European Management Journal

(The median citation count of European Management Journal is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The role of absorptive capacity and innovation strategy in the design of industry 4.0 business Models - A comparison between SMEs and large enterprises244
COVID-19 and business failures: The paradoxes of experience, scale, and scope for theory and practice194
Digital orientation: Conceptualization and operationalization of a new strategic orientation129
Digitalization in the financial industry: A contingency approach of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic vision on digitalization121
Re-examining systematic literature review in management research: Additional benefits and execution protocols108
What is the future of work? A science mapping analysis104
The relationship between presenteeism and job satisfaction: A mediated moderation model using work engagement and perceived organizational support88
Structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and work engagement: A cross-country study86
How social media practices shape family business performance: The wine industry case study79
Digital transformation: A review and research agenda72
Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?68
The (non-)application of blockchain technology in the Greek shipping industry63
A resource-based view on SMEs regarding the transition to more sophisticated stages of industry 4.062
Is CSR the panacea for SMEs? A study of socially responsible SMEs during economic crisis61
Critical mass and voice: Board gender diversity and financial reporting quality60
Industrial digitalization. A systematic literature review and research agenda52
Understanding manager resistance to blockchain systems48
How do mobile, internet and ICT diffusion affect the banking industry? An empirical analysis47
Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy45
Strategy implementation: A review and an introductory framework44
Revisiting the cooperation–competition paradox: A configurational approach to short- and long-term coopetition performance in business networks43
Organizational sensemaking: A systematic review and a co-evolutionary model42
Financial literacy and its influence on internet banking behavior41
Shaping the digital transformation of the retail banking industry. Empirical evidence from Italy41
Firm capabilities and export performance of small firms: A meta-analytical review37
A mixed-methods study of CEO transformational leadership and firm performance36
Impression management techniques in crowdfunding: An analysis of Kickstarter videos using artificial intelligence35
Transformational versus transactional leadership styles and project success: A meta-analytic review34
How to reconsider risk management in SMEs? An Advanced, Reasoned and Organised Literature Review33
Green entrepreneurial orientation and corporate environmental performance: A systematic literature review32
Employability skills: Profiling data scientists in the digital labour market32
Managing big data in the retail industry of Singapore: Examining the impact on customer satisfaction and organizational performance32
Societal effects of social media in organizations: Reflective points deriving from a systematic literature review and a bibliometric meta-analysis30
Response strategy to environment context factors using a lean and agile approach: Implications for firm performance30
Unlocking the recipe for organizational resilience: A review and future research directions30
Reproducibility and replicability crisis: How management compares to psychology and economics – A systematic review of literature30
Migration of skilled professionals across the border: Brain drain or brain gain?29
At the boundary: Post-COVID agenda for business and management research in Europe and beyond29
Leader–member exchange and organizational dehumanization: The role of supervisor’s organizational embodiment28
Strategy frames in coopetition: An examination of coopetition entry factors in high-tech firms28
Investigating investment decisions in equity crowdfunding: The role of projects' intellectual capital27
The effects of JDC model on burnout and work engagement: A multiple interaction analysis27
Satisfaction with HR practices and employee performance: A moderated mediation model of engagement and health26
Reciprocity in organizational behavior studies: A systematic literature review of contents, types, and directions26
Revisiting the impact of perceived social value on consumer behavior toward luxury brands25
Forty years of European Management Journal: A bibliometric overview25
Job crafting and well-being among school principals: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration25
CEOs’ temporal focus, firm strategic change, and performance: Insights from a paradox perspective25
Complementarity between CSR dimensions and innovation: behaviour, objective or both?25
Ownership and corporate social responsibility: "The power of the female touch"24
Why do users trust algorithms? A review and conceptualization of initial trust and trust over time23
Promoting business model innovation through social media strategic capability: A moderated mediation model23
CSR signaling in controversial and noncontroversial industries: CSR policies, governance structures, and transparency tools23
