Environment and Planning D-Society & Space

(The median citation count of Environment and Planning D-Society & Space is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
‘A war of houses and a war of land’: Gentrification, post-politics and resistance in authoritarian Cambodia51
The racial environmental state and abolition geography in California’s Central Valley33
Proactive state geographies: Geocoded intelligence in London’s ‘suburban shanty towns’32
Gendered infrastructure and liminal space in Delhi’s unauthorized colonies31
‘German Theory’: Cosmopolitan geographies, counterfactual histories and the (non)travel of a ‘German Foucault’28
Refusing to relinquish: How settler Canada uses race, property, and jurisdiction to undermine urban Indigenous land reclamation26
Dwelling as politics: An emancipatory praxis of/through care and space in everyday life26
The inheritance and repetition of colonial practices of dispossession24
The smart grid archipelago: Infrastructures of networked (dis)connectivity in Amman23
Becoming fugitive: Prison breaks and the space of punishment22
Perceptions of atmosphere: Air, waste, and narratives of life and work in Mumbai20
Repair and the 2014 Mount Polley Mine disaster: Antirelationality, constraint, and legacies of socio-ecological disruption in settler colonial British Columbia18
Urban Social Hauntings: Disappearing Gravestone Murals in Gentrifying Brooklyn18
Guerrilla farms: Practicing food sovereignty in Assam17
On cosmic injustices: Critical thinking, outer space, green values, and capitalist ideologies in a planetary age17
Automated office infrastructures and the valuation of work15
Anticipation by redress: Transforming African mega-infrastructure futures14
The case for doing less in our peer reviews13
Capture land as abolition geography: The mutuality of placemaking and flight13
Restoration otherwise: Towards alternative coastal ecologies13
Carceral and colonial domesticities: Subaltern case geographies of a Delhi rescue home13
(Tiny) spaces of hope: Reclaiming, maintaining, and reframing housing in the tiny house movement12
Homeless shelters and the blues11
“This place is no better than a jail”: The geographies of surrogate houses in India11
On delivery waiting: The entanglement of gig and border temporalities in platform cities11
Street Salafism: Contingency and urbanity as religious creed11
Ventography and the spatial politics of wind11
Prison fixes and flows: Carceral mobilities and their critical logistics10
Counter-mapping the mobile border: Racial surveillance and data justice in spaces of disappearance10
After zombies: Notes on labor union and municipal renewal10
Sparks from the friction of terrain: Transport animals, borderlands, and the territorial imagination in China10
Cities after planning10
The Kings ain't playin’ no one tonight: Desanctifying property as an abolitionist practice in Sacramento9
Experiments in peripheral urbanization: Building and unbuilding commons in urban India9
Colonial laws, postcolonial infrastructures: Land acquisition, urban informality, and politics of infrastructural development in Pakistan9
Wasting and wanting: An extractive supply chain approach to outer space geographies9
Logistical turbulence: Between valorization and violence along the China–Myanmar Economic Corridor9
Retrofit: Aerial cable cars and the reengineering of urban peripheries9
Camps and counterterrorism: Security and the remaking of refuge in Kenya8
‘An Epic Tale of England’: Atmospheric authentication of nationalist narratives8
Deepening counter institutions: Property, lands, relations, and the economic future of the Tŝilhqot’in8
Civilizing swamps in California: Formations of race, nature, and property in the nineteenth century U.S. West8
Refracting Eurocentrism, operationalizing complicity: The Swiss Sonderfall as a vantage point8
Blue lines and blues infrastructures: Notes on water, race, and space7
Infrastructures as colonial beachheads: The Central Arizona Project and the taking of Navajo resources7
Subalternity as displacement: Memoirs of homelessness and the struggle to be heard7
Psychic geographies of queer multiculturalism: Reading Fanon, settler colonialism and race in queer space7
Dispossession as depotentiation7
The coloniality of infrastructure: Engineering, landscape and modernity in Recife7
Zombie infrastructure: A legal geography of railroad monstrosity in the California desert7
Warehousing asylum seekers: The logistification of reception6
Migration control entangled with local histories: The case of Greek–Turkish regime of bordering6
Racial regimes of property: Introduction to the special issue6
A minor theory of direct action politics and performance in New Orleans’ economic justice movement6
Apportioned city: Gendered delineations of asylum, work and violence in Cape Town5
Like harvesting tarulla: The decolonization of being from a petrolized swamp5
“El Chamizal is ours forever:” Rumor, time, and the law in El Paso’s settler society5
Some Black feminist notes on Native feminisms and the flesh5
Circular movements: Migratory citizenships in anticolonial Athens5
Living and dying in the shadow of coal: Relocating social death and its contestations in Lephalale5
Money, slavery, myth5
Unplanned links, unanticipated outcomes: Urban refugees in Halba (Lebanon)5
Livestreamed land: Scams and certainty in Myanmar’s digital land market5
Growing Black food on sacred land: Using Black liberation theology to imagine an alternative Black agrarian future5
