Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques

(The TQCC of Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Modified Mann-Kendall trend test for hydrological time series under the scaling hypothesis and its application57
The potential of a novel support vector machine trained with modified mayfly optimization algorithm for streamflow prediction54
Trends in flow intermittence for European rivers52
New neural fuzzy-based machine learning ensemble for enhancing the prediction accuracy of flood susceptibility mapping50
An adaptive daily runoff forecast model using VMD-LSTM-PSO hybrid approach46
Critical drought intensity-duration-frequency curves based on total probability theorem-coupled frequency analysis41
Application of random forest and multi-linear regression methods in downscaling GRACE derived groundwater storage changes40
Hydrological responses to human-induced land use/land cover changes in the Gidabo River basin, Ethiopia39
Innovative approaches to the trend assessment of streamflows in the Eastern Black Sea basin, Turkey36
Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrology and water quality of large semi-arid reservoirs in Brazil35
Improving groundwater potential mapping using metaheuristic approaches33
Global-scale application of the RUSLE model: a comprehensive review33
Regional-scale interactions between groundwater and surface water under changing aridity: evidence from the River Awash Basin, Ethiopia33
Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges33
Improving daily stochastic streamflow prediction: comparison of novel hybrid data-mining algorithms32
Comparison of single-site, multi-site and multi-variable SWAT calibration strategies32
Use of stable water isotopes to identify and estimate the sources of groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer of Upper Jhelum Basin (UJB), western Himalayas30
Prediction of bedload transport rate using a block combined network structure29
Stationary vs non-stationary modelling of flood frequency distribution across northwest England29
Comparative implementation between neuro-emotional genetic algorithm and novel ensemble computing techniques for modelling dissolved oxygen concentration29
Guiding principles for hydrologists conducting interdisciplinary research and fieldwork with participants27
Unravelling the influence of human behaviour on reducing casualties during flood evacuation27
Urbanization impacts on flash urban floods in Bodrum Province, Turkey26
Towards a more consistent eco-hydrological modelling through multi-objective calibration: a case study in the Andean Vilcanota River basin, Peru25
Streamflow naturalization methods: a review25
Multi attributive ideal-real comparative analysis (MAIRCA) method for evaluating flood susceptibility in a temperate Mediterranean climate24
Groundwater recharge from heavy rainfall in the southwestern Lake Chad Basin: evidence from isotopic observations23
Drought forecasting using the Prophet model in a semi-arid climate region of western India23
Low-cost stage-camera system for continuous water-level monitoring in ephemeral streams22
An overview of precipitation climatology in Brazil: space-time variability of frequency and intensity associated with atmospheric systems21
Prediction of reference evapotranspiration for irrigation scheduling using machine learning21
Role of large-scale climate oscillations in precipitation extremes associated with atmospheric rivers: nonstationary framework21
Water scarcity in central Chile: the effect of climate and land cover changes on hydrologic resources20
Integrated multi-criteria analysis for groundwater potential mapping in Precambrian hard rock terranes (North Gujarat), India20
Conceptual monthly trend polygon methodology and climate change assessments20
Streamflow estimation using satellite-retrieved water fluxes and machine learning technique over monsoon-dominated catchments of India20
Effect of a reservoir network on drought propagation in a semi-arid catchment in Brazil19
Sourcing CHIRPS precipitation data for streamflow forecasting using intrinsic time-scale decomposition based machine learning models19
Geostatistical and deterministic methods for rainfall interpolation in the Zayandeh Rud basin, Iran19
Water quality: the missing dimension of water in the water–energy–food nexus19
Effect of land use/land cover changes on surface water availability in the Omo-Gibe basin, Ethiopia19
Uncertainty of potential evapotranspiration modelling in climate change impact studies on low flows in North America18
A specific indicator approach for the assessment of water resource vulnerability in arid areas: the case of the Souss-Massa Region (Morocco)18
Short-term streamflow time series prediction model by machine learning tool based on data preprocessing technique and swarm intelligence algorithm18
How robust is the evidence for beneficial hydrological effects of urban tree planting?17
Two decades of ensemble flood forecasting: a state-of-the-art on past developments, present applications and future opportunities17
A novel approach for next generation water-use mapping using Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite data17
Evaluation of imputation techniques for infilling missing daily rainfall records on river basins in Ghana17
Projecting land use growth and associated impacts on hydrological balance through scenario-based modelling in the Subarnarekha basin, India17
Climate change impacts on surface water resources in the Oued El Abid basin, Morocco17
Crop pattern planning and irrigation water allocation compatible with climate change using a coupled network flow programming-heuristic optimization model17
Assessing the potential and hydrological usefulness of the CHIRPS precipitation dataset over a complex topography in Pakistan16
Uncertainty assessment of LSTM based groundwater level predictions16
Understanding human adaptation to drought: agent-based agricultural water demand modeling in the Bow River Basin, Canada16
