Chemical Engineering Research & Design

(The TQCC of Chemical Engineering Research & Design is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A preliminary study of thermal plasma gasification of an automobile waste under CO2 atmosphere for high calorific value syngas production138
Process function-based selection and configuration of Process Equipment Assemblies (PEAs) demonstrated on an industrial process106
Application of acoustic techniques to fluid-particle systems – A review96
Experimental investigation of the flow properties of layered coal-rock analogues85
Molecular dynamics simulation of micro-explosion of water-in-heavy oil emulsion droplets84
A critical review on synthesis and application aspect of venturing the thermophysical properties of hybrid nanofluid for enhanced heat transfer processes79
Ternary phase diagram and investigation of slurry conversion of 1:1 sulfamethazine-acetylsalicylic acid cocrystal75
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Utilizing the phase-field method to investigate liquid-liquid phase separation in the ternary system of water/ethanol/butylparaben71
Exploring ionic liquids for formaldehyde separation via computational COSMO-RS screening69
A novel approach for nature gas hydrate separation: Downhole spiral-cyclone coupled hydraulic in-situ separation69
Effective drag coefficient correlation for coarse coal particle fluidization in transitional flow regime63
Deep learning-based oriented object detection for in situ image monitoring and analysis: A process analytical technology (PAT) application for taurine crystallization62
Flow profile and wall normal stress characteristics in pattern-transformable flow silos62
The role of catalysts in biodiesel production as green energy applications: A review of developments and prospects61
Sustainable power generation from salinity gradients by reverse electrodialysis: Influence of divalent ions60
An engineering model of heat transfer through a turbulent falling liquid film for a condensing vapor flow60
A critical analysis on ion transport of organic acid mixture through an anion-exchange membrane during electrodialysis59
Practicable total-site heat integration plan for retrofitting multiple heat exchanger networks58
Study on hydrodynamic performance of structured packings for gas-liquid flow: Effects of geometry parameters53
Adsorptive removal of cationic dye by synthesized sustainable xanthan gum-g p(AMPS-co-AAm) hydrogel from aqueous media: Optimization by RSM-CCD model47
Modeling, validation and exergy evaluation of a thermally-integrated industrial cryogenic air separation plant in Colombia46
Enhanced oil recovery through synergy of the interfacial mechanisms by low salinity water alternating carbon dioxide injection45
Digital process design to define and deliver pharmaceutical particle attributes44
Investigating tertiary amine alkylation/benzylation kinetics with ramp-flow in a plug-flow reactor using in-line 43
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Evaluating the possibility of high-pressure desorption of CO2 via volatile co-solvent injection39
CFD modeling of two-phase flow with surfactant by an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method38
Mixing of nanoparticle agglomerates in fluidization using CFD-DEM at ABF and APF regimes38
Synthesis and kinetic analysis of green AA-type monomers using linoleic acid through bromide promoted transition metal-catalyzed oxidation with air38
The experimental/theoretical study over the effect of using the POP-NH2 nanostructures into the membrane selective layer on the CO2 permeability and selectivity37
Realistic interplays between data science and chemical engineering in the first quarter of the 21st century, part 2: Dos and don’ts37
Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics of metal oxide dissolution based on CuO in a natural deep eutectic solvent37
A hybrid soft sensor for key product yield of FCC unit based on deep learning framework driven by data and process mechanism37
Stability in catalytic oxidation of styrene over Co3O4/Al2O335
Composition and applications of fractions discharged from a distillation plant for neutral ethanol production35
Effects of process parameters on preparation of Ti@SiO2 particles during fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition via design of experiments35
Unveiling the generalization of the derivative order with a novel application of the fractional order model to green soybean oil extraction35
Fe3O4-loaded ion exchange resin for chromatographic separation of boron isotopes: Experiment and numerical simulation34
Experimental study of dynamic characteristics of solid holdup fluctuations in a gas-solid cyclone reactor34
Detailed assessment of hematite-promoted pyrolysis of corn straw: Gas products, reaction characteristics and thermo-kinetics34
Atomistic-mesoscopic modeling of area-selective thermal atomic layer deposition33
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Advancing performance of a predictive model for pressure drop of wire gauze corrugated sheet structured packings in deep vacuum applications32
Experimental and numerical research on the coupled mechanisms of cavitation effect in a Venturi-type bubble generator32
Exploring the correlation between inclination angle and flow pattern transition in oil-water flow32
Chemical engineering in Latin American: Challenges and opportunities32
