Nurse Education Today

(The TQCC of Nurse Education Today is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Student supervision using the Scrub Practitioners' List of Intraoperative Non-Technical Skills (SPLINTS-no): A qualitative study172
Informal learning of ICU new graduate registered nurses: An interpretive phenomenological analysis170
Exploring the professional identity process of university social responsibility courses' rural service programs on nursing students: A multi-method research167
Current status of bullying in nursing education among clinical trainees and their attitude and practice107
Analysis of participation and performance of MOOC learners via latent class analysis: A retrospective study based on the data of a nursing MOOC from 2018 to 2022100
Why are physical assessment skills not practiced? A systematic review with implications for nursing education90
Nurse instructors' perception towards distance education during the pandemic89
Professional development needs of registered nurses in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study88
Editorial Board85
Should I stay or should I go? Nursing and midwifery academics intention to stay in or leave academia: A scoping review83
A holistic approach to remote patient monitoring, fueled by ChatGPT and Metaverse technology: The future of nursing education82
A critical discussion regarding the scholarly development of the nursing profession - A call to action73
Ageism and nursing students, past or reality?: A systematic review70
Determining digital burnout in nursing students: A descriptive research study69
Examining the reliability and validity of a self-regulated learning strategy scale for undergraduate nursing students and effective factors of self-regulated learning strategies69
Development of a microlearning intervention regarding nursing nutritional care for older adults: A multi-methods study66
Addressing health disparities by addressing structural racism and implicit bias in nursing education63
The knowledge levels of midwifery students on contraceptive methods: A cross-sectional study62
The value of including reproductive justice into nursing curricula62
Adapting the learning environment of a first year interprofessional module towards collaborative-ready graduates61
Student nurses' end-of-life and post mortem care self-efficacy: A descriptive study60
The effects of an active learning mechanism on cognitive load and learning achievement: A new approach for pharmacology teaching to Taiwanese nursing students58
Telemedicine entrustable professional activities for nurses in long-term care: A modified Delphi study58
New method for autonomous learning of BLS psychomotor skills: Pillow mannequin: Randomized controlled study57
Is awareness of climate change a predictor of eco-anxiety? Research within the scope of nursing students57
Do basic auscultation skills need to be resuscitated? A new strategy for improving competency among nursing students56
Nurse education about forced migrants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions: An exploratory focus group study55
Grading practice as a strategy to improve proficiencies in undergraduate nurse education: Modelling key areas of competence54
Interprofessional simulation to promote teamwork and communication between nursing and respiratory therapy students: A mixed-method research study53
Development and testing of the Educators' Professional Development scale (EduProDe) for the assessment of social and health care educators' continuing professional development53
Editorial Board50
Making their way as academics: A qualitative study examining how nurse academics understand and (re)construct academic identity48
Trauma-informed care: Insights from a Q-methodology study of advanced practice registered nursing students47
Nurse anesthetist training Center on IFNA standards in Mainland China47
The effect of interactive learning method on nursing students' learning of movement requirement: A randomized controlled study45
The impact of a team-based learning group readiness assurance test on nursing students' problem solving, learning satisfaction, and team efficacy: A crossover study45
Factors influencing college students' self-regulated learning in online learning environment: A systematic review44
Evaluation of a French health action-training program by its stakeholders; healthcare students and host institution43
An integrative literature review on selecting patient assignments for undergraduate nursing students in the clinical setting43
Effects of a mobile-based bioterrorism response program among clinical nurses: A quasi-experimental study43
Design of online formative assessment of nursing humanities curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic: A teaching practice research41
Evaluation of validation characteristics of comprehensive midwifery examination checklists to evaluate the clinical skills of midwifery students: A methodological study40
Perspectives of nursing students on end-of-life nurse education: A qualitative study of the guided death experience40
The attitude towards organ donation: Differences between students of medicine and nursing. A preliminary study at Unizkm - Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” of Tirana39
The effectiveness of collaborative teaching in an introductory online radiology session for master of nursing students39
A qualitative study of supervisors' experiences with nursing students in practice, a new guidance model38
Editorial Board38
The lasting effects of historical racial divides in nursing education: A case study examining holistic admission policies development37
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Editorial Board37
Effects and influencing factors of Internet-based training on primary prevention of dementia among primary health care workers36
Identifying important conceptual areas in a nursing education programme to meet future demands, using group concept mapping36
Short and medium-term effects of different teaching strategies for interprofessional education in health professional students: A randomized controlled trial35
