Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Mathematical Sciences

(The median citation count of Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Mathematical Sciences is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On the mean value of generalized Dirichlet $${\varvec{L}}$$-functions with weight of the character sums6
Splitting probability invariant for Cordes schemes4
Multiple solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations involving local nonlinearity term4
Note on a problem of Ramanujan3
Leavitt path algebras of weighted Cayley graphs $$\varvec{C_n(S,w)}$$3
Frequent hypercyclicity and chaoticity of Toeplitz operators and their tensor products3
Curvature, torsion and the quadrilateral gaps3
Exact divisibility by powers of the Pell and Associated Pell numbers3
On a conjecture of Kelly on (1, 3)-representation of Sylvester–Gallai designs2
Structure of weakly one-sided duo Ore extensions2
Affine monomial curves2
Concentration behavior of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with steep potential well2
A topological shadowing theorem2
A Furstenberg–Zimmer structure theorem for $$\varvec{\sigma }$$-finitemeasure spaces2
On the index and roots of time ordered product systems1
Topologies on sets of polynomial knots and the homotopy types of the respective spaces1
A Menon-type identity concerning Dirichlet characters and a generalization of the gcd function1
On the enumeration of a certain type of hyperplane arrangements1
On certain orbits of geodesic flow and $$\pmb {(a,b)}$$-continued fractions1
On the completely bounded approximation property of crossed products1
Modules of $${\varvec{n}}$$-ary differential operators over the orthosymplectic superalgebra $$\varvec{{\mathfrak {osp(1|2)}}}$$1
Rational points of the symmetric diagonal equations1
Twistor space of a generalized quaternionic manifold1
A characterization of totally disconnected compactly ruled groups1
Müntz–Szàsz analogues for compact extensions of Heisenberg groups1
Statistical inference for single-index-driven varying-coefficient time series model with explanatory variables1
Mexican hat wavelet transform of generalized functions in $$\varvec{\mathcal {G}}'$$ spaces1
Marginal sufficiency1
Topological differences at infinity for nonlinear problems related to the fractional Laplacian1
Mean value estimates related to the Dedekind zeta-function1
Transcendence of Hurwitz zeta type series and related questions1
Representations of the fundamental group and Higgs bundles on singular integral curves1
On stability of tangent bundle of toric varieties1
On a problem about the connectivity of the proper enhanced power graph of a finite group1
Blocking sets of tangent and external lines to an elliptic quadric in PG(3, q)1
Fundamental group schemes of n-fold symmetric product of a smooth projective curve1
An unknotting invariant for welded knots1
On the transcendental values of Cantor-like power series1
Zero-sum constants involving weights1
Automorphisms and the fundamental operators associated with the symmetrized tridisc1
The universal ordinary deformation ring associated to a real quadratic field0
An improved result in almost sure local central limit theorem for the partial sums0
Interval maps where every point is eventually fixed0
Stability of quadratic curvature functionals at product of Einstein manifolds0
Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponents associated with operators satisfying Davies–Gaffney estimates0
Strongly contracting geodesics in a tree of spaces0
Chen–Ruan cohomology and moduli spaces of parabolic bundles over a Riemann surface0
Swallowtails and cone-like singularities on a maxface0
A weighted Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv constant for finite abelian groups with higher rank0
Study of nearly invariant subspaces with finite defect in Hilbert spaces0
Character on a homogeneous space0
A normal variety of invariant connexions on Hermitian symmetric spaces0
Torsors on semistable curves and degenerations0
Approximation of nonlinear infinite delay equations in Banach spaces by finite delay equations0
Number of generators of derivation modules of some hypersurfaces0
The 2-rank of the class group of some real cyclic quartic number fields0
The recollements induced by contravariantly finite subcategories0
An elementary proof of Lelli-Chiesa’s theorem on constancy of second coordinate of gonality sequence0
Correction to: Some functional inequalities on non-reversible Finsler manifolds0
Cohomology and deformations of Filippov algebroids0
Generalization of some weighted zero-sum theorems0
Gow–Tamburini type generation of SL$$_{\varvec{3}}\varvec{(R)}$$ over the rings of integers of imaginary quadratic number fields of class number one0
Gabriel localizations with applications to flat epimorphisms of rings0
Geometry of certain Brill–Noether locus on a very general sextic surface and Ulrich bundles0
Signs of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms at integers represented by an integral binary quadratic form0
Linear resolutions and polymatroidal ideals0
Dedekind harmonic numbers0
On the third tensor power of a nilpotent group of class two0
Commutators close to the identity in unital C*-algebras0
Recognition of some finite simple groups by the orders of vanishing elements0
The Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the full shift space0
On free group generated by two Heisenberg translations0
5-Rank of ambiguous class groups of quintic Kummer extensions0
Finite element method for hyperbolic heat conduction model with discontinuous coefficients in one dimension0
A family of tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs0
Extreme states on operator spaces in ternary rings of operators0
On truncated spectral regularization for an ill-posed evolution equation0
Two results on strong proximinality0
Primes in Beatty sequence0
Slim exceptional set for sums of mixed powers of primes0
Integer sequences and monomial ideals0
A lower bound for the tail probability of partial maxima of dependent random variables and applications0
The boundary Harnack principle for linear degenerate elliptic equations in Hölder domains0
On the distribution of $$({\varvec{k, r}})$$-integer in an arithmetic progression0
Derivation modules for sum and gluing0
$${\varvec{L^p-L^q}}$$ estimates for generalized spherical averages0
n-Color palindromic compositions with restricted subscripts0
Chow group of 1-cycles of the moduli of parabolic bundles over a curve0