
(The median citation count of Measurement is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A method for data density reduction in overlapped airborne LiDAR strips352
Prediction of breast cancer based on computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques225
Fast and efficient approach for multi-component quantum wells analysis based on FFT216
A fusion of dolphin swarm optimization and improved sine cosine algorithm for automatic detection and classification of objects from surveillance videos210
Online double-sided identification and eliminating system of unclosed-glumes rice seed based on machine vision197
LASSO based compensation method for geometric errors of large coordinate measuring machine195
PCTAR-Net: A power quality composite disturbances classification model for variable scenarios189
Visual-Language contrastive learning for zero-shot compound fault diagnosis in sucker rod wells184
A tracker pose optimization method for robotic measuring system based on spatial distance constraints171
A structural 3D displacement measurement method using monocular camera based on multiple feature points tracking160
On-line detection of 3D non-uniform erosion-corrosion damage in a reducer using an innovated ring-pair-electrical-resistance-sensor array150
Advances in quartz crystal microbalance relative humidity sensors: A review144
Real-time extraction method for 3D weld path pose based on multipole magnetic control GTAW arc sensing130
Exploration of the transverse seebeck effect in the inclined nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC thin film125
A sensing system and solving method for dynamic detection of relative pose of hydraulic support group124
A comparative study of modeling and parameter identification for lithium-ion batteries in energy storage systems123
A nonlinear sensitivity matrix for improving the imaging quality in electrical resistance tomography121
Self-supervised learning using diverse cell images for cervical cancer classification119
Experiment study of long pulse eddy current / eddy current pulse-compression thermography detection on large area with low-frequency and low-current119
Research on spatial resolution in cardiac source imaging for multiple measurement modes using a realistic multi-tissue human model117
Surface roughness prediction based on fusion of dynamic-static data115
Corrigendum to “Loaded coal-rock temperature denoising algorithm based on CEEMD and adaptive NIWT with NIWOA” [Measurement 236 (2024) 115176]114
Mechanisms and rock strength measurement of two-wing polycrystalline diamond compact drill bits111
A review of the application of machine learning techniques in thermal error compensation for CNC machine tools111
An weak surface defect inspection approach using efficient multi-scale attention and space-to-depth convolution network110
Wind turbine fault prognosis using SCADA measurements, pre-fault labeling, and KNN classifiers robust against data imbalance110
Hybrid propagation modeling based clutch fault diagnosis of multi-mode electromechanical transmission system using particle filter110
A non-magnetic packaged Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser for SERF magnetometers108
An online open circuit faults diagnosis method for converter using the lightweight two-channel deep network108
Suppression of vapor cell temperature error for nuclear magnetic resonance sensor based on Rb parametric magnetometer phase107
Partial discharge based recognition of water droplets location in high voltage insulator using convolutional neural network – Bacterial foraging algorithm based optimized machine learning classifier107
An energy-efficient circuit for online detection of R- and P-waves from ECG signals in analog domain107
Rotating machinery fault diagnosis based on multivariate multiscale fuzzy distribution entropy and Fisher score104
Development of hybrid optical sensor based on deep learning to detect and classify the micro-size defects in printed circuit board103
Online calibrated, energy-aware and heading corrected pedestrian navigation with foot-mounted MARG sensors103
Temperature response of coal fracture induced by three-dimensional stress field102
Data-driven model for Fourier transform infrared spectrum characteristics of the aged modified bio-asphalt binder101
In situ calibration of triaxial coils of a vector optically pumped magnetometers based on a particle swarm optimization algorithm99
Sparse coefficient fast solution algorithm based on the circulant structure of a shift-invariant dictionary and its applications for machine fault diagnosis98
Continuous postural and movement monitoring system for wheelchair users assessment97
An UAV system for visual inspection and wall thickness measurements in ship surveys97
A comprehensive compensation method for piezoresistive pressure sensor based on surface fitting and improved grey wolf algorithm90
The diagnosis of satellite flywheel bearing cage fault based on two-step clustering of multiple acoustic parameters90
New interdependence feature of EEG signals as a biomarker of timing deficits evaluated in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder detection88
Experimental 2D extended Kalman filter sensor fusion for low-cost GNSS/IMU/Odometers precise positioning system88
Experimental verification research of pipeline deflection deformation monitoring method based on distributed optical fiber measured strain88
