Leisure Studies

(The TQCC of Leisure Studies is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Managing youth leisure mass gatherings: A coordinated service response for ‘Safer Schoolies’32
Leisure and cultural change in Israeli society25
Leisure boredom, leisure challenge, smartphone use, and emotional distress among U.S. college students: are they interrelated?23
Fan attitudes towards sexual minorities in German men’s football20
Towards a digital football studies: current trends and future directions for football cultures research in the post-Covid-19 moment20
Children and the city’s streets: playing as a possibility for leisure in different communities in Florianópolis, southern Brazil19
The serious leisure perspective – a synthesis18
Thickening serious leisure: a review of studies that employed the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure (SLIM) between 2008 and 201917
Daily struggles and aspirations: exploring the leisure capabilities of working children and adolescents in Turkey15
The juggernaut endures: protest, Potemkinism, and Olympic reform15
Pondering everyday life: coordination, continuity, and comparison15
Identity, belonging, and community in men’s Roller Derby15
Exploring how a disability sport charity utilises exchange relationships with external organisations to sustain operations in times of lockdown15
Military veterans’ motivation and barriers to outdoor recreation participation15
The interface between leisure constraints and facilitators of marriage migrant women14
Feminist new materialisms, sport and fitness: a lively entanglement14
The cue is in the queue, smart! Assessing the ritualised leisure experiences of long queuing for a bubble tea brand in China13
Arts festivals as polysystems: a case analysis of Morocco music and film festivals13
Disabled animals and leisure: casting light on those left behind in the shadows13
Examining the discursive production and deployment of diversity and inclusion in a UK-wide outdoor organisation13
‘We tried to get rid of the stereotype’: media representations of multicultural festivals in Glasgow, Scotland12
Experiences of Aboriginal parents in the context of junior rugby league12
Figurational research in sport, leisure and health, 1st edition12
The development of pioneer national policy on adventure recreation in Brazil and Aotearoa/New Zealand’s first review12
Sprinting to success?: F1 fans’ excitement towards change in sport competition formats11
Consuming atmospheres: designing, experiencing, and researching atmospheres in consumption spaces11
The influence of leisure patterns on the subjective well-being of the floating population—A social integration perspective11
More is better? Family leisure involvement and individual leisure satisfaction among Chinese adult workers11
Sport and nationalism in China10
‘Living, that’s what we do’: an ethnographic account of time and leisure in the British asylum system10
Lockdown Leisure10
Same-sex romantic cruise experiences: the moderating effect of the personal openness trait10
Exploring leisure constraints and participation among urban women through the lens of ambivalent sexism theory9
When women embrace snow-sport adventures: unravelling the influence of memorable travel experiences on well-being9
A societal perspective on nostalgia in satellite sports fandom: insights from the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions9
Insight into the formation of Chinese tourist behavioural intentions: a cognitive approach9
Food day-trippers’ perceptions of regional food destination attractiveness: an application of distance decay theory9
Relationships between yoga and purpose in life among women: testing a moderated mediation model8
Leisure, activism, and the animation of the urban environment8
Reimagining community festivals and events: critical and interdisciplinary perspectives8
A ramp that leads to nothing: outdoor recreation experiences of children with physical disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Inequalities in access to consumption of leisure goods and services in Brazil7
The community ‘living room’ – social interactions and social capital in a community activity in the Netherlands7
Women, leisure and tourism. Self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience7
Reflections on conducting research in uncertain times7
CrossFit during lockdown. The promises and pitfalls of digitally mediated training for leisure-time physical activity7
The effect of self-expression on the empowerment of Iranian women adventure travellers7
Cultural consumption and Covid-19: evidence from the Taking Part and COVID-19 Cultural Participation Monitor surveys7
The Influence of Leisure on the Quality of Life of Refugees in Turkey7
‘A wholly racialized world’: racial inequalities and peer review in leisure and tourism studies6
Play it light: the role of gardens and gardening in the lives of latter-day urbanites6
Ageing in the context of accompanying migration: a leisure stress coping perspective6
The problematic nature of evaluating esports’ “genuineness” using traditional sports’ criteria: In-depth interviews with traditional sports and electronic sports journalists6
‘Feeling what I write’: researching disability and leisure with experience of living with a disability6
Pleasurable surfing is possible: ethnographic insights into the constructive sociation choices behind meaningful nothingness6
Leisure experience and participation and its contribution to stress-related growth amid COVID-19 pandemic6
Improving the local development: the stakeholders’ point of view on Italian railway tourism6
COVID-19 and outdoor recreation in the post-anthropause6
Power of good old days: how leisure nostalgia influences work engagement, task performance, and subjective well-being6
Tough Broad: from boogie boarding to wing walking—how outdoor adventure improves our lives as we age5
Horseracing as gendered leisure events: doing and redoing masculinities in Mexico5
Everything is awesome! Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) and the interaction between leisure, education, mental health and wellbeing5
The battlefield of ballet schools: the commodification of dance education in China5
Skateboard video: archiving the city from below5
Exploring oppositionality and support of Counter-Strike redditors for the World ESports Association5
Sustainable Village Project: the importance of leisure and public space for collective organization5
My dice is rubbed like this: assessing the leisure experiences of scratch-off lottery tickets by China’s younger generations5
Parents perceptions of online physical activity and leisure with early years children during Covid-19 and beyond5
Leveraging disability sport events: impacts, promises, and possibilities5
Revisiting modern campuses through spaces for leisure in Izmir, Turkey5
The phenomenology of image and enthusiasm for the experience of foiling sailboats5
Bobbing in the park: wild swimming, conviviality and belonging5
Motives for and barriers to the use of public space among teenage girls: a scoping review5
Virtual reality tourism and technology acceptance: a disability perspective5
Equalizer: breaking down the barriers at informal outdoor sport and recreational spaces5
Māori households assembling precarious leisure4
What does leisure have to do with mental health – arts, creative and leisure practices and living with mental distress4
Flying high and breaking stigma: a social identity perspective on Chinese frisbee participants4
Cultural tourism experiences and children with disabilities: are Italian museums ready?4
Understanding tourists’ experiences at war heritage sites in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam: a netnographic analysis of TripAdvisor reviews4
A mixed-methods study for understanding the motives of trans persons’ participation in leisure-time physical activity and sport4
Leisure activity participation among older adults: a review4
Different ways to craft and use social media in crafting4
Sport and physical activity in catastrophic environments4
Warsaw small and medium-sized public urban green spaces as a response to short-time leisure needs of local residents and passers-by4
Leisure-time physical activity and transitions into and through parenthood4
Leisure and trauma-informed practice4
Tracing Ice tracks: ice sports and socio-cultural transformations in modern China (1883-1945)4
Development of leisure scores according to mental, physical, and social components and investigation of their impacts on mental health4
Understanding Halal leisure: a preliminary view4
‘It’s pretty sad if I’m just betting by myself … ’: navigating shame and stigma in everyday sports betting4
Being “outdoors” in a new country: associations between immigrant characteristics, outdoor recreation activities, and settlement satisfaction in Canada4
The effect of government-public relationships on residents’ support in mega sport events: a moderating effect of government crisis response4
How technology-enhanced experience affects festival host destination attitude and word-of-mouth? Evidence from Taiwan4
Cohesion in cycling neo-tribes: a netnographic approach4
National football leagues as a source of soft power4
Relationships between digital leisure and happiness among international students during the COVID-19 pandemic: examining a mediation model4