Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

(The TQCC of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Database Created by the China Meteorological Administration325
CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Temperature and Precipitation over China175
The Record-breaking Mei-yu in 2020 and Associated Atmospheric Circulation and Tropical SST Anomalies143
Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather: Current Understanding, Uncertainties, and Future Research Directions129
FY-3E: The First Operational Meteorological Satellite Mission in an Early Morning Orbit99
Upper Ocean Temperatures Hit Record High in 202084
The 2020/21 Extremely Cold Winter in China Influenced by the Synergistic Effect of La Niña and Warm Arctic75
A Deep Learning Method for Bias Correction of ECMWF 24–240 h Forecasts69
Future Changes in Extreme High Temperature over China at 1.5°C–5°C Global Warming Based on CMIP6 Simulations59
Seasonal Cumulative Effect of Ural Blocking Episodes on the Frequent Cold events in China during the Early Winter of 2020/2151
On the Key Dynamical Processes Supporting the 21.7 Zhengzhou Record-breaking Hourly Rainfall in China50
Fengyun Meteorological Satellite Products for Earth System Science Applications49
Cause of Extreme Heavy and Persistent Rainfall over Yangtze River in Summer 202048
Another Record: Ocean Warming Continues through 2021 despite La Niña Conditions48
Natural Climate Solutions for China: The Last Mile to Carbon Neutrality47
Extreme Cold Events from East Asia to North America in Winter 2020/21: Comparisons, Causes, and Future Implications46
Frontiers of CO2 Capture and Utilization (CCU) towards Carbon Neutrality42
Understanding of the Effect of Climate Change on Tropical Cyclone Intensity: A Review42
A Concise Overview on Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting41
Analysis on Precipitation Efficiency of the “21.7” Henan Extremely Heavy Rainfall Event41
The Nature and Predictability of the East Asian Extreme Cold Events of 2020/2140
Changes of Extreme Precipitation and its Associated Mechanisms in Northwest China40
The Chinese Carbon-Neutral Goal: Challenges and Prospects39
2021: A Year of Unprecedented Climate Extremes in Eastern Asia, North America, and Europe39
Influence of the NAO on Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over East Asia: Multidecadal Variability and Decadal Prediction38
Combined Impacts of Warm Central Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures and Anthropogenic Warming on the 2019 Severe Drought in East China34
Satellite All-sky Infrared Radiance Assimilation: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives33
Toward Understanding the Extreme Floods over Yangtze River Valley in June–July 2020: Role of Tropical Oceans31
A Machine Learning-based Cloud Detection Algorithm for the Himawari-8 Spectral Image31
Future Precipitation Extremes in China under Climate Change and Their Physical Quantification Based on a Regional Climate Model and CMIP5 Model Simulations31
Fidelity of the APHRODITE Dataset in Representing Extreme Precipitation over Central Asia30
Anthropogenic Effects on Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation30
On the Two Successive Supercold Waves Straddling the End of 2020 and the Beginning of 202130
The 2020 Summer Floods and 2020/21 Winter Extreme Cold Surges in China and the 2020 Typhoon Season in the Western North Pacific30
An Unprecedented Record Low Antarctic Sea-ice Extent during Austral Summer 202228
Extreme Cold Events in North America and Eurasia in November-December 2022: A Potential Vorticity Gradient Perspective28
Comparison of Ozone and PM2.5 Concentrations over Urban, Suburban, and Background Sites in China28
Classification of Northeast China Cold Vortex Activity Paths in Early Summer Based on K-means Clustering and Their Climate Impact27
The Extreme Mei-yu Season in 2020: Role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Cooperative Influence of the Pacific and Indian Oceans27
Volcanoes and Climate: Sizing up the Impact of the Recent Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption from a Historical Perspective27
The Roles of Low-level Jets in “21·7” Henan Extremely Persistent Heavy Rainfall Event26
Unprecedented Heatwave in Western North America during Late June of 2021: Roles of Atmospheric Circulation and Global Warming26
Understanding the Soil Temperature Variability at Different Depths: Effects of Surface Air Temperature, Snow Cover, and the Soil Memory25
The Seasonal Prediction of the Exceptional Yangtze River Rainfall in Summer 202025
New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 202325
Impact of the Monsoonal Surge on Extreme Rainfall of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones24
