Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

(The TQCC of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Background Error Covariance Statistics of Hydrometeor Control Variables Based on Gaussian Transform193
Shallow Convection Dataset Simulated by Three Different Large Eddy Models146
Improved Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon in the High-resolution CESM1 and Its Causes139
Compositions and Distributions of Secondary Organic Aerosols and Their Tracers over the Pearl River Estuary Region Influenced by Continental and Marine Air Masses112
ENSO-induced Latitudinal Variation of the Subtropical Jet Modulates Extreme Winter Precipitation over the Western Himalaya81
Optimal Coupling Height of the Atmosphere and Land Surface—An Earth System Modeling Perspective79
Influence of the Scandinavian Pattern on Summer Extreme Precipitation over the Eastern Slopes of the Tibetan Plateau57
COP26: Progress, Challenges, and Outlook50
Structure and Evolution of Decadal Spiciness Variability in the North Pacific during 2004–20, Revealed from Argo Observations49
The IAMAS-CNC Early Career Scientists Nobel Prize Online Interpretation Workshop49
The Regularized WSM6 Microphysical Scheme and Its Validation in WRF 4D-Var48
Role of Ocean Dynamics in the Seasonal Hadley Cell: A Response to Idealized Arctic Amplification48
The 17th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate and 7th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere Meeting47
Possibility of Solid Hydrometeor Growth Zone Identification Using Radar Spectrum Width47
Differences in Precipitation and Related Wind Dynamics and Moisture and Heat Features in Separate Areas of the South China Sea before and after Summer Monsoon Onset46
New Progress and Challenges in Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation-Precipitation Interactions: Preface for a Special Issue44
Detecting Regional Deep Ocean Warming below 2000 meter Based on Altimetry, GRACE, Argo, and CTD Data43
Climate Warming Mitigation from Nationally Determined Contributions40
Impacts of Oceanic Fronts and Eddies in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region on the Atmospheric General Circulation and Storm Track40
Three-Year Observations of Ozone Columns over Polar Vortex Edge Area above West Antarctica40
CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Precipitation over Northern China: Further Investigation40
The Roles of Barotropic Instability and the Beta Effect in the Eyewall Evolution of Tropical Cyclones39
Ground-Space-Sky Observing System Experiment during Tropical Cyclone Mulan in August 202239
Cloud Top Pressure Retrieval Using Polarized and Oxygen A-band Measurements from GF5 and PARASOL Satellites37
Assessment of Wet Season Precipitation in the Central United States by the Regional Climate Simulation of the WRFG Member in NARCCAP and Its Relationship with Large-Scale Circulation Biases37
CAS-LSM Datasets for the CMIP6 Land Surface Snow and Soil Moisture Model Intercomparison Project35
Marine Boundary Layer Heights in the Tropical and Subtropical Oceans Derived from COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data35
Arctic Sea Level Variability from Oceanic Reanalysis and Observations33
Preface to the Special Issue on Changing Arctic Climate and Low/Mid-latitudes Connections32
Toward a Learnable Climate Model in the Artificial Intelligence Era31
The Influence of Airflow Transport Pathways on Precipitation during the Rainy Season in the Liupan Mountains of Northwest China31
The Synergism between Methanogens and Methanotrophs and the Nature of their Contributions to the Seasonal Variation of Methane Fluxes in a Wetland: The Case of Dajiuhu Subalpine Peatland30
Roles of Upper-Level Descending Inflow in Moat Development in Simulated Tropical Cyclones with Secondary Eyewall Formation29
Study on Quantitative Precipitation Estimation by Polarimetric Radar Using Deep Learning28
Influence of Irregular Coastlines on a Tornadic Mesovortex in the Pearl River Delta during Monsoon Season. Part II: Numerical Experiments27
