Bulletin of Latin American Research

(The H4-Index of Bulletin of Latin American Research is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Quo vadis, Brazil? Environmental Malgovernance under Bolsonaro and the Ambiguous Role of the Sustainable Development Goals23
Chilean and Transnational Performances of Disobedience: LasTesis and the Phenomenon of Un violador en tu camino20
Necropolitics in the Jungle: COVID‐19 and the Marginalisation of Brazil's Forest Peoples19
Structural and Contingent Inequalities: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Migrant and Refugee Populations in South America19
Organised Crime Governance in Times of Pandemic: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Gangs and Drug Cartels in Colombia and Mexico16
COVID‐19 Has Exposed How ‘The Other Half’ (Still) Lives14
The Persistent Influence of December 2001: Collective Action in 21st‐Century Argentina13
Vulnerable Women in a Pandemic: Paid Domestic Workers and COVID‐19 in Peru12
Articulating Body, Territory, and the Defence of Life: The Politics of Strategic Equivalencing between Women in Anti‐Mining Movements and the Feminist Movement in Peru12
Fostering Transitions Towards Sustainability? The Politics of Bioeconomy Development in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil12
Militarisation by Popular Demand? Explaining the Politics of Internal Military Roles in Brazil11