Another Year of Record Heat for the Oceans24
On the Influences of Urbanization on the Extreme Rainfall over Zhengzhou on 20 July 2021: A Convection-Permitting Ensemble Modeling Study24
The First Global Carbon Dioxide Flux Map Derived from TanSat Measurements23
On the Diurnal Cycle of Heavy Rainfall over the Sichuan Basin during 10–18 August 202023
Assimilating All-sky Infrared Radiances from Himawari-8 Using the 3DVar Method for the Prediction of a Severe Storm over North China22
A Hybrid Neural Network Model for ENSO Prediction in Combination with Principal Oscillation Pattern Analyses22
Sources of Subseasonal Prediction Skill for Heatwaves over the Yangtze River Basin Revealed from Three S2S Models22
The Assessment of Global Surface Temperature Change from 1850s: The C-LSAT2.0 Ensemble and the CMST-Interim Datasets22
An Isentropic Mass Circulation View on the Extreme Cold Events in the 2020/21 Winter22
Evaluation of Surface Relative Humidity in China from the CRA-40 and Current Reanalyses22
CAS-ESM2.0 Model Datasets for the CMIP6 Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Phase 1 (OMIP1)22
Mongolia Contributed More than 42% of the Dust Concentrations in Northern China in March and April 202321
Influence of Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming on the Unprecedented Cold Wave in East Asia in January 202121
Northern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming and Its Downward Impact in Four Chinese CMIP6 Models21
Change in Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau Projected by Weighted CMIP6 Models20
Causes and Predictability of the 2021 Spring Southwestern China Severe Drought20
Typical Circulation Patterns and Associated Mechanisms for Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events over Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley during 1981–202020
Recent Advances in Understanding Multi-scale Climate Variability of the Asian Monsoon19
Water Vapor Retrievals from Near-infrared Channels of the Advanced Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Instrument onboard the Fengyun-3D Satellite19
The Predictability of Ocean Environments that Contributed to the 2020/21 Extreme Cold Events in China: 2020/21 La Niña and 2020 Arctic Sea Ice Loss19
On the Importance of High-Resolution in Large-Scale Ocean Models19
A New TanSat XCO2 Global Product towards Climate Studies19
Robust Solution for Boundary Layer Height Detections with Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar19
Seasonal Forecast of South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset Disturbed by Cold Tongue La Niña in the Past Decade19
Improvement of Soil Moisture Simulation in Eurasia by the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model from CMIP5 to CMIP619
Moisture Origins and Transport Processes for the 2020 Yangtze River Valley Record-Breaking Mei-yu Rainfall19
Increases in Anthropogenic Heat Release from Energy Consumption Lead to More Frequent Extreme Heat Events in Urban Cities19
Recent Progress in Atmospheric Chemistry Research in China: Establishing a Theoretical Framework for the “Air Pollution Complex”18
CLDASSD: Reconstructing Fine Textures of the Temperature Field Using Super-Resolution Technology18
The Weakening Relationship between ENSO and the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset in Recent Decades18
Atmospheric Rivers and Mei-yu Rainfall in China: A Case Study of Summer 202018
Projection of the Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity Affecting East Asia over the Western North Pacific Based on Multi-RegCM4 Simulations18
Will the Historic Southeasterly Wind over the Equatorial Pacific in March 2022 Trigger a Third-year La Niña Event?18
Growing Threat of Rapidly-Intensifying Tropical Cyclones in East Asia18
Simulated Relationship between Wintertime ENSO and East Asian Summer Rainfall: From CMIP3 to CMIP618
Impacts of Topographic Complexity on Modeling Moisture Transport and Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in Summer17
Growing Operational Use of FY-3 Data in the ECMWF System17
The Warming of the Tibetan Plateau in Response to Transient and Stabilized 2.0°C/1.5°C Global Warming Targets17
The CMIP6 Historical Simulation Datasets Produced by the Climate System Model CAMS-CSM17
All-sky Data Assimilation of MWTS-2 and MWHS-2 in the Met Office Global NWP System17
CAS-ESM2.0 Model Datasets for the CMIP6 Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project (FAFMIP)17
Understanding and Attribution of Extreme Heat and Drought Events in 2022: Current Situation and Future Challenges17
Precipitation Microphysical Processes in the Inner Rainband of Tropical Cyclone Kajiki (2019) over the South China Sea Revealed by Polarimetric Radar17
The Super-large Ensemble Experiments of CAS FGOALS-g316