Identification of inlet pipe blockage level in centrifugal pump over a range of speeds by deep learning algorithm using multi-source data87
Integrated FFT and XGBoost framework to predict pavement skid resistance using automatic 3D texture measurement87
Development of a compact focus variation microscopy sensor for on-machine surface topography measurement86
Highly sensitive and selective voltammetric detection of isoniazid drug based on graphene oxide‐gold nanourchin‐poly(aniline) nanocomposite85
Comparing pyrometry and thermography in ballistic impact experiments85
A critical review for machining positioning based on computer vision83
Study of the performance and time response of the RadonEye Plus2 continuous radon monitor82
Analysis of different parameters of influence in industrial cameras calibration processes82
Measurement while core drilling based on a small-scale drilling platform: Mechanical and energy analysis82
A full 3D reconstruction of rail tracks using a camera array81
Experimental and machine learning comparison for measurement the machinability of nickel based alloy in pursuit of sustainability80
The study of hydraulic machinery condition monitoring based on anomaly detection and fault diagnosis80
AI-enhanced time–frequency domain reflectometry for robust series arc fault detection in DC grids79
A consistently fast and accurate algorithm for estimating camera pose from point correspondences79
A novel method for simultaneous-fault diagnosis based on between-class learning79
Optimization of laser scanner positioning networks for architectural surveys through the design of genetic algorithms78
Automated measurement method for assessing thermal-dependent electronic characteristics of thin boron-doped diamond-graphene nanowall structures78
Numerical study on the low frequency sensitivity variation of the microphone in laser-pistonphone based primary calibrations78
Bibliometric review of measurement uncertainty: Research classification and future tendencies77
A miniature triaxial force sensor based on fiber Bragg gratings for flexible endoscopic robot76
An adaptive error-based observer method in electro-optical tracking system76
A novel method for analyzing the influence of relative attitude of laser profile scanner on 3D measurement system75
Machine vision-based algorithms to detect sunburn pomegranate for use in a sorting machine75
Variety of attenuation of RF suppression filters74
Accurate determination of thermoelectric figure of merit using ac Harman method with a four-probe configuration74
Determination of the shape of the CFGFT cylindrical column based on laboratory tests73
Spatial error prediction method for precision machine tools considering the influence of repeatability error73
Advancement in the automation of paved roadways performance patrolling: A review72
Generalized multi-point interpolated DTFT frequency and damping factor estimators of real-valued damped sinusoids70
Anomaly detection and early warning via a novel multiblock-based method with applications to thermal power plants70
Assessment of Real-Time PPP with Trimble RTX correction service for real-time dynamic displacement monitoring based on high-rate GNSS observations69
UAVPNet: A balanced and enhanced UAV object detection and pose recognition network69
Application-oriented meta-model of measurement uncertainty69
Condition monitoring strategy based on an optimized selection of high-dimensional set of hybrid features to diagnose and detect multiple and combined faults in an induction motor68
Assessing the effect of sample orientation on dimensional X-ray computed tomography through experimental and simulated data67
Distribution optimization of micro-cone structures in the dielectric layer of a capacitive flexible pressure sensor67
Electromagnetic characteristics of 3D-printed composites by free-space measurement67
Two-point magnetic field positioning algorithm based on rotating magnetic dipole67
Monitoring of ductile–brittle transition mechanisms in sapphire ultra-precision grinding used small grit size grinding wheel through force and acoustic emission signals67
Digital twin modeling and leak diagnosis of temperature and stress fields in LNG storage tanks66
An apparatus to measure thermal conductivity of ceramic pebble beds under uniaxial compressive stress66
A robust variance information fusion technique for real-time autonomous navigation systems65
Working temperature threshold analysis for HTS maglev system based the novel thermal-dynamic levitation force coupling measurement device65
Measurement of liquid refractive index by quantitative phase reconstruction of single frame dual-wavelength digital hologram64
Sparse enhancement based on the total variational denoising for fault feature extraction of rolling element bearings63
An adaptive remaining useful life prediction model for aeroengine based on multi-angle similarity63
A semantic SLAM-based dense mapping approach for large-scale dynamic outdoor environment63
Quantification of turbulent structures in and around the boundary region of a turbulent round jet released into counter-flow62
Improved uniform phase empirical mode decomposition and its application in machinery fault diagnosis62
A novel shape restoration algorithm for Ultra-fast morphology perception system based on multiplexing FBG array62
Online automatic monitoring of abnormal vibration of stay cables based on acceleration data from structural health monitoring60
