Acta Mathematica Scientia

(The median citation count of Acta Mathematica Scientia is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Rigidity Results for Self-Shrinking Surfaces in ℝ4114
Martingale Representation and Logarithmic-Sobolev Inequality for the Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Measure64
On the Rigorous Mathematical Derivation for the Viscous Primitive Equations with Density Stratification27
Global Well-Posedness and Optimal Time Decay Rates for the Generalized Phan-Thien-Tanner Model in ℝ325
Comparison of Homologies and Automatic Extensions of Invariant Distributions20
Asymptotic Stability of Shock Waves for the Outflow Problem of a Heat-Conductive Ideal Gas without Viscosity14
Blow-Up Solutions of Two-Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations in the Radial Case13
Notes on the log-Minkowski inequality of curvature entropy11
Log-concavity of the first Dirichlet eigenfunction of some elliptic differential operators and convexity inequalities for the relevant eigenvalue11
Limit Cycle Bifurcations of a Planar Near-Integrable System with Two Small Parameters9
Aggregate special functions to approximate permuting tri-homomorphisms and permuting tri-derivations associated with a tri-additive ψ-functional inequality in Banach algebras9
A survey on the isoperimetric problem in Riemannian manifolds9
The Convergence of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains in General State Spaces by the Coupling Method9
The convex sets of constant width constructed from opposite sectors9
New Non-Naturally Reductive Einstein Metrics on Sp(n)8
Flocking of a thermodynamic Cucker-Smale model with local velocity interactions8
The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for a submanifold in manifolds with asymptotically nonnegative sectional curvature8
On Theta-Type Functions in the Form (x; q)∞8
Nonlinear Stability of Rarefaction Waves to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations for a Reacting Mixture with Zero Heat Conductivity8
An Extension of Zolotarev’s Problem and Some Related Results7
Toeplitz operators from hardy spaces to weighted Bergman spaces in the unit ball of Cn7
Global Weak Solutions to a Three-Dimensional Quantum Kinetic-Fluid Model7
A Note on the Julia Sets of Entire Solutions to Delay Differential Equations7
Large Time Behavior of the 1D Isentropic Navier-Stokes-Poisson System7
The Precise Norm of a Class of Forelli-Rudin Type Operators on the Siegel Upper Half Space7
Shock Diffraction Problem by Convex Cornered Wedges for Isothermal Gas6
A Ground State Solution to the Chern-Simons-Schrödinger System6
Blow-Up in a Fractional Laplacian Mutualistic Model with Neumann Boundary Conditions6
Characterization of Residuated Lattices via Multipliers6
The nonlinear stability of plane parallel shear flows with respect to tilted perturbations6
Entropical Optimal Transport, Schrödinger’s System and Algorithms6
Weak-strong uniqueness for three dimensional incompressible active liquid crystals6
The global existence and analyticity of a mild solution to the 3D regularized MHD equations6
The Existence and Concentration of Ground State Sign-Changing Solutions for Kirchhoff-Type Equations with a Steep Potential Well5
The supercloseness of the finite element method for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem on a Bakhvalov-type mesh in 2D5
Incompressible limit of ideal magnetohydrodynamics in a domain with boundaries5
The optimal large time behavior of 3D quasilinear hyperbolic equations with nonlinear damping5
Mean sensitivity and Banach mean sensitivity for linear operators5
The Global Existence of BV Solutions of the Isentropic p-System with Large Initial Data5
L2-convergence to nonlinear diffusion waves for Euler equations with time-dependent damping5
On monotone traveling waves for Nicholson’s blowflies equation with degenerate P-Laplacian diffusion5
Learning Rates of Kernel-Based Robust Classification5
Global Well-Posedness of the 2D Boussinesq Equations with Partial Dissipation4
Complex Interpolation of Lp(ℂ, ℍ) Spaces with Respect to Cullen-Regular4
A New Proof of Gaffney’s Inequality for Differential Forms on Manifolds-with-Boundary: The Variational Approach à La Kozono-Yanagisawa4
On the Dimension of the Divergence Set of the Ostrovsky Equation4
