Electoral Studies

(The median citation count of Electoral Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Affective polarization in multiparty systems214
Chapel Hill Expert Survey trend file, 1999–2019187
Fragmented foes: Affective polarization in the multiparty context of the Netherlands71
Affective polarization and the salience of elections61
Ticking all the boxes? A comparative study of social sorting and affective polarization40
Do young voters vote for young leaders?35
Affective blocs: Understanding affective polarization in multiparty systems33
Does university make you more liberal? Estimating the within-individual effects of higher education on political values31
Less is more: The paradox of choice in voting behavior26
The 2020 presidential election and beliefs about fraud: Continuity or change?26
Modeling ideological polarization in democratic party systems23
Dark necessities? Candidates’ aversive personality traits and negative campaigning in the 2018 American Midterms23
Populist parties in European Parliament elections: A new dataset on left, right and valence populism from 1979 to 201922
Winning cures everything? Beliefs about voter fraud, voter confidence, and the 2016 election22
Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom?21
Validating the feeling thermometer as a measure of partisan affect in multi-party systems21
Policy congruence and its impact on satisfaction with democracy20
Context matters: Economics, politics and satisfaction with democracy18
Negative personalization and voting behavior in 14 parliamentary democracies, 1961–201817
From opinions to policies: Examining the links between citizens, representatives, and policy change17
The downstream consequences of long waits: How lines at the precinct depress future turnout17
Coping with complexity: Ballot position effects in the Finnish open-list proportional representation system16
Partisanship & nationalization in American elections: Evidence from presidential, senatorial, & gubernatorial elections in the U.S. counties, 1872–202015
Vote choices of left-authoritarians: Misperceived congruence and issue salience15
Young trendsetters: How young voters fuel electoral volatility15
Is small beautiful? Transitional and structural effects of municipal amalgamation on voter turnout in local and national elections15
Generational replacement and Green party support in Western Europe14
Do populist parties support referendums? A comparative analysis of election manifestos in Europe14
What explains the dynamics of citizens’ satisfaction with democracy? An integrated framework for panel data13
Candidate and party affective polarization in U.S. presidential elections: The person-negativity bias?13
Election turnout in authoritarian regimes13
So thin it’s almost invisible: Populist attitudes and voting behavior in Brazil13
All-mail voting in Colorado increases turnout and reduces turnout inequality12
Democratic Electoral Systems around the world, 1946–202012
Issue ownership and salience shocks: The electoral impact of Australian bushfires12
Does party polarization mobilize or de-mobilize voters? The answer depends on where voters stand11
The relationship between political attitudes and political participation: Evidence from monozygotic twins in the United States, Sweden, Germany, and Denmark11
Sexism predicts favorability of women in the 2020 democratic primary… and men?11
Multiple meanings? The link between partisanship and definitions of voter fraud11
The Europeanization of national elections. The role of country characteristics in shaping EU issue voting11
The Israel Polarization Panel Dataset, 2019–202110
German gays go green? Voting behaviour of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals in the 2021 German federal election10
The motivated electorate: Voter uncertainty, motivated reasoning, and ideological congruence to parties10
Why some places don’t seem to matter: Socioeconomic, cultural and political determinants of place resentment10
Candidate sex, corruption and vote choice10
An unjustified bad reputation? The Dark Triad and support for populism10
Polarization, candidate positioning, and political participation in the U.S.10
The political budget cycle across varying degrees of democracy10
Age and vote choice: Is there a conservative shift among older voters?10
The electoral consequences of anti-Muslim prejudice9
There's (rarely) a new sheriff in town: The incumbency advantage for local law enforcement9
How do voters perceive ideological congruence? The effects of winning and losing under different electoral rules9
Gender differences in the impact of electoral victory on satisfaction with democracy9
Communicating safety precautions can help maintain in-person voter turnout during a pandemic9
Linking two levels of governance: Citizens’ trust in domestic and European institutions over time9
Norms and rage: Gender and social media in the 2018 U.S. mid-term elections9
Don't call me a populist! The meaning of populism for western European parties and politicians9
Electoral impacts of a failed uprising: Evidence from Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement8
Young adults' under-representation in elections to the U.S. House of Representatives8
Camps, not just parties. The dynamic foundations of affective polarization in multi-party systems8
Do referendum results change norm perceptions and personal opinions?8
Do technocrats boost the acceptance of policy proposals among the citizenry? Evidence from a survey experiment in Italy8
One for me and one for you? The spillover effect of heads of lists on the presence and success of candidates of immigrant origin8
