European Management Journal

(The H4-Index of European Management Journal is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The role of absorptive capacity and innovation strategy in the design of industry 4.0 business Models - A comparison between SMEs and large enterprises244
COVID-19 and business failures: The paradoxes of experience, scale, and scope for theory and practice194
Digital orientation: Conceptualization and operationalization of a new strategic orientation129
Digitalization in the financial industry: A contingency approach of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic vision on digitalization121
Re-examining systematic literature review in management research: Additional benefits and execution protocols108
What is the future of work? A science mapping analysis104
The relationship between presenteeism and job satisfaction: A mediated moderation model using work engagement and perceived organizational support88
Structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and work engagement: A cross-country study86
How social media practices shape family business performance: The wine industry case study79
Digital transformation: A review and research agenda72
Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?68
The (non-)application of blockchain technology in the Greek shipping industry63
A resource-based view on SMEs regarding the transition to more sophisticated stages of industry 4.062
Is CSR the panacea for SMEs? A study of socially responsible SMEs during economic crisis61
Critical mass and voice: Board gender diversity and financial reporting quality60
Industrial digitalization. A systematic literature review and research agenda52
Understanding manager resistance to blockchain systems48
How do mobile, internet and ICT diffusion affect the banking industry? An empirical analysis47
Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy45
Strategy implementation: A review and an introductory framework44
Revisiting the cooperation–competition paradox: A configurational approach to short- and long-term coopetition performance in business networks43
Organizational sensemaking: A systematic review and a co-evolutionary model42
Financial literacy and its influence on internet banking behavior41
Shaping the digital transformation of the retail banking industry. Empirical evidence from Italy41
Firm capabilities and export performance of small firms: A meta-analytical review37
A mixed-methods study of CEO transformational leadership and firm performance36
Impression management techniques in crowdfunding: An analysis of Kickstarter videos using artificial intelligence35
Transformational versus transactional leadership styles and project success: A meta-analytic review34
How to reconsider risk management in SMEs? An Advanced, Reasoned and Organised Literature Review33
Managing big data in the retail industry of Singapore: Examining the impact on customer satisfaction and organizational performance32
Green entrepreneurial orientation and corporate environmental performance: A systematic literature review32
Employability skills: Profiling data scientists in the digital labour market32