Different ENSO Impacts on Eastern China Precipitation Patterns in Early and Late Winter Associated with Seasonally-Varying Kuroshio Anticyclonic Anomalies27
Hybrid Methods for Computing the Streamfunction and Velocity Potential for Complex Flow Fields over Mesoscale Domains26
Seasonal Prediction of Summer Precipitation over East Africa Using NUIST-CFS1.025
The Persistence and Zonal Scale of Atmospheric Dipolar Modes25
Decomposition of Fast and Slow Cloud Responses to Quadrupled CO2 Forcing in BCC-AGCM2.0 over East Asia24
A Long-Time-Step-Permitting Tracer Transport Model on the Regular Latitude–Longitude Grid24
Which Features of the SST Forcing Error Most Likely Disturb the Simulated Intensity of Tropical Cyclones?23
The Microphysical Characteristics of Wintertime Cold Clouds in North China23
Diagnosis of the Kinetic Energy of the “21·7” Extreme Torrential Rainfall Event in Henan Province, China23
Ocean—atmosphere Teleconnections Play a Key Role in the Interannual Variability of Seasonal Gross Primary Production in China23
China’s Recent Progresses in Polar Climate Change and Its Interactions with the Global Climate System22
Synergistic Impacts of Indian Ocean SST and Indo-China Peninsula Soil Moisture on the 2020 Record-breaking Mei-yu22
Improved Parameterization of Snow Albedo in WRF + Noah: Methodology Based on a Severe Snow Event on the Tibetan Plateau21
Assimilation of Ocean Surface Wind Data by the HY-2B Satellite in GRAPES: Impacts on Analyses and Forecasts20
Elucidating Dominant Factors Affecting Land Surface Hydrological Simulations of the Community Land Model over China20
Added-value of GEO-hyperspectral Infrared Radiances for Local Severe Storm Forecasts Using the Hybrid OSSE Method20
Decadal Methane Emission Trend Inferred from Proxy GOSAT XCH4 Retrievals: Impacts of Transport Model Spatial Resolution20
Discrepancies in Simulated Ocean Net Surface Heat Fluxes over the North Atlantic20
Hydro-climatic Characteristics of Yarlung Zangbo River Basin since the Last Glacial Maximum20
Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution during a Regional Freezing Rain Event in the Jianghan Plain of Central China19
Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Extreme Rainfall over China from 1960 to 201919
Subseasonal Prediction of Early-summer Northeast Asian Cut-off Lows by BCC-CSM2-HR and GloSea519
The Significant Role of Radiosonde-measured Cloud-base Height in the Estimation of Cloud Radiative Forcing19
Preface to the Special Issue on Carbon Neutrality: Important Roles of Renewable Energies, Carbon Sinks, NETs, and non-CO2 GHGs19
CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Temperature and Precipitation over China18
Simulation of the Ecosystem Productivity Responses to Aerosol Diffuse Radiation Fertilization Effects over the Pan-Arctic during 2001–1918
Ocean Response to a Climate Change Heat-Flux Perturbation in an Ocean Model and Its Corresponding Coupled Model18
Distribution and Formation Causes of PM2.5 and O3 Double High Pollution Events in China during 2013–2018
Value-Added Products Derived from 15 Years of High-Quality Surface Solar Radiation Measurements at Xianghe, a Suburban Site in the North China Plain18
Impacts of Aerosol-Radiation Interactions on the Wintertime Particulate Pollution under Different Synoptic Patterns in the Guanzhong Basin, China17
Ice Nucleation of Cirrus Clouds Related to the Transported Dust Layer Observed by Ground-Based Lidars over Wuhan, China17
The Simulation of Five Tropical Cyclones by Sample Optimization of Ensemble Forecasting Based on the Observed Track and Intensity17
Forecasting Zonda Wind Occurrence with Vertical Sounding Data17
Strengthened Regulation of the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon by the Northwest Indian Ocean Warming in the Past Decade16
Diurnal Variations of Precipitation over the Steep Slopes of the Himalayas Observed by TRMM PR and VIRS16
A Nonlinear Representation of Model Uncertainty in a Convective-Scale Ensemble Prediction System16
