European Journal of Psychology of Education

(The TQCC of European Journal of Psychology of Education is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The effects of teacher support, parental monitoring, motivation and self-efficacy on academic performance over time56
An integrated model of school students’ academic achievement and life satisfaction. Linking soft skills, extracurricular activities, self-regulated learning, motivation, and emotions55
Student dropout at university: a phase-orientated view on quitting studies and changing majors32
A longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationship between academic procrastination, study satisfaction, and dropout intentions in higher education30
Cognitive engagement in self-regulated learning: an integrative model28
Review of research on teacher emotion during 1985–2019: a descriptive quantitative analysis of knowledge production trends27
Science knowledge and trust in medicine affect individuals’ behavior in pandemic crises24
The links between students’ relationships with teachers, likeability among peers, and bullying victimization: the intervening role of teacher responsiveness23
Students’ experiences of study-related exhaustion, regulation of learning, peer learning and peer support during university studies22
The development of students’ achievement emotions after transition to secondary school: a multilevel growth curve modelling approach17
The role of prosocial attitudes and academic achievement in peer networks in higher education16
Different associations of parental involvement with children’s learning of Chinese, English, and math: a three-wave longitudinal study16
Do not despise failures: students’ failure mindset, perception of parents’ failure mindset, and implicit theory of intelligence15
Patterns of motivating teaching behaviour and student engagement: a microanalytic approach14
The effects of perceived parental math support on middle school students’ math engagement: the serial multiple mediation of math self-efficacy and math enjoyment14
A leap to the digital era—what are lower and upper secondary school students’ experiences of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia?13
Cyberloafing among Gen Z students: the role of norms, moral disengagement, multitasking self-efficacy, and psychological outcomes13
Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study13
Just do it! Study time increases mathematical achievement scores for grade 4-10 students in a large longitudinal cross-country study13
The influence of SES, cognitive, and non-cognitive abilities on grades: cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from two Swedish cohorts12
Intensity and content of private tutoring lessons during German secondary schooling: effects on students’ grades and test achievement12
Logfile analyses of successful and unsuccessful strategy use in complex problem-solving: a cross-national comparison study11
Performance-approach goals: the operationalization makes the difference11
Testing measurement invariance of mathematics self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA using MGCFA and the alignment method11
Understanding shifts in students’ academic motivation across a school year: the role of teachers’ motivating styles and need-based experiences10
Home activities and cognitive skills in relation to early literacy and numeracy: testing a multifactorial model in preschoolers10
The importance of a collaborative culture for teachers’ job satisfaction and affective commitment10
School bullying and students’ sense of safety in school: the moderating role of school climate9
Fostering cognitive and affective-motivational learning outcomes for high-ability students in mixed-ability elementary classrooms: a systematic review9
Academic engagement: assessment, conditions, and effects—a study in higher education from the perspective of the person-situation interaction9
University students’ strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor’s feedback, rubrics, and year level effects9
Learning by teaching face-to-face: the contributions of preparing-to-teach, initial-explanation, and interaction phases9
Promoting intercultural competence in study abroad students8
Achievement goal orientations in college students: longitudinal trajectories, related factors, and effects on academic performance8
What is in a student-faculty relationship? A template analysis of students’ positive and negative critical incidents with faculty and staff in higher education8
Relations between students’ well-being and academic achievement: evidence from Swedish compulsory school8
Supporting the development of the bilingual lexicon through translanguaging: a realist review integrating psycholinguistics with educational sciences8
Reading comprehension of monolingual and bilingual children in primary school: the role of linguistic abilities and phonological processing skills7
Growth mindset and reading proficiency of ESL learners: examining the role of students’ socioeconomic status using PISA 2018 Philippine data7
Interventions to reduce burnout in students: A systematic review and meta-analysis7
The social contagion of work avoidance goals in school and its influence on student (dis)engagement7
Perceived stress and affective experience in Italian teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with coping and emotion regulation strategies7
Are teachers’ subjective feelings linked with need-supportive and need-thwarting motivating styles? A cross-lagged pilot study in physical education7
The effect of autonomy-supportive climate in a second chance programme for at-risk youth on dropout risk: the mediating role of adolescents’ sense of authenticity7
The Sequential Composition of Collaborative Groups’ Emotion Regulation in Negative Socio-emotional Interactions7
The influence of socioeconomic status, working memory and academic self-concept on academic achievement7
What makes a student feel vital? Links between teacher-student relatedness and teachers’ engaging messages7
Domain-specific motivation and self-assessment practice as mechanisms linking perceived need-supportive teaching to student achievement7
Contrasting executive function development among primary school children from Hong Kong and Germany6
Student teachers’ knowledge integration across conceptual borders: the role of study approaches, learning strategies, beliefs, and motivation6
