Engineering Computations

(The TQCC of Engineering Computations is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stiffness reliability analysis of harmonic drive considering contact pairs wear36
Bifurcation analysis and control of an improved continuous traffic model considering weather effect20
Investigation on the wall thickness variation of an eccentric tube in the rotary draw bending process17
Segmented research and parameter optimization of double-layer vibrating screen16
The quasi-frame of the rational and polynomial Bezier curve by algorithm method in Euclidean space15
An algorithm for determining the inner and outer loops of arbitrary parametric surfaces14
Fatigue damage in bending of reinforced concrete frames using non-destructive tests for dynamic strength of the cylinder13
A weak form temporal quadrature element formulation for linear structural dynamics13
Numerical investigation of particle effect on wear characteristic of centrifugal slurry pump based on CFD-DEM coupling12
Dynamical shakedown analysis of high-rise tower structure12
Geometry error compensation using multiply laser sensors: a case study12
A complex model decomposition algorithm based on 3D frame fields and features11
Method and finite element verification of indentation calculation for a novel air-spring mattress: for estimating spinal alignment in sleep postures11
An improved high-dimensional Kriging modeling method utilizing maximal information coefficient11
Explainable boosted combining global and local feature multivariate regression model for deformation prediction during braced deep excavations11
A new path plan method based on hybrid algorithm of reinforcement learning and particle swarm optimization10
Hydraulic loss characteristics of closed-loop piping system during start-up process of mixed-flow pump10
Bi-objective green in-house transportation scheduling and fleet size determination in mixed-model assembly lines with mobile robots9
Synergetic energy-conscious scheduling optimization of part feeding systems via a novel chaotic reference-guided policy9
Computational approach and convergence analysis for interval-based solution of the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation with imprecise parameters9
Dynamic asymptotic model of rolling bearings with a pitting fault based on fractional damping9
An implicit solution method for digital construction of temperature fields in concrete structures based on point temperature measurements9
Shape and topology optimal design problems in electromagnetic casting9
Solution of the 3D Helmholtz equation using barycentric Lagrange interpolation collocation method8
Improved method for analysing the dynamic response of gear transmission systems8
Dynamic analysis of a highway bridge beam under the passage of compound heavy trucks with multiple trailers8
Mesh refinement of finite element method for free vibration analysis of variable geometrical rotating cylindrical shells8
A CAE-oriented mesh hole-filling algorithm focusing on geometry and quality8
Analysis and numerical solution of dynamic Jiles–Atherton model applied to hysteresis modeling for giant magnetostrictive materials8
Three-dimensional natural frequency investigation of bidirectional FG truncated thick hollow cone8
A neural network approach for unstructured mesh quality evaluation7
Enhancing precision in table tennis officiating through an optimized autonomous sensor node system7
Fracture modeling in composite structures containing orthotropic materials by incorporating strain orthogonal decompositions into phase-field method of interfacial damage7
Optimum design of two-material bending plate compliant devices7
Application of Hagstrom-Warburton high-order truncation boundary condition on time harmonic analysis of concrete arch dam-reservoir systems7
Foretelling the compressive strength of bamboo using machine learning techniques7
A hybrid method to determine optimal design axial forces of servo steel struts in excavations with high deformation requirements7
An evolutionary computational method to formulate the response of unbonded concrete overlays to temperature loading7
Brittle fracture on plates governed by topological derivatives7
Addressing performance improvement of a neural network model for Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes solutions with high wake formation7
Dynamic modelling of an armoured face conveyor considering the curved chains7
Trajectory planning and automatic docking of LNG five-axis loading arm7
Car-following traffic model based on PID control: modelling and simulation7
A dynamic adaptive hybrid surrogate-assisted particle swarm optimization algorithm for complex system design optimization7
A study of rotary cutting machine (RCM) performance on Korean granite7
Improved shear strength prediction model for SFRC beams without stirrups6
A practical discrete sizing optimization methodology for the design of high-rise concrete buildings6
An inverse problem of determining the time-dependent potential in a higher-order Boussinesq-Love equation from boundary data6