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by a combination of anodic oxidation with photocatalyst process: Recent advances, affecting factors and future perspectives32
On how non-facetted crystals affect crystallization processes32
Study on the separation and mixing laws of wide-grained dense medium in vibration separation fluidized bed31
Controlling gas–liquid segment length in microchannels using a high-speed valve30
Experimental and kinetic modelling studies for the design of fixed bed methanol reactor over CuZA catalyst30
A robust nonlinear model of steam reformers with applications to energy efficiency30
Effect of horizontal-flow velocity on permeate flux and nutrient removal of the novel inclined-tube/oxidation-ditch membrane bioreactor for building wastewater recycling30
Effect of fluidized bed shapes on gas-solid fluidization characters and flow regime transition29
Effect of conventional and Gemini surfactants on the micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process performance for the separation of Au(III) from aqueous solutions: A dissipative particle dynamics study29
Superstructure optimization of microalgae pretreatment for direct combustion or gasification29
Visualization experiments of a solid cylinder suspended by laminar flow29
Editorial – Emerging stars special issue29
Direct application of chemically enhanced primary treatment in a municipal wastewater treatment plant: A case study28
Electrohydrodynamically enhanced mass transfer in a wetted-wall column28
Impact of cationic surfactant-coated hydrophilic nanoparticles on polymeric solution performance in chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) from a two-dimensional porous medium28
Feedback control strategy of Fischer–Tropsch process in a micro-GtL plant28
Regeneration of CO2 absorbent with membrane contactor via pressure swing28
Removal potential and mechanism of sulfamethoxazole and norfloxacin by biochar derived from bagasse and polymeric ferric sulfate28
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PANI-ZnO/Pt–Ru electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation: Synthesis, characterization, electrocatalytic performance and artificial neural network modeling27
Investigation and mitigation of reagent ageing during the continuous flow synthesis of patchy particles27
Wiped film evaporator with a roller wiper and an internally mounted condenser for the recovery of TBP and n-DD from degraded PUREX solvent27
Effect of inlet chamber design and operation conditions on laminar drop deformation in a production-scale high-pressure homogenizer—A hydrodynamic investigation27
Preparation of modified mesostructured cellular foams and study on NO adsorption from flue gas27
Numerical analysis of solid phase hydrodynamics in a continuous precipitator relevant for plutonium reconversion26
Multi-scale CFD study of multiphase flow in structured sinusoidal corrugated sheets packings26
Optimization bio-nest coupled microbial fuel cell performance using Taguchi and response surface method on purifying eutrophic water.26
Dehydration of isopropanol by poly(vinyl alcohol) hybrid membrane containing oxygen-plasma treated graphene oxide in pervaporation process26
Indigenous bio-bed technology with electrical cells for nitrogen removal from river Water26
Development, modeling and simulation of extraction and purification of bixin from annatto seeds (Bixa orellana L.)26
Model development and validation for human serum proteins- membrane interactions: Membrane fouling applications in ultrafiltration of patients blood26
Hydrodynamics aspects of asymmetric rotating impeller columns at different scales26
Study on the separation performance of a decanter centrifuge used for dewatering coal water slurry25
CFD-DEM validation and simulation of gas–liquid–solid three phase high-speed jet flow25
A study of diabatic distillation in a column with a low pressure drop25
Effect of carrier gas type on feeding characteristics of powder supply system25
On flow close to cavern boundaries in yield stress fluids - revisited. Current interpretation25
Effect of FeCl3 combined with biochar as dewatering conditioners on sludge pyrolysis products24
A cluster-based drag model of rough sphere for the simulation of fast fluidization24
Pressure drop model for rotating packed bed structural internals24
Dry polishing of enzymatically produced fatty acid methyl esters through polymeric membranes24
Effects of flow unsteadiness and chemical kinetics on the reaction yield in a T-microreactor24
Blending in unbaffled and baffled mechanically agitated vessels – Effect of Reynolds number and liquid height24
Experimental investigation on the agglomeration performance of pre-charged micro-nano particles in uniform magnetic field24
Investigation of different configurations of alumina packed bed reactor for coke free conversion of benzene24
Determining the transport behaviors of biochar nano-particles in porous media23
Visualization experiment and machine learning modeling for falling-film systems23
Experimental study on gas-liquid flow regimes of coaxial mixers equipped with a Rushton/pitched blade turbine and anchor23
CFD modeling and simulation of the hydrodynamics characteristics of packed column with structured sinusoidal corrugated sheets packings23
Standardization of Cu2O nanocubes synthesis: Role of precipitation process parameters on physico-chemical and photo-electrocatalytic properties23
