Legal Studies

(The median citation count of Legal Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Criminalising deceptive sex: sex, identity and recognition8
The goals of EU competition law: a comprehensive empirical investigation6
Automated facial recognition and policing: a Bridge too far?6
Virtual coercion and the vulnerable consumer: ‘loot boxes’ as aggressive commercial practices6
Love in the time of Covid-19: a case-study of the complex laws governing weddings6
Exploring the emotional burdens and impact of medical negligence litigation on the plaintiff and medical practitioner: insights from Ireland5
What shall I compare thee to? Legal journals, impact, citation and peer rankings5
Understanding the barriers to defendant participation in criminal proceedings in England and Wales4
Apologies as ‘shame management’: the politics of remorse in the aftermath of historical institutional abuse4
Regulatory discretion: structuring power in the era of regulatory capitalism4
Compulsory licensing: an effective tool for securing access to Covid-19 vaccines for developing states?4
More paternalism in the regulation of consumer financial investments? Private sector duties and public goods analysis4
Enforcing rights in employment tribunals: insights from age discrimination claims in a new ‘dataset’4
Constitutional functions and institutional responsibility: a functional analysis of the UK constitution3
Embedding alternative dispute resolution in the civil justice system: a taxonomy for ADR referrals and a digital pathway to increase the uptake of ADR3
A capabilities approach to best interests assessments3
The incoherent role of the child's identity in the construction and allocation of legal parenthood3
Reasonable accommodation in Irish equality law: an incomplete transformation3
Online tribunal judgments and the limits of open justice3
Disputing death: brain death in the courts3
The conflict between market competition and worker solidarity: moving from consumer to a citizen welfare standard in competition law3
Practical obstacles and structural legal constraints in the adoption of ‘defensive’ policies: comparing the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the US Proposal for a Border Carbon Adjustment3
A theory of children's decisional privacy3
The nature of property in cryptoassets3
Les vulnérables : evaluating the vulnerability criterion in Article 14 cases by the European Court of Human Rights2
The crisis in legally aided criminal defence in Wales: bringing Wales into discussions of England and Wales2
Mental health and wellbeing at work in the UK: current legal approaches2
Planning, discretion and the legacy of onshore wind2
Re-examining judicial review of delegated legislation2
(Legal) assistance in employment matters to low-paid EU migrant workers in the East of England2
‘Climate Change isn't Optional’: Climate Change in the Core Law Curriculum2
Executive compensation: investor preferences during say-on-pay votes and the role of proxy voting advisers2
The neglected nexus between competition law and human rights: standard of proof for pecuniary penalties2
Charging ‘overseas visitors’ for NHS treatment, from Bevan to Windrush and beyond2
Gone and forgotten: Vinogradoff's historical jurisprudence2
Schmitt, Dicey, and the power and limits of referendums in the United Kingdom2
Vaccine damage schemes in the US and UK reappraised: making them fit for purpose in the light of Covid-192
Developing a relational law of contracts: striking a balance between abstraction and contextualism2
Foreign-trained legal scholars in the UK: ‘irritants’ or ‘change agents’?2
Where the wild things are: the challenges and opportunities of the unregulated legal services landscape in family law1
Bridging the accountability gap of artificial intelligence – what can be learned from Roman law?1
Comparing family property disputes in English and Singapore law: ‘context is everything’1
The relational impact of social rights judgments: a trust-based analysis1
Consumer-generated reviews: time for closer scrutiny?1
Vaccination, conscientious objection and human rights1
Delegated legislation in the pandemic: further limits of a constitutional bargain revealed1
Education, Law and Diversity: Schooling for One and All? by Neville Harris. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 616 pp (£90, hardback) ISBN: 978-1-50-990670-31
Contesting the property paradigm amid ‘radical’ constitutional change: Living Rent and the Private Residential (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 20161
Insurer's liability under concurrent causation: English law and Chinese law compared1
‘Mediators mediating themselves’: tensions within the family mediator profession1
Conversations with friends: ‘friends of the Court’ interventions of the state parties to the European Convention on Human Rights1
Permitting dual class shares in the UK premium listing regime – a path to enhance rather than compromise investor protection1
Patents, healthcare and engaged shareholders: a pathway to encourage socially responsible patent use?1
Homelessness and the ‘over-judicialisation’ of welfare1
Professional identity, legitimacy and managerialism at the Crown Prosecution Service1
The evolution and consequences of digital rights management in relation to online music streaming1
Is the incompatibility of UK data retention law with EU law really a victory?1
The law of fixtures and chattels: recalibration, rationalisation and reform1
Exclusive jurisdiction clauses in international trust deeds – ERRATUM1
The vicarious liability of sports governing bodies and competition organisers1
The prospects for pluralism in contract theory1
Statutory interpretation after Brexit: implications from a case study of VAT1