Spatial and Temporal Distributions and Sources of Anthropogenic NMVOCs in the Atmosphere of China: A Review16
Datasets for the CMIP6 Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) Simulations with the Coupled Model CAS FGOALS-f3-L16
Magnitude, Scale, and Dynamics of the 2020 Mei-yu Rains and Floods over China16
Why Does Extreme Rainfall Occur in Central China during the Summer of 2020 after a Weak El Niño?16
COP26: Progress, Challenges, and Outlook16
A New Global Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) Data Product from TanSat Measurements16
Particulate Amines in the Background Atmosphere of the Yangtze River Delta, China: Concentration, Size Distribution, and Sources16
Characterization of Organic Aerosol at a Rural Site in the North China Plain Region: Sources, Volatility and Organonitrates16
Vertical Evolution of Boundary Layer Volatile Organic Compounds in Summer over the North China Plain and the Differences with Winter15
Evaluation and Evolution of MAX-DOAS-observed Vertical NO2 Profiles in Urban Beijing15
Impact of the Western Pacific Tropical Easterly Jet on Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over the Western North Pacific15
The Surface Energy Budget and Its Impact on the Freeze-thaw Processes of Active Layer in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau15
Influence of Coastal Marine Boundary Layer Jets on Rainfall in South China15
Severe Global Environmental Issues Caused by Canada’s Record-Breaking Wildfires in 202315
Assimilation of the FY-4A AGRI Clear-Sky Radiance Data in a Regional Numerical Model and Its Impact on the Forecast of the “21·7” Henan Extremely Persistent Heavy Rainfall15
Comparison of the Anthropogenic Emission Inventory for CMIP6 Models with a Country-Level Inventory over China and the Simulations of the Aerosol Properties14
Phase Two of the Integrative Monsoon Frontal Rainfall Experiment (IMFRE-II) over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River in 202014
CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Precipitation over Northern China: Further Investigation14
Effects of Dropsonde Data in Field Campaigns on Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific in 2020 and the Role of CNOP Sensitivity14
ROx Budgets and O3 Formation during Summertime at Xianghe Suburban Site in the North China Plain13
Aircraft Measurements of the Microphysical Properties of Stratiform Clouds with Embedded Convection13
Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2020 is Likely Caused by North Pacific Warm Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies13
Alternation of the Atmospheric Teleconnections Associated with the Northeast China Spring Rainfall during a Recent 60-Year Period13
Estimations of Land Surface Characteristic Parameters and Turbulent Heat Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau Based on FY-4A/AGRI Data13
Convective/Large-scale Rainfall Partitions of Tropical Heavy Precipitation in CMIP6 Atmospheric Models13
Opposing Trends of Winter Cold Extremes over Eastern Eurasia and North America under Recent Arctic Warming13
Changes in Global Vegetation Distribution and Carbon Fluxes in Response to Global Warming: Simulated Results from IAP-DGVM in CAS-ESM213
Bias Correction and Ensemble Projections of Temperature Changes over Ten Subregions in CORDEX East Asia13
A Review of Research on the Record-Breaking Precipitation Event in Henan Province, China, July 202113
Contribution of Global Warming and Atmospheric Circulation to the Hottest Spring in Eastern China in 201813
Simulated Sensitivity of Ozone Generation to Precursors in Beijing during a High O3 Episode13
One-Dimensional Variational Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from the FY4A GIIRS12
Influence of South Asian Biomass Burning on Ozone and Aerosol Concentrations Over the Tibetan Plateau12
The Significant Role of Radiosonde-measured Cloud-base Height in the Estimation of Cloud Radiative Forcing12
Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Rainy Season Raindrop Size Distributions in Two Typical Regions of the Tibetan Plateau12
From China’s Heavy Precipitation in 2020 to a “Glocal” Hydrometeorological Solution for Flood Risk Prediction12
Characteristics of Fengyun-4A Satellite Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Their Impacts on Data Assimilation12
Homogenised Monthly and Daily Temperature and Precipitation Time Series in China and Greece since 196012
Vertical Profiles of Volatile Organic Compounds in Suburban Shanghai12
Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Extreme Rainfall over China from 1960 to 201912
PV Perspective of Impacts on Downstream Extreme Rainfall Event of a Tibetan Plateau Vortex Collaborating with a Southwest China Vortex11