Wireless ECG and cardiac monitoring systems: State of the art, available commercial devices and useful electronic components60
Experimental evaluation on characteristics of a falling-film flow on the horizontal tube subject to ultrasonic field60
Review of fault detection techniques in power converters: Fault analysis and diagnostic methodologies60
Method to minimize the radial displacement dependency of an eddy-current based cross-sectional area measurement of hot-rolled rod and wire60
Research on pulsed eddy current automatic detection technology for weld defects of pressure vessel cylinder59
Real-time dual-channel speckle interferometry based on an improved dual-observation configuration with spatial phase-shifting59
Design, calibration and validation of a wheel-rail contact force measurement system in V-Track59
Analytical performance and validations of the Galileo five-frequency precise point positioning models58
Calibration of triaxial accelerometers by constant rotation rate in the gravitational field58
Challenges and limitations of using charge storage capacity to assess capacitance of biomedical electrodes57
Fault detection method for energy measurement systems equipped with a Rogowski coil using the coil's response to a unit voltage jump and a fully convolutional neural network57
2D DIC from single moving camera by homographies compensation57
Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on multiscale one-dimensional hybrid binary pattern57
Weighted delay-and-sum beamformer for breast cancer detection using microwave imaging56
Fabrication of focused ion beam-deposited nanowire probes for conductive atomic force microscopy56
Highly accurate imaging based position measurement using holographic point replication56
Robust self-tuning regressive adaptive controller design for a DC–DC BUCK converter56
The estimation of the thermal performance of heat sinks manufactured by direct metal laser sintering based on machine learning56
Practical applicability of processing static, short-observation-time raw GNSS measurements provided by a smartphone under tree vegetation56
Low-frequency noise measurements of IR photodetectors with voltage cross correlation system56
Simultaneous calibration of probe parameters and location errors of rotary axes on multi-axis CNC machines by using a sphere55
Analytical method to determine the values of current error and phase displacement of inductive current transformers during transformation of distorted currents higher harmonics54
Study on transient flow characteristics and measurement method for multi-point injection system of natural gas engine54
Pareto optimization of wavelet filter design for partial discharge detection in electrical machines54
Elevator vibration signal denoising by deep residual U-Net54
On-line quantitative analysis of major elements in phosphate slurry using LIBS assisted by plasma information from orthogonal directions imaging54
Improvement and application of miniature Hopkinson bar device based on series-parallel coil array electromagnetic launch53
The detection of defects in ceramic cell phone backplane with embedded system53
Evaluation of onboard sensors for track geometry monitoring against conventional track recording measurements52
Assessing the technological quality of abrasive water jet and laser cutting processes by geometrical errors and a multiplicative indicator52
Integration of variance component estimation with robust Kalman filter for single-frequency multi-GNSS positioning52
Fabrication of microfluidic pH sensing chip based on sputtered Sb2O3/Sb thin film working electrode and AgIO3/Ag thin film reference electrode for detection of A549 cells52
Sparse-based defect detection of weld feature guided waves with a fusion of shear wave characteristics52
Concentration map reconstruction for gas source location using nano quadcopters: Metal oxide semiconductor sensor implementation and indoor experiments validation52
An accurate approach for obtaining spatiotemporal information of vehicle loads on bridges based on 3D bounding box reconstruction with computer vision52
Rail corrugation detection using one-dimensional convolution neural network and data-driven method51
Measuring curvature of trajectory traced by coupler of an optimal four-link spherical mechanism51
GMC sparse enhancement diagnostic method based on the tunable Q-factor wavelet transform for detecting faults in rotating machines51
Research on mechanical damage-energy evolution characteristics of coal based on digital image measurement technology50
A modified-YOLOv5s model for detection of wire braided hose defects50
Fall detection system based on infrared array sensor and multi-dimensional feature fusion50
Spindle-mounted self-decoupled force/torque sensor for cutting force detection in a precision machine tool50
Multi-scale multi-modal fusion for object detection in autonomous driving based on selective kernel50
Yolox-BTFPN: An anchor-free conveyor belt damage detector with a biased feature extraction network50
Development of machine learning models for reliable prediction of the punching shear strength of FRP-reinforced concrete slabs without shear reinforcements50
Arc voltage measurements for height control in pulsed arc additive manufacturing50
EEG complexity-based algorithm using Multiscale Fuzzy Entropy: Towards a detection of Alzheimer’s disease50