Who has room for error? The effects of political scandal for minority candidates8
Participation in the administration of elections and perceptions of electoral integrity8
The politicisation of climate change attitudes in Europe8
Ideological identity, issue-based ideology and bipolar affective polarization in multiparty systems: The cases of Argentina, Chile, Italy, Portugal and Spain8
The Downsian roots of affective polarization7
Do mayors matter? Reverse coattails on congressional elections in Brazil7
Is compulsory voting habit-forming? Regression discontinuity evidence from Brazil7
A global perspective on party organizations. Validating the Varieties of Party Identity and Organization Dataset (V-Party)7
Policy or person? What voters want from their representatives on Twitter7
Technocratic attitudes and voting behaviour ten years after the Eurozone crisis: Evidence from the 2019 EP elections7
Did you see it coming? Explaining the accuracy of voter expectations for district and (sub)national election outcomes in multi-party systems7
Vote with your rabbi: The electoral effects of religious institutions in Israel7
Too tired to vote: A multi-national comparison of election turnout with sleep preferences and behaviors7
Education and voter turnout revisited: Evidence from a Swedish twin sample with validated turnout data6
The local party voter: A localist anti-establishment voter?6
Do politicians’ answers to voting advice applications reflect their sincere beliefs? Comparing publicly and confidentially stated ideological positions in a candidate-centred electoral context6
Negative partisanship among Independents in the 2020 U.S. presidential elections6
Broad-appeal agendas: Issue diversity and the centre-right's electoral success6
Rejecting representation? Party systems and popular support for referendums in Europe6
Polarisation, identity and affect - conceptualising affective polarisation in multi-party systems6
Social trust and affective polarization in Spain (2014–19)6
Voter perceptions of parties’ left–right positions: The role of party strategies6
Negative voting and party polarization: A classic tragedy6
Candidate authenticity and the Iowa Caucus6
When the election rains out and how bad weather excludes marginal voters from turning out6
Voter reaction to legislator dissent across political systems6
Creating critical citizens? Anti-austerity protests and public opinion6
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in a polarized political system: Lessons from the 2020 election6
Capturing vote-seeking incentives and the cultivation of a personal and party vote6
Election type and the logic of pre-election violence: Evidence from Zimbabwe5
The comparative effectiveness of populist rhetoric in generating online engagement5
Emigrant external voting in Central-Eastern Europe after EU enlargement5
Isolating the effect of compulsory voting laws on political sophistication: Leveraging intra-national variation in mandatory voting laws between the Austrian Provinces5
Attitudes toward competing voting-right requirements: Evidence from a conjoint experiment5
Measuring and explaining the complexity of left-right perceptions of political parties5
Electoral incentives and elite racial identification: Why Brazilian politicians change their race5
Malapportionment in space and time: Decompose it!5
The glitterati government? Amateur celebrity candidates in American elections, 1928–20185
Economic conditions and populist radical right voting: The role of issue salience5
Parties as pay-off seekers: Pre-electoral coalitions in a patronage democracy5
Stability and change in party preferences: Evidence from Latin America5
Fight not flight: The effects of explicit racism on minority political engagement5
Mind the gap(s): Winning, losing, and perceptions of electoral integrity in mixed-member proportional systems5
Dynamic party system fragmentation5
Why do central states accept holding independence referendums? Analyzing the role of state peripheries5
The incumbency advantage in second-order PR elections: Evidence from the Irish context, 1942–20195
The Europeanisation of political involvement: Examining the role of individual transnationalism5
When does inequality demobilize? New evidence from the American states5
Are elite cues necessary to drive the “Winner Effect” on trust in elections?5
Support for a populist form of democratic politics or political discontent? How conceptions of democracy relate to support for the AfD4
Parties’ voter targeting strategies: What can facebook ads tell us?4
Elections, competition, and constituent evaluations of U.S. senators4
Racial attitudes & political cross-pressures in nationalized elections: The case of the Republican coalition in the Trump era4
When populists win: How right-wing populism affects democratic satisfaction in the U.K. and Germany4
Socialised to think in terms of left and right? The acceptability of the left and the right among European voters4
Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarization4
Model based clustering of political finance regimes: Developing the regulation of political finance indicator4
The political phenotype of the disgust sensitive: Correlates of a new abbreviated measure of disgust sensitivity4
Shoring up power: Electoral reform and the consolidation of authoritarian rule4
Electoral incentives and distributive politics in young democracies: Evidence from Chile4
Coalition incentives and party bias in Chile4
Mobilizing party activism: A field experiment with party members and sympathizers4