Synergistic Effect of the Planetary-scale Disturbance, Typhoon and Meso-β-scale Convective Vortex on the Extremely Intense Rainstorm on 20 July 2021 in Zhengzhou11
The Impact of the Numbers of Monitoring Stations on the National and Regional Air Quality Assessment in China During 2013–1811
Extensive Cold-Precipitation-Freezing Events in Southern China and Their Circulation Characteristics11
Seasonal Variations of CH4 Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China Are Driven by Agricultural Activities11
Seasonal Prediction of the Record-Breaking Northward Shift of the Western Pacific Subtropical High in July 202111
Assessment of FY-4A and Himawari-8 Cloud Top Height Retrieval through Comparison with Ground-Based Millimeter Radar at Sites in Tibet and Beijing11
Evaluation of Arctic Sea-ice Cover and Thickness Simulated by MITgcm11
Toward Quantifying the Increasing Accessibility of the Arctic Northeast Passage in the Past Four Decades11
Implications from Subseasonal Prediction Skills of the Prolonged Heavy Snow Event over Southern China in Early 200811
Fengyun-4 Geostationary Satellite-Based Solar Energy Nowcasting System and Its Application in North China11
Different Configurations of Interannual Variability of the Western North Pacific Subtropical High and East Asian Westerly Jet in Summer11
Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Experiment Based on Basic NWP Variables Using Deep Learning11
Use of Microwave Radiances from Metop-C and Fengyun-3 C/D Satellites for a Northern European Limited-area Data Assimilation System11
Subseasonal and Synoptic Variabilities of Precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin in the Summer of 202010
Monthly Variations of Atmospheric Circulations Associated with Haze Pollution in the Yangtze River Delta and North China10
The Concurrent Record-breaking Rainfall over Northwest India and North China in September 202110
Long-term Regional Dynamic Sea Level Changes from CMIP6 Projections10
IAP’s Solar-Powered Unmanned Surface Vehicle Actively Passes through the Center of typhoon Sinlaku (2020)10
Role of Stratospheric Processes in Climate Change: Advances and Challenges10
Meshless Surface Wind Speed Field Reconstruction Based on Machine Learning10
Profiles and Source Apportionment of Nonmethane Volatile Organic Compounds in Winter and Summer in Xi’an, China, based on the Hybrid Environmental Receptor Model10
Diurnal Variations of Precipitation over the Steep Slopes of the Himalayas Observed by TRMM PR and VIRS10
An Extreme Drought over South China in 2020/21 Concurrent with an Unprecedented Warm Northwest Pacific and La Niña10
A Potential Risk Index Dataset for Landfalling Tropical Cyclones over the Chinese Mainland (PRITC dataset V1.0)10
Observed Frequent Occurrences of Marine Heatwaves in Most Ocean Regions during the Last Two Decades10
Observational Subseasonal Variability of the PM2.5 Concentration in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area during the January 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming10
Impacts of Oceanic Fronts and Eddies in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region on the Atmospheric General Circulation and Storm Track10
The Probability Density Function Related to Shallow Cumulus Entrainment Rate and Its Influencing Factors in a Large-Eddy Simulation9
Response of Freezing/Thawing Indexes to the Wetting Trend under Warming Climate Conditions over the Qinghai -Tibetan Plateau during 1961–2010: A Numerical Simulation9
The Impact of Tibetan Plateau Snow Cover on the Summer Temperature in Central Asia9
The Synergism between Methanogens and Methanotrophs and the Nature of their Contributions to the Seasonal Variation of Methane Fluxes in a Wetland: The Case of Dajiuhu Subalpine Peatland9
The Relationship between Melt Season Sea Ice over the Bering Sea and Summer Precipitation over Mid-Latitude East Asia9
Controls on the Northward Movement of the ITCZ over the South China Sea in Autumn: A Heavy Rain Case Study9
CAS FGOALS-f3-H Dataset for the High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP) Tier 29
Objective Identification and Climatic Characteristics of Heavy-Precipitation Northeastern China Cold Vortexes9
NUIST ESM v3 Data Submission to CMIP69
The Extraordinary Rainfall over the Eastern Periphery of the Tibetan Plateau in August 20209
How Well Do CMIP6 and CMIP5 Models Simulate the Climatological Seasonal Variations in Ocean Salinity?9
Detection of Anthropogenic CO2 Emission Signatures with TanSat CO2 and with Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) NO2 Measurements: First Results9
Application of a Neural Network to Store and Compute the Optical Properties of Non-Spherical Particles9
Influence of the Eastern Pacific and Central Pacific Types of ENSO on the South Asian Summer Monsoon9