The Evolution of Microphysical Structures and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in a Deep Compact Thunderstorm over the Nanjing Area16
Extreme Meteorological Drought Events over China (1951–2022): Migration Patterns, Diversity of Temperature Extremes, and Decadal Variations16
Optical Modeling of Sea Salt Aerosols Using in situ Measured Size Distributions and the Impact of Larger Size Particles16
Re-examining Tropical Cyclone Fullness Using Aircraft Reconnaissance Data16
Characterization of Organic Aerosol at a Rural Site in the North China Plain Region: Sources, Volatility and Organonitrates16
Precipitation Controls on Carbon Sinks in an Artificial Green Space in the Taklimakan Desert16
El Niño and the AMO Sparked the Astonishingly Large Margin of Warming in the Global Mean Surface Temperature in 202316
Circulation Patterns Linked to the Positive Sub-Tropical Indian Ocean Dipole15
The Relationship between Melt Season Sea Ice over the Bering Sea and Summer Precipitation over Mid-Latitude East Asia15
Evaluation of the Added Value of Probabilistic Nowcasting Ensemble Forecasts on Regional Ensemble Forecasts15
Recent Advances in China on the Predictability of Weather and Climate15
Impact of the Monsoonal Surge on Extreme Rainfall of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones14
Super Typhoon Hinnamnor (2022) with a Record-Breaking Lifespan over the Western North Pacific14
Interannual Influences of the Surface Potential Vorticity Forcing over the Tibetan Plateau on East Asian Summer Rainfall14
The Chinese Carbon-Neutral Goal: Challenges and Prospects14
The Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Project in Central Asia: The Case for a Regional Hydroclimate Project13
The Combined Effects of the Tropical and Extratropical Quasi-biweekly Oscillations on the Record-setting Mei-yu Rainfall in the Summer of 202013
Multiscale Combined Action and Disturbance Characteristics of Pre-summer Extreme Precipitation Events over South China13
Joint Retrieval of PM2.5 Concentration and Aerosol Optical Depth over China Using Multi-Task Learning on FY-4A AGRI13
Improving Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Base Height with Ground-Based Cloud Radar Measurements13
A Machine Learning-based Cloud Detection Algorithm for the Himawari-8 Spectral Image13
TianXing: A Linear Complexity Transformer Model with Explicit Attention Decay for Global Weather Forecasting13
Natural Climate Solutions for China: The Last Mile to Carbon Neutrality13
A Multi-Domain Compression Radiative Transfer Model for the Fengyun-4 Geosynchronous Interferometric Infrared Sounder (GIIRS)13
Uncertainties of ENSO-related Regional Hadley Circulation Anomalies within Eight Reanalysis Datasets13
Seasonal Cumulative Effect of Ural Blocking Episodes on the Frequent Cold events in China during the Early Winter of 2020/2112
Record High Temperatures in the Ocean in 202412
Impacts of Ice-Ocean Stress on the Subpolar Southern Ocean: Role of the Ocean Surface Current12
Transport Patterns and Potential Sources of Atmospheric Pollution during the XXIV Olympic Winter Games Period12
Comparison of Adaptive Simulation Observation Experiments of the Heavy Rainfall in South China and Sichuan Basin12
Analysis on Precipitation Efficiency of the “21.7” Henan Extremely Heavy Rainfall Event12
Comparison and Verification of Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar and Radiosonde Data in the Beijing Urban Area12
Variational Quality Control of Non-Gaussian Innovations in the GRAPES m3DVAR System: Mass Field Evaluation of Assimilation Experiments11
A Hybrid Neural Network Model for ENSO Prediction in Combination with Principal Oscillation Pattern Analyses11
Future Changes in Various Cold Surges over China in CMIP6 Projections11
Influences of MJO-induced Tropical Cyclones on the Circulation-Convection Inconsistency for the 2021 South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset11
Raindrop Size Distribution Measurements at High Altitudes in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau during Summer11
Seasonal Predictions of Summer Precipitation in the Middle-lower Reaches of the Yangtze River with Global and Regional Models Based on NUIST-CFS1.011
A Survey of Statistical Relationships between Tropical Cyclone Genesis and Convectively Coupled Equatorial Rossby Waves11
Wintertime Arctic Sea-Ice Decline Related to Multi-Year La Niña Events11
Progress of MJO Prediction at CMA from Phase I to Phase II of the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project11
Effects of a Dry-Mass Conserving Dynamical Core on the Simulation of Tropical Cyclones11
Assessment of Seasonal Rainfall Prediction in Ethiopia: Evaluating a Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network to Downscale ECMWF-SEAS5 Rainfall11
Effects of Initial and Boundary Conditions on Heavy Rainfall Simulation over the Yellow Sea and the Korean Peninsula: Comparison of ECMWF and NCEP Analysis Data Effects and Verification with Dropsonde11
Improving the Analyses and Forecasts of a Tropical Squall Line Using Upper Tropospheric Infrared Satellite Observations11
The First Global Map of Atmospheric Ammonia (NH3) as Observed by the HIRAS/FY-3D Satellite10
Influence of Coriolis Parameter Variation on Langmuir Turbulence in the Ocean Upper Mixed Layer with Large Eddy Simulation10
HadISDH.extremes Part I: A Gridded Wet Bulb Temperature Extremes Index Product for Climate Monitoring10
Correlation Structures between Satellite All-Sky Infrared Brightness Temperatures and the Atmospheric State at Storm Scales10
Use of Targeted Orographic Smoothing in Very High Resolution Simulations of a Downslope Windstorm and Rotor in a Sub-tropical Highland Location10
An Initial Perturbation Method for the Multiscale Singular Vector in Global Ensemble Prediction10
The Asymmetric Connection of SST in the Tasman Sea with Respect to the Opposite Phases of ENSO in Austral Summer10
A Generative Adversarial Network with an Attention Spatiotemporal Mechanism for Tropical Cyclone Forecasts10
Influence of Arctic Sea-ice Concentration on Extended-range Forecasting of Cold Events in East Asia10
On the Mechanism of a Terrain-Influenced Snow Burst Event during Midwinter in Northeast China10
Preface to the Special Issue on Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity, Ozone, and PM2.5 Pollution: Quantification Methods, Formation Mechanisms, Simulation, and Control10
New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 202310
Subsurface Temperature and Salinity Structures Inversion Using a Stacking-Based Fusion Model from Satellite Observations in the South China Sea9
Chen-Chao Koo and the Early Numerical Weather Prediction Experiments in China9
An Isentropic Mass Circulation View on the Extreme Cold Events in the 2020/21 Winter9
Identifying Three Shapes of Potential Vorticity Streamers Using Mask R-CNN9
Improving the Seasonal Forecast of Summer Precipitation in Southeastern China Using a CycleGAN-based Deep Learning Bias Correction Method9
Time-lagged Effects of the Spring Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau on Summer Precipitation in Northeast China during 1961–2020: Role of Soil Moisture9
A Machine Learning-Based Observational Constraint Correction Method for Seasonal Precipitation Prediction9
Regional Storm Surge Forecast Method Based on a Neural Network and the Coupled ADCIRC-SWAN Model9
Assimilation of the FY-4A AGRI Clear-Sky Radiance Data in a Regional Numerical Model and Its Impact on the Forecast of the “21·7” Henan Extremely Persistent Heavy Rainfall9
Mechanism of Diabatic Heating on Precipitation and the Track of a Tibetan Plateau Vortex over the Eastern Slope of the Tibetan Plateau8
Quantifying the Contribution of Track Changes to Interannual Variations of North Atlantic Intense Hurricanes8
Vertical Profiles of Volatile Organic Compounds in Suburban Shanghai8
A New Semi-Lagrangian Finite Volume Advection Scheme Combines the Best of Both Worlds8
Iterative Methods for Solving the Nonlinear Balance Equation with Optimal Truncation8
The Contribution of United States Aircraft Reconnaissance Data to the China Meteorological Administration Tropical Cyclone Intensity Data: An Evaluation of Homogeneity8
