British Journal of Music Education

(The TQCC of British Journal of Music Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Does learning to play an instrument have an impact on change in attainment from age 11 to 16?20
Impact of studying practical instrumental music on the psychological well-being of disadvantaged university students8
The impact of teachers’ listening habits on how much listening activity is used in music lessons5
Time for practice: implications of undergraduate pianists’ choices of repertoire4
Ethnomusicology, entrepreneurialism and the Western classical music student4
Students’ attitudes to school music and perceived barriers to GCSE music uptake: a phenomenographic approach4
Common musical mistakes in Early Childhood Education textbooks3
The musical lives of young children in Aotearoa New Zealand3
Teaching repertoires and pedagogical improvisation in music teacher practices3
Evaluation of the Early Childhood Music Education project’s influence on the development of 3- to 5-year-old children in Andalusia, Spain3
Musical development then and now: in conversation with June Boyce-Tillman3
Silent stages: COVID-19 as a catalyst for change in Canadian El Sistema and Sistema-inspired programmes2
Music achievements of being an English chorister2
‘NAOUIEDCT’ and ‘RCSSEOEUR’: harmonising complexity in the South African landscape of music literacy education in secondary schools2
Knowing ‘how to create’ in order to know ‘how to teach’? Perceptions and conditioning of Spanish music teachers in secondary education2
A scoping review of empirical studies on informal music learning2
Early twentieth-century recordings in higher music education: a preliminary analysis of the students’ views2
Improvising on a Theme: The story of the Birmingham Music Service - Improvising on a Theme: The story of the Birmingham Music Service by Cormac Loane. UCL IOE Press. 2020. Pbk, 200pp. £23.99, ISBN: 92
Exploring the potential of informal music learning in a perceived age of pedagogical traditionalism for student teachers in primary music education2
Rethinking pedagogic identities for Key Stage 3 general classroom music teacher education: an autoethnographic study2
William Salaman 1940–20231
Challenges and tension fields in classical instrumental group tuition: interviews with Swedish Art and Music School teachers1
Musical creativity in the teaching practice in Montenegrin and Slovenian primary schools1
Babysong revisited: communication with babies through song1
Practicalities of a spiral-inspired approach1
Incidental professional development in music education for generalist teaching staff through supporting pupils in expert-led authentic music projects1
‘Chasing every mark’. High stakes assessment and curriculum narrowing: the case of disciplinary literacy in the Irish secondary music classroom1
Editorial: What is music education for?1
Children’s Guided Participation in Jazz Improvisation: A Study of the ‘Improbasen’ Learning Centre. Series: SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music, by Guro Gravem Johansen. Routledge, 2021. xiv+1901
Perspectives on early childhood music: Guest Editorial1
Opera in primary education for the development of social and emotional skills: a case study from Mexico City1
Collaborative thinking across borders1
Defining music demonstration lessons: a unique performance-based lesson type improving teachers’ instructional skills in Chinese mainland education1
‘Because I’m not musical’: A critical case study of music education training for pre-service generalist primary teachers in Australia1
BME volume 40 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Creating a musical for pre-schoolers in South Africa as pedagogical praxis for a tertiary music education module1
Student-centred strategies for higher music education: using peer-to-peer critique and practice as research methodologies to train conservatoire musicians1
Investigating how composing teaching and assessment in English secondary school classrooms reinforce myths about composers and their creative practices1
Music-making for music teacher identity: perspectives from novice music teachers in South Korea1
BME volume 39 issue 1 Cover and Back matter1