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Editorial Board35
Facilitators and barriers of African postgraduate nursing students' adaptation to internship: A qualitative study34
Comparison of simulation-based interprofessional education and video-enhanced interprofessional education in improving the learning outcomes of medical and nursing students: A quasi-experimental study33
Influencing factors of learning sustained attention for nursing students in online settings: A structural equation model32
Nurses and nursing students' experiences on pediatric end-of-life care and death: A qualitative systematic review32
Improving learning in the management of gender violence. Educational impact of a training program with reflective analysis of dramatized video problems in postgraduate nurses32
The impact of unsuccessful resuscitation and manikin death during simulation on nursing student's resuscitation self-efficacy: A quasi-experimental study32
Co-design and delivery of a relational learning programme for nursing students and young people with severe and complex learning disabilities31
Associations between knowledge level and attitudes towards cyber-dating abuse and dating violence in nursing students31
Intern nursing students' perceptions of patient safety culture and their experiences with factors affecting the safety of care in hospital settings: A mixed method study30
Correlation between hospice competence and death coping ability among nursing students in China: A cross-sectional survey30
Editorial Board29
Innovative teaching strategies in palliative care: Reading of a phenomenological text on the experience of living with advanced cancer29
Effects of case-based confusion assessment methods for intensive care unit training on delirium knowledge and delirium assessment accuracy of intensive care units: A quasi-experimental study29
The effects of hospice care education on first-year undergraduate nursing students in mainland China: A mixed-methods study28
The effects of web-based situational learning on nursing students' transfer of learning in clinical practice28
The effect of a stress management program on first-year nursing students’ clinical stress: A randomized controlled experimental study28
Knowledge levels and evidence-based approaches of undergraduate nursing students on suctioning practices: A cross-sectional study28
Perinatal death witnessed by midwifery students during clinical practice and their coping methods: A qualitative study27
An evaluation of nursing students' learning self-efficacy: A multi-dimensional instrument development and structural validation27
Enhancing competency in infection prevention and control: Identifying priorities for clinical nurse educational needs27
Clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teacher scale (CLES+T): Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version27
The effectiveness of continuing professional development for the residential long-term care workforce: A systematic review27
Effects of patient deterioration simulation using inattentional blindness for final year nursing students: A randomized controlled trial27
Nursing students' emotional work and its consequences following encounters with e-patients who present reliable or unreliable information; a scenario based cross sectional survey26
Perceptions of community care among nursing students: A cross-sectional study with implications to nursing workforce25
Nurses' self-regulated learning in clinical wards: Important insights for nurse educators from a multi-method research study25
Editorial Board25
Nursing students' knowledge gained about female genital cutting/mutilation through dramatization simulation with a standardized patient: A quasi-experimental study25
Equity, diversity, and inclusion in open educational resources: An interpretive description of students' perspectives24
Are virtual reality intravenous injection training programs effective for nurses and nursing students? A systematic review24
Effects of game-based learning integrated with the self-regulated learning strategy on nursing students' entrustable professional activities: A quasi-experimental study24
From registered nurse to nursing student - Exploring registered nurses' transition to nursing student during a post-registration children's nurse programme: A qualitative descriptive research study24
Optimizing palliative care education through undergraduate nursing students' perceptions: Application of importance-performance analysis and Borich needs assessment model24
Mediating effects of stigma on the relationship between contact and willingness to care for people with mental illness among nursing students24
The “seeing place”: Teaching nurse practitioners about cultural difference through dramatization23
Influence of technical, cognitive and socio-emotional factors on digital literacy in nursing students assessed using structural equation modeling23
Comparison of team-based learning vs. lecture-based teaching with small group discussion in a master's degree in nursing education course23
Aesthetic expression of caring in nursing among Japanese undergraduate nursing students23
Mediating effects of ageism and knowledge on the relationship between contact with older adults and attitudes toward older adults' sexuality among nursing students23
Are menopausal symptoms a barrier to learning for healthcare students studying at higher education?: A contemporary issue23
Nursing students' perceptions on the use of clinical simulation in psychiatric and mental health nursing by means of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)23
The correlation between emotional intelligence and clinical competence in nurses working in special care units: A cross-sectional study23
The effect of creative drama education on first-year undergraduate nursing student attitudes toward caring for dying patients23
Nursing students' experiences of community nursing school subject classes based on the Havruta learning method: A qualitative study23
International nurse education research collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic: Researchers' perspectives23