The effect of socio-economic characteristics on the use of household water treatment via psychosocial factors: a mediation analysis16
Meteorological and hydrological drought assessment in Lake Malawi and Shire River basins (1970–2013)15
Predicting flow intermittence in France under climate change15
Improved runoff curve numbers for a large number of watersheds of the USA15
Climate change impact and uncertainty analysis on hydrological extremes in a French Mediterranean catchment15
Evaluation of land-use, climate change, and low-impact development practices on urban flooding15
Re-initiating depth-discharge monitoring in small-sized ungauged watersheds by combining remote sensing and hydrological modelling: a case study in Madagascar15
Evaluating the performance of HBV, HEC-HMS and ANN models in simulating streamflow for a data scarce high-humid tropical catchment in Tanzania15
Multi-annual and seasonal variability of low-flow river conditions in southeastern Poland14
Partitioning evapotranspiration using water stable isotopes and information from lysimeter experiments14
Assessing machine learning models for streamflow estimation: a case study in Oued Sebaou watershed (Northern Algeria)14
Assessing the hydrological effects of land-use changes on a catchment using the Markov chain and WetSpa models14
Representation justice as a research agenda for socio-hydrology and water governance14
Social justice in socio-hydrology—how we can integrate the two different perspectives14
Evaluation of TRMM satellite dataset for monitoring meteorological drought in northeastern Brazil14
Water quality inequality: a non-targeted hotspot analysis for ambient water quality injustices14
Socio-hydrological agent-based modelling for analysing the impacts of supply enhancement strategies on the cap-and-trade scheme13
A novel hybrid approach to flood susceptibility assessment based on machine learning and land use change. Case study: a river watershed in Vietnam13
Copula-based drought risk analysis on rainfed agriculture under stationary and non-stationary settings13
Evaluation of parameter sensitivity of a rainfall-runoff model over a global catchment set13
Factual Drought Index (FDI): a composite index based on precipitation and evapotranspiration13
Comparative evaluation of deep learning and machine learning in modelling pan evaporation using limited inputs13
A generalization of the EBA4SUB rainfall–runoff model considering surface and subsurface flow13
Unveiling water security in Brazil: current challenges and future perspectives13
Assessing the origin and processes controlling groundwater salinization in coastal aquifers through integrated hydrochemical, isotopic and hydrogeochemical modelling techniques12
Water resources of Afghanistan and related hazards under rapid climate warming: a review12
Spatial-temporal changes to GRACE-derived terrestrial water storage in response to climate change in arid Northwest China12
Regressive-stochastic models for predicting water level in Lake Urmia12
No evidence of isotopic fractionation in olive trees (Olea europaea): a stable isotope tracing experiment12
Non-stationary flood frequency analysis and attribution of streamflow series: a case study of Periyar River, India12
Trends in seasonal snowpack and their relation to climate variables in mountain catchments in Czechia12
Hydrological evaluation of 14 satellite-based, gauge-based and reanalysis precipitation products in a data-scarce mountainous catchment12
Frequency of occurrence of flow regime components: a hydrology-based approach for environmental flow assessments and water allocation for the environment12
Evaluation of PERSIANN family remote sensing precipitation products for snowmelt runoff estimation in a mountainous basin12
Propagation of radar rainfall uncertainties into urban pluvial flood modeling during the North American monsoon12
Runoff responses to human activities and climate change in an arid watershed of central Iran11
Multiple imputations by chained equations for recovering missing daily streamflow observations: a case study of Langat River basin in Malaysia11
Monthly streamflow prediction using hybrid extreme learning machine optimized by bat algorithm: a case study of Cheliff watershed, Algeria11
Assessment of snow cover variability and its sensitivity to hydrometeorological factors in the Karakoram and Himalayan region11
Institutional analysis of organizations active in the restoration of Lake Urmia: the application of the social network analysis approach11
Using vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions11
Quantifying relative contribution of land use change and climate change to streamflow alteration in the Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia11
Daily scale river flow simulation: hybridized fuzzy logic model with metaheuristic algorithms10
Characterizing surface soil layer saturated hydraulic conductivity in a Mediterranean natural watershed10
Differential response to rainfall of soil moisture infiltration in permafrost and seasonally frozen ground in Kangqiong small basin on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau10
Modelling the mutual interactions between hydrology, society and water supply systems10
On capturing human agency and methodological interdisciplinarity in socio-hydrology research10
New approach to detect trends in extreme rain categories by the ITA method in northwest Algeria10
Probabilistic mapping and sensitivity assessment of dam-break flood hazard10
Spatiotemporal evaluation of future groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions under climate change scenarios9
Analysis of exploitation control in typical groundwater over-exploited area in North China Plain9
Quantifying climate and anthropogenic impacts on runoff using the SWAT model, a Budyko-based approach and empirical methods9
Evaluating spatial differences in the contributions of climate variability and human activity to runoff change in the Haihe River basin9