Daily work pressure and exposure to bullying-related negative acts: The role of daily transformational and laissez-faire leadership22
Mission impossible? Effects of crisis, leader and follower strain on health-oriented leadership22
Balancing employees’ extrinsic requirements and intrinsic motivation: A paradoxical leader behaviour perspective21
Cross-level effect of resonant leadership on remote engagement: A moderated mediation analysis in the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis21
The role of organismic integration theory in marketing science: A systematic review and research agenda21
Climate change, consumer lifestyles and legitimation strategies of sustainability-oriented firms21
Evolution of industry 4.0 and international business: A systematic literature review and a research agenda21
Developing classic systematic literature reviews to advance knowledge: Dos and don'ts20
Leaders as change executors: The impact of leader attitudes to change and change-specific support on followers20
The great reset of management and organization theory. A European perspective20
Loner or team player: How firms allocate orchestrator tasks amongst ecosystem actors20
Does age diversity boost technological innovation? Exploring the moderating role of HR practices20
Big data in family firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective20
Turning change resistance into readiness: How change agents’ communication shapes recipient reactions19
Exploring the impact of sustainable value proposition on firm performance19
Attracting talent through diversity at the top: The impact of TMT diversity and firms' efforts to promote diversity on employer attractiveness19
Coopetition, value co-creation, and knowledge-enhancement in the UK alpaca industry: A multi-level mechanism18
Complements or substitutes? The contingent role of corporate reputation on the interplay between internal R&D and external knowledge sourcing18
A journey around decision-making: Searching for the “big picture” across disciplines18
The role of organizational innovation in the development of green innovations in Spanish firms18
The effect of knowledge collaboration on business model reconfiguration17
Reflexive sensegiving: An open-ended process of influencing the sensemaking of others during organizational change17
The effect of coopetition intensity on first mover advantage and imitation in innovation related coopetition: Empirical evidence from UK firms17
Agency conflict in diversified business groups and performance of affiliated firms in India: Contingent effect of external constraint and internal governance16
The impact of project team characteristics and client collaboration on project agility and project success: An empirical study16
Market orientation in uncertain environments: The enabling role of effectuation orientation in new product development16
Entrepreneurial orientation dimensions and the performance of high-tech and low-tech firms: A configurational approach16
Organizational disidentification and change-oriented citizenship behavior16
The role of supplier innovation performance and strategies on the smartphone supply market15
Governance, boards and value co-creation: Changing perspectives towards a service dominant logic15
Emotionally intelligent top management and high family firm performance: Evidence from Germany15
Are skilled contingent workers neglected? Evidence from a cross-sector multiple case study on organizational career management practices15
The impact of perceived organizational support on work meaningfulness, engagement, and perceived stress in France15
What really works?! Evaluating the effectiveness of practices to increase the managerial diversity of women and minorities15
Does task-related conflict mediate the board gender diversity–organizational performance relationship?15
Overcoming pandemic challenges through product innovation: The role of digital technologies and servitization14
Value co-creation in tourism and hospitality: A systematic literature review14
A classification of resources for employee-based value creation and a future research agenda14
Supply chain integration and novelty-centered business model design: An organizational learning perspective14
“Seeing to be seen”: The manager’s political economy of visibility in new ways of working14
Linking organisational commitment with continuous learning through peripheral vision and procedural memory14
Cooperation between large companies and start-ups: An overview of the current state of research14
Bounded leadership: An empirical study of leadership competencies, constraints, and effectiveness13
From ideas of power to the powering of ideas in organizations: Reflections from Follett and Foucault13
The influence of age-based faultlines on team performance: Examining mediational paths13
The ebb and flow of identity: How sustainable entrepreneurs deal with their hybridity13
Can subordinates benefit from Manager’s gossip?13
Does merger & acquisition (M&A) strategy matter? A contingency perspective13
Is data-driven decision-making driven only by data? When cognition meets data13
Does corporate and country corruption risk affect CEO performance? A study of the best-performing CEOs worldwide13
We are family! The role of family members’ identification in the internationalization of family firms12
Perceptions of ethical climate and organizational justice as antecedents to employee performance: The mediating role of employees' attributions of leader effectiveness12
