Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies

(The TQCC of Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chinese Media in Africa: Perception, Performance, and Paradox14
Illusion in the Digitised Public Sphere: Reading WhatsApp through the Grammar of Phantasmagoria8
Internet Memes and Society: Social, Cultural And Political Contexts8
Redemption in the South African West: Violence, Colonialism and Oppression in Five Fingers for Marseilles (2018)7
Bewildering Borders: The Economy of Conservation in Africa5
Alleviative Objects: Intersectional Entanglement and Progressive Racism in Caribbean Art Alleviative Objects: Intersectional Entanglement and Progressive Racism in Caribbean Art 5
Digital Barbarism: The New Colonization of the Mind4
Applying Reflective Writing as a Participatory Methodology for “Speaking-Up” about Gender-Based Violence in South Africa3
The British Tribe Next Door (2019): Reality TV in Kaoko, Tourism, and the “Hollywood Himba”3
Shame, Techne and Embodied Translation in Lara Foot’s Tshepang: The Third Testament3
The Emergence of the South African Metropolis: Cities and Identities in the Twentieth Century3
“Whose Human Rights Anyway?” Post-colonial Perspectives of Being Intombi (Virgin) in Contemporary South Africa3
Further Travels in “Becoming-Aboriginal”: TheCountryof Oodnadatta, the Importance of Aboriginal Tourism, and the Critical Need for Ecosophy2
Ntongela Masilela's Persistent Historico-Biographical Method: An Uneasy Balance Enabling the Re-reading of Memoir, Contemporary History and Popular Journalism2
Thinking While Black: Translating the Politics and Popular Culture of a Rebel Generation Thinking While Black: Translating the Politics and Popular Culture of a Rebel Generation 2
Medio-translatology: Concepts and Applications2
Zulu masculinities in South African soap opera: Uzalo, Imbewu and Isibaya2
West African women in the diaspora: Narratives of other spaces, other selves West African women in the diaspora: Narratives of other spaces, other selves , by Rose A. Sa2
An Investigation of Exploitation and Labour Within Memes Production: A Case Study of South African Student Meme Pages2
The Art of Ignoring Facts2
A Paratextual Approach to Disney’s New Mulan in China: Localization and Reception2
Translating Spacetime Intensities of Movie Barcodes2
Invoking Myths in Conflict Reporting: Evidences from Gorkhaland Agitation in India2
Small is Beautiful: Japanese Aesthetic Consciousness in the Animated Adaptation of The Borrowers2
Print Culture in Southern Africa2
President, Preacher and Populist: ANC, DA and EFF Leader Posters of the 2019 South African Elections2
Grappling with Refusal, Self-representation, and Visual Sovereignty at the Knoflokskraal Khoisan “Reclaim”1
Unlearning Imperialism Through Artistic Remediation: A Critical Pedagogy Approach1
Ideological Mediation: Metaphor Shifts in Translating the Communist Party of China’s Centenary Speech1
Diamond Town Toil and Trauma: Weaving Material Counter-Narratives of Kimberley's Pasts1
Where Is the Place to Call Home? The Diasporic Writings of Hmong Americans1
The Routledge handbook of arts and global development1
A New Harmonisation of Art and Technology: Philosophic Interpretations of Artificial Intelligence Art1
The Female Body, Christianity, and Colonial Modernity: Representation of Foot-bound Women in Alicia Little’s Travelogues1
Notes for an oratorio on small things that fall (like a screw in the night)1
Turning the Stereotype against Itself: A VOC Clerk, “Hottentots”, and the Formation of Colonial Discourse1
The art of Making Public: Mapping Networks of Art Mediation1
Literary Theory and Cultural Practice of “Metaverse” in China1
Power and Ideology in South African Translation: A Social Systems Perspective1
Ntongela Masilela and the New African Movement: A Critical Appreciation1
Photobooks and South Africa: Notes on Works by Peter Magubane and David Goldblatt1
Disease as a Medium: Exploring the Metaphorical Turn and Discourse Changes in Chinese AIDS Films (1988–2023)1
Coloniality and the Mbuya Nehanda Statue: A Decolonial Analysis of Twitter Users’ Comments1
Recharacterising Confucius in Multimodal Translation: From Analects to Comics1
From “The Cotton Wool” to Criticality: Unpacking FC Bergman’s The Sheep Song1
Infinite Mirror: Critical Reflections on Wayne Barker’s Strategies of Appropriation1
From 29 May to 12 June: Journalistic Framing of Change in the Date of the Commemoration of Democracy Day in Nigeria1
Transgeneric Assessment: Modernist Affordances for the Student Essay1
Dialect, Voice, and Identity in Chinese Translation: A Descriptive Study of Chinese Translations of Huckleberry Finn, Tess, and Pygmalion (Routledge Studies in Chinese T1
Digital Globalization, Fan Culture and Transmedia Storytelling: The Rise of Web Fiction as a Burgeoning Literary Genre in China1
Diplomatic Communication of Silk Sign: Vehicle, Signification, and Narrative1
Art, Images, and Their Media as Sites of Memorialisation1
Of Worlds and Artworks: A Relational View on Artistic Practices from Africa and the Diaspora (Africa Multiple, 3)1
A Woman Warrior in Alternative Voices: Analysing English and French Translations of the Chinese Classic Mulan Ci (<木蘭辭> “The Ballad of Mulan”)1
Power and Identity Transition in Symphonic Music: Shanghai Symphony Orchestra from the 1920s to the Early 1950s1
Graffiti, Ban or Boon? A Bakhtinian Appreciation of Selected Latrinalia from Bulawayo in Zimbabwe1
Performing post-apartheid feeling: A review of Wayward Feeling: audio-visual culture and aesthetic activism in post-rainbow South Africa1
Fashioning Postfeminism: Spectacular Femininity and Transnational Culture1
Robots, AI, and the Metaverse: Distinguishing the Intelligent Images in Science Fiction Movies0
Platformisation Practice for Emancipation or Subordination? A Multimodal Critical Discourse Study of Self-presentations of African-Chinese Families on Douyin0
Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Approach Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic: A Multimodal Discourse A0
A Timely Example of Deep Listening: Tackling the Epistemological Crisis in the North Khoisan Consciousness: An Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Revivalism in Post-Apartheid Cape Town 0
On Making Ethical Choices in Ethnographic Research into (Young) People’s Mediated Intimacy: A Research Note0
Emancipatory Communication: A Critical Reflection on Communication Sciences in the Post-Pandemic Era 10
Reviewing Culture Online: Post-Institutional Cultural Critique across Platforms0
Adapting endings from book to screen: last pages, last shots0
Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China: Global Networks, Mediation, and Intertextuality Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China: Global Networks, Mediat0
Rapid Communication: Critical Management Studies/Cultural Studies0
Museum without Objects: A Phenomenological Study of the Cinema Museum0
Monuments and memory in Africa: reflections on coloniality and decoloniality Monuments and memory in Africa: reflections on coloniality and decoloniality , edited by Joh0
The Disparity View: The Metaverse as an Equivalent of Life0
Theorizing Afrophobia Beyond Apartheid: Conflict Cultures in Neill Blomkamp's District 90
Constructing Attractiveness: Chinese Diplomatic Actors’ Cultural Soft-power Discursive Practices through the British Press0
A “Poor Man's Pleasure”: The Cinema House and Its Publics in Twentieth Century South Africa0
Digital Platforms and the Global South: Reconfiguring Power Relations in the Cultural Industries0
Humanistic Responsibilities in the Upsurge of “Metaverse”0
Dark Humour in Moving Frames: A Discourse Analysis of Bollywood Black Comedies0
“I Searched for Form and Land, for Years and Years I Roamed”: Reflecting on an (A)Typical Academic Journey0
Space and Time in African Cinema and Cine-scapes0
Cartooning COVID-19 in China0
Media, Big men and Power Struggles in Football Bodies: Framing the Impasse between the ZIFA and PSI leadership in Selected Media0
90 Plein Streetand the ANC’s 2017 Nasrec Conference – Educational Entertainment Television or State Capture Conspiracy?0
Cultural Studies as “Export” Discipline and its Challenges0
Pentadic Cartography and India’s Foreign Policy: Insights from Jaishankar’s GLOBSEC Forum Interview0
Multiplicities of Socialist Spaces: Subjectivity Construction and Spatial Configuration in 1950s Shanghai Urban Films0
Coloniality and Migrancy in African Diasporic Literatures0
Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Africa0
Terminology translation in Chinese contexts: theory and practice0
The Loneliness Room: Creative Practice as Critical Pedagogy0
Translation, Reception and Canonization of The Art of War: Reviving Ancient Chinese Strategic Culture0
Kaziyang’emasisweni : Ntongela Masilela and Mazisi Kunene’s Dialogue of Great Civilisations Across Time0
People Living with HIV/AIDS are Nothing to be Afraid of : A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of HIV/AIDS Stigmas and Mythologies in One Selected IsiXhosa Short Story0
The Media Characteristics and Subject Boundaries of Metaverse Art0
Phenomenology as Experiential Translation: Towards a Semiotic Typology of Descriptive and Expressive Ways of Making Sense of Experience0
Autoethnography as a Pedagogical Tool for Developing Culturally Situated Psychotherapeutic Practice0
Graffiti of the “New” Hong Kong and Their Imaginative Geographies During the Anti-Extradition Bill Protests of 2019–20200
Multimodal Chinese Discourse: Understanding Communication and Society in Contemporary China0
Media Construction of China: A Review of Relevant Studies0
Sámi Cultural Heritage in Audiovisual Archives – Ethical Reflections on the Sámi Audiovisual Collection0
Construing Community with a Shared Future in President Xi Jinping’s Diplomatic Discourse (2013–2018): The Role of Personal Pronouns we and they0
The Ethics of Engagement: Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa0
Tradition, Transmediality, and Modernity: Representation of the Double in Chinese Modern Visual Culture0
(Dis)Assembling eSports: Material Actors and Relational Networks in the Chinese eSports Industry0
Media, Place and Tourism: Worlds of Imagination0
Boys Love Media in Thailand: Celebrity, Fans, and Transnational Asian Queer Popular Culture0
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Cultural Soft Power for the Silk Road Economic Belt0
Strengthening the National Identity Through A Bite of China: Collective Memory and Traditional Culture0
Uncomfortable Knowledges and Transformative Learning: Reimagining the Museum in the Art of Gustafsson&Haapoja0
Speaking Back to the Landscape Canon: Cultural Translation in Phumulani Ntuli’s Cloud Migration and the Liewe Land! Exhibition0
Corrupted: A Study of Chronic Dysfunction in South African Universities Corrupted: A Study of Chronic Dysfunction in South African Universities , by Jonathan D. Jansen, 0
“The Dam Wall Broke”: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Method Analysis of Writing on the First Decade of Democracy in the South African Art World0
Translation as Metamorphosis in the Animated Poetry-Film0
Borders, Media Crossing and the Politics of Translation: The Gaze from Southern Africa0
Black Popular Culture and Social Justice: Beyond the Culture Black Popular Culture and Social Justice: Beyond the Culture , edited by Lakeyta M. Bonnette-Bailey, Jonatha0
Dismantling Cultural Borders Through Social Media and Digital Communications: How Networked Communities Compromise Identity Dismantling Cultural Borders Through Social Media and Digital0
Contemporary Chinese Films and Their International Exposure0
“Admirable Facsimiles”: Coffee Tables, Copying Contexts and Helen Tongue’s Rock Art Book c19090
Aggression, Disempowerment, and Feminism in the “Scum Men” Discourse on Chinese Social Media0
Cross-cultural Exchange of Heritage in Museums: A Study of Dunhuang Art in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum from the Perspective of Cultural Translation0
The “Jews of Africa”: Comparative Analysis of Scapegoat Politics in Relation to Three Case Studies, Asian Ugandans, South African Indians, and the Jewish People of Europe0
Idiophones or Palettes? An Analysis of Flat Bone and Shale Implements from Matjes River Site, Southern Cape of South Africa0
Constructing Victimisation as Masculine Honour: Men and Intimate Partner Violence in Johannesburg0
Reappraising Self, and Others: A Corpus-Based Study of Chinese Political Discourse in English Translation0
Screening China in Carnival: A Powerful China Framed in Participatory Documentary0
The Development Stages of Metaverse and Its Cultural Consequences0
How to build a “Dream” in political speech? A critical discourse analysis of the discursive construction of the Chinese Dream speech0
The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies0
Cross Cultural Temporal Tendencies between Monochronic and Polychronic Materialisation in the films A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) and The Uninvited (2009)0
More Than Just a Box: Music Storage Medium and the Mediatization of Chinese Rock Culture0
Subject Validity Issues and Potential Solutions in the Era of Metaverse–Starting with the Concern Over Property Rights in Crypto Art0
Emotive Art: An Analysis of Graffiti from Selected Secondary Schools in Bikita-Matsai District, Zimbabwe0
Archival F(r)ictions: A Queer Vocabulary for a Live art Pedagogy0
North Korean Defectors’ Self-representation as the Politics of Refusal0
Ruinscapes and Temporalities in Lauren Beukes’s Zoo City0
Art Gallery Education Between Translation and Dialogism: Artwork, Learning and Pedagogy0
Khoisan Consciousness: An Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Revivalism in Post-Apartheid Cape Tow Khoisan Consciousness: An Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Reviv0
Between Representation and Reality: Zhao Chuan’s World Factory as Social Theatre0
Ordinary Whites in Apartheid Society0
Locating Spaces for San Mother-Tongue Education in the South African Education Framework0
Chuansuo hei’an dalu: wanqing wenren duiyu feizhou tanxian wenben de yijie yu xiangxiang 穿梭黑暗大陸: 晚清文人對於非洲探險文本的譯介與想像 (Traversing the Dark Continent: Translating and Imaging African Exploration and Adve0
A treatise on the Garden of Jiangnan — A Study on the Art of Chinese Classical Garden0
The Decolonial Turn in Khoisan Studies: Opportunities, Pitfalls, and new Directions in Longstanding Debates Concerning Southern Africa’s Indigenous People0
Exploring the Author–Translator–Publisher Relationship Using Bourdieu’s Capital: A Case Study of Jin Yong’s Martial Arts Fiction0
Ecocriticism (The New Critical Idiom), 3rd edition0
To De-exoticize Chinese Stereotypes: US-Sino Communication in American Factory0
Curation by the Living Dead: Exploring the Legacy of Norwegian Museums' Colonial Collections0
Inter-objectivity and the Birth of New Materialism: How to Understand “Objects” in a Metaverse0
Repairing Representational Wounds: Artistic and Curatorial Approaches to Transition After War0
In Between Two Screens: Trauma, Memory, and Subjectivity in Gülsün Karamustafa’s Work0
Engaging Pedagogy Through the Arts0
Preparing Artists to Save the World: Community-Engaged Arts Practice as Critical Pedagogy 0
Theatre in Transition: Lars Elleström's Media Modalities and the Rise of “Video Theatre”0
Unpacking Cultural Logics: A Rhetorical Listening Analysis of the Public Black Pete Debate in Flanders0
“Heed the Mute Language of Nature”: An Ecosemiotic Approach to Urban Wildlife Photography as Translation of Solastalgia 10
Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Inclusion: Disability-led Arts and its Radical Promise in Singapore0
Analysing the Character Types and Power Relationships in Metaverse-Themed Movies from the Perspective of Discipline and Anti-discipline0
Reimagining and Reimaging Indigenous Dances and their Contexts of Practice in Postcolonial African Environments0
Folk Legends and Proverbs Related to Animals in Northeastern China: Contemporary Young People’s Viewpoints and the Construction of Cultural Codes0
Depictions of Black Defiance and Sovereign African Personhood in SEK Mqhayi’s U-Don Jadu0
Social Media and Everyday Life in South Africa0
Translation in Semiosis of Life/Translation in Globalisation0
Between Calligraphic Untranslatability and Symbolic Translatability: Xu Bing’s Pictographic Art0
COVID19, “we are in this Together or are we” a Decolonial Crisis of Locating the Missing People in the Post-Human, South Africa0
Art as a Battleground for Struggles over Politics, Race, Gender and Privilege in Contemporary South Africa0
Martial Dance: Stage Wushu as a Performing Art0
“My Story is Not a Pink Story”: Enabling Care in a Research-Creation Practice with Parents of a Disabled Child in Inclusive Trajectories0
Were They Illegal Rioters or Pro-democracy Protestors? Examining the 2019–20 Hong Kong Protests inChina DailyandThe New York Times0
(W)archives: Archival Imaginaries, War, and Contemporary Art0
A Topic-Modelling-Assisted Discourse Study of DiDi’s Delisting from the New York Stock Exchange in Anglo-American Media Coverage0
Adelheid Frackiewicz: Landart, Mourning, and Translation0
Ecolinguistics: Language, Ecology and the Stories We Live By (2nd edition)0
The Social Cohesion Dilemma: Theoretical Reflections on Critical Music Pedagogy0
Transmedial Perspectives on Humour and Translation: From Page to Screen to Stage Transmedial Perspectives on Humour and Translation: From Page to Screen to Stage , edite0
Anxious Joburg: The Inner Lives of a Global South City0
Critical Perspectives on Digitization of Translation: Challenges and Opportunities0
Amy Tan’s Thing-Narrative inThe Valley of Amazement0
Tribes Must Go: New African Intellectuals and the Contested Idea of Black Nationhood0
Media Power and Hegemony in South Africa: The Myth of Independence0
Functional Approach to Professional Discourse Exploration in Linguistics0
A Global Communication Vision: Towards a Neo-Cosmopolitan Media Theory A Global Communication Vision: Towards a Neo-Cosmopolitan Media Theory , by Peng Shao and Peiren S0
Music, Spirits and Healing in the Twelve Apostles Church: A Ghanaian Christological Paradigm0
When a Literary Translator Took an Activist Turn: Lin Yutang’s Translation of New Democracy0
Under the Publisher’s Undifferentiated Patronage: A Corpus-Based Case Study of Chinese Editorial Censorship on Translation about EU-Russia Relationship0
Ecological Thinking about the Metaverse from a Posthumanist Perspective0
Between Cultural Engineering, Media Sensationalism & Memetic Propaganda: A Curious Case of Erratic Obituaries for Late American Secretary0
A Critical Race Theoretic, Discourse Analysis of Facilitators’ Experiences with Teaching About Racism at a South African University0
The Framing of Devolution of Power Debates in the Newsday (Southern Edition) During Zimbabwe’s Constitution Making Process0
A Bibliometric Study on Chinese Discourse (1994–2021)0
Role-Play as a Pedagogical Strategy to Assist Postgraduate Psychology Students Engage with the Social Embeddedness of Trauma0
Curation as Engagement: Boulder Exhibits at the Origins Centre, South Africa0
On the Seeable Limits of Decolonial and Indigenous Scholarship: Conceptualising Ondeursigbaarheid as Critical Analytic Through Reference to the |xam, the Bleek and Lloyd0
Iconoclasm, Violent Interpretation, and the Desiring Image: Sculptures on a University Campus in South Africa0
A Mythological Approach to Exploring the Origins of Chinese Civilization A Mythological Approach to Exploring the Origins of Chinese Civilization , by Shuxian Ye, Singap0
Acculturation and Ethnic Costume Preservation: A Grounded Theory Study on Heterogeneous Strategies in Japan and Korea0
A Systematic Literature Review of the Belt and Road Initiative in Australia from 2013 to 20210
Can one obtain dignity while using the Master's categories?0
Digital Virtuality and Autopoiesis: the transformation from world elements of literature and arts to metaverse0
The Complex Ethical Concept of “Otherness” as a Heuristic for Thinking through Cultural Adoption0
Transcultural poetics: Chinese literature in English translation0
Foreign Movies and TV Dramas as the Source of Political Argot in an Authoritarian Context: Memes and Creative Resistance in Chinese Social Media0
Diasporic Identity, Intellectual Nomadism and its African Theorists0
Will the Metaverse Revolutionize the Narrative?0
Go-Itata Ritualised Theatre Performance Modes of koma Aesthetics in a Performance as Research Production: Wela0
Response to Ntongela Masilela and the New African Movement: A Critical Appreciation0
Immobile Cabmen and Single-track Railroads: Images of Stasis and Redundancy in August Wilson’s Jitney and Two Trains Running0
Order and Chaos: A Study on the Female Figure and Metaphor in Nymph of the Luo River in the Context of Iconology and Spatial Study0
Addressing a Difficult History: Representations of Sarah Baartman by Three South African Artists0
Fuel for Perpetuating Struggle: Analysis of an Oromo Resistance Song0
Vandalism as a Mode of Visual Sovereignty: A New Definition and Complications Arising0
Different Discursive Constructions of Chinese Political Congresses in China Daily and The New York Times: A Corpus-based Discourse Study0
Multimodal News Analysis across Cultures Multimodal News Analysis across Cultures , by Helen Caple, Changpeng Huan, Monika Bednarek, Cambridge, Cambridge University Pres0
China’s Image in the GCC Mainstream English Newspapers: A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis0
Curating a Continued Dream: Logistical Power in Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum of China0
Winnie and Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage0
Shared Anthropology: When Anthropology Meets Critical Public Pedagogy0
Political Imagination and Utopian Pedagogy0
Review of Dreaming the Karoo: A People Called the /Xam0
The Most Influential Elements of the Chinese Traditional Music Culture before the Ming Dynasty in Southeast Asia0
A century of South African theatre0
Emic and etic perspectives on Khoisan revivalism: a response to Bam, Coetzee, Gordon, and Øvernes. Khoisan Consciousness: An Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Revivalism in Post-Apartheid C0
Wayward Feeling — Audio-Visual Culture and Aesthetic Activism in Post-Rainbow South Africa Wayward Feeling — Audio-Visual Culture and Aesthetic Activism in Post-Rainbow South Africa0
Exploring Metaphorical Representations of Law and Order in China’s Government Work Reports: A Corpus-based Diachronic Analysis of Legal Metaphors0
“Awe , Masekinders!”: Kullid Identities from Eden Park, Johannesburg in the Work of Bougaard0
The Translation of Violence in Children’s Literature: Images from the Western Balkans0
New Perspectives on Geography of Media0
Drifting Between Paris and Beijing: Transnational Cityscapes in Lou Ye’s Sino-French Film Love and Bruises (2011)0
Unfulfilled Future Perfect? Comics as a Site of Liberty in Post-Mao China0
Confrontation, Competition, or Cooperation? The China–US Relations Represented in China Daily’s Coverage of Climate Change (2010–2019)0
Gender, Feminist and Queer Studies: Power, Privilege and Inequality in a Time of Neoliberal Conservatism0
The Origins Centre:Enliveningthe Bushmen0
Carrie Mae Weems’ Intersectional Tropes: Engaging Black Feminism Within Arts Teacher Education0
Lifestyle Politics in Translation: The Shaping and Re-Shaping of Ideological Discourse Lifestyle Politics in Translation: The Shaping and Re-Shaping of Ideological Discourse 0
Taking Turtle Time: About Entanglements of Thinking, Making and Doing in Research-Creation Practices0
Appraising with Metaphors: A Case Study of the Strategic Ritual for Invoking Journalistic Emotions in News Reporting of the China–US Trade Disputes0
Cultural Studies in Interhemispherical Perspective. China, Africa, Asia and Australasia0
The Text-Image Theory: Reflections on the Sign Crisis0
Diversity and Dialogue: François Jullien and China 多元与对话: 弗朗索瓦·于连与中国0
Diasporic Hallyu: The Korean Wave in Korean Canadian Youth Culture0
Digital Dissidence and Social Media Censorship in Africa0
Verbuyst and the Khoisan Phenomenon: A review of Khoisan Consciousness – an Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Revivalism in Post-Apartheid Verbuyst and the Khoisan Phenomenon0
The Art of Admitting to Shortcomings0
Ribbon Remembrances at the Tokai Forest Gender Based Violence Roadside Memorial: Mapping Materiality, Artivism and Multimodal Afterlives in Cape Town0
“Some White Women (Are Not Like That)”. Affective Gestures in Post-Apartheid Visual Art from South Africa0
China’s School Textbook Replacement and Curriculum Reform in the New Era of Globalization0
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Sexuality0
A Multimodal Approach to Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Picture Books0
Insights into a Beneficial but Labour Intensive Post-Doctoral Publishing Project0
The Kruger Park and Jacob Dlamini’s Safari Nation: A Social History of the Kruger National Park0
The Passing of Vincent Mosco: Reflections on his Career and Critical Discourses on Power, Technology Policy and Global Communication0