Exclusive jurisdiction clauses in international trust deeds1
Regulating high-cost short-term credit in the UK: is there scope for ‘libertarian paternalism’ based provisions?1
When is illegality a defence to a tort?1
Regulation of universities as charities: one step forward, two steps back0
Criminal Law and the Man Problem by Ngaire Naffine. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019. 304 pp (£55.00 hardback). ISBN: 978 1-50-991801-00
LST volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Developing VAT treaties: international tax cooperation in times of global recovery0
LST volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Competition Overdose: How Free Market Mythology Transformed Us from Citizen Kings to Market Servants by Maurice E Stucke and Ariel Ezrachi. USA: Harper Business, 2020, 402 pp ($32.50 paperback). ISBN:0
The good character ‘backstop’: directions, defeasibility and frameworks of fairness0
Obligations, consent and contracts in Scots law: re-analysing the basis of medical malpractice liability in light ofMontgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board0
Quantification of damages for non-pecuniary losses deriving from breach of contract0
The construction of patent claims0
The law and ethics of a property rights approach to frozen embryo disputes0
Comparative law outside the ivory tower: an interdisciplinary perspective0
LST volume 43 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
The imperfect legitimacy of judicial umpires in European multilevel democracies0
LST volume 41 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Revisiting property transfer theory: English law and Chinese law compared0
LST volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Between nation and empire: how the state matters in global health0
The modern rule of releases0
Reconceptualising Strict Liability for the Tort of Another by Christine Beuermann. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, 240 pp (£60 hardback). ISBN: 978-1-50-991753-2.0
Food, dignity, and the European Court of Human Rights0
The tort of malicious prosecution of civil proceedings: a critique and a proposal0
LST volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Trans (legal) parenthood and the gender of legal parenthood0
The UK Pay Transparency Regulations: apparent transparency without accountability?0
Access to justice and the role of parliamentarians: what happens to those who fall through the justice gap?0
Discrimination in digital immigration status0
Statutory interpretation and the administrative state: refocusing the purposivist/intentionalist debate0
Analysing legal responses to coerced debt0
LST volume 41 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
The wrong vaccine: custody time limits and loss of liberty during Covid-190
Is ‘conversion therapy’ tortious?0
Revisiting the punitiveness of deportation0
Justice for the blackest malefactors? Determinate prison sentences, early release, and the ECHR0
The Extrajudicial Voice0
LST volume 42 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
LST volume 43 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Enforcing charitable trusts: a study on the English necessary interest rule0
Law and scale: lessons from Northern Ireland and Brexit0
Scholars of Contract Law edited by James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, xix + 416 pp (£85 hardback) ISBN: 978-1-50-993846-90
Incapacitous patients, assisted reproductive technology, and the importance of informed consent0
Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member states0
Legal dispositionism and artificially-intelligent attributions0
Investigating the English public's awareness of the Bern Convention and their education on environmental issues and laws0
Parliamentary sovereignty and the protocol pincer0
Making Commercial Law Through Practice 1830–1970 by Ross Cranston. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 483pp (£85 hardback) ISBN: 978-1-107-19889-00
LST volume 43 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Public interest damages0
LST volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
The Humanity of Private Law – Part II: Evaluation by Nicholas J McBride. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020, 200pp (£70 hardback). ISBN: 978-1-50-991199-8.0
Orchestrating finance with Material Adverse Changes?0
Does the dual-class share structure help stock markets attract issuers? Empirical lessons from global financial centres0
An analysis of three distinct approaches to using defamation to protect corporate reputation from Australia, England and Wales, and Canada0
Imprisonment for breach of injunctions: what is happening in the civil courts?0
LST volume 41 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Education, Law and Diversity: Schooling for One and All? – ERRATUM0
The probable and the nonarbitrary: evidential foundations for a finding of guilt0
Medical negligence and disclosure of alternative treatments0
Public order as a protectable interest0
Abandoning individual enforcement? Interrogating the enforcement of age discrimination law0
Vicarious liability in the UK Supreme Court and High Court of Australia0
LST volume 42 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Trial of the State: Law and the Decline of Politics by Jonathan Sumption. London: Profile Books Ltd, 2019, 112 pp (£8.99 softback). ISBN 978-1-78-816373-6.0
When is an administrator an ‘officer’ of the company?0
Local, democratic community justice in the Mental Health Act 19830
Law, politics, and pragmatism in the European Union and the United Kingdom - Alarums and Excursions: Improvising Politics on the European Stage by Luuk van Middelaar. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agend0
