International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship

(The H4-Index of International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
SMEs and exogenous shocks: A conceptual literature review and forward research agenda80
The geographical impact of the Covid-19 crisis on precautionary savings, firm survival and jobs: Evidence from the United Kingdom’s 100 largest towns and cities56
The Covid-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom and subjective well-being: Have the self-employed suffered more due to hours and income reductions?46
Performance stability among small and medium-sized enterprises during COVID-19: A test of the efficacy of dynamic capabilities45
Start-ups’ business model changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Counteracting adversities and pursuing opportunities44
Dynamic capabilities and performance of emerging market international new ventures: Does international entrepreneurial culture matter?41
Standing up against crisis-induced entrepreneurial uncertainty: Fewer teams, more habitual entrepreneurs36
Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship in Times of Crises: The Renaissance of Entrepreneur-Focused Micro Perspectives32
Richness in diversity: Towards more contemporary research conceptualisations of women’s entrepreneurship29
Postfeminism, hybrid mumpreneur identities and the reproduction of masculine entrepreneurship27
The door swings in and out: The impact of family support and country stability on success of women entrepreneurs in the Arab world25
Negotiating stigmatised identities: Enterprising refugee women in the United Kingdom23
The synergy of causation and effectuation in the process of entrepreneurial networking: Implications for opportunity development22
Local financial development and cash holdings in Italian SMEs21
Dynamic managerial capabilities in micro-enterprises: Stability, vulnerability and the role of managerial time allocation17
The relationship between financial distress and well-being: Exploring the role of self-employment17
Opening up the black box of family entrepreneurship across generations: A systematic literature review17
The impact of a crisis on entrepreneurial orientation of family firms: The role of organisational decline and generational change17