International Marketing Review

(The H4-Index of International Marketing Review is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Knowledge sharing in international markets for product and process innovation: moderating role of firm's absorptive capacity53
Impact of knowledge sharing on employees' service quality: the moderating role of artificial intelligence52
An assessment of the literature on cause-related marketing: implications for international competitiveness and marketing research47
A bibliometric review ofInternational Marketing Review (IMR): past, present, and future42
The role of cultural values in consumers' evaluation of online review helpfulness: a big data approach42
Three decades of export competitiveness literature: systematic review, synthesis and future research agenda39
Big data-driven strategic orientation in international marketing38
Digital platforms and international performance of Italian SMEs: an exploitation-based overview38
Marketing innovation and internationalization in smart city development: a systematic review, framework and research agenda36
The simultaneous effect of firm capabilities and competitive strategies on export performance: the role of competitive advantages and competitive intensity36
Consumer cosmopolitanism in international marketing research: a systematic review and future research agenda33
Charting research on international luxury marketing: where are we now and where should we go next?31
Mindfulness in ethical consumption: the mediating roles of connectedness to nature and self-control31
Analysing the importance of international knowledge, orientation, networking and commitment as entrepreneurial culture and market orientation in gaining competitive advantage and international perform29
Searching for a new perspective on institutional voids, networks and the internationalisation of SMEs in emerging economies: a systematic literature review26
A network model approach to enhance knowledge sharing for internationalization readiness of SMEs26
The open innovation journey along heterogeneous modes of knowledge-intensive marketing collaborations: a cross-sectional study of innovative firms in Europe25
A bibliometric analysis of the structure and trends of customer engagement in the context of international marketing25
Enhancing international marketing capability and export performance of emerging market SMEs in crises: strategic flexibility and digital technologies20
A structured literature review on Big Data for customer relationship management (CRM): toward a future agenda in international marketing20
Luxury symbolism, self-congruity, self-affirmation and luxury consumption behavior: a comparison study of China and the US20