International Marketing Review

(The median citation count of International Marketing Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Knowledge sharing in international markets for product and process innovation: moderating role of firm's absorptive capacity53
Impact of knowledge sharing on employees' service quality: the moderating role of artificial intelligence52
An assessment of the literature on cause-related marketing: implications for international competitiveness and marketing research47
A bibliometric review ofInternational Marketing Review (IMR): past, present, and future42
The role of cultural values in consumers' evaluation of online review helpfulness: a big data approach42
Three decades of export competitiveness literature: systematic review, synthesis and future research agenda39
Big data-driven strategic orientation in international marketing38
Digital platforms and international performance of Italian SMEs: an exploitation-based overview38
Marketing innovation and internationalization in smart city development: a systematic review, framework and research agenda36
The simultaneous effect of firm capabilities and competitive strategies on export performance: the role of competitive advantages and competitive intensity36
Consumer cosmopolitanism in international marketing research: a systematic review and future research agenda33
Charting research on international luxury marketing: where are we now and where should we go next?31
Mindfulness in ethical consumption: the mediating roles of connectedness to nature and self-control31
Analysing the importance of international knowledge, orientation, networking and commitment as entrepreneurial culture and market orientation in gaining competitive advantage and international perform29
Searching for a new perspective on institutional voids, networks and the internationalisation of SMEs in emerging economies: a systematic literature review26
A network model approach to enhance knowledge sharing for internationalization readiness of SMEs26
The open innovation journey along heterogeneous modes of knowledge-intensive marketing collaborations: a cross-sectional study of innovative firms in Europe25
A bibliometric analysis of the structure and trends of customer engagement in the context of international marketing25
Luxury symbolism, self-congruity, self-affirmation and luxury consumption behavior: a comparison study of China and the US20
A structured literature review on Big Data for customer relationship management (CRM): toward a future agenda in international marketing20
Enhancing international marketing capability and export performance of emerging market SMEs in crises: strategic flexibility and digital technologies20
International marketing studies in banking and finance: a comprehensive review and integrative framework19
Global consumer culture and national identity as drivers of materialism: an international study of convergence and divergence19
Customer-centric strategy driving innovativeness and business growth in international markets19
International open innovation and international market success: an empirical study of emerging market small and medium-sized enterprises18
Drivers of attitudes toward luxury and counterfeit products: the moderating role of interpersonal influence18
Eyes open and hands on: market knowledge and marketing capabilities in export markets17
Owner CEO narcissism, international entrepreneurial orientation and post-entry speed of internationalization: an empirical study of exporting SMEs from China17
National cultures and their impact on electronic word of mouth: a systematic review16
Consumer reactions to unsustainable luxury: a cross-country analysis16
Digital tools and smart technologies in marketing: a thematic evolution16
Building dynamic capabilities for international marketing knowledge management15
How and when do exporters benefit from an international adaptation strategy? The moderating effect of formal and informal institutional distance15
Investigating the influence of absorptive capacity of recipients within cross-border transfer of knowledge: evidence from emerging markets15
How knowledge acquisition creates a competitive edge? A qualitative inquiry from international consultancy alliance15
Testing the antecedents of customer knowledge sharing on social media: a quantitative analysis on Italian consumers15
Cross-disciplinary issues in international marketing: a systematic literature review on international marketing and ethical issues15
Composite collaboration and the differentiation strategies adopted by emerging market firms in advanced markets during the COVID-19 pandemic15
The bond between country and brand stereotypes: insights on the role of brand typicality and utilitarian/hedonic nature in enhancing stereotype content transfer14
The use of social media and the prevalence of depression: a multi-country examination of value co-creation and consumer well-being14
Verifying rigor: analyzing qualitative research in international marketing13
CSR communication and international marketing: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic13
Intermediary resources and export venture performance under different export channel structures12
International entrepreneurship from emerging to developed markets: an institutional perspective12
Conflict in online consumption communities: a systematic literature review and directions for future research12
Export activity, R&D investment, and foreign ownership: does it matter for productivity?12
The impact of country of origin on consumers' pricing judgments in ecommerce settings12
Impact of nation brand experience on nation brand loyalty, and positive WOM in a changing environment: the role of nation brand love11
The myth of the universal millennial: comparing millennials’ perceptions of luxury across six countries11
The determinants of international new venture performance: a review and future research agenda11
Developing strategies for international celebrity branding: a comparative analysis between Western and South Asian cultures11
Home country institutional impact on the choice of direct vs indirect exports: an emerging markets perspective11
Growth hacking and international dynamic marketing capabilities: a conceptual framework and research propositions10
Serendipitous opportunities, entry strategy and knowledge in firms' foreign market entry10
Understanding firm survival in a global crisis10