An improved local error estimate in adaptive finite element analysis based on element energy projection technique6
An explicit peridynamics model for hydraulic fracturing in porous media6
A modified trust-region assisted variable-fidelity optimization framework for computationally expensive problems6
A lightweight interactive approach for unstructured surface mesh generation6
Computational predictions for predicting the performance of steel 1 panel shear wall under explosive loads6
Prediction of limit states occurrence probability in curved bridges based on artificial intelligence and statistical analysis6
Revisiting non-convexity in topology optimization of compliance minimization problems6
Variational sparse diffusion and its application in mesh processing6
A linear smoothed meshfree method with intrinsic enrichment functions for 2D crack analysis6
Computational analysis of convective heat transfer properties of turbulent slot jet impingement5
Improved particle swarm optimization for mean-variance-Yager entropy-social responsibility portfolio with complex reality constraints5
New design charts for evaluating the damage potential to RC frame buildings adjacent to deep excavations5
Improved numerical integration for locking treatment in the Peridynamic Timoshenko beam model5
Lagrangian coherent structure combined with entropy production theory for the analysis of vortex build-up on the impeller top in a high-speed fuel pump5
Slope reliability analysis using Bayesian optimized convolutional neural networks5
Reconstruction of granite microstructure model using simulated annealing method and Voronoi tessellation5
Application of efficient algorithm based on block Newton method to elastoplastic problems with nonlinear kinematic hardening5
Continuous composite longitudinal fins under oscillating boundary conditions: a lattice Boltzmann solution5
A topology optimization algorithm based on topological derivative and level-set function for designing phononic crystals5
A numerical method based on Haar wavelets for the Hadamard-type fractional differential equations5
Obtaining analytical solutions of (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Zoomeron equation by using modified F-expansion and modified generalized Kudryashov methods5
Effect of porosity distribution on vibration and damping behavior of inhomogeneous curved sandwich beams with fractional derivative viscoelastic core5
Artificial intelligence schemes to predict the mechanical performance of lignocellulosic fibers with unseen data to enhance the reliability of biocomposites5
Transient thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic analysis of a bidirectional thrust bearing in start-up and shutdown processes5
Numerical modeling of inverse problem of parameter identification for viscoelastic functionally graded materials/structures4
An efficient concrete plastic damage model for crack propagation in gravity dams during seismic action4
Nonlinear dynamics of a spur gear pair with tooth root crack based on an amplitude modulation function4
A bi-directional distance transformation for the elimination of near-singularity in boundary element method4
Performance of repair pre-damaged RC columns using steel straps tensioning techniques (SSTT) confinement: experimental data and modelling4
Adaptive immune fuzzy quasi-sliding mode control for leader–follower formation of wheeled mobile robots under uncertainties and disturbances with obstacle avoidance4
Low-velocity crashworthiness and optimization of a crash box filled with modularized graded honeycomb4
Predicting the creep behavior of concrete at high temperature using the variable-order fractional model4
On the topological enrichment for crack modeling via the generalized/extended FEM: a novel discussion considering smooth partitions of unity4
Frac-hits and connections of multi-well hydrofracturing fracture network involving the variable factors: well spacing, perforation cluster spacing and injection rate4
A new thermo-optical system with a fractional Caputo operator for a rotating spherical semiconductor medium immersed in a magnetic field4
Minimal mass of prismatic tensegrity structures4
A hybrid approach for modelling safety hazards in China subways: multi-stakeholders’ perspective4
Effects of foundation pit excavation on adjacent metro stations and shield tunnel structures: a study on horizontal displacement4
A new scheme for extracting fault features of rolling element bearings4
Simulations of nerve signal propagation in axons4
Earthquake response of linear-elastic arch-frames using exact curved beam formulations4
Multi-view fuzzy C-means clustering with kernel metric and local information for color image segmentation4
A dual opposition learning-based multi-objective Aquila Optimizer for trading-off time-cost-quality-CO2 emissions of generalized construction projects4
Parameter optimization for solid fluidization exploitation of natural gas hydrate in South China Sea4