Impairment or amortization of goodwill? An analysis of CFO perceptions of goodwill accounting12
The complementary effects of rationality and intuition on strategic decision quality12
Uncovering the factors behind new ventures’ international performance: Capabilities, alertness and technological turbulence12
How hot cognition can lead us astray: The effect of anger on strategic decision making11
Dysfunctional rules in organizations: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between red tape and employees’ outcomes11
Human resources management and corporate governance: Integration perspectives and future directions11
Perceived technological turbulence and individual ambidexterity – The moderating role of formalization11
Do nonprofessional investors value the assurance of integrated reports? Exploratory evidence11
How the Pygmalion Effect operates in intra-family succession: Shared expectations in family SMEs10
Employee silence in an organizational context: A review and research agenda10
Socioemotional wealth in family business research: A systematic literature review on its definition, roles and dimensions10
Artificial intelligence and HRM: HR managers’ perspective on decisiveness and challenges10
When homophilous ties matter: Social network brokerage and individuals’ innovative behavior10
Impression management in corporate annual reports during the global financial crisis10
Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy10
Scrutinising the interplay between governance and resilience in supply chain management: A systems thinking framework10
TOP WOMAN: Identifying barriers to women's access to management10
Servitization of business updated: Now, new, next10
Contactless marketing management of fashion brands in the digital age9
I need you, but do I love you? Strong ties and innovation in supplier–customer relations9
Unveiled confidence: Exploring how institutional support enhances the entrepreneurial self-efficacy and performance of female entrepreneurs in constrained contexts9
Overcoming barriers to knowledge co-production in academic–practitioner research collaboration9
Social influence in online retail: A review and research agenda9
Stakeholder-oriented brand management: A Venn-diagram approach to monitor brand associations9
Firm-level indicators of instrumental and political CSR processes – A multiple case study9
Stemming the downturn: How ambidexterity and public policy influence firm performance stability during economic crises9
Managing skunkworks to achieve ambidexterity: The Robinson Crusoe effect9
United we stand: HR and line managers’ shared views on HR strategic integration9
A new framework of firm-level innovation capability: A propensity–ability perspective9
Creating team ambidexterity: The effects of leader dialectical thinking and collective team identification9
The unfriendly board: Antecedents and consequences of board dissent9
Collaboration-based HR systems and innovative work behaviors: The role of information exchange and HR system strength9
HR systems and leadership attachment affecting idea generation and implementation: An experiment and two-source multi-level study8
Mitigating the environmental and social footprint of brownfields: The case for a peripheral CSR approach8
Effects of constructive politics and market turbulence on entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship: A moderated mediation model8
New directions to create dynamic capabilities: The role of pioneering orientation and interorganizational relationships8
Expansion-oriented job crafting and employee performance: A self-empowerment perspective8
Mergers and acquisitions research — A bibliometric analysis8
Dynamic collaboration between small- and medium-sized enterprises from highly dissimilar markets8
Strategic corporate venturing in interlinked ambidextrous units: An exploratory model8
Mining the hidden seam of proximity m-payment adoption: A hybrid PLS-artificial neural network analytical approach8
The scale-up finance gap in the EU: Causes, consequences, and policy solutions8
40th anniversary editorial: Looking backwards to move forward in management research8
Leader–member innovative work behavior (in)congruence and task performance: The moderating role of work engagement7
How do dynamic capabilities affect performance? A systematic review of mediators7
When the victim becomes vicious: Combined effects of pseudo transformational leadership and epistemic motivation on contempt and deviant behaviors7
Bringing the design perspective to coworking-spaces: Constitutive entanglement of actors and artifacts7
Top management team and board of directors as the strategic leadership system: The effect of behavioral integration on strategic decision-making quality7
Understanding top managers’ careers: How does career variety impact tenure on the board?7
It’s all about culture! Institutional context and ownership concentration across Europe7
Ups and downs in transformational leadership: A weekly diary study7
Job well robotized! – Maintaining task diversity and well-being in managing technological changes7
Lonely@Work@Home? The impact of work/home demands and support on workplace loneliness during remote work7
A person-centered perspective in assessing career adaptability: Potential profiles, outcomes, and antecedents7