Infrastructural (im)mobility: Urban maritime development in the Suez Canal Zone and Marseille5
Domesticating logistical futures: A grounded account of failure4
Plastic monsters: Abjection, worms, the Cthulhic, and the black single-use plastic bag4
Geocultural power and the digital Silk Roads4
Keeping time with digital technologies: From real-time environments to forest futurisms4
Race, space, and social reproduction: The spatial organization of racialized labour in Italian food agriculture4
Weight loss, cure, and temporality in the “Diet Capital of the World”: Disciplining fatness in Durham, North Carolina4
From copper mining to data extractivism? Data worth making at Chile’s Data Observatory Foundation4
Agricultural infrastructures: Land, race, and statecraft in Turkey4
Peripheral humanitarianism: Ephemerality, experimentation, and effects of refugee provisioning in Paris4
Could commodities themselves speak? An introduction to the agnotology of the spectacle4
Carceral domesticity as containment of troubled families in Santiago, Chile4
“The People’s Park is bigger, more freely located, more beautiful and – Our own park”: Workers, parks, and the spaces of class struggle in turn of the century Norrköping, Sweden4
Going deep: Excavation, collaboration and imagination at the Kola Superdeep Borehole4
Gendered disciplinary apparatuses and carceral domesticities in Singapore’s labour-migration regime4
Autorecovery and everyday disaster in Mexico City’s peripheries4
Making space for a radical trans imagination: Towards a kinder, more vulnerable, geography4
Awakening from the sleep-walking society: Crisis, detachment and the real in prepper awakening narratives4
Co-production and Smart Environmentality: Smart Eldercare in Urban China3
Fintech ‘frontiers’ and the platformed motorcycle: Emergent infrastructures of value creation in African cities3
Living with hate relationships: Familiar encounters, enduring racisms and geographies of entrapment3
Beyond the hype: Digital transformations in global land, housing, and property3
Flexible sovereignty and contested legality: The overseas employment and legal struggles of Chinese workers3
After eviction, before emergence: Temporal displacements and differentiated futures in Boribana, Abidjan (2019–2022)3
Assembling traces of border violence. Counter-mapping as counter-archiving3
The social lives of rental proptech: Entanglements between capitalist, care and techno-utopian values3
Neighborhood over nation: Place-based state-making of the middle-class in Mumbai3
A wizard of disquietude in our midst: Melanie Klein and the critical geographies of manic reparation3
Eco-coloniality and the violent environmentalism of the UK–France border3
From securitisation to martialisation: Logistics of humanitarian protection in Brazil’s Amazon3
Kaam: Youth, religiosity, and the cultural production of work in a North Indian Madrasa3
Contestation, negotiation, and experimentation: The liminality of land administration platforms in Kenya3
Carceral domesticities and the geopolitics of Love Jihad3
Automating gentrification: Landlord technologies and housing justice organizing in New York City homes3
The work of landlord technology: The fictions of frictionless property management3
Territorializing the air: Border-crossing air pollution and the geopolitics of atmospheric science in East Asia3
Carceral domesticities: An introduction2
Accommodation for profit, not for refugees: Racial capitalism and the logics of Berlin’s refugee accommodation market2
Politicization, postpolitics and the open city: Openness, closedness and the spatialisation of the political2
‘Accumulation by appropriation’: The integration of recyclable-waste collector cooperatives in Salvador, Brazil, and the right to the city2
Comfort in chaos: A sensory account of climate change denial2
What is planning without property? Relational practices of being and belonging2
Electromagnetic economies of worth: Repurposing a radio dish and debating technoscientific modernity at the equator2
The corporate effect: Making capitalist space and peasant dispossession in the Peruvian Andes2
No name in the street: Unknowability, Black women, and missing geographies2
Speculation on infrastructural ecology: Pigeons, Gaza, and internet access2
Infrastructural politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Pasts, presents, futures2
A broken heart and fear of the bulldozer: Organized abandonment and living with abandon in Hawai‘i2
“History can’t be written without us in the center”: Colonial trauma, the cartographic body, and decolonizing methodologies in urban planning2
Adverse commoning: Tracing contested legal geographies of the urban commons2
Urbanizing social reproduction: (Re)thinking the politics of care in capitalist urban development2
The creation of capitalist time: Rethinking primitive accumulation through conservation2
More than just dying: Black life and futurity in the face of state-sanctioned environmental racism2
Between energy and politics: Ruin, renewal, and the contours of state power in post-apartheid South Africa2
Caring at the edges: Infrastructures of care and repair in urban deprivation2
Autonomy of migration in the light of deportation. Ethnographic and theoretical accounts of entangled appropriations of voluntary returns from Morocco2
Away from the border and into the frontier: The paradoxical geographies of US immigration law2
World class from within: Aspiration, connection and brokering in the Colombo real estate market2