Extra-territoriality and the UK Insolvency Act 19860
LST volume 42 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Solicitors’ rights of audience, competence and regulation: a responsibility rights approach0
‘Climate Change isn't Optional’: Climate Change in the Core Law Curriculum – CORRIGENDUM0
The importance of ‘acting yourself into new ways of thinking’: preliminary findings on the impact of embedding workplace experiences in law degrees to positively impact student skills growth, degree r0
What's law got to do with it? Is consumer law the solution to problems faced by student tenants?0
‘Well, the burden never shifts, but it does’: celebrity, property offences and judicial innovation in Woolmington v DPP0
The ‘code adjudicator’ model: the Pubs Code, statutory arbitration and the tied lease0
Informing a sociological jurisprudence of mutual trust and confidence0
Deportation and human rights: the right to respect for private life in MK (Albania) v Minister for Justice and Equality0
‘Robinson Crusoe on a desert island’? Judicial education in Ireland, 1995–20190
The Attorney-General, politics and logistics – a fork in the road?0
Constitutional equality and executive action – a comparative perspective to the comparator problem0
LST volume 40 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Review of Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors: Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia by Sinead Ring, Kate Gleeson and Kim Stevenson. Routledge, 2022, 350pp (£104 hardb0
LST volume 40 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
LST volume 43 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
What does Covid-19 teach us about English contract law?0
Contesting the property paradigm amid ‘radical’ constitutional change: Living Rent and the Private Residential (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 – CORRIGENDUM0
Structuring prosecutorial power0
Policing, citizenship and the civil courts: how increased settlement of civil claims has impacted police accountability0
Injunctions, land and the cynical breach0
Security interests and knowing receipt0
LST volume 43 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
LST volume 40 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Advanced Introduction to Law and Literature by Peter Goodrich. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 119 pp (£15.95) ISBN: 978-1-78990-601-1.0
LST volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Self-employed surfers, universal credit and the minimally decent life0
LST volume 40 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
LST volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law by Vanessa Mak. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 288 pp (£80.00 hardback). ISBN: 978-0-19-885448-7.0
LST volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Sexual diversity and the Nationality and Borders Act 20220
Transforming the legal profession: an interview study of change managers in law0
Data, disclosure and duties: balancing privacy and safeguarding in the context of UK university student sexual misconduct complaints0
Law, Judges and Visual Culture by Leslie J Moran. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020, 260 pp (£120 hardback; £33.29 e book) ISBN: 978-1-13-861861-90
The end to testamentary freedom0
LST volume 41 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
LST volume 44 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Beyond acts and omissions: remark-able criminal conduct0
Exclusive jurisdiction clauses in international trust deeds – ERRATUM0
Discretion to exclude improperly obtained evidence in civil proceedings in England and Wales0
Legal sex status: the attitudes of non-binary people towards reform in England and Wales0
LST volume 43 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
LST volume 44 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Time for Parliament to act? The PACCAR decision of the UK Supreme Court0
Causation or correlation: the chimera in section 11 of the Insurance Act 20150
A decade of EU law in the courts of Scotland and Ireland: national legal systems compared0
The Attorney General and contempt of court – some political and constitutional concerns0
LST volume 43 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Interpreting change through legal culture: the case of the Irish exclusionary rule0
Involuntariness in negligence actions0
A macro-level investigation of transatlantic controlling shareholder's fiduciary duty0
The interpretation of policies in administrative law: the significance of audience0
Taking market crime seriously0
Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups0
‘State threats’, security, and democracy: the National Security Act 20230
Non-Competition Interests in EU Antitrust Law: An Empirical Study of Article 101 TFEU by Or Brook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 548 pp (£120 hardback) ISBN: 978-1-108-83760-60
Delegated Legislation in the Pandemic: Further Limits of a Constitutional Bargain Revealed – CORRIGENDUM0
Opening Pandora's box? Capturing the edifice of ‘hopefulness’ in the private rented sector0
Legal research and the public good: the current landscape0
The prohibition of forced or compulsory labour and conditional welfare under the United Kingdom's Universal Credit Scheme0
Missing in action? Mortgage enforcement under section 126 of the Consumer Credit Act 19740
LST volume 42 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Fixing the misalignment of the concession of corporate legal personality0
LST volume 43 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
The ‘human element’ in the social space of the courtroom: framing and shaping the deliberative process in mental capacity law0