Global classical solutions of semilinear wave equations on $${\mathbb{R}^3} \times \mathbb{T}$$ with cubic nonlinearities4
Positive Solutions with High Energy for Fractional Schrödinger Equations4
Positive Solutions of a Nonlocal and Nonvariational Elliptic Problem4
Lipschitz Star Bodies4
Regularity of Weak Solutions to a Class of Nonlinear Problem4
Interface behavior and decay rates of compressible Navier-Stokes system with density-dependent viscosity and a vacuum4
Entire solutions of higher order differential equations with entire coefficients having the same order4
The Systems with Almost Banach-Mean Equicontinuity for Abelian Group Actions4
Reverse Carleson Measures on Generalized Fock Spaces4
A multiple q-exponential differential operational identity4
Multiple intersections of space-time anisotropic Gaussian fields4
Some properties of the integration operators on the spaces F(p, q, s)4
On action-minimizing solutions of the two-center problem4
Slow Manifold and Parameter Estimation for a Nonlocal Fast-Slow Dynamical System with Brownian Motion4
Existence Results for Singular Fractional p-Kirchhoff Problems3
Existence to Fractional Critical Equation with Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Nonlinearities3
Evolution and interaction of δ-waves in the zero-pressure gas dynamics system3
Global Strong Solution and Exponential Decay of 3D Nonhomogeneous Asymmetric Fluid Equations with Vacuum3
Global convergence of a cautious projection BFGS algorithm for nonconvex problems without gradient Lipschitz continuity3
A Stability Problem for the 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Equations Near Equilibrium3
A Relaxed Inertial Factor of the Modified Subgradient Extragradient Method for Solving Pseudo Monotone Variational Inequalities in Hilbert Spaces3
Uniqueness of Inverse Transmission Scattering with a Conductive Boundary Condition by Phaseless Far Field Pattern3
On F(p, q, s) Spaces3
Inverse Conductive Medium Scattering with Unknown Buried Objects3
A Compactness Theorem for Stable Flat SL(2, ℂ) Connections on 3-Folds3
Singular Control of Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations3
Orlicz-Lorentz Sequence Spaces Equipped with the Orlicz Norm3
Dynamics Analysis of a Delayed HIV Infection Model with CTL Immune Response and Antibody Immune Response3
Complex Symmetry of Toeplitz Operators over the Bidisk3
High-Order Numerical Method for Solving a Space Distributed-Order Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation3
Opinion dynamics on social networks3
Sharp Distortion Theorems for a Class of Biholomorphic Mappings in Several Complex Variables3
The regularity criteria of weak solutions to 3D axisymmetric incompressible Boussinesq equations3
Existence Results for the Kirchhoff Type Equation with a General Nonlinear Term3
Banach Spaces and Inequalities Associated with New Generalization of Cesàro Matrix3
The existence of pseudoharmonic maps for small horizontal energy3
Periodic systems with time dependent maximal monotone operators3
Nadaraya-Watson estimators for reflected stochastic processes3
The interior transmission eigenvalue problem for an anisotropic medium by a partially coated boundary3
The Discrete Orlicz-Minkowski Problem for p-Capacity3
The Subordination Principle and Its Application to the Generalized Roper-Suffridge Extension Operator3
Hitting Probabilities and Intersections of Time-Space Anisotropic Random Fields3
The Existence and Non-Existence of Sign-Changing Solutions to Bi-Harmonic Equations with a p-Laplacian3
Jones type C*-basic construction in non-equilibrium Hopf spin models3
Long Time Existence for the Non-Isentropic Slightly Compressible Fluid Model of Korteweg Type2
A Generalization of Boyd’s Interpolation Theorem2
Zero Kinematic Viscosity-Magnetic Diffusion Limit of the Incompressible Viscous Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Navier Boundary Conditions2
Improved Regularity of Harmonic Diffeomorphic Extensions on Quasihyperbolic Domains2
Understanding Schubert’s Book (III)2
Homoclinic Solutions Near the Origin for a Class of First Order Hamiltonian Systems2
Transonic Shock Solutions to the Euler System in Divergent-Convergent Nozzles2
Entire solutions of Lotka-Volterra competition systems with nonlocal dispersal2
Dynamics for an Sir Epidemic Model with Nonlocal Diffusion and Free Boundaries2