Children’s participation and agency in Italian residential care for children: Adult-child interactions at dinnertime6
Future preschool teachers’ mathematical questions during shared book reading6
The relationship between academic motivation and basic psychological needs within the freshman year context: a longitudinal person-oriented approach6
Motivational regulation strategies, academic self-concept, and cognitive learning strategies of university students: does academic self-concept play an interactive role?6
The role of work-based learning for student engagement in vocational education and training: an application of the self-system model of motivational development6
Patterns of Italian high school and university students’ attitudes towards physics: an analysis based on semiotic-cultural perspective6
Female teachers’ coping styles with negative emotions in student aggression6
Emotion and its relation to cognition from Vygotsky’s perspective6
Evaluating the efficacy of a teacher-guided comprehension-oriented learning strategy intervention among students in Grade 46
Effects of targeted interventions and of specific instructional time on reading ability in French children in grade 16
A tool-kit to help students from low socioeconomic status background: a school-based self-regulated learning intervention6
A latent profile analysis of teachers’ causal attribution for academic success or failure6
Longitudinal exploration of online learning burnout: the role of social support and cognitive engagement6
Students’ interests for personalized learning: an analysis guide6
Beyond ‘migrant background’: how to select relevant, social justice oriented, and feasible social categories in educational research5
Predicting different types of parental involvement in children’s homework: the role of parent motivational beliefs and parent affect5
The relationships between perceived teacher autonomy support, academic self-efficacy and learning engagement among primary school students: A network analysis5
First-year students’ social adjustment process in professional higher education: key experiences and their occurrence over time5
Exploring students’ science motivation across grade levels and the role of inductive reasoning in science motivation5
The relationship between academic self-efficacy and class engagement of self-reported LD and ADHD in Israeli undergraduate students during COVID-195
Psychological need satisfaction and academic stress in college students: mediator role of grit and academic self-efficacy5
The relevance of basic psychological needs and subject interest as explanatory variables for student dropout in higher education — a German case study using the example of a cooperative education prog5
Demonstrating the effectiveness of two scaffolds for fostering students’ domain perspective reasoning5
Gender and minority background as moderators of teacher expectation effects on self-concept, subjective task values, and academic performance5
Low-stakes performance testing in Germany by the VERA assessment: analysis of the mode effects between computer-based testing and paper-pencil testing5
Toddlers’ peer engagement in Swiss childcare: contribution of individual and contextual characteristics5
Gender-math stereotypes and mathematical performance: the role of attitude toward mathematics and math self-concept5
The interplay between teacher empathy, students’ sense of school belonging, and learning achievement5
Academic self-efficacy and learning strategies as mediators of the relation between personality and elementary school students’ achievement5
Student perceptions of interpersonal justice, engagement, agency and anger: a longitudinal study for reciprocal effects5
Achievement of first-year students at the university: a multilevel analysis of the role of background diversity and student engagement4
Shaping the self through education: exploring the links between educational identity statuses, appraisals of control and value, and achievement emotions4
Multidimensional profiles of learning orientations and school achievement: a person-oriented approach in middle-school students4
Orchestrating children’s action: an in-depth multimodal analysis of child-educator interactions in one Italian early childhood education setting4
Vicious and virtuous relationships between procrastination and emotions: an investigation of the reciprocal relationship between academic procrastination and learning-related anxiety and hope4
Subjective socioeconomic status predicts e-learning engagement in college students: the mediating role of perceived social support and self-efficacy4
Learning across media in a second language4
Students’ socioeconomic status and teacher beliefs about learning as predictors of students’ mathematical competence4
Students home alone—profiles of internal and external conditions associated with mathematics learning from home4
Student well-being in times of COVID-19 in the Netherlands: basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration within the academic learning environment4
What makes a simulation-based learning environment for preservice teachers authentic? The role of individual learning characteristics and context-related features4
Boredom in online activity during COVID-19 outbreak causing dysfunctional behaviors of adolescent students: phenomenological study to the creation of virtual reality classroom4
Adaptability favors positive academic responses and posttraumatic growth under COVID-19: a longitudinal study with adolescents4
Writing about the past: the impact of different authentic instructional material on students’ argument writing in history4
Work-family conflict and facilitation among teachers in Israel and Switzerland4
Exploring the development of executive functions in children in a digital world4
Is dealing with errors in the classroom specific for school subjects? A study of the error climate in mathematics, German, and English4
The role of different school organizational models in the psychological adaptation of refugee adolescents4
A grounded theory about how teachers communicated high expectations to their secondary school students4
Individual characteristics of students in vocational education moderating the relationship between school engagement and vocational identity4