America's first voter identification laws: The effects of personal registration and declining political party competition on presidential election turnout, 1880–19164
How to estimate the policy preferences of party supporters: Disaggregating data from voting advice applications versus modeling survey responses4
Who pays for crime? Criminal violence, right-wing incumbents, and electoral accountability in Latin America4
Retrospective pledge voting and mistrusting citizens: Evidence for the electoral punishment of pledge breakage from a survey experiment4
When the US far-right sneezes, the European far-right catches a cold. Quasi-experimental evidence of electoral contagion from Spain4
Personalized politics: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics4
Elite communication and affective polarization among voters4
Candidate appearance in campaign advertisements4
What shapes voter expectations of Muslim politicians’ views on homosexuality: stereotyping or projection?4
An experimental investigation of voter myopia in economic evaluations3
Cohorts and neighbors: Urban-rural conflict along the age gradient3
Applying behavioural science to the annual electoral canvass in England: Evidence from a large-scale randomised controlled trial3
Electoral risk and vote buying, introducing prospect theory to the experimental study of clientelism3
Electoral outcomes and satisfaction with democracy: A comparison of regional and national elections3
Why Geographically-Targeted Spending Under Closed-List Proportional Representation Favors Marginal Districts3
Public support for electoral reform: The role of electoral system experience3
Do text messages increase voter registration? Evidence from RCTs with a local authority and an advocacy organisation in the UK3
Candidate sex, partisanship and electoral context in Australia3
The effects of local campaigning in Great Britain3
Why do LGB vote left? Insight into left-wing voting of lesbian, gay and bisexual citizens in Austria3
Evaluations of candidates’ non-policy characteristics from issue positions: Evidence of valence spillover3
Permissive electoral systems and descriptive representation3
When polarised feelings towards parties spread to voters: The role of ideological distance and social sorting in Spain3
Cross-pressures and the European lavender vote: Testing the conditionality of the sexuality gap3
Is there a friends-and-neighbors effect for party leaders?3
Spatial voting in non-partisan cities: A case study3
Membership vote for party leadership changes: Electoral effects and the causal mechanisms behind3
Multi-level muddling: Candidate strategies to “nationalize” local elections3
Compulsory voting, turnout, and support for left-wing parties: The case of Australia3
Estimating the unintended participation penalty under top-two primaries with a discontinuity design3
Subverted expectations and social democratic austerity: How voters’ reactions to policies are conditional on the policy-implementing actor3
From election day to presidential approval: Partisanship and the honeymoon period in Mexico3
Do more flexible lists increase the take-up of preference voting?3
Do actions speak louder than words? Evidence on voter behavior from Madrid Rio Park3
Unpacking second-order elections theory: The effects of ideological extremity on voting in European elections3
Depression and the gender gap in political interest3
Coattails and spillover-effects: Quasi-experimental evidence from concurrent executive and legislative elections3
Revisiting the Lavender Vote3
Won't You Be My Senator? Nuanced “Friends and Neighbors” Voting in U.S. Senate Elections, 1968–20183
Generational change in party support in Germany: The decline of the Volksparteien, the rise of the Greens, and the transformation of the education divide3
What accounts for Duverger's law? The behavioral mechanisms underpinning two-party convergence in India3
The effect of televised candidate debates on the support for political parties3
Does it matter whether people will know that I did not vote? The role of social norms and visibility3
Conditions of proximity and directional voting: Voter sophistication, political information, and party identification2
The normalization of intolerance: The 2019 presidential election in Indonesia2
Survival of the fittest. Comparing entry and exit among niche and mainstream parties in advanced democracies, 1945–20112
Walking the line: Electoral cycles and the shift in legislative priorities among German parliamentarians2
Electoral management and vote-buying2
The effects of election polls in Mexico's 2018 presidential campaign2
The partisan heuristic and the voters’ knowledge: The essential role of the information environment2
Policy conflict between political elites shapes mass environmental beliefs2
Not-so-strategic voters2
Fairness beyond the ballot: A comparative analysis of failures of electoral integrity, perceptions of electoral fairness, and attitudes towards democracy across 18 countries2
Hidden in plain sight? Irregularities on statutory forms and electoral fraud2
From local elections to appointments: How has municipal reform changed vote delivery in Russian municipalities?2
Values and candidate evaluation: How voters respond to allegations of sexual harassment2
Do competitive districts get more political attention? Strategic use of geographic representation during campaign and non-campaign periods2
Promoting ethnic equality in campaign messages: Survey experimental evidence from Nairobi, Kenya2
Caught in the middle? How voters react to spatial indifference2
Do party leadership contests forecast British general elections?2
Boxholm tea party: Taxation and voter turnout in a mature democracy2