Simultaneous measurements of burning velocity and temperature distribution of combustion using UV laser Rayleigh scattering49
Gesture recognition system based on ultrasonic FMCW and ConvLSTM model49
A phase unwrapping method suitable for high frequency fringe based on edge feature49
Inversion and characteristics of unmodeled errors in GNSS relative positioning49
An FBG-based high-sensitivity structure and its application in non-intrusive detection of pipeline49
Development of a CNN edge detection model of noised X-ray images for enhanced performance of non-destructive testing49
Maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transforms-based bipolar neutrosophic cross entropy measure for identification of rotor defects49
Classification modeling of valve internal leakage acoustic emission signals based on optimal wavelet scattering coefficients48
Simultaneous identification for geometric error of dual rotary axes in five-axis machine tools48
Robot based Transurethral Bladder Tumor Resection with automatic detection of tumor cells48
Modelling the magnetoinductive effect for coil-less magnetomechanical strain and force sensors48
Research on the calibration of the rotating axis of five-axis platform based on monocular vision and product of exponentials formula48
A positioning-functionalized force sensor for two-dimensional planes based on a sparse fiber Bragg grating array48
Miniature iron-carbon eutectic point crucible for the calibration of thermometers48
Sensitivity-matrix-independent electrical impedance tomography: Damage detection for composite materials47
Measuring dynamic deformation of a rotating blade by point cloud matching algorithm47
Structural damage localization based on deflection influence surfaces calculated by the three-dimensional boundary face method47
A simplified GNSS/LEO joint orbit determination method47
Digital sand patch: Using laser scanning and discrete element simulation for rapider pavement texture depth measurement47
Autofinding egg parasitoids in moth eggs by using machine learning methods in synchrotron-coherent X-ray imaging46
Stress measurement by laser grating based on laser ultrasonic technology46
Cloud maps highlighting dynamic characteristics of surface signal to improve time-varying wear evaluation accuracy46
Capacity estimation of lithium-ion battery with multi-task autoencoder and empirical mode decomposition46
Direct estimation of fractal dimension for an irregular surface using the roughness parameter approach46
A fusion algorithm selection method for infrared image based on quality synthesis of intuition possible sets46
Targeted synthesis, macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of permeability performance of a new high-permeability fog seal46
Direct electrochemical detection of pirimicarb using graphene oxide and ionic liquid composite modified by gold nanoparticles46
A fault diagnosis method for variable speed gearbox bearing based on SET improved multi-source ridge line45
A reliable moving vehicle axle-to-axle distance measurement system based on multi-frequency impedance measurement of a slim inductive-loop sensor45
Deep residual learning in modulation recognition of radar signals using higher-order spectral distribution45
Calibration of solar radiometers with traceability to the world radiometric reference using an absolute cavity radiometer45
Method for loose bolt positioning and prediction of bolt axial force in bolt group45
A key-factor denoising strategy for quasi periodic non-stationary incipient faults diagnosis45
Efficient estimation of state of charge of lithium-ion batteries45
Neural network based Q-MRAS method for speed estimation of linear induction motor45
A comparative experimental study on the impact strength of standard and asymmetric involute spur gears45
Determining signal entropy in uncertainty space45
Machine condition change detection based on data segmentation using a three-regime,α44
High precision low jitter pulse generator implemented with FPGA transceiver44
Multi-scale coal and gangue detection in dense state based on improved Mask RCNN44
Multiwavelet-based ECG compressed sensing44
A novel rolling bearing fault diagnosis method based on continuous hierarchical fractional range entropy44
Crystal measurement technologies for crystallization processes: Advances, applications, and challenges44
Wearable sensor for psychological stress monitoring of pregnant woman – State of the art44
A depth information-based method to enhance rainfall-induced landslide deformation area identification44
Development of OFDR-based inclination sensor for deformation measurement of foundation pile44
Ground penetrating radar detection of buried depth of pavement internal crack in asphalt surface: A study based on multiphase heterogeneous model44
In-situ ultrasonic measurement for hydrate pressure cores sampled by deep sea drilling43
Theoretical and practical research on micro hydrodynamic nozzles for modulated water jet generation as an innovation to replace continuous water jet in soft materials erosion43
A novel soft sensor method based on stacked fusion autoencoder with feature enhancement for industrial application43
Inconsistent pseudorange biases in time links and their effect on BDS and GPS PPP frequency transfer43
Research on single-epoch ambiguity resolution method based on BDS-3 ionosphere-reduced combinations43
A simple interface circuit for digital readout of lossy capacitive sensors43