Control properties of sustainable alternatives to produce 2,3-butanediol23
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Multi-stage membrane integrated system to achieving low-mixed-salt-discharge of high-salinity mining wastewater: System design and experimental validation23
Glutaric acid purification by coupled solution crystallization and melt crystallization23
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Optimization models for the generation, distribution and transmission of electricity in a macroscopic system: Representation of operational regions as energy hubs23
A novel approach for modeling and simulation of vibrating fluidized bed dryers: Industrial scale case study23
Investigation on the potential of multiple water injections in thermodynamic optimization of heat and mass transfer process in air humidifier22
Experimental investigation on bubbles generated by porous pipes22
Grey-box model calibration and validation for a continuous horizontal fluidized bed dryer22
Industrially relevant Radioactive Particle Tracking study on the motion of adsorbent granules suspended in a pilot-scale water–air three-phase fluidized bed22
Model-based design of pressure-driven product removal from stirred suspensions21
Liquid film thickness of vertical upward annular flow in narrow rectangular channel21
Investigation of droplet pairs’ movement under the electric field generated by matrix electrodes21
Reaction performance in T-, X- and arrow-shaped microdevices21
Optimization of ethylene dimerization in a bubble column reactor based on coupling kinetic and equilibrium models21
Forecasting a bubbly-intermittent flow regime transition in helically coiled tubes21
Improvements in hydrogen evolution through a new design of coupling inexpensive nanocomposite electrocatalysts driven by high-voltage electrolysis21
Application and evaluation of preselection approaches to decide on the use of equipment modules21
Application of simultaneous dynamic optimization in the productivity of microalgae continuous culture21
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Insights from an exergy analysis of a green chemistry chitosan biorefinery20
A comparison study on performance of thin film composite membrane embedded with graphene oxide for Acetaminophen, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen separation from waste water20
Efficient recycling and conversion of CO2 to methanol: Process design and environmental assessment20
A comprehensive investigation of the incorporation model for micromixing time calculation20
Review of confined swirling flows and bluff body impacts on flow and heat transfer characteristics20
Reaction-assisted separation of acetone from the azeotrope of methanol and acetone20
CFD-DEM study of fluid flow and particle behaviors in a baffled deduster channel20
Liquid-bridge flow between two slender plates: Formation and fluid mechanics20
A hybrid drag model for studying hydrodynamics in a 2D gas-solid tapered fluidized bed20
Computational fluid dynamics study of gas-liquid mass transfer in concentric tube airlift reactor with helical baffle20
Removal of Mn (II) from aqueous solution via biosorption technology for a drinking water treatment plant: From laboratory-scale tests to semi-industrial scale predictions20
Continuous two phase partitioning bioreactor (C-TPPB) for removal of xenobiotics: Design criteria20
Novel chlorine resistant thin-film composite forward osmosis membrane: Preparation and performance evaluation in the regeneration of MEG aqueous solution20
Rotational speed change and reverse mixing to avoid baffles in dispersing processes20
Microreactor synthesis of nanosized particles: The role of micromixing, aggregation, and separation processes in heterogeneous nucleation20
Recent advances in intelligent oil and gas engineering20
Foam flows in turbulent liquid exfoliation of layered materials and implications for graphene production and inline characterisation20
Selectivity engineering with Single Feed Hybrid Reactive Distillation Configurations: Complex reaction schemes with inerts and inert forming azeotropes20
Potentiality of PLA 3D printed macro-structured feed spacers with a rational and facile layout for improved MD desalination performance19
Effect of various types of anions and anionic surfactants on the performance of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process in the removal of Pb(II) ions: An optimization with the response surface metho19
Comprehensive exploration of riboflavin solid forms and preparation mechanism of stable forms19
Thermodynamic analysis of a novel gas separator based on molecular exchange flow19
Pre-concentration of lithium-rich brine via direct contact membrane distillation: Conditional analysis19
Industrial process fault diagnosis based on video recognition and multi-source information fusion19
Structured cobalt–manganese oxides on SiC nano-whisker modified SiC foams for catalytic combustion of toluene19
Efficient purification of butanone and ethyl acetate from waste water by extractive distillation based on cost, thermodynamic and environmental analysis19
Progress and perspectives of wax deposition in oil-gas systems: A review19
A study on the measurement conditions for determining liquid entry pressure values of hydrophobic membranes19