Effects of internal and external corporate social responsibility on employee job satisfaction during a pandemic: A medical device industry perspective7
Critical capabilities for widening international new ventures’ geographical scope.7
Reshaping M&A research: Strategies and tactics for a new research agenda6
Why and when does inclusive leadership evoke employee negative feedback-seeking behavior?6
Pricing-based practices, conflicts and performance in franchising6
The attributes of coopetitive relationships: What do we know and not know about them?6
Theory of dogmatism, personality traits and shopping behavior6
Stewardship as process: A paradox perspective6
The edge of reason: A thematic analysis of how professional financial traders understand analytical decision making6
Responding to discontinuities in product-based service supply chains in the COVID-19 pandemic: Towards transilience6
Supported, detached, or marginalized? The ambivalent role of social capital on stress at work6
An interaction orientation approach to SME-Intermediaries relationships6
Financial risk tolerance: A review and research agenda6
Social media entrepreneurship: A study on follower response to social media monetization5
Unfair, uncertain, and unwilling: How decision-making unfairness and unclear job tasks reduce problem-focused voice behavior, unless there is task conflict5
How can value co-creation be integrated into a customer experience evaluation?5
Disentangling the effects of organizational controls on innovation5
“Holy curiosity of inquiry”: An investigation into curiosity and work performance of employees5
Towards better understanding and narrowing of the science–practice gap: A practitioner-centered approach to management knowledge creation5
The joint effect of corporate social irresponsibility and social responsibility on consumer outcomes5
Well begun is half done: Toward an understanding of predictors for initial training transfer5
An organizational learning approach to digital and non-digital firm acquisition behavior5
Thriving through turbulence5
The effect of board size on shareholder value: Evidence from bank mergers and acquisitions5
Need to choose between cutting people and pay? A work sector may matter if maintaining work attitudes is your concern5
Competitive renaissance through digital transformation5
Integration team members' approaches to uncertainty management in M&A5
Reflections on grounding firm innovation and viability5
How does decision-making involvement affect perceptions of speed during post-merger integration?5
Female directors and the firm's cost of debt: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment5
Going deep into a leader's integrity: A systematic review and the way forward5
The effect of performance feedback on strategic alliance formation and R&D intensity5
Technologies 4.0 and business development5
Customer integration, fairness perceptions, and silent endurance in digital versus human service interactions5
Building organizational commitment through cognitive and relational job crafting5
Understanding knowledge transfer in M&As: An integration of resource orchestration and social capital theories and evidence from UK acquiring firms5
Generating entrepreneurial imaginativeness from intercultural Janusian thinking4
Linking psychological and social capital to organizational performance: A moderated mediation of organizational trust and proactive behavior4
The impact of distance on acquisition performance4
Communicating new product development openness – The impact on consumer perceptions and intentions4
Regional integration and the regional risk paradox4
Pre-merger acquisition capabilities: A study of two successful serial acquirers4
How managers’ risk perceptions affect their willingness to blame advisors as scapegoats4
Do Employees boost opportunities to compete abroad? A longitudinal study of family and non-family firms4
Supervisors’ power to deal with employees’ inner resignation: How perceived power of the organization and the supervisor relate to employees’ voluntary and enforced work behavior4
Toward a comprehensive perspective on hubristic leadership – An aggregation of cross-disciplinary evidence and roadmap for future research4
Gender Data Gap and its impact on management science — Reflections from a European perspective4
Reflections on the roles of governance and leadership in profit-for-purpose companies: A European–United States comparative perspective4
Integrating national culture into the organizational performance feedback theory4
Brand deletion implementation: The effect on performance of context and process factors4
Organizational risk culture: A literature review on dimensions, assessment, value relevance, and improvement levers4
Successful complaint handling on social media predicts increased repurchase intention: The roles of trust in company and propensity to trust4
The key role of the event in combining business and community-based logics for managing an ecosystem: Empirical evidence from Lyon e-Sport4
Acquired middle managers’ strategy roles and value creation in cross-border acquisitions4
How makers responded to the Personal Protective Equipment shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis focused on the Hauts-de-France region4
Career patterns of top managers in Europe: Signs of further globalisation?4
Foreign divestment from emerging markets: A systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda4