bayesian computations5
A defective cure rate quantile regression model for male breast cancer data5
MSE superiority of the unrestricted Stein-rule estimator in a regression model with a possible structural break5
Shrinkage estimation of fixed and random effects in linear quantile mixed models5
Forecasting economic growth by combining local linear and standard approaches5
A robust distance-based approach for detecting multidimensional outliers5
Heteroscedastic partially linear model under skew-normal distribution with application in ragweed pollen concentration4
Hierarchical marketing mix models with sign constraints4
The re-parameterized inverse Gaussian regression to model length of stay of COVID-19 patients in the public health care system of Piracicaba, Brazil4
Confounding adjustment methods for multi-level treatment comparisons under lack of positivity and unknown model specification4
Optimal design of stress levels in accelerated degradation testing for multivariate linear degradation models4
Parametric inference of the process capability index for exponentiated exponential distribution4
Combining phenotypic and genomic data to improve prediction of binary traits4
Regularized regression when covariates are linked on a network: the 3CoSE algorithm4
Application of the skew exponential power distribution to ROC curves4
The integrated nested Laplace approximation applied to spatial log-Gaussian Cox process models4
Bayesian doubly robust estimation of causal effects for clustered observational data4
Estimation procedures and optimal censoring schemes for an improved adaptive progressively type-II censored Weibull distribution4
To impute or not? Testing multivariate normality on incomplete dataset: revisiting the BHEP test4
Joint modelling of mental health markers through pregnancy: a Bayesian semi-parametric approach4
Efficient fully Bayesian approach to brain activity mapping with complex-valued fMRI data4
An approach for knowledge acquisition from a survey data by conducting Bayesian network modeling, adopting the robust coplot method4
Data-driven choice of a model selection method in joinpoint regression4
A generalized likelihood ratio test for monitoring profile data4
Fast inference for robust nonlinear mixed-effects models4
A comparison of single- and double-threshold ROC plots for mixture distributions4
Integrative analysis of high-dimensional quantile regression with contrasted penalization4
Diagnostic checks in time series models based on a new correlation coefficient of residuals4
Assessing the discriminatory power of loss given default models4
Bayesian approaches to variable selection in mixture models with application to disease clustering4
On summary ROC curve for dichotomous diagnostic studies: an application to meta-analysis of COVID-193
Estimation for volunteer web survey samples using a model-averaging approach3
Inference under multivariate size-biased sampling3
Z-residual diagnostic tool for assessing covariate functional form in shared frailty models3
A robust and efficient change point detection method for high-dimensional linear models3
Bayesian modeling framework for optimizing pre-hospital stroke triage decisions3
A hierarchical Bayesian analysis for bivariate Weibull distribution under left-censoring scheme3
Dealing with missing data under stratified sampling designs where strata are study domains3
Bootstrap aggregated classification for sparse functional data3
A test for comparing conditional ROC curves with multidimensional covariates3
Fast maximum likelihood estimation for general hierarchical models3
A Bayesian nonparametric model for bounded directional data on the positive orthant of the unit sphere3
Review of Bayesian selection methods for categorical predictors using JAGS3
A new multivariate t distribution with variant tail weights and its application in robust regression analysis3
Statistical methods for dynamic disease screening and spatio-temporal disease surveillance3
Non-proportional hazards model with a PVF frailty term: application with a melanoma dataset3
A combined superiority and non-inferiority procedure for comparing predictive values of two diagnostic tests3
Identifying waves of COVID-19 mortality using skew normal curves3
Reliability analysis based on doubly-truncated and interval-censored data3
A robust latent CUSUM chart for monitoring customer attrition3
Jointly modelling multiple transplant outcomes by a competing risk model via functional principal component analysis3
Multipopulation mortality modelling and forecasting: the weighted multivariate functional principal component approaches3
Forward variable selection for random forest models3
Classification and severity progression measure of COVID-19 patients using pairs of multi-omic factors3
Penalized likelihood methods for modeling count data3
Modelling and monitoring of INAR(1) process with geometrically inflated Poisson innovations3
KCBC – a correlation-based method for co-localization analysis of super-resolution microscopy images using bivariate Ripley's K functions3
COVINet: a deep learning-based and interpretable prediction model for the county-wise trajectories of COVID-19 in the United States3
Optimal design of variables switch-based sampling scheme for verifying Weibull distributed product lifetimes3
Tests of covariate effects under finite Gaussian mixture regression models3
A novel ranked k -nearest neighbors algorithm for missing data imputation3
Model-assisted estimation in high-dimensional settings for survey data3
Assessing adult physical activity and compliance with 2008 CDC guidelines using a Bayesian two-part measurement error model3
Personalized treatment selection using observational data3