A generalized scalar auxiliary variable method for the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations2
Existence of periodic solutions to an isothermal relativistic Euler system2
The Growth of Solutions to Higher Order Differential Equations with Exponential Polynomials as Its Coefficients2
The threshold dynamics of a waterborne pathogen model with seasonality in a polluted environment2
Generalized Orlicz-Type Slice Spaces, Extrapolation and Applications2
A general averaging method for affine periodic solutions2
Certain Oscillating Operators on Herz-Type Hardy Spaces2
A derivative-Hilbert operator acting from logarithmic Bloch spaces to Bergman spaces2
A compact embedding result for nonlocal Sobolev spaces and multiplicity of sign-changing solutions for nonlocal Schrödinger equations2
Limit Behavior of Ground States of 2D Binary BECs in Steep Potential Wells2
The Bohr-Type Inequalities for Holomorphic Mappings with a Lacunary Series in Several Complex Variables2
The Energy Conservation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch Equation2
The long time behavior of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with linear self-repelling drift2
Further extensions of some truncated Hecke type identities2
Homoclinic Solutions of Nonlinear Laplacian Difference Equations Without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz Condition2
The existence and multiplicity of k-convex solutions for a coupled k-Hessian system2
Asymptotical Stability of Neutral Reaction-Diffusion Equations with PCAS and Their Finite Element Methods2
C1,1 Regularity for Solutions to the Degenerate Dual Orlicz-Minkowski Problem2
The Field Algebra in Hopf Spin Models Determined by a Hopf *-Subalgebra and Its Symmetric Structure2
Complete Kähler metrics with positive holomorphic sectional curvatures on certain line bundles (related to a cohomogeneity one point of view on a Yau conjecture)2
On the graphs of products of continuous functions and fractal dimensions2
Some Liouville-type theorems for the stationary 3D magneto-micropolar fluids2
A Singular Energy Line of Potential Well on Evolutionary p-Laplacian with Logarithmic Source2
Unbounded complex symmetric Toeplitz operators2
On the (co)homology of (quotients of) moment-angle manifolds over polygons2
Global Rigidity Theorems for Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature2
Some Equivalent Conditions of Proximinality in Nonreflexive Banach Spaces2
Boundedness of the Calderón Commutator with a Rough Kernel on Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces2
The weighted Kato square root problem of elliptic operators having a BMO anti-symmetric part2
Global Instability of Multi-Dimensional Plane Shocks for Isothermal Flow2
Finite Type Conditions on Real Hypersurfaces with One Degenerate Eigenvalue2
The Existence of Global Solutions for the Full Navier-Stokes-Korteweg System of van der Waals Gas2
A strong convergence theorem for quasi-equilibrium problems in Banach spaces2
Vanishing Viscosity Limit for the 3D Incompressible Micropolar Equations in a Bounded Domain2
Derived Sequences and the Factor Spectrum of the Period-Doubling Sequence2
Pointwise Space-Time Behavior of a Compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg System in Dimension Three2
Value distribution properties for Gauss maps of immersed harmonic surfaces ramified over hypersurfaces2
A flexible objective-constraint approach and a new algorithm for constructing the Pareto front of multiobjective optimization problems2
Achieving optimal adversarial accuracy for adversarial deep learning using Stackelberg games1
Classification of Solutions to Higher Fractional Order Systems1
Multiple Solutions of Some Elliptic Systems with Linear Couplings1
Almost Surely Time-Space Intermittency for the Parabolic Anderson Model with a Log-Correlated Gaussian Field1
Energy Conservation for Solutions of Incompressible Viscoelastic Fluids1
Dynamics of The Stochastic g-Navier-Stokes Equations Driven by Nonlinear Noise1
Stability of the isoperimetric inequality in hyperbolic plane1
The Asymptotic Stability of Phase Separation States for Compressible Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in 3D1
Multifractal analysis of convergence exponents for products of consecutive partial quotients in continued fractions1
Kinematic and Crofton formulas for linear groups1