Making them pay: Using the norm of honesty to generate costs for political lies2
Policy signals and strategic voting for minor parties: Evidence from Germany2
Voters’ evaluation of (contra-)prototypical political candidates. An experimental test of the interaction of candidate gender and policy positions cues in Flanders (Belgium)2
Like parent, like child: The impact of parental socialisation on class identity and partisanship2
The nature and impact of emotional content in congressional candidate emails to supporters2
Closing the gap? The populist radical right and opinion congruence between citizens and MPs2
Which candidates benefit from social media? An analysis of the 2021 German federal election2
Party system polarization and the effective number of parties2
Is electoral intraparty competition more intense in urban areas?2
The effect of economic downturns on voter turnout in Africa2
Deepening the rift: Negative campaigning fosters affective polarization in multiparty elections2
Balancing district and party seats: The arithmetic of mixed-member proportional electoral systems2
Closing the information gap in competitive authoritarian regimes? The effect of voting advice applications2
Perceptions of extremism among the American public and elected officials2
Place-based identities and cleavage formation in the knowledge society2
Research note: Office participation and the dissipating populism-distrust connection2
War, democratization, and generational cohort effects on participation in Japan2
More ‘Europe’, less Democracy? European integration does not erode satisfaction with democracy2
Are women election averse?2
A justified bad reputation after all? Dark personality traits and populist attitudes in comparative perspective2
Does economic inequality undermine political equality? Testing two common assumptions2
When are parties punished for serving in a coalition government?2
Momentum in the polls raises electoral expectations2
Look to Denmark or not? An experimental study of the Social Democrats’ strategic choices2
Socialized with "old cleavages" or "new dimensions": An Age-Period-Cohort analysis on electoral support in Western European multiparty systems (1949–2021)2
Ideological proximity, issue importance, and vote choice2
Attention! The meanings of attention to politics in surveys2
Does public broadcasting increase voter turnout? Evidence from the roll out of BBC radio in the 1920s2
Judicial resistance during electoral disputes: Evidence from Kenya2
Does populist voting rise where representative democracy is systemically failing?2
Reverse mortgages and aircraft parts: The arcane referendum and the limits of citizen competence2
Selective abstention in simultaneous elections: Understanding the turnout gap2
Ballot position and election results: New evidence from a natural experiment2
Information, perceptions, and electoral behaviour of young voters: A randomised controlled experiment2
Economic voting in multi-level contexts: Evidence from Kerala and West Bengal in India2
The limits of the attractiveness premium in elections2
Citizen response to local service provision: Emerging democratic accountability in decentralized West Africa?1
Issue substitution or volume expansion? How parties accommodate agenda change1
CSES 25th anniversary special issue: An introduction1
Still sacrificial lambs? Yes! Minority groups in Canadian federal elections, 2015–20211
Can wedge strategies by mainstream parties cross-cut the anti-immigration far right vote?1
Prepaid postage using pre-stamped envelopes to affect turnout costs1
“Do perceptions of EMU alter clarity of responsibility? A comparison of German and Greek electorates”1
Who delivers the votes? Elected versus appointed local executives, election manipulation, and natural support for ruling parties1
The use of adjustment weights in voter surveys. Correcting for panel attrition and nonresponse can produce less accurate estimates of voting behavior1
Denigrating democracy: How electoral competition fuels xenophobia in Lebanon1
Estimating relative prevalence of competing issue voting rules in multiparty elections using finite mixture modeling1
Emotions and voting behavior in self-determination referendums: the case of New Caledonia in 20181
Elections and selfishness1
Local racial context, campaign messaging, and public political behavior: A congressional campaign field experiment1
Spatial and valence models of voting: The effects of the political context1
Does the monetary cost of abstaining increase turnout? Causal evidence from Peru1
Measuring ‘closeness’ in 3-candidate elections: Methodology and an application to strategic voting1
Communicating in an eventful campaign: A case study of party press releases during the German federal election campaign 20211
Succession effects in presidential elections1
Nomination and list placement of ethnic minorities under open-list proportional rules: The centrality of ethnopolitical context1
Political polarization, voting and democratic representativeness: Too much or too little?1
How does American public opinion react to overt anti-democratic behavior by politicians? Quasi-experimental evidence from the january 6 insurrection1
Designing preference voting1
Public opinion backlash in response to party messages: A case for party press releases1
The European Union and political behaviour: The shadow of the Great Recession1
Knowing your sources: Partisan media and voters’ perceptions of the economy1
Psychological threat and turnout misreporting1
Support for digitising the ballot box: A systematic review of i-voting pilots and a conjoint experiment1