Exploring educator perceptions and profiles in supporting culturally and linguistically diverse students integration in healthcare work environments – A cross-sectional study22
The mediating role of positive psychological capital in the relationship between metacognition and self-directed learning ability: A cross-sectional study22
LGBTQIA+ healthcare content in pre-registration nursing and midwifery curricula: A cross-sectional study22
Indigenous students' experiences of being taught indigenous health22
Interdisciplinary reflection by higher education academics using teaching squares: A scoping review22
Simplified Chinese Trauma Advanced Practice Nurses' Core Competency Scale: A development and psychometric validation study22
Transferring knowledge and skills from an international collaborative nursing educational program to clinical practice: A qualitative study22
Internationalization at home program significantly increases the self-efficacy of nursing students: A pre-post study22
Pedagogical strategies to improve emotional competencies in nursing students: A systematic review21
Nursing competency inventory and professional competence of graduating students in six Asian countries: A cross-sectional study21
Learning from nursing students' experiences and perceptions of their clinical placements in nursing homes: An integrative literature review21
Approaches used to enhance transition and retention for newly qualified nurses (NQNS): A rapid evidence assessment21
Artificial intelligence tools utilized in nursing education: Incidence and associated factors21
Examining the correlation between intercultural sensitivity and individualized care perception of nursing students21
Integrating EBP into an undergraduate research methodology course using the Star Model of Knowledge Transformation: A mixed-method study21
Virtual reality simulation-enhanced blood transfusion education for undergraduate nursing students: A randomised controlled trial21
Does reading ability predict student success? A scoping review21
Exploring nursing students' learning experiences and attitudes toward older persons in a gerontological nursing course using self-regulated online enquiry-based learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: 21
Effects of student-led drama on nursing students' attitudes to interprofessional working and nursing advocacy: A pre-test post-test educational intervention study21
Identification and comparison of France to other countries of the teaching of research to nursing students: Results of an international survey of nursing educator20
Nurse students' perception of the academic learning environment in Tunisian institutes of nursing sciences: A multisite cross-sectional study20
Design and evaluation of a 3D serious game for communication learning in nursing education20
“Bridging two worlds?”: Towards cultural safety within Schools of Nursing in Australian Universities20
Attitudes and knowledge about medical cannabis among Israeli and American nursing students20
Cultural competence among pre-graduate nursing students, new graduate nurses, nurse mentors, and registered nurses: A comparative descriptive study20
Inclusion of cultural competence and racial awareness in nursing education: An exploration of the nurse educator role20
Emphasizing the need to integrate and teach sociocultural determinants of health in undergraduate nursing curricula20
A new pedagogical approach to enhance palliative care and communication learning: A mixed method study19
Perception of online teacher self-efficacy: A multi-state study of nursing faculty pivoting courses during COVID 1919
The relationship between death attitude and professional identity in nursing students from mainland China19
Development of collaborative family nurse practitioner education using physician preceptors: A focused critical ethnographic study19
Coping with COVID-19. Work life experiences of nursing, midwifery and paramedic academics: An international interview study19
Mediating effects of emotional intelligence and resilience on the relationship between type D personality and caring ability in nursing students: A cross-sectional study19
Impacts of interprofessional education on collaborative practice of healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis19
The effectiveness of branching simulations in improving nurses' knowledge, attitudes, practice, and decision-making related to sepsis assessment and management19
‘Do nurses really do that’? An exploratory mixed methods study of Students' willingness to lead19
The relationship between moral sensitivity and professional values and ethical decision-making in nursing students18
Effect of educational intervention on clinical reasoning skills in nursing: A quasi-experimental study18
Delivering resilience training to pre-registration student nurses in partnership with a reservist military organisation: A qualitative study18
Empathic approach to reducing the negative attitudes of nursing undergraduate students towards cancer18
Wow, woo, win"- Healthcare students’ and facilitators’ experiences of interprofessional simulation in three-dimensional virtual world: A qualitative evaluation study18
Nursing action towards the sustainable development goals: Barriers and opportunities18
Factors affecting adjustment of first-year nursing students to college life: A descriptive correlational study18
Characteristics and determinants of the academic goals in nursing education: A cross-sectional study18
Patient safety and its relationship with specific self-efficacy, competence, and resilience among nursing students: A quantitative study18
The mediating effect of clinical teaching behavior on transition shock and career identity among new nurses: A cross-sectional study18
Systematic review of tools to measure preceptors' perceptions of their role in undergraduate health clinical education17
User experience and interface assessment for metaverse platforms on nurses and nursing students: A cross-sectional study17
Nursing students' perspectives and care giving experiences with refugees: A qualitative analysis17