An approach to map karst groundwater potentiality in an urban area, Sete Lagoas, Brazil9
Forecasting long-term precipitation for water resource management: a new multi-step data-intelligent modelling approach9
Changes in rain-on-snow events in mountain catchments in the rain–snow transition zone9
Deterioration of streamflow monitoring in Omo-Gibe basin in Ethiopia9
Participatory research approaches in mining-impacted hydrosocial systems9
Rainfall–runoff modelling using octonion-valued neural networks9
Investigating hydrological model versatility to simulate extreme flood events9
Bayesian regional flood frequency analysis with GEV hierarchical models under spatial dependency structures9
Assessment of human-induced evapotranspiration with GRACE satellites in the Ziya-Daqing Basins, China9
A gradient boosting tree approach for SPEI classification and prediction in Turkey9
Modelling the impact of future climate change on streamflow and water quality in Wales, UK9
Multi sources hydrological assessment over Vu Gia Thu Bon Basin, Vietnam9
Assessing different roles of baseflow and surface runoff for long-term streamflow forecasting in southeastern China9
Blue and grey urban water footprints through citizens’ perception and time series analysis of Brazilian dynamics8
Assessing citizen science methods in IWRM for a new science shop: a bibliometric approach8
Canopy interception estimates in a Norway spruce forest and their importance for hydrological modelling8
Assessment of spatial and temporal distribution of surface water balance in a data-scarce African transboundary river basin8
How can socio-hydrology contribute to natural disaster risk reduction?8
Hydro-morphodynamic responses of rivers to the construction of hydropower dams: a case study – the Kor River, Iran8
Daily streamflow prediction in ungauged basins: an analysis of common regionalization methods over the African continent8
Water table rise in urban shallow aquifer with vertically-heterogeneous soils: Girinskii’s potential revisited8
Development of a new agro-meteorological drought index (SPAEI-Agro) in a data-scarce region8
Anthropogenic influences on the variation of runoff and sediment load of the Mahanadi River basin8
Mapping abrupt streamflow shift in an abrupt climate shift through multiple change point methodologies: Brazil case study8
Behavioral and socio-economic factors controlling irrigation adoption in Maharashtra, India8
Generalized storage-reliability-yield framework for hydroelectric reservoirs8
Spatio-temporal rainfall trends in the Ganga River basin over the last century: understanding feedback and hydrological impacts8
Approaches for the short-term prediction of natural daily streamflows using hybrid machine learning enhanced with grey wolf optimization8
An end-user-friendly hydrological Web Service for hydrograph prediction in ungauged basins8
Reconstruction of erosivity density in northwest Italy since 17018
Where should hydrology go? An early-career perspective on the next IAHS Scientific Decade: 2023–20328
When does a parsimonious model fail to simulate floods? Learning from the seasonality of model bias8
Evolution characteristics of potential evapotranspiration over the Three-River Headwaters Region8
Uncertainty analysis in parameter regionalization for streamflow prediction in ungauged semi-arid catchments8
The role of qualitative social science. Discussion of “Guiding principles for hydrologists conducting interdisciplinary research and fieldwork with participants”8
Assessing water surface temperature from Landsat imagery and its relationship with a nuclear power plant7
On the statistical complexity of streamflow7
A comparison between generalized least squares regression and top-kriging for homogeneous cross-correlated flood regions7
Sequential downscaling of GRACE products to map groundwater level changes in Krishna River basin7
Multisite calibration of a semi-distributed hydrologic and thermal model in a large Canadian watershed7
Impact of temporal rainfall resolution on daily streamflow simulations in a large-sized river basin7
Stakeholder-based water allocation modelling and ecosystem services trade-off analysis: the case of El Carracillo region (Spain)7
WEB.BM – a web-based river basin management model with multiple time-step optimization and the SSARR channel routing options7
The lumped Muskingum flood routing model revisited: the storage relationship7
Quantile mapping bias correction methods to IMDAA reanalysis for calibrating NCMRWF unified model operational forecasts7
Spatial and temporal patterns of flow intermittency in a Mediterranean basin using the SWAT+ model7
Can multiscalar meteorological drought indices detect soil moisture droughts? A study of Indian regions7
Probable maximum precipitation estimation over western Iran based on remote sensing observations: comparing deterministic and probabilistic approaches7
A regional ANN-based model to estimate suspended sediment concentrations in ungauged heterogeneous basins7
Projection of future drought and extreme events occurrence in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed, Midwestern US7
Water yield variability and response to climate change across Canada7
Coupling Sustainable Development Goal 11.3.1 with Current Planning Tools: City of Hamilton, Canada7
Effect of data length, spin-up period and spatial model resolution on fully distributed hydrological model calibration in the Moselle basin7
Changes of streamflow regulation in an Andean watershed with shrinking glaciers: implications for water security7
How to enhance the inverse distance weighting method to detect the precipitation pattern in a large-scale watershed7
Assessment of drainage network analysis methods to rank sediment yield hotspots7
Governing Open Science7
Changes in the lake thermal and mixing dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau7
Estimation of natural groundwater recharge in Chennai River basin using multiple approaches7