Service Industries Journal

(The H4-Index of Service Industries Journal is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Advancing knowledge through literature reviews: ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how to contribute’242
Leadership, green innovation, and green creativity: a systematic review121
Customer engagement and purchase intention in live-streaming digital marketing platforms101
Green human resource management in service industries: the construct, antecedents, consequences, and outlook77
Green innovation research in the field of hospitality and tourism: the construct, antecedents, consequences, and future outlook65
Resilience building in service firms during and post COVID-1961
Artificial intelligence in services: current trends, benefits and challenges57
Effects of retailers’ service quality and legitimacy on behavioral intention: the role of emotions during COVID-1957
Evolving impacts of COVID-19 vaccination intentions on travel intentions56
Artificial intelligence acceptance in services: connecting with Generation Z54
Metaverse for climbing the ladder toward ‘Industry 5.0’ and ‘Society 5.0’?48
Brand anthropomorphism, love and defense: does attitude towards social distancing matter?46
Transformative service research and COVID-1944
Characteristics and roles of streamers in e-commerce live streaming38
A systematic review of creativity in tourism and hospitality35
Social distancing and wellbeing: conceptualizing actor distance and actor safe zone for pandemics32
Does green inclusive leadership promote hospitality employees’ pro-environmental behaviors? The mediating role of climate for green initiative31
Chatbot service usage during a pandemic: fear and social distancing30
The intellectual structure of customer experience research in service scholarship: a bibliometric analysis30
Forty years of The Service Industries Journal: a bibliometric review28
Communication and the role of third-party endorsement in social crowdfunding26
Workplace bullying, psychological distress, job performance and employee creativity: the moderating effect of psychological resilience25
Stakeholder engagement and business model innovation value25
Employee mindfulness and creativity: when emotions and national culture matter24
Driving service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior through error management culture24
How does mindfulness boost work engagement and inhibit psychological distress among hospital employees during the COVID-19 pandemic? The mediating and moderating role of psychological resilience24