Maps Preserving the Norm of the Positive Sum in Lp Spaces1
Two Regularization Methods for Identifying the Source Term Problem on the Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation with a Hyper-Bessel Operator1
Some Convergence Problems Regarding the Fractional Schrödinger Propagator on Noncompact Manifolds1
Bilinear Spectral Multipliers on Heisenberg Groups1
Boundedness and Exponential Stabilization in a Parabolic-Elliptic Keller—Segel Model with Signal-Dependent Motilities for Local Sensing Chemotaxis1
An informatic approach to a long memory stationary process1
The limiting profile of solutions for semilinear elliptic systems with a shrinking self-focusing core1
Boundary value problems of conjugate and generalized k-holomorphic functions in ℂ21
The Fractional Type Marcinkiewicz Integrals and Commutators on Weighted Hardy Spaces1
Estimate on the Bloch constant for certain harmonic mappings under a differential operator1
Normalized solutions for the general Kirchhoff type equations1
Sufficient and Necessary Conditions on the Existence and Estimates of Boundary Blow-Up Solutions for Singular p-Laplacian Equations1
Parameter Estimation of Path-Dependent McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Differential Equations1
DK Spaces and Carleson Measures1
Molecules and New Interactional Structures for a (2+1)-Dimensional Generalized Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky-Kaup-Kupershmidt Equation1
Green’s Function and the Pointwise Behaviors of the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck System1
The global existence of strong solutions for a non-isothermal ideal gas system1
Large Time Behavior of Global Strong Solutions to a Two-Phase Model with a Magnetic Field1
A New Sufficient Condition for Sparse Recovery with Multiple Orthogonal Least Squares1
Some Further Results for Holomorphic Maps on Parabolic Riemann Surfaces1
Traveling Waves in a SIRH Model with Spatio-Temporal Delay and Nonlocal Dispersal1
The absence of singular continuous spectrum for perturbed Jacobi operators1
Positive Classical Solutions of Dirichlet Problem for the Steady Relativistic Heat Equation1
Strongly irreducible self-amalgamation of a handlebody1
Dynamics for a chemotaxis model with general logistic damping and signal dependent motility1
Minimizers of L2-subcritical variational problems with spatially decaying nonlinearities in bounded domains1
On a super polyharmonic property of a higher-order fractional Laplacian1
Geometry on the Wasserstein Space Over a Compact Riemannian Manifold1
Mean Approximation by Dilatations in Bergman Spaces on the Upper Half-Plane1
A Remark on General Complex (α, β) Metrics1
A Large Deviation Principle for the Stochastic Generalized Ginzburg-Landau Equation Driven by Jump Noise1
Existence and Convergence Results for an Elastic Frictional Contact Problem with Nonmonotone Subdifferential Boundary Conditions1
Convergence results for non-overlap Schwarz waveform relaxation algorithm with changing transmission conditions1
Additive Mappings Preserving Fredholm Operators with Fixed Nullity or Defect1
Uniqueness of the Inverse Transmission Scattering with a Conductive Boundary Condition1
Asymptotic growth bounds for the Vlasov-Poisson system with radiation damping1
Harnack Type Inequalities for SDEs Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion with Markovian Switching1
Toeplitz operators between weighted Bergman spaces over the half-plane1
Two Dimensional Subsonic and Subsonic-Sonic Spiral Flows Outside a Porous Body1
A low-regularity Fourier integrator for the Davey-Stewartson II system with almost mass conservation1
Near-optimality of a stochastic economic-environment model with pollution control strategies1
The Existence and Concentration of Ground State Solutions for Chern-Simons-schrödinger Systems with a Steep Well Potential1
Blow-up conditions for a semilinear parabolic system on locally finite graphs1
Convexity of the free boundary for an axisymmetric incompressible impinging jet1
Constant Distance Boundaries of the t-Quasicircle and the Koch Snowflake Curve1
De Rham Decomposition for Riemannian Manifolds with Boundary1
Large Deviations for Top Eigenvalues of β-Jacobi Ensembles at Scaling Temperatures1
Entanglement Witnesses Constructed By Permutation Pairs1
