New Scientist

(The median citation count of New Scientist is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
What is a metaverse117
Omicron emerges51
Children with long covid27
Threats from new variants21
Delta to dominate world19
Welcome to the metaverse15
Subvariant ‘soup’ may drive wave14
Sputnik V vaccine goes global12
Tongan volcano erupts11
The first global energy crisis9
Are booster shots coming?8
Facebook is now Meta – but why, and what even is the metaverse?6
Illuminating consciousness6
The biggest logistics challenge in history6
Covid-19 vaccines for kids6
UK makes moves to build a nuclear fusion power plant6
The science of can and can't6
India at breaking point6
The hidden costs of AI6
New variant gains ground6
The nature fix6
The world's first bitcoin republic5
Net zero's dirty secret5
Should schools ban AI chatbots?5
El Salvador revamps bitcoin system5
Vaccine nationalism5
Global vaccine inequality4
The wisdom of the woods4
Air pollution may be behind millions of deaths in China4
The world is warming, and we know why. We also know how to stop it. To stave off the worst effects, we must wean ourselves off greenhouse gas-producing fossil fuels – and fast, hitting “net zero” carb4
How to stop vaccine hesitancy4
Will bitcoin help or hinder Ukraine?4
India's pledge on net zero4
How covid-19 affects the brain4
Protect the pollinators4
Two years of the coronavirus4
AI outguns a human fighter pilot4
The climate fight after coronavirus4
Children's immunity at risk4
Sights set on universal vaccine4
A new quantum leader?3
Stark inequality in covid-19 deaths3
Long covid risk with omicron may be half that of delta3
Most major carbon capture and storage projects haven't met targets3
The omicron wave3
Bias in the machines3
What covid-19 does to the brain3
Will the IPCC report matter?3
How climate change hits nature3
ChatGPT can find and fix the bugs in computer code3
First helicopter flight on another planet takes off3
What are the new coronavirus variants?3
Cold brew3
3D-printed steel bridge takes the load in Amsterdam3
Should we be worried by wild animals with covid-19?3
How quickly can you catch covid-19 again?3
Who wants to be an animated gif millionaire?3
Honeywell claims quantum record3
The coronavirus could end up mild like a common cold3
Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine3
Covid-19's AI revolution3
Stopping coronavirus variants3
Wild bison roam in the UK for the first time2
Hope or Hype?2
Amazon deforestation has slowed down since Lula took over in Brazil2
Eight billion strong2
What is the future of artificial intelligence?2
Brewing milk2
Monkeypox on the rise2
Herd immunity to covid-19 may not be attainable in the UK A high vaccination rate will save many lives, but it probably won't be enough to stop covid-19 becoming a seasonal disease, finds Helen Thomso2
Anti-feminism is route to alt-right2
Plant that turns CO2 into methanol fuel is largest on Earth2
Flying to the edge of space2
Heading for a fall?2
The future of medicine unlocked2
Life in the anthropause2
El Salvador's adoption of bitcoin hits further problems2
The blue acceleration2
The Power of self-reflection2
Why some people cannot wear a face covering2
Is covid-19 causing diabetes?2
Pre-existing immunity to covid-19 hints at universal coronavirus vaccine2
Why is the Wegovy weight-loss treatment so hard to get hold of?2
Welcome to the fuzzy-verse2
Waste want not… not?2
Irrational restrictions2
Monkeypox: Key questions answered2
‘Collective behaviour is what gives animals their “sixth sense”’2
The plastic pandemic2
“With AI, you might unlock some of the secrets about how life works”2
AI copyright2
Getting to grips with long covid2
The real threat from AI2
Legal levels of lead in US tap water can still cause harm2
Can we trust AI search engines?2
US Air Force has started using AI to choose targets to strike2
Web3 is a fantasy, but it can still hurt you2
The heat is on out west2
How do we solve the problem of ransomware?2
Why is Twitter becoming X?2
US Army laser weapon to be most powerful ever2
How exciting is the Pfizer vaccine?2
Green shipping hoves into view2
The risks from covid-19 reinfection2
Where does quantum weirdness end?2
Vaccines vs variants2
Climate change hits hard2
Worst drought in 500 years?2
Virtually famous2
Did covid-19 come from a lab?2
Covid-19 vaccines and periods2
Climate change? Yes, we can.2
Machine churning2
China's surprising ambition2
One million global deaths2
How has covid-19 impacted STEM?2
No sign of a machine mind yet2
Dream power2
Parliaments of the future2
Why planes fly2
Fighting food waste2
