International Journal of Project Management

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Project Management is 31. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Agile practices and performance: Examining the role of psychological empowerment102
Shared leadership and project success: The roles of knowledge sharing, cohesion and trust in the team101
Publishing quantitative papers with rigor and transparency86
The “re-meaning” of project success: Updating and recalibrating for a modern project management73
Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: The interplay between governance, trust and culture59
The organisational architecture of megaprojects54
Project team resilience: The effect of group potency and interpersonal trust52
Configurations of project management practices to enhance the performance of open innovation R&D projects50
Coping with uncertainty: Knowledge sharing in new product development projects50
Trust in megaprojects: A comprehensive literature review of research trends47
Exploring the enabling effects of project management for SMEs in adopting open innovation – A framework for partner search and selection in open innovation projects47
Designing case study research45
What about the people? Micro-foundations of open innovation in megaprojects43
Cross-learning between project management and international development: Analysis and research agenda43
Benefits management in university-industry collaboration programs42
Towards a ‘New Project Management’ movement? An international development perspective41
The integration of social capital and knowledge management – The key challenge for international development and cooperation projects of nonprofit organizations40
Issues and challenges impacting the successful management of agile-hybrid projects: A grounded theory approach39
Resilience and creative problem-solving capacities in project teams: A relational view37
Exploring the critical nexus between authoritarian leadership, project team member's silence and multi-dimensional success in a state-owned mega construction project37
Studying Projects Processually37
Prior and governed stakeholder relationships: The key to resilience of inter-organizational projects36
Governing behavioral integration of top management team in megaprojects: A social capital perspective35
The institutional shaping of global megaprojects: The case of the Lyon-Turin high-speed railway35
The institutional drivers of social procurement implementation in Australian construction projects34
Very important, yet very neglected: Where do local communities stand when examining social sustainability in major construction projects?33
Crowdsourcing as a service – from pilot projects to sustainable innovation routines33
Relationship quality in construction projects: A subcontractor perspective of principal contractor relationships32
Similar but different? The influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and person-job fit on individual performance in the continuum between permanent and temporary organizations32
Tackling grand challenges with projects: Five insights and a research agenda for project management theory and practice32
Organizational practices that enable and disable knowledge transfer: The case of a public sector project-based organization31