Inference for a discretized stochastic logistic differential equation and its application to biological growth3
A Bayesian approach for de-duplication in the presence of relational data3
On detecting the effect of exposure mixture3
A latent space model and Hotelling's T2 control chart to monitor the networks of Covid-19 symptoms3
Family of bivariate distributions on the unit square: theoretical properties and applications2
Multiple comparisons of treatment against control under unequal variances using parametric bootstrap2
A novel outlier statistic in multivariate survival models and its application to identify unusual under-five mortality sub-districts in Malawi2
A discrete Weibull proportional odds survival model2
Statistical clustering of documents via stochastic blockmodels2
A novel Phase II single-arm hybrid design to minimize trial duration and enhance subsequent Phase III trial success rate2
A Lindley–binomial model for analyzing the proportions with sparseness and excessive zeros2
Multi-resolution super learner for voxel-wise classification of prostate cancer using multi-parametric MRI2
Estimation for two Gompertz populations under a balanced joint progressive Type-II censoring scheme2
The zero-and-plus/minus-one inflated extended-Poisson distribution2
Ensemble and calibration multiply robust estimation for quantile treatment effect2
Robust estimation and bias-corrected empirical likelihood in generalized linear models with right censored data2
Alternative statistical modeling for radical prostatectomy data2
Correction Notice2
Some properties of stop-loss moments under biased sampling2
Spot It!and balanced block designs: keys to better debate architecture for a plethora of candidates in presidential primaries?2
Time series modelling methods to forecast the volume of self-assessment tax returns in the UK2
Sparse kernel k -means clustering2
Evaluation of phase I clinical trial designs for combinational agents along with guidance based on simulation studies2
A novel two-way functional linear model with applications in human mortality data analysis2
Predicting dichotomised outcomes from high-dimensional data in biomedicine2
Model estimation and selection for partial linear varying coefficient EV models with longitudinal data2
Exact inference for disease prevalence based on a test with unknown specificity and sensitivity2
The generalized odd log-logistic-G regression with interval-censored survival data2
Modeling multivariate cyber risks: deep learning dating extreme value theory2
A resample-replace lasso procedure for combining high-dimensional markers with limit of detection2
Outcome-guided Bayesian clustering for disease subtype discovery using high-dimensional transcriptomic data2
A double generally weighted moving average control chart for monitoring the process variability2
Modeling the time to dropout under phase-wise variable stress fixed cohort setup2
A one-sided exponentially weighted moving average control chart for time between events2
A robust estimation method for the linear regression model parameters with correlated error terms and outliers2
Minimum regularized covariance determinant and principal component analysis-based method for the identification of high leverage points in high dimensional sparse data2
Forecasting waved daily COVID-19 death count series with a novel combination of segmented Poisson model and ARIMA models2
A multivariate spatiotemporal model for tracking COVID-19 incidence and death rates in socially vulnerable populations2
Mixed Lasso estimator for stochastic restricted regression models2
Goodness-of-fit test for the one-sided Lévy distribution2
Current status data with two competing risks and time-dependent missing failure types2
The balanced discrete Burr–Hatke model and mixing INAR(1) process: properties, estimation, forecasting and COVID-19 applications2
A survival tree based on stabilized score tests for high-dimensional covariates2
Instrumental variable estimation for functional concurrent regression models2
A first-order binomial-mixed Poisson integer-valued autoregressive model with serially dependent innovations2
Regression models using the LINEX loss to predict lower bounds for the number of points for approximating planar contour shapes2
The spike-and-slab lasso and scalable algorithm to accommodate multinomial outcomes in variable selection problems2
Model averaging in calibration of near-infrared instruments with correlated high-dimensional data2
A more powerful test for three-arm non-inferiority via risk difference: Frequentist and Bayesian approaches2
Component selection for exponential power mixture models2
Testing serial correlation in a general d -factor model with possible infinite variance2
Classification of histogram-valued data with support histogram machines2
Review of the third edition of sampling: design and analysis1
Joint modeling of an outcome variable and integrated omics datasets using GLM-PO2PLS1
A random effect regression based on the odd log-logistic generalized inverse Gaussian distribution1
A stationary Weibull process and its applications1
An improved agricultural household margin insurance scheme with insured–insurer risk protection: a time-varying copula approach1
An adjusted partial least squares regression framework to utilize additional exposure information in environmental mixture data analysis1
kppmenet: combining the kppm and elastic net regularization for inhomogeneous Cox point process with correlated covariates1
A Bayesian spatial voting model to characterize the legislative behavior of the Colombian Senate 2010–20141
Clustering in point processes on linear networks using nearest neighbour volumes1
Inference for partially observed competing risks model for Kumaraswamy distribution under generalized progressive hybrid censoring1