England ends covid-19 rules1
Breadfruit could be food of the future as climate warms1
A genetic gambit1
Exxon predicted climate change1
Ivermectin buyers clubs1
Printed chain mail is flexible but strong1
China's coronavirus vaccines1
Proposed anti-trolling law could be used to silence critics of the Australian government1
Walking robots have the potential to be far more efficient1
Deepest land microbes ever found1
CRISPR babies may still go ahead1
Sleep's role seems to change in toddlers1
Quantum computers can now fix their own mistakes1
UK ship hit by GPS spoof1
“Make or break” is hardly hyperbole for the climate negotiations due to reach their climax in November in Glasgow, UK. At the COP26 meeting, nations will have a last chance to really rev up the stutte1
A purple patch for GM food1
2020 was the joint hottest year on record1
Back from the brink1
Monkeypox claims lives1
An end to deforestation?1
SpaceX's explosive start1
ChatGPT tells robots what to do1
Vaccine trial begins in US1
What is causing the global shortage of computer chips?1
Actors' strike ends – but AI battle may not be over1
Climate change: A status report1
Improving even tiny green spaces boosts urban wildlife1
Zero carbon, high costs1
First known covid case was Wuhan market trader after all1
Microdosing may be all in the mind1
Covid-19 pandemic linked to antibiotic resistance in pneumonia bacterium1
On strike against AI1
Mas rover may be near ancient ocean1
Mind-altering moves1
Long-haul fight1
Is Amazon going to dominate space?1
New Apple Watch monitors blood oxygen – is that useful?1
Termite bacteria could chomp wood waste into biofuel1
Ageing upturned1
Plan to save Greenland glacier1
Europe's AI regulations could lead the way for the world1
Cosmic rays used for Arctic GPS1
Pandemic risks a rise in severe grief1
A star is born1
Omicron still on the rise1
The dawn of the quantum internet1
Your first line of defence1
The Large Hadron Collider1
Time to green your home1
Who is space for?1
Gut reactions1
An open metaverse1
Pandemic warnings1
Inside the race for a vaccine1
The next covid-19 vaccines1
What difference will it make?1
Rewilding the sky1
Global internet via satellite takes shape1
Racism in close up1
What we know so far1
Nearby exoplanet may be ideal for life1
Razor sharp1
How to ease global food shock1
Will the Central African Republic's bitcoin experiment flop?1
The hydrogen games1
The power of paradoxes1
Mind-altering perspectives1
Now is not the time1
Can blood type alter covid-19 risk?1
Fire and ice1
How to save ourselves1
Price tag rises for UK's planned nuclear waste facility1
ChatGPT's knowledge of copyrighted novels highlights legal uncertainty of AI1
Could co-infection cause coronavirus to evolve?1
Smart system can dramatically cut wait to charge electric car1
Why have we seen so many heatwaves in 2022?1
US vaccine benefits1
To boldly go and go Star Trek1
The rush to develop a vaccine1
Good COP, bad COP1
A transport revolution1
Fabric actively helps to keep wearer cool1
A quantum of consciousness1
Covid-19 vaccines reduce the likelihood of infecting others1
European Union powers ahead with charger plan1
Human proteins delivering mRNA could treat diseases1
Colour-changing wrap tells you when food has spoiled1
The race to capture carbon1
More people are going to space, but who will get to fly?1
Getting less deadly?1
Borrowing bee brains1
Mind the meadows1
Is it time to ban gas stoves?1
The climate financier1
Crash course1
Guarding the guardians1
Greta Thunberg's year off1
Quantum perspective1
The Star Wars empire strikes back1
When will life return to normal?1
Hope of saving rhino from extinction remains alive1
A pandemic like no other1
Our restless minds1
Huge increase in saiga antelope population1
Monsters of the seas1
Halt the mineral rush1
AI can predict the emotions a painting will evoke in us1
Scotland could eliminate the coronavirus – if it weren't for England1
‘Green’ bitcoin alternative leads to hard disc shortages1
Data privacy in a war zone1
No climate for coal1
The uprising you never expected1
Saving forests could help prevent future pandemics1
Super sunscreen1
Severe Indian heatwave1
Row over fingerprint scanners1
Monkeypox threat could worsen1
What we learned from NASA's asteroid-smashing DART mission1
India is catching up with the US1
Covid-19 may raise premature birth risk1
AI tool could be used to make tests to spot new drugs fast1
Covid-19 in the Central African Republic1
Messages from the Stone Age1
Making sense of it all1
Give solar the green light1
Anti-satellite weapons1
New York battles polio1