Luxury fashion retailers' localised marketing strategies in practice – evidence from China10
Consumer animosity: the mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness10
Internationalized knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) for servitization: a microfoundation perspective10
The role of socio-psychological and personality antecedents in luxury consumption: a meta-analytic review9
The role of advertising, distribution intensity and store image in achieving global brand loyalty in an emerging market9
The interaction effect of country-of-origin positioning and cultural distance on international advertising effectiveness: a construal level perspective9
A longitudinal analysis of country image and brand origin effects9
Performance implications of export assistance: the mediating role of export entrepreneurship9
Luxury during trade tensions. The influence of economic animosity, cosmopolitanism and patriotism on intention to buy foreign luxury products8
Gamification as an innovation: a tool to improve organizational marketing performance and sustainability of international firms8
Supply chains and ecosystems for servitization: a systematic review and future research agenda8
The impact of social media communication on consumer-based brand equity and purchasing intent in a pandemic8
Employing machine learning for capturing COVID-19 consumer sentiments from six countries: a methodological illustration8
Is brand globalness compatible with brand country-of-origin? An investigation of hybrid brand positioning strategies for emerging market brands8
Effective marketing strategies for global FMCG brands during COVID-19 pandemic crisis8
Social media and international business: views and conceptual framing8
Dynamics of the termination of global alliances: probing the past, analyzing the present and defining the frontiers for future research8
The impact of luxury brand status signaling, extension authenticity and fit on luxury line extension evaluation: a cross-national study8
How do foreign customers' perceptions of product-harm crises affect their transfer of capability- and character-based stigma?8
Guest editorial: Emerging challenges in international marketing knowledge management7
A review of consumer affinity research: recent advances and future directions7
Customer involvement and servitization in hybrid offerings: moderating role of digitalization and co-creation7
Market knowledge acquisition and transfer in international SMEs: peculiarities, specifications and linkages to market success7
Priceless time – The UHNWI's most precious possession: implications for international marketing theory and practice7
Resource indivisibility, lumpy costs and the multinationality–performance relationship7
Family multinationals: a systematic literature review to take stock and look ahead7
Homefluencers' endorsement of millennial consumers' purchase intention in new normal7
Global retailers' CSR initiatives during COVID-19 crisis: a cross-cultural examination6
Product development capabilities-based export channel selection and export performance6
Drivers or passengers? A taxonomy of multinationals’ approaches to corporate social responsibility implementation in developing markets6
International dynamic marketing capabilities and international performance during the pandemic: a study of export manufacturers from Poland6
Applying reactance theory to study consumer responses to COVID restrictions: a note on model specification6
International projects and political risk management by multinational enterprises: insights from multiple emerging markets6
When does export customer responsiveness strategy contribute to export market competitive advantage?6
Advertising intensity and firm performance: the influences of firm age and cultural communication styles6
International servitization: theoretical roots, research gaps and implications6
Foreign market entry modes for servitization under diverse macroenvironmental conditions: taxonomy and propositions5
Technological knowledge and internationalization: evidence from India5
An intercultural, interpersonal relationship development framework5
The importance of the export country's environmental image for consumer responses to an imported environmentally friendly product5
Enhancing servitization by international consumer integration: the influence of open innovation and co-creation5
International servitization of SMEs in emerging markets: antecedents and boundary conditions5
The impact of innovation aspiration shortfall and CEO origin on emerging economy firms' international expansion: evidence from China5
A longitudinal analysis of revenue management strategies and measures implemented in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 crisis5
How do marketing activities influence organizational reputation in higher education institutions? An impression management perspective across eight countries5
International dynamic marketing capabilities: developments and a research agenda5
Intellectual capital in nonprofit organizations: a focus on social capital as a marketing enabler5
Quiet versus loud luxury: the influence of overt and covert narcissism on young Chinese and US luxury consumers' preferences?5
Systematic review of international marketing capabilities in dynamic capabilities view – calibrating research on international dynamic marketing capabilities5
A global marketing logic: local stakeholders’ influence in diverse emerging markets5
Consumer-to-consumer conflicts and brand moderation strategies during COVID-19 service failures: a framework for international marketers4
Performance implication of exploration and exploitation in foreign markets: the role of marketing capability and operation flexibility4
Unconventional luxury brand collaborations: a new form of luxury consumption among young adults in China4
The dual impetus for perceived brand globalness and brand competence in a rapidly changing environment: the role of Brand-Nation Connection4
Consumer pandemic animosity: scale development and validation4
Contextual influences on marketing and consumerism: an East Asian perspective4
The power of institutions on international marketing: reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic can inform international marketing activities4
A vicarious learning perspective on the relationship between home-peer performance and export intensity among SMEs4
Managers’ process thinking skills, dynamic capabilities and performance in export ventures4