Theory Culture & Society

(The TQCC of Theory Culture & Society is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Reflections and Hypotheses on a Further Structural Transformation of the Political Public Sphere89
Post-Neoliberalism? An Introduction51
The Logic of the In-Visible: Decolonial Reflections on the Change of Epoch34
Beyond Human: Deep Learning, Explainability and Representation32
Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity31
Social Media and the Digital Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere29
A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? An Introduction28
Decolonial and Ontological Challenges in Social and Anthropological Theory24
Sylvia Wynter’s Theory of the Human: Counter-, not Post-humanist24
Neoliberalism, the Alt-Right and the Intellectual Dark Web22
The Spectacle of Data: A Century of Fairs, Fiches, and Fantasies22
Drone Power: Conservation, Humanitarianism, Policing and War21
Orbán’s Ordonationalism as Post-Neoliberal Hegemony20
Postcolonial Global Health, Post-Colony Microbes and Antimicrobial Resistance18
What Is an Environmental Problem?18
Software, Sovereignty and the Post-Neoliberal Politics of Exit17
Nudge Economics as Libertarian Paternalism17
Michel Serres and the Philosophy of Technology17
‘I Can't Breathe’: The Suffocating Nature of Racism17
Problems All the Way Down16
Digital Transformations and the Ideological Formation of the Public Sphere: Hegemonic, Populist, or Popular Communication?16
Social Media Filters and Resonances: Democracy and the Contemporary Public Sphere16
The Backlash Against Neoliberal Globalization from Above: Elite Origins of the Crisis of the New Constitutionalism16
Disjunctive Globalization in the Era of the Great Unsettling15
The Alt-Right: Neoliberalism, Libertarianism and the Fascist Temptation14
Moral Universalism at a Time of Political Regression: A Conversation with Jürgen Habermas about the Present and His Life’s Work13
Post-Truth, the Future of Democracy and the Public Sphere13
Online Conspiracy Theories, Digital Platforms and Secondary Orality: Toward a Sociology of Online Monsters13
Ruins of Gaia: Towards a Feminine Ontology of the Anthropocene12
The Dividual: Digital Practices and Biotechnologies10
The Revenge of Sovereignty on Government? The Release of Neoliberal Politics from Economics Post-200810
Interactive Computation and Artificial Epistemologies10
Introducing Solid Fluids10
Progressive Social Movements and the Creation of European Public Spheres9
Problematizing the Global: An Introduction to Global Culture Revisited9
Global Culture, 1990, 20208
Emotions and the Systematization of Connective Labor8
The Philosophy of Bitcoin and the Question of Money7
The Tempo of Solid Fluids: On River Ice, Permafrost, and Other Melting Matter in the Mackenzie Delta7
Animism in the Anthropocene7
Amateurs’ Exploration of Wine: A Pragmatic Study of Taste7
Race, Capitalism, and the Necessity/Contingency Debate7
On Disgrace: Scandal, Discredit and Denunciation within and across Fields7
The Political Economy of Revolution: Karl Polanyi in Tahrir Square7
Invisibility, Colors, Snow: Arctic Biosemiotics and the Violence of Climate Change6
Fictionality in New Materialism: (Re)Inventing Matter6
Miyazaki Hayao’s Animism and the Anthropocene6
Feeling the Real: The Non-Nomadic Subject of Feminism6
Fanon’s Psychiatric Hospital as a Waystation to Freedom6
Archaeological Methodology: Foucault and the History of Systems of Thought6
Corporate Public Spheres between Refeudalization and Revitalization6
Towards a Decolonial Media Archaeology: The Absent Archive of Screenwriting History and the Obsolete Munshi6
Staying with the Secret: The Public Sphere in Platform Society6
Power, Freedom and Obedience in Foucault and La Boétie: Voluntary Servitude as the Problem of Government6
Reflections on the Contemporary Public Sphere: An Interview with Judith Butler5
Simondon Contra New Materialism: Political Anthropology Reloaded5
The Joke-Secret and an Ethics of Modern Individuality: From Freud to Simmel5
Ecology, Capitalism and Waste: From Hyperobject to Hyperabject5
The Migrant Position: Dynamics of Political and Cultural Exclusion5
Planetary Cities: Fluid Rock Foundations of Civilization5
Speculative Empiricism, Nature and the Question of Predatory Abstractions: A Conversation with Didier Debaise5
Oceans as the Paradigm of History5
Against Posthumanism: Notes towards an Ethopolitics of Personhood5
Paradoxes of Rationalisation: Openness and Control in Critical Theory and Luhmann's Systems Theory5
A Solid Fluids Lexicon5
Financial Eschatology and the Libidinal Economy of Leverage5
Whose Dance Is It Anyway?: Property, Copyright and the Commons5
Aporias of Ecological Thought4
Technics, Time and the Internation: Bernard Stiegler’s Thought – A Dialogue with Daniel Ross4
Rethinking Posthumanist Subjectivity: Technology as Ontological Murder in European Colonialism4
Eugène Atget and Documentary Photography of the City4
Existing in Discrete States: On the Techno-Aesthetics of Algorithmic Being-in-Time4
Whither Globalization? An Interview with Roland Robertson4
China’s Post-Socialist Governmentality and the Garlic Chives Meme: Economic Sovereignty and Biopolitical Subjects4
In-between Solidity and Fluidity: The Reclaimed Marshlands of Agro Pontino4