Closed-form eigensolutions and exact complex mode superposition method for non-proportionally rate-independent damped systems4
An incremental software defect detection model based on support vector machine4
Supercritical CO2-driven intersections of multi-well fracturing fracture network and induced microseismic events in naturally fractured reservoir4
A methodology for loss and performance assessment of a variable geometry turbocharger turbine through a new meanline FORTRAN program3
Assessment of shear band evolution using discrete element modelling3
Enhancing flow characteristic and system performance in micropump with heart valve mechanical behavior3
New computational approaches to the fractional coupled nonlinear Helmholtz equation3
Time-dependent reliability and optimal design of scraper chains based on fretting wear process3
Rayleigh wave propagation at the boundary surface of dry sandy ($SiO_2$) thermoelastic solids3
Reconstruction of a potential coefficient in the Rayleigh–Love equation with non-classical boundary condition3
Non-linear dynamics and stability of rolling bearing–axle coupling system of a railway freight wagon with the change of axle rotating speed3
An efficient spectral method for two-dimensional Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers equation3
Magnetogasdynamic shock waves in a nonideal self-gravitating gas using Lie group theoretic method3
A Monte Carlo algorithm for large-scale magnetic simulations3
Estimation of structural response using convolutional neural network: application to the Suramadu bridge3
Vibrations of complex composite double-column system by extended Laplace transform method3
Multiscale stochastic optimal control of hysteretic structures based on wavelet transform and probability density evolution method3
A new fast four-point rainflow cycle counting algorithm by employing a new loop iteration mode for fatigue life estimation3
Improvement of a topological level-set approach to find optimal topology by considering body forces3
A weakly supervised pairwise comparison learning approach for bearing health quantitative evaluation and remaining useful life prediction3
Motion control of the two joint planar robotic manipulators through accelerated Dai–Liao method for solving system of nonlinear equations3
Semi-analytical finite element method for simulating chemical dissolution-front instability problems in fluid-saturated porous media3
Stiffness of three-bar tensegrity structure3
An investigation of machine learning strategies for electric motor anomaly detection using vibration and audio signals3
Finite element mesh refinement for in-plane and out-of-plane vibration of variable geometrical Timoshenko beams based on superconvergent vibration modes3
Bending analysis of viscoelastic plates according to the Reissner’s theory using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method and hereditary integral formulation3
Modeling of porous-hardened concrete by rheological-dynamical analogy3
Adaptive mesh refinement for finite element analysis of the free vibration disturbance of cylindrical shells due to circumferential micro-crack damage3
On the hidden layer-to-layer topology of the representations of reality realised within neural networks3
Meshless numerical method for the contact problems of joint surface3
Predicting ground vibrations from railway tunnels using an improved 2.5D FEM-PML model with soil spatial variability3
Optimization of V-shaped regulating ball valve profile based on proxy optimization algorithm3
Identifying an unknown potential term in the fourth-order Boussinesq–Love equation from mass measurement3
Modeling fracture in brittle materials by higher-order phase field method using C1 non-Sibsonian interpolants3
ISOMORPH: an efficient application on GPU for detecting graph isomorphism3
Solution of mass-spring-damper fractional systems using Caputo derivative and orthogonal collocation3
Simplification and further optimization of spatial cable-truss structure without inner ring cables3
An optimal derivative-free King's family for multiple zeros and its dynamics3
The fast multipole method–accelerated line integration boundary element method for 3D heat conduction analysis with heat source3
Artificial neural networks applied for solidified soils data prediction: a bibliometric and systematic review3
Reliability analysis of (r,s)-out-of-n multi-state systems using copulas3
Stress-dependent unstable dynamic propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures: a review of stress shadow effects and continuum-discontinuum methods3
Modelling, validation and parameter sensitivity of regenerative hydraulic-electric shock absorber3
Numerical simulation of the influence of mixed sand on erosion characteristics of centrifugal pump3
Gene expression programming (GEP) as novel tool for thermal analysis and kinetic modeling of pyrolysis reactions: coal pyrolysis case study3
Investigation on the flow and induced-noise mechanism during the transient start-up process of a mixed-flow pump3