World Bank Economic Review

(The median citation count of World Bank Economic Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Erratum to: Technology, Skills, and Globalization: Explaining International Differences in Routine and Nonroutine Work Using Survey Data64
Taking Cover: Human Capital Accumulation in the Presence of Shocks and Health Insurance48
The Impact of Weather Shocks on Violent and Property Crimes in Jamaica28
Performance Pay Increases Dog Vaccinations to Reduce Human Rabies28
The Combined Role of Subsidy and Discussion Intervention in the Demand for a Stigmatized Product20
The Intergenerational Effects of Economic Sanctions16
Food Inflation and Child Health16
Employment Mismatches Drive Expectational Earnings Errors among Mozambican Graduates14
Infrastructure Quality and FDI Inflows: Evidence from the Arrival of High-Speed Internet in Africa14
Documenting Decentralization: Empirical Evidence on Administrative Unit Proliferation from Uganda13
Is There a Bright Side to the China Syndrome? Rising Export Opportunities and Life Satisfaction in China12
Impact of Twin Lockdowns on Hunger, Labor-Market Outcomes, and Household Coping Mechanisms: Evidence from Uganda11
The Short- and Longer-Term Effects of a Child Labor Ban11
The Lasting Labor-Market Effects of Cash Transfers: Evidence from South Africa’s Child Support Grant10
Class Size and Learning: Has India Spent Too Much on Reducing Class Size?8
Addressing Social Desirability Bias When Measuring Child Labor Use: An Application to Cocoa Farms in Côte d’Ivoire8
Does Aid Induce Foreign Direct Investment: Updated Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment8
Poverty and Prices: Assessing the Impact of the 2017 PPPs on the International Poverty Line and Global Poverty8
Mobile Broadband, Poverty, and Labor Outcomes in Tanzania8
Structural Reforms and Labor Productivity Growth in Developing Countries: Intra or Inter-Reallocation Channel?7
A Measurement of Aggregate Trade Restrictions and Their Economic Effects7
The Health Burden of E-Waste: The Impact of E-Waste Dumping Sites on Child Mortality7
Why Programs Fail: Lessons for Improving Public Service Quality from a Mixed-Methods Evaluation of an Unsuccessful Teacher Training Program in Nepal6
Disclosure of Violence against Women and Girls in Senegal6
The Effects of Community Health Worker Visits and Primary Care Subsidies on Health Behavior and Health Outcomes for Children in Urban Mali5
Women Legislators in Africa and Foreign Aid5
The Labor-Supply Consequences of Having a Child in China5
Raising the Age of Marriage Entry and Child's Nutrition Intake? Evidence from the Reform of Ethiopia's Family Law5
Africa's Manufacturing Puzzle: Evidence from Tanzanian and Ethiopian Firms4
Organizational Hierarchies and Export Destinations4
Do Factory Jobs Improve Welfare? Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia4
The Gendered Impact of Digital Jobs Platforms: Experimental Evidence from Mozambique4
Gender Differences in Informal Labor-Market Resilience4
Land Rezoning and Structural Transformation in Rural India: Evidence from the Industrial Areas Program4
Investment Treaties, Local Institutions and Policies in the Global Land Rush4
Does the Source of FDI Matter? The Case of Tax Havens4
Integrating Survey and Geospatial Data for Geographical Targeting of the Poor and Vulnerable: Evidence from Malawi3
Watering the Seeds of the Rural Economy: Evidence from Groundwater Irrigation in India3
Mobilizing P2P Diffusion for New Agricultural Practices: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh3
Social Protection amid a Crisis: New Evidence from South Africa’s Older Person’s Grant3
Long-Term Effects of an Education Stipend Program on Domestic Violence: Evidence from Bangladesh3
Allocative Efficiency between and within the Formal and Informal Manufacturing Sectors in Zimbabwe3
Chiefs, Courts, and Upholding Property Rights: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone3
Income and Wealth Inequality in Hong Kong, 1981–2020: The Rise of Pluto-Communism?2
Unambiguous Trends Combining Absolute and Relative Income Poverty: New Results and Global Application2
Local Water Quality, Diarrheal Disease, and the Unintended Consequences of Soda Taxes2
Refugees and Housing: Evidence from the Mortgage Market2
Better Roads, Better Off? Evidence on Upgrading Roads in Tanzania2
Reducing Delay in Payments in Welfare Programs: Experimental Evidence from an Information Dissemination Intervention2
What Do Local Government Education Managers Do to Boost Learning Outcomes?2
Agricultural Productivity and Land Inequality: Evidence from the Philippines2
Strangers and Foreigners: Trust and Attitudes toward Citizenship in Sub-Saharan Africa2
Telescoping Error in Recalled Food Consumption: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Ethiopia2
The Occupation Content of Trade2
Social Protection and Foundational Cognitive Skills during Adolescence: Evidence from a Large Public Works Program2
Cash Transfers, Trust, and Inter-household Transfers: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania2
Direct Shock Experience vs. Tangential Shock Exposure: Indirect Effects of Flood Shocks on Well-Being and Preferences2
Do Women Contribute More Effort than Men to a Real Public Good?2
Village Fairness Norms and Land-Rental Markets2
Poverty from Space: Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery for Estimating Economic Well-being2
Hard and Soft Skills in Vocational Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia1
Job Loss and Household Labor Supply Adjustments in Developing Countries: Evidence from Argentina1
Roads and Jobs in Ethiopia1
Female Education and Brideprice: Evidence from Primary Education Reform in Uganda1
Wealth Inequality in South Africa, 1993–20171
The Pass-Through of International Commodity Price Shocks to Producers’ Welfare: Evidence from Ethiopian Coffee Farmers1
Nudging Payment Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Pay-as-You-Go Off-Grid Electricity1
Trade Shocks, Population Growth, and Migration1
The Role of Income Inequality for Poverty Reduction1
Measuring Inequality Using Geospatial Data1
Public Child Care Provision: Unraveling the Consequences of Implementation Variations for Women's Time Allocation1
Infrastructure and Structural Change in Africa1
Filling the “Decency Gap”? Donors’ Reaction to US Policy on International Family Planning Aid1
Unfolding Trade Effect in Two Margins of Informality. The Peruvian Case1
Can Discussions about Girls’ Education Improve Academic Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Development Project1
Consumption Subaggregates Should Not Be Used to Measure Poverty1
The Economic Impact of Deepening Trade Agreements1
Urban Agglomeration and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Asia1
What We Learn about Girls’ Education from Interventions That Do Not Focus on Girls1
Rural Road Infrastructure and Women’s Empowerment in India1
Opposition Media, State Censorship, and Political Accountability: Evidence from Chavez’s Venezuela1
Technology, Skills, and Globalization: Explaining International Differences in Routine and Nonroutine Work Using Survey Data1
Shifting Attitudes towards Domestic Violence: The Impact of Primary Education on Women’s Marital Outcomes in Benin1
The Demand for Advice: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa1
Subsistence Farming and Factor Misallocation: Evidence from Ugandan Agriculture1
How Important Is Temptation Spending? Maybe Less than We Thought1
Decomposing Learning Inequalities in East Africa: How Much Does Sorting Matter?1
Effects of a Multi-Faceted Education Program on Enrollment, Learning and Gender Equity: Evidence from India1