Satisfaction with the clinical practice among nursing students using regression models and qualitative comparative analysis17
Challenges and possible solutions for accessing scholarly literature among medical and nursing professionals and students in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review17
Educational methods used in cancer training for health sciences students: An integrative review17
Nursing informatics competences of Finnish registered nurses after national educational initiatives: A cross-sectional study17
Investigating the fundamental levels of a signature pedagogy in nursing education: A scoping review17
Assessing knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of nurses about LGBTQ older adults using a documentary video17
The contribution of paid employment for students during their pre-registration nursing studies: An integrative review17
Transition shock, preceptor support and nursing competency among newly graduated registered nurses: A cross-sectional study17
Intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19 among nursing students: A cross-sectional survey17
The effects of compassion-based feedback on wellbeing ratings during a professional assessment healthcare task17
The influence of intensive clinical skills ‘bootcamps’ on nursing students' perceptions of ability to provide acute care: A mixed methods study16
Development of neonatal Apgar scoring training program utilizing contactless hand tracking in immersive virtual reality16
Effectiveness of peer teaching in health professions education: A systematic review and meta-analysis16
Development of the competency assessment scale for clinical nursing teachers: Results of a Delphi study and validation16
Reflection-in-action during high-fidelity simulation: A concept analysis16
Positive and negative aspects of psychological stress in clinical education in nursing: A scoping review16
Communication and empathy of nursing students in patient care through telenursing: A comparative cross-sectional study16
Enhancing nursing students' clinical competency using a multi-patient simulation learning model: A randomized controlled study16
Exploring the experiences and perceptions of students in a graduate entry nursing programme: A qualitative meta-synthesis16
Teaching behaviours of clinical teachers and professional commitment among nursing students: A moderated mediation model of optimism and psychological well-being16
Translation to practice of cultural safety education in nursing and midwifery: A realist review16
Academic performance beyond the metrics: A qualitative content analysis of nursing students' perceptions16
A mixed-methods feasibility study to assess the acceptability and applicability of immersive virtual reality sepsis game as an adjunct to nursing education16
Ongoing training and peer feedback in simulation-based learning for local faculty development: A participation action research study16
Social justice education in nursing: An integrative review of teaching and learning approaches and students' and educators' experiences16
A scoping review of Q methodology nursing education studies16
Predictors of university nursing students burnout at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study15
Construction of a nurses' interpersonal communication knowledge system: A Delphi study15
Exploring the experiences of nursing students in using immersive virtual reality to learn nursing skills15
Development and validation of a script concordance test to assess biosciences clinical reasoning skills: A cross-sectional study of 1st year undergraduate nursing students15
Evaluating the impact of an arts-based multimedia knowledge translation assignment on undergraduate nursing students15
Learning disability awareness training for undergraduate midwifery students: Multi-method evaluation of a co-produced and co-delivered educational intervention in England15
The impact of telehealth objective structured clinical evaluations in intraprofessional nursing education: A mixed methods study15
Attitudes toward, knowledge of, and beliefs regarding providing care to LGBT patients among student nurses, nurses, and nursing educators: A cross-sectional survey15
Developing a measurement tool for evaluating the hidden curriculum in nursing education15
Salutogenesis and COVID-19 pandemic impacting nursing education across SEANERN affiliated universities: A multi-national study15
Innovation in dementia education within undergraduate healthcare programmes: A scoping review15
Nurses' evidence-based practice competence and hospital practice environment after specific training under the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® Programme. A cross sectional study15
Self-efficacy mediates the effect of professional identity on learning engagement for nursing students in higher vocational colleges: A cross-sectional study15
Undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of active learning strategies: A focus group study15
The inclusion and representation of LGBTIQ+ content in undergraduate nurse education: A scoping review15
What might COVID-19 have taught us about the delivery of Nurse Education, in a post-COVID-19 world?15
Implementing English for Medical Purposes (EMP) in South Korea: Nursing students' ongoing needs analysis15
Student and faculty perceptions of effectiveness of online teaching modalities15
An intervention to improve knowledge and increase comfort of concussion management among school medical staff15
The use of mobile technology to support work integrated learning in undergraduate nursing programs: An integrative review15
Effectiveness of nurse-targeted education interventions on clinical outcomes for patients with indwelling urinary catheters: A systematic review15
Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of resilience among undergraduate nursing students: A structural equation modelling approach15
Implementation and evaluation of a pandemic simulation exercise among undergraduate public health and nursing students: A mixed-methods study14