Experimental and numerical investigation of an innovative desalination unit under laminar, transient, and turbulent flow conditions19
Dynamic characteristics of pollutant emissions from CFB boilers during periodic fire banking and start-up19
Highly permeable and selective sepiolite hybrid mixed matrix carbon membranes supported on plate carbon substrates for gas separation19
Numerical simulation of gas-liquid flow in inclined shale gas pipelines19
Experimental study on flow characteristics of gas–solid two-phase flow in inclined pipes19
The technical, economic, and environmental assessment of solvothermal liquefaction processes: An experimental and simulation study on the influence of solvent reichardt parameter19
Novel lanthanum and waste lye modified fly ash zeolite for nitrogen and phosphorus removal: mechanisms and application in the constructed wetland18
A model-based approach towards accelerated process development: A case study on chromatography18
Prospective plants as biocoagulant-flocculants for removal of total suspended solids in coffee effluent treatment18
Separation of Cs+ from Rb+ and Cs+ co-existing solution by Cs3Bi2I9 precipitation to produce CsI18
Initial carbon capture pilot study in Solvay soda ash process18
A solar-driven CPC photoreactor for decomposition of emerging contaminants in wastewater: Modeling and optimization18
Biopolymeric electrolyte-based membrane on nanocrystalline cellulose/polyvinyl alcohol for a conceivable usage in proton exchange membrane fuel cell18
A systematic assessment method of supply resilience for natural gas supply systems18
Kinetics of acetic acid and isoamyl alcohol liquid esterification over Amberlyst-7018
Can 3D printing solve the numbering-up challenge of microfluidic reactors?18
Columns with parallel streams applied to the steam stripping of edible oils18
Enhancement of phenol recovery from wastewater by nanofluid utilizing liquid-liquid extraction method in a membrane-based contactor18
Assessment and kinetic study of the upfront nitrogen removal using lithium cycle18
Mechanistic crystal size distribution (CSD)-based modelling of continuous antisolvent crystallization of benzoic acid18
Glycerol carbonate synthesis over nanostructured titanate catalysts: Effect of morphology and structure of catalyst18
A novel “feed-backward” control structure for on-demand control of distillation column sequences18
Adsorption data modeling and analysis under scrutiny: A clarion call to redress recently found troubling flaws18
The conceptual design and process intensification of the separation of ternary azeotropic mixture with heterogeneous characteristic18
A fault diagnosis method for complex chemical process based on multi-model fusion18
Treatment of lignin enriched paper industry wastewater by electrocoagulation: Modelling approach and economic evaluation17
Impact of post-flame processes on the hydrogen yield in partial oxidation of methane in the matrix reformer17
Cell-free protein synthesis: biomedical applications and future perspectives17
Evaluation of the effect of methanol as an in-situ hydrogen source on the reduction of methyl acetate to ethanol17
A simple model-based methodology to characterize foulants in heat exchangers using excess thermal and hydraulic loads17
Study on negative pressure assisted hydrodynamic cavitation (NPA-HC) degradation of methylene blue in dye wastewater17
MOF adsorbents for flue gas separation: Comparison of material ranking approaches17
Optimal design of a coal-based synthetic natural gas (SNG) process with different coal ranks and gasification technologies via techno-economic analysis17
Optimal separation of acetonitrile and pyridine from industrial wastewater17
Energy reduction and efficiency separation method of associated gas in oilfield based on EOR-CO217
Quo vadis multiscale modeling in reaction engineering? – A perspective17
Extended hierarchical decomposition approach for the synthesis of biorefinery processes17
Simulations of liquid chromatography using two-dimensional non-equilibrium lumped kinetic model with bi-Langmuir isotherm17
Highly effective Candida rugosa lipase immobilization on renewable carriers: Integrated drying and immobilization process to improve enzyme performance17
Effect of operating condition on the properties of ectoine particles for improving the purification process17
Polymer-based TiO2 membranes: An efficient route for recalcitrant dye degradation17
Removal of NO2 from gas stream by activated bio-carbons from physical activation of residue of supercritical extraction of hops17
Antioxidant and antibacterial evaluation of Manuka leaves (Leptospermum scoparium) extracted by hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent17
Studies on the catalytic activities of ZSM-5 zeolites with different aluminum contents in the green oxidation of α-pinene to high value-added products17
Numerical investigation of two-phase flow patterns and carbon deposition in a coaxial-type reactor for molten salt electrolysis17
Paracetamol polymorphs detection in suspension via a new ex situ Fourier Transform Near Infrared spectroscopy method17
Continuous degradation of 1,4-dioxane by the combination of a stripping column and photo-Fenton reaction in a continuous stirred tank reactor17
Performance study of novel PES membrane using electrospray deposition method for organic contaminants separation16
