Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B

(The median citation count of Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Diophantine Inequality by Unlike Powers of Primes27
A Second Main Theorem of Nevanlinna Theory for Closed Subschemes in Subgeneral Position6
Ground States of K-component Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Inverse-square Potential6
Continuity of Almost Harmonic Maps with the Perturbation Term in a Critical Space6
Positive Solutions for Asymptotically Linear Cone-Degenerate Elliptic Equations5
Haken 3-Manifolds in Small Covers5
On Energy Gap Phenomena of the Whitney Spheres in ℂn or ℂℙn5
The Existence of a Meridional Curve in Closed Incompressible Surfaces in Fully Alternating Link Complements4
On the Radius of Analyticity of Solutions to 3D Navier-Stokes System with Initial Data in Lp4
Local Unstable Entropy and Local Unstable Pressure for Partially Hyperbolic Endomorphisms4
Exact Boundary Controllability of Weak Solutions for a Kind of First Order Hyperbolic System — The Constructive Method4
Turán Problems for Berge-(k, p)-Fan Hypergraph4
Left-Invariant Minimal Unit Vector Fields on the Solvable Lie Group4
On Descriptions of Products of Simplices3
Dual-holomorphic Functions and Problems of Lifts3
Some Game-Theoretic Characterizations for Rapid Filters on ω3
Products of Toeplitz and Hankel Operators on Fock-Sobolev Spaces3
On a Class of Generalized Curve Flows for Planar Convex Curves3
Sequential Propagation of Chaos for Mean-Field BSDE Systems3
Stability of Multiplier Ideal Sheaves2
Global Stability to Steady Supersonic Rayleigh Flows in One-Dimensional Duct2
Canonical Connections and Algebraic Ricci Solitons of Three-dimensional Lorentzian Lie Groups2
A Rigidity Result of Spacelike Self-Shrinkers in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces2
Centered Waves for the Two-dimensional Pseudo-Steady van der Waals Gas Satisfied Maxwell’s Law Around a Sharp Corner2
Second Main Theorem for Meromorphic Maps into Algebraic Varieties Intersecting Moving Hypersurfaces Targets2
On Fridman Invariants and Generalized Squeezing Functions2
Finite Abelian Groups of K3 Surfaces with Smooth Quotient2
Long Time Asymptotics Behavior of the Focusing Nonlinear Kundu-Eckhaus Equation2
The Soft Point and Its Applications in Body Falling2
LCD Codes and Self-orthogonal Codes in Finite Dihedral