The Stability of the Delta Wave to Pressureless Euler Equations with Viscous and Flux Perturbations1
The Variational Principle for the Packing Entropy of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems1
Brake Orbits with Minimal Period Estimates of First-order Anisotropic Hamiltonian Systems1
The Riemann Problem with Delta Initial Data for the Non-Isentropic Improved Aw-Rascle-Zhang Model1
The Multiplicity and Concentration of Positive Solutions for the Kirchhoff-Choquard Equation with Magnetic Fields1
The extremes of dependent chi-processes attracted by the Brown-Resnick process1
Proportion of distinct zeros of a Dirichlet L-series1
Periodic and almost periodic solutions for a non-autonomous respiratory disease model with a lag effect1
Two Disjoint and Infinite Sets of Solutions for an Elliptic Equation Involving Critical Hardy-Sobolev Exponents1
The Cauchy Problem for the Camassa-Holm-Novikov Equation1
Strong Limit Theorems for Extended Independent Random Variables and Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables under Sub-Linear Expectations1
The Global Lipschitz Solution for a Peeling Model1
Localized Nodal Solutions for Schrödinger-Poisson Systems1
Impulsive Exponential Synchronization of Fractional-Order Complex Dynamical Networks with Derivative Couplings via Feedback Control Based on Discrete Time State Observations1
Some Questions Regarding Verification of Carleson Measures1
The chord Gauss curvature flow and its Lp chord Minkowski problem1
A Note on Measure-Theoretic Equicontinuity and Rigidity1
The Singular Convergence of a Chemotaxis-Fluid System Modeling Coral Fertilization1
Affine spinor decomposition in three-dimensional affine geometry1
Boundedness of a Chemotaxis-Convection Model Describing Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis1
Estimation of average differential entropy for a stationary ergodic space-time random field on a bounded area1
Utility basis of consumption and investment decisions in a risk environment1
Starlikeness associated with the sine hyperbolic function1
The BSE property for some vector-valued Banach function algebras1
Nonlinear Wave Interactions in a Macroscopic Production Model1
Anticipated Backward Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations with Jumps and Applications to Dynamic Risk Measures1
The Generalized Hyperstability of General Linear Equation in Quasi-2-Banach Space1
Sign-Changing Solutions for the Nonlinear SchrÖdinger-Poisson System with Critical Growth1
Analytic Phase Retrieval Based on Intensity Measurements1
A generalized penalty method for differential variational-hemivariational inequalities1
Global Stability of Large Solutions to the 3D Magnetic Bénard Problem1
Closure of Analytic Functions of the Bounded Mean Oscillation in Logarithmic Bloch Spaces1
Energy conservation for the weak solutions to the 3D compressible nematic liquid crystal flow1
Global solutions in the critical Sobolev space for the Landau equation1
Time Periodic Solutions to the Evolutionary Oseen Model for a Generalized Newtonian Incompressible Fluid1
On (α, β)-Metrics of Constant Flag Curvature1
Absolute Monotonicity Involving the Complete Elliptic Integrals of the First Kind with Applications1
α-Limit Sets and Lyapunov Function for Maps with One Topological Attractor1
Obstacle Problems on RCD(K, N) Metric Measure Spaces1
Minimal Foliations for the High-Dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova Model0
Limit Theorems for β-Laguerre and β-Jacobi Ensembles0
On the Gaussian kinematic formula of R. Adler and J. Taylor0
An Algebraic Approach to Degenerate Appell Polynomials and Their Hybrid Forms via Determinants0
On Almost Axisymmetric Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics in Three Dimensions0
An Integration by Parts Formula for Stochastic Heat Equations with Fractional Noise0
Exponential convergence for nonlinear SPDEs with double reflecting walls0
A Rigorous Proof on Circular Wirelength for Hypercubes0
Jerison-Lee identities and semi-linear subelliptic equations on Heisenberg group0
Reconstruction problems of convex bodies from even Lp surface area measures0
The Existence of Weak Solutions and Propagation Regularity for a Generalized KdV System0
Some new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type0
Note on projection bodies of zonotopes with n + 1 generators0
The Berezin Transform and Its Applications0