Effectiveness of end-of-life educational interventions at improving nurses and nursing students' attitude toward death and care of dying patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis14
Clinical leadership in nursing students: A concept analysis14
Turkish adaptation of the nursing student academic resilience inventory: A validity and reliability study14
Understanding the impact of expert by experience roles in mental health education14
Nursing students' experiences and expectations of clinical learning: A qualitative study14
Students' perceptions of belonging in the School of Nursing at a regional university in Australia14
The use of virtual reality simulation among nursing students and registered nurses: A systematic review14
How are nurse educators prepared to teach interprofessional practice?14
Mediating effects of self-directed learning on the relationship between critical thinking and problem-solving in student nurses attending online classes: A cross-sectional descriptive study14
Outcomes of problem-based learning in nurse education: A systematic review and meta-analysis14
Role transition of newly graduated nurses from nursing students to registered nurses: A qualitative systematic review14
Rethinking global health topics to advance social justice in undergraduate nursing education14
“Connecting the dots” – The transfer of bioscience knowledge by new graduate nurses to the clinical setting: A qualitative study14
Development of disaster nursing education and training programs in the past 20 years (2000–2019): A systematic review14
Knowledge attitudes and readiness of nursing students in assessing peoples' sexual health problems14
Examining the effect of simulation-based learning on intravenous therapy administration' knowledge, performance, and clinical assessment skills of first-year nursing students14
A serious game for online-based objective structured clinical examination in nursing: A qualitative study14
The effect of neonatal resuscitation training based on a serious game simulation method on nursing students' knowledge, skills, satisfaction and self-confidence levels: A randomized controlled trial14
Assertiveness educational interventions for nursing students and nurses: A systematic review14
Enhancing nurses' capacity to provide concurrent mental health and substance use disorder care: A quasi-experimental intervention study14
Development and psychometric properties testing of the Non-Cognitive Skills Scale for nursing students13
Challenges, support, and strategies concerning learning among nursing students who have English as an additional language: A meta-synthesis13
Editorial Board13
Diabetes specialist nurses' knowledge, skills, and personal attributes for providing competent health education practice, and its influencing factors: A cross-sectional survey13
Effects of cooperative learning and situational simulation on nursing competence in clinical practice among nursing students: A quasi-experimental study13
Norwegian nursing students' experience of international clinical placement abroad: A qualitative study13
The climate crisis and human health: Survey on the knowledge of nursing students in the Comunidad de Madrid13
Exploring the meaning of peer support used by undergraduate nursing students who have experienced clinical-related critical incidents: A hermeneutic study13
Structural equation modeling for associated factors with patient safety behaviors among nursing interns: A cross-sectional study based on the capability opportunity motivation-behavior model13
Gerontological nursing competencies: A scoping review13
Current practices for assessing clinical judgment in nursing students and new graduates: A scoping review13
Students' perspectives from co-designed, lived experience eating disorders education: A qualitative inquiry13
Marginalised or privileged? Analysing nursing education for male students in the UK and Taiwan with fragmented frameworks of gender13
International nursing students' culture shock and academic engagement: The moderating role of resilience13
Editorial Board13
Past the tipping point: Understanding and addressing burnout among nursing students13
“Normal in all the rush”: A phenomenological study analyzing midwifery students' views on obstetric violence13
Everyday sexism in nursing degrees: A cross-sectional, multicenter study13
Academic self-efficacy, personal responsibility, and readiness for professional practice in nursing students: A descriptive and correlational design13
Empathy development through game-based learning: An investigative study on nursing professionals13
Effects of a conflict resolution training program on nursing students: A quasi-experimental study based on the situated learning theory13
Japanese nurse academics' pedagogical development using collaborative action research13
Factors influencing patient safety competency in baccalaureate nursing students: A descriptive cross-sectional study13
The research hotspots and theme trends of artificial intelligence in nurse education: A bibliometric analysis from 1994 to 202313
A qualitative exploration of nursing master's research supervision in a private higher education institution13
Ethical sensitivity and compassion competence in nursing students: Two-center study/comparison of two different cultures13
The evidence-based practice teaching competence of clinical preceptors at different stages of innovation-decision process: A cross-sectional survey in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals13
Preparing nursing students for clinical placement using synchronous role-play telesimulation: A descriptive survey study13
Corrigendum to “A gameful blended-learning experience in nursing: A qualitative focus group study” [Nurse Educ. Today (2021), Vol. 106, 105109]13
Can online learning be a reliable alternative to nursing students' learning during a pandemic? – A systematic review and meta-analysis13
The use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® within nurse education: A scoping review12
Clinical supervisors' perspectives of factors influencing clinical learning experience of nursing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds during placement: A qualitative study12