Twisting torque – A simplified theoretical model for bicycle tyres43
A comprehensive analysis for real-time shape and strain sensing of composite thin-walled structure43
Contact wire position measurement on trolley-based system using 3D Laser-Scanning with geometric constraint method43
Target-less approach of wire rope rotation measurement43
Map aided visual-inertial fusion localization method for autonomous driving vehicles43
Bearing fault diagnosis method based on maximum noise ratio kurtosis product deconvolution with noise conditions43
Verification of high throughput simultaneous measurement for Seebeck coefficient, resistivity, and thermal diffusivity of thermoelectric materials42
Ai-based next-generation sensors for enhanced rehabilitation monitoring and analysis42
Model test research on arch dam displacement monitoring based on distributed strain sensing42
Fault state identification of rolling bearings based on deep transfer convolutional autoencoder and a new health indicator42
The comparison of the gas flow standards at high pressure42
Upgraded Full multiple reflections method improves accuracy in Time-Domain dielectric spectroscopy42
Machine Learning Approach for Flow Fields Over a Circular Cylinder Based on Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements42
Automatic co-registration of OPM-MEG and MRI using a 3D laser scanner42
Twins transformer: Cross-attention based two-branch transformer network for rotating bearing fault diagnosis41
Curvature sensor based on D-shape fiber long period fiber grating inscribed and polished by CO2 laser41
Detectability of concealed cracks in the asphalt pavement layer using air-coupled ground-penetrating radar41
Study on tool wear state recognition algorithm based on spindle vibration signals collected by homemade tool condition monitoring ring41
Performance evaluation of image processing algorithms for eye blinking detection41
Online viewpoint optimization method for high-accuracy intraoperative optical measurement in orthopedic surgeries: An active navigation approach41
Accurate ECG monitoring by Gaussian feature streaming41
Cointegration and how it works for structural health monitoring41
Extended channel characterization of the low-cost sampling devices for the application in high-precision electric power measurement41
Soft capacitive tactile sensing array with high-robustness for three-axis pressure measurement41
Evaluation of Inter-Laboratory Comparison Results: Representative Examples41
Novel indoor fingerprinting method based on RSS sequence matching41
Subpicosecond resolution time interval counter with multisampling wave union type B TDCs in 28 nm FPGA device40
Air gap flux density measurement of PMSLM based on TMR sensing external stray magnetic field and CNN-LSTM40
Measurement of uniaxial compression mechanical properties of thermally dried coal samples by energy and fragmentation characteristic analyses40
EOLO, a wind energy forecaster based on public information and automatic learning for the Spanish Electricity Markets40
Enhancing inter-subject reproducibility in insulin bioavailability measurements through real-time calibration40
A high-accuracy online calibration method for structured light 3D measurement40
Uncertainty elimination in 2D shape reconstruction of irregular particles in Interferometric particle imaging40
Adaptive adjustment of brightness and blur of the camera for high precision internal parameter calibration40
Hypergraph construction using Multi-Sensor for helicopter Tail-Drive system fault diagnosis39
Whole-field principal angle and optical path retardation measurements using white light OPD scanning polariscope with first moment algorithm39
Novel real-time structured light 3D scanning technique for powder bed state and recoater wear analysis in powder bed fusion39
A novel multi-classification method for photovoltaic electricity theft behavior with low false detection rate39
A non-contact solid particle moisture sensor based on near-infrared spectroscopy technology39
Sub-resolution modeling of the apparent mass loss in quantitative broadband X-ray radiography39
Monitoring of interface separation damage in buckling-restrained steel plate shear walls using piezoelectric based smart aggregates under cyclic loading39
Validation of the GUM uncertainty framework and the Unscented transformation for Brewer UV irradiance measurements using the Monte Carlo method39
Piezo sensor-based operational strain modal analysis of structures: Transition from lab to field application39
A novel coreless current sensing mechanism for two-wire power cord39
Strain response law of large-diameter PCCPs under internal water pressure based on BOTDA39
Leak detection and localization of fluid-filled pipeline using accelerometer pairs and mode separation method39
Estimating odor source proximity via two MOS sensors based on deep learning method39
Monitoring of absorptive model biogas purification process using sensor matrices and gas chromatography39
Intelligent diagnostic system for the rachet mechanism faults detection using acoustic analysis38
Analysis of heteroscedastic measurement data by the self-refining method of interval fusion with preference aggregation – IF&PA38
Robust autocovariance least-squares noise covariance estimation algorithm38
Comparative performance analysis of precise point positioning technique in the UAV − based mapping38
Interlaboratory comparison of battery impedance analyzers calibration38