Journal of Education for Teaching

(The TQCC of Journal of Education for Teaching is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Teachers’ motivation to participate in continuous professional development: relationship with factors at the personal and school level44
Tea or tears: online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic38
Training pre-service teachers to better serve LGBTQ high school students21
Examining teacher recruitment strategies in England21
‘Those who fail should not be teachers’: Pre-service Teachers’ Understandings of Failure and Teacher Identity Development21
Vygotsky, education, and teacher education18
How do beginning teachers achieve their professional agency and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic? A social-ecological approach18
Teachers in the lifelong learning process: examples of digital literacy17
What makes a great teacher during a pandemic?15
Teachers as learners – a qualitative exploration of pre-service and in-service teachers’ continuous learning community OpenDigi15
Differentiated instruction:A review of teacher education practices for Canadian pre-service elementary school teachers15
Psychological capital and job satisfaction in public-school teachers: the mediating role of prosocial behaviours13
Effect of student teachers’ teaching beliefs and attitudes towards teaching on motivation to teach: mediating role of self-efficacy13
Teacher belief about integrating critical thinking in English teaching in China12
Teachers, parents, and family-school partnerships: emotions, experiences, and advocacy12
Beginning student teachers’ motivations for becoming teachers and their educational ideals11
A reflective teaching practicum as a platform for stimulating pre-service teachers’ professional development11
Assessment-as-learning in classrooms: the challenges and professional development11
Exploring online learning modules for teaching universal design for learning (UDL): preservice teachers’ lesson plan development and implementation11
Preservice teachers’ perspectives on the contribution of simulation-based learning to the development of communication skills10
Comparing motivations of pre-service and beginning teachers in China: impact of culture and experience10
The impact of technostress creators on novice teachers’ job satisfaction9
Motivations to enter teaching: an investigation with non-education university students8
Growth in language teachers’ understanding of differentiated instruction: a sociocultural theory perspective8
Enhancing cognitive presence in teachers’ professional learning communities via reflective practice8
Teacher decision-making in the classroom: the influence of cognitive load and teacher affect8
Finnish student teachers’ perceptions of their development of 21st-century competencies8
Linking research and practice in education: the views of expert researchers in the field8
Managing the emotional aspects of compassion fatigue among teachers in Israel: a qualitative study7
Collaborative professional practice for strengthening teacher educator identities in Eritrea7
Enhancing teachers’ STEM understanding through observation, discussion and reflection7
Online teaching and learning practices in teacher education after COVID-19: lessons learnt from the literature7
Seeking serendipity: teacher educators as adaptive experts during COVID7
Professional development during simulation-based learning: experiences and insights of preservice teachers7
Secondary teachers’ views about teaching and assessing the diversity of scientific methods in practical science7
Sustaining teacher engagement in practitioner research6
Supporting teacher educators’ professional learning through lesson study6
‘Small but mighty’: a case study of teacher educators disrupting neoliberal reforms of teacher education and reclaiming a voice in policy conversations6
Reflective practice in second language teacher education: a scoping review6
Professional dialogue in researcher-teacher collaborations: exploring practices for effective student learning6
Work-family conflict, organisational commitment and turnover intention in Chinese preschool teachers: a comparison of mediation models6
Educators’ perspectives of online teaching during the pandemic: implications for initial teacher education5
How early career teachers overcome everyday work-related challenges: an analysis from the perspective of teacher buoyancy5
Best practice in teacher education: what is research telling us?5
Teacher education under attack5
From teacher to senior teacher educator: exploring the teaching-research nexus in Israeli Academic Colleges of Education5
Why teaching? A validation of the fit-choice scale in the Serbian context5
Student teachers’ understandings of poverty: insights for initial teacher education5
The relationship between informal teacher learning and self-efficacy among public school teachers and private school teachers in China4