Economic comparison of reactive distillation (RD) to a benchmark conventional flowsheet: Regions of RD applicability and trends in column design16
Flux decline in crossflow ultrafiltration-based diafiltration process for lignin recovery from a deep eutectic solvent comprised of lactic acid and choline chloride16
Insights into the fluid dynamics of the Bach impeller16
Corrigendum to “Enhanced DeNOx catalysis: Induction-heating-catalysis-ready 3D stable Ni supported metal combinations” [Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 207 (2024) 404–419]16
Ultralight and superhydrophobic perfluorooctyltrimethoxysilane modified biomass carbonaceous aerogel for oil-spill remediation16
Characterization of polyurea microcapsules synthesized with an isocyanate of low toxicity and eco-friendly esters via microfluidics: Shape, shell thickness, morphology and encapsulation efficiency16
A CFD study of ignition of lean propane-air mixtures in a heat recirculating U-bend catalytic microreactor16
Research on ash movement law of membrane bin drum slag cooler16
Experiments and CFD modelling of bubble formation at a lateral hole in a top-submerged nozzle16
Optimization study on acid condensation and anti-corrosion performance of 3-D finned tube heat exchangers16
Machine learning on sustainable energy: A review and outlook on renewable energy systems, catalysis, smart grid and energy storage16
Thermal radiation effects on heat transfer in slender packed-bed reactors: Particle-resolved CFD simulations and 2D modeling16
Separation of Cd (II) from aqueous solution by keratin magnetic froth carbon in the batch and continuous system16
Supply chain of biorefineries based on Coffee Cut-Stems: Colombian case16
Carbon dioxide absorption and anti-clogging performance of a novel millimeter-scale channel absorber16
A porous-crust drying model for a single dairy droplet16
Characterization of mixing performance in bioreactors using flow-following sensor devices16
Preparation and characterization of modified halloysite nanotubes—Pebax nanocomposite membranes for CO2/CH4 separation16
A computational-fluid-dynamics study on scaling up a single flat membrane reactor for on-site hydrogen production16
Optimized shape design and thermal characteristics investigation of helically coiled tube type heat exchanger15
Adsorption properties of poly(NIPAM-co-AA) immobilized on silica-coated magnetite nanoparticles prepared with different acrylic acid content for various heavy metal ions15
The coupled mixing action of the jet mixer and swirl mixer: An novel static micromixer15
Fly ash-based zeolites: from waste to value – A comprehensive overview of synthesis, properties, and applications15
A modeling analysis on industrial radial-flow packed-bed reactors for the catalytic dehydrogenation of long-chain normal paraffins: Appraisal of the modeling approach15
Experimental investigation in a forced draft wet cooling tower using aluminum oxide nano particles15
Fragmentation of Aspergillus niger pellets in stirred tank bioreactors due to hydrodynamic stress15
Smart ion exchange membrane with high impact in heavy metals separation prepared by electrospinning process with ultrasensitive responsiveness for water treatment15
Experimental characterization of CH4 and CO2 hydrates formation in presence of porous quartz and Cu gas-atomized particles: Thermodynamic analyses and evidences about the feasibility of CH4/CO2 revers15
A novel approach for synchronous transformation and extraction of psoralen from fig (Ficus carica L.) leaves based on polarity of different macroporous adsorption resins15
Effect of wettability on hydrodynamics and mass transfer in small capillaries15
Structure-heat transport analysis of periodic open-cell foams to be used as catalyst carriers15
Effect of bubble-to-oil size ratio on dynamic behavior in flotation15
Design and characterization of Kenics static mixer crystallizers15
Fixed point convergence and acceleration for steady state population balance modelling of precipitation processes: Application to neodymium oxalate15
Passive thermal regulation approach for Algofilm © photobioreactor through phase change15
Modeling and analysis of MSMPR cascades involving nucleation, growth and agglomeration mechanisms with slurry recycling15
Verification of semi-empirical relations for predicting fluidization in a fluidized bed using CFD15
Enhancing performance of ceramic membranes for recovering water and heat from flue gas15
Alternative distillation configurations for bioethanol purification: Simulation, optimization and techno-economic assessment15
Investigation of Remazol Brilliant Blue R removal in batch and fixed bed column reactor systems by MnOx: Non-linear isotherm and kinetic modelling15
The effect of green hydrogen feed rate variations on e-methanol synthesis by dynamic simulation15
Adsorption study of isotherms, kinetics modelling, and thermodynamics of immobilized Candida rugosa lipase on metal oxide for esterification of waste cooking oil15
A temporal convolution network-based just-in-time learning method for industrial quality variable prediction15
Miniaturized draft tube baffle crystallizer for continuous cooling crystallization15
Preparation of high performance mixed matrix membranes by one-pot synthesis of ZIF-8 nanoparticles into Pebax-2533 for CO2 separation15
Fine-tuning zeolite pore structures with carbon coating for enhanced gas separation in polyimide-based mixed matrix membrane15