Characteristics and Mechanisms of Persistent Wet–Cold Events with Different Cold-air Paths in South China8
Radar-based Characteristics and Formation Environment of Supercells in the Landfalling Typhoon Mujigae in 20158
The Surface Energy Budget and Its Impact on the Freeze-thaw Processes of Active Layer in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau8
Dynamical Predictability of Leading Interannual Variability Modes of the Asian-Australian Monsoon in Climate Models8
Local Torrential Rainfall Event within a Mei-Yu Season Mesoscale Convective System: Importance of Back-Building Processes8
Classification of Hailstone Trajectories in a Hail Cloud over a Semi-Arid Region in China8
The Relationship between Model Biases in East Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and Land Evaporation8
Simulated Sensitivity of Ozone Generation to Precursors in Beijing during a High O3 Episode8
Preface to the Special Issue on the National Report to the 28th IUGG General Assembly by CNC-IAMAS (2019–2022)8
Development and Application of Cavity-based Absorption Spectroscopy in Atmospheric Chemistry: Recent Progress8
Seasonal Forecasts of Precipitation during the First Rainy Season in South China Based on NUIST-CFS1.08
Southern Hemisphere Volcanism Triggered Multi-year La Niñas during the Last Millennium8
A Tri-mode of Mock-Walker Cells8
TP-PROFILE: Monitoring the Thermodynamic Structure of the Troposphere over the Third Pole8
Melt Pond Scheme Parameter Estimation Using an Adjoint Model8
Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in a Closed-cell and Non-homogenous MBL Stratocumulus Cloud7
Characteristics of Chemical Speciation in PM1 in Six Representative Regions in China7
Enhancing Deep Learning Soil Moisture Forecasting Models by Integrating Physics-based Models7
Hybrid Seasonal Prediction of Meridional Temperature Gradient Associated with “Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia”7
Circulation Pattern Controls of Summer Temperature Anomalies in Southern Africa7
Effect of Parameter Variation in the BMJ Scheme on the Simulation of MJO Propagation and Structure7
Will the Historic Southeasterly Wind over the Equatorial Pacific in March 2022 Trigger a Third-year La Niña Event?7
Modulation of the Wind Field Structure of Initial Vortex on the Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Size and Intensity7
Predictor Selection for CNN-based Statistical Downscaling of Monthly Precipitation7
Assessments of Data-Driven Deep Learning Models on One-Month Predictions of Pan-Arctic Sea Ice Thickness7
A Deep Learning Approach for Forecasting Thunderstorm Gusts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region7
Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Strengthen the East Asia—Pacific Pattern during Summer7
Added Benefit of the Early-Morning-Orbit Satellite Fengyun-3E on the Global Microwave Sounding of the Three-Orbit Constellation7
Modeling of Precipitation over Africa: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects7
Ensemble-Based Adaptive Observations for Improving Sea Fog Prediction in Coastal Regions around the Bohai Sea: Case Study with Cold-Front Synoptic Pattern7
Variations in Amplitudes and Wave Energy along the Energy Dispersion Paths for Rossby Waves in the Quasigeostrophic Barotropic Model7
A Quantitative Method of Detecting Transient Rossby Wave Phase Speed: No Evidence of Slowing Down with Global Warming7
Detection of Turbulence Anomalies Using a Symbolic Classifier Algorithm in Airborne Quick Access Record (QAR) Data Analysis7
Typhoon Track, Intensity, and Structure: From Theory to Prediction7
Comparative Analysis of the Generalized Omega Equation and Generalized Vertical Motion Equation7
Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Impact on Heavy Rainfall in Indonesia’s New Capital City, Nusantara, in March 20227
FY-3E: The First Operational Meteorological Satellite Mission in an Early Morning Orbit7
Thinner Sea Ice Contribution to the Remarkable Polynya Formation North of Greenland in August 20187