Teacher professionalism: insights from Turkish teachers of English into the motives that drive and sustain their professional practices4
Seeking understanding of the textbook-based character of Finnish education4
Cooperative learning in teacher education: its effects on EFL pre-service teachers’ content knowledge and teaching self-efficacy4
Lens model studies: Revealing teachers’ judgements for teacher education4
Effectiveness of online and blended delivery methods on preservice teachers’ knowledge and beliefs for writing instruction4
Exploring teacher educators’ post-pandemic intention to teach online in mainland China: the social cognitive career theory perspective4
Developing a framework for initial teacher education: route map or reflective tool?4
“Teacher education is a good choice, but I don’t want to teach in schools.” An analysis of university students’ career decision making4
Enhancing non-verbal communication in online classes: a conceptual framework4
A study of pre-service teachers’ perceptions of task-based language teaching via metaphor analysis in a Chinese context4
Designing and Validating a Coding Scheme for Analysis of Teacher Discourse Behaviours in Mathematics Classrooms4
Teacher educators’ perspectives on preparing student teachers to work with pupils who speak languages beyond English4
Pre-service teachers’ reflections on their challenging experiences interacting with a parent avatar: Insights on deepening reflection on the simulation experience4
New teachers’ responses to COVID-19 in Scotland: doing surprisingly well?4
Disorienting dilemmas and transformative learning for school placement teacher educators during COVID-19: challenges and possibilities4
The effects of a teacher development programme in chinese vocational education on the efficacy and professional engagement of novice teachers4
Understanding a Chinese new teacher’s workplace relationships with Kelchtermans and Ballet’s professional interests framework3
Constructing Special Educational Needs Coordinators’ identities through emotions3
An extended model of school-university partnership for professional development: bridging universities’ theoretical knowledge and teachers’ practical knowledge3
I really like teaching, but…’ understanding pre-service teachers’ motivations and perceptions about teaching as a career choice3
Key Indicator Taxonomy of Relational Teaching3
Action research in a teacher education program: probing into pre-service elementary teachers’ understandings of scientific practices and teaching scientific practices3
Policy efforts to meet UNESCO’s Sustainable development Goal 4: A 3-pronged approach3
Reflecting on ’classroom readiness’ in initial teacher education in a time of global pandemic from the perspectives of eight university providers from across England, UK3
‘Seeing is believing, but not necessarily perceiving!’: Chinese EFL M.E.d. student teachers’ perceptions of school visit experiences3
A Pedagogical model of autonomy, competence and relatedness for pre-service teacher educators3
Examining future-oriented discourse within reflective narratives as professional identity development for student teachers3
Continuity, change and challenge: unearthing the (fr)agility of teacher education3
Teacher leaders as teacher educators: recognising the ‘educator’ dimension of some teacher leaders’ practice3
Addressing the needs of early childhood teachers in promoting motor development through a co-design process3
Understanding professional commitment change of novice CFL university teachers: an integrated perspective3
COVID-19 – a boundary crossing event for teacher educators3
Identifying information friction in teacher professional development: insights from teacher-reported need and satisfaction3
EFL student-teachers’ imaginations of English language and their motivation for learning and teaching3
Music unites us: a teacher educator and teacher candidate comparative ethnographic narrative inquiry into the benefits of music education3
How do teachers perceive their knowledge development through engaging in school-based learning activities? A case study in China3
Functions and relational aspects of mentoring for novice teachers during the second year of teaching3
Creating meaningful field experiences: the application of the job crafting concept to student teachers’ practical learning3
Developing pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge through formative interventions3
Beyond reactive responses to enduring growth: the transformation of principles and practices within initial teacher education3
Structuring the lesson: an empirical investigation of pre-service teacher decision-making during the planning of a demonstration lesson3
Emotional responses to challenges to emerging teacher identities in teacher education: student teachers’ perspectives on suitability3
‘The gap between the ideal and the reality’: barriers to the implementation of an English professional development programme in China3
Does initial teacher education (in England) have a future?3