GARTFIMA process and its empirical spectral density based estimation1
A semiparametric accelerated failure time-based mixture cure tree1
A simple two-step procedure using the Fellegi–Sunter model for frequency-based record linkage1
Statistical inference for distributions with one Poisson conditional1
Sparse regression for low-dimensional time-dynamic varying coefficient models with application to air quality data1
Estimation of world seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies1
Testing for genetic mutation of seasonal influenza virus1
A fusion learning method to subgroup analysis of Alzheimer's disease1
Bimodality in reentry latitude predictions for spacecraft in prograde orbits1
Robust and efficient subsampling algorithms for massive data logistic regression1
Improvedkth power expectile regression with nonignorable dropouts1
A robust Bayesian latent position approach for community detection in networks with continuous attributes1
Selection of random coefficients in ordered response models: a framework to detect heterogeneity in household surveys1
A unit-level one-inflated beta model for small area prediction of seat-belt use rates1
Solving unobserved heterogeneity with latent class inflated Poisson regression model1
Estimation and selection in linear mixed models with missing data under compound symmetric structure1
Time of week intensity estimation from partly interval censored data with applications to police patrol planning1
The heterogeneity effect of surveillance intervals on progression free survival1
A practical two-sample test for weighted random graphs1
A method for optimizing text preprocessing and text classification using multiple cycles of learning with an application on shipbrokers emails1
Dimension-wise sparse low-rank approximation of a matrix with application to variable selection in high-dimensional integrative analyzes of association1
New results on optimal conditional error functions for adaptive two-stage designs1
Time fused coefficient SIR model with application to COVID-19 epidemic in the United States1
Ultrastructural calibration model for proficiency testing1
A competing risk study of menarcheal age distribution based on non-recall current status data1
Spatial analysis for interval-valued data1
Latent trait models for perceived risk assessment using a Covid-19 data survey1
A semi-parametric Bayesian approach for detection of gene expression heterosis with RNA-seq data1
Local Linear Regression and the problem of dimensionality: a remedial strategy via a new locally adaptive bandwidths selector1
Iterative smoothing for change-point regression function estimation1
Goodness-of-fit tests for the one-sided Lévy distribution based on quantile conditional moments1
Complexities of information sources1
Optimal Poisson subsampling decorrelated score for high-dimensional generalized linear models1
A control chart for bivariate discrete data monitoring1
A new approach to modeling positive random variables with repeated measures1
A novel M-Lognormal–Burr regression model with varying threshold for modeling heavy-tailed claim severity data1
Developing predictive precision medicine models by exploiting real-world data using machine learning methods1
Editorial to the special issue: Recent statistical methods for data analysis, applied economics, business & finance1
A bivariate load-sharing model1
Bayesian hierarchical models for the prediction of the driver flow and passenger waiting times in a stochastic carpooling service1
Significance testing of rank cross-correlations between autocorrelated time series with short-range dependence1
A one-parameter discrete distribution for over-dispersed data: statistical and reliability properties with applications1
Mixed-level designs with orthogonality and relatively optimal run order1
Depth-based statistical analysis in the spike train space1
Compound truncated Poisson gamma distribution for understanding multimodal SAR intensities1
Estimation of accelerated hazards models based on case K informatively interval-censored failure time data1
Reparametrized generalized gamma partially linear regression with application to breast cancer data1
Tail conditional moment for generalized skew-elliptical distributions1
Monitoring the inverted exponentiated half logistic quantiles under the adaptive progressive type II hybrid censoring scheme1
LIC criterion for optimal subset selection in distributed interval estimation1
Testing nonlinearity of heavy-tailed time series1
Time-varying coefficient model estimation through radial basis functions1
An optimized machine learning technology scheme and its application in fault detection in wireless sensor networks1
Misspecification of a binary dependent variable in the logistic model controlling for the repeated longitudinal measures1
A supervised weeding method to cluster high dimensional predictors with application to job market analysis1
The unit log–log distribution: a new unit distribution with alternative quantile regression modeling and educational measurements applications1
Conformal normal curvature and detection of masked observations in multivariate null intercept measurement error models1
Parameter estimation for stable distributions and their mixture1
Improved maximum likelihood estimation of the shape-scale family based on the generalized progressive hybrid censoring scheme1
Doubly multivariate linear models with block exchangeable distributed errors and site-dependent covariates1
Multiple observers ranked set samples for shrinkage estimators1
Semiparametric partial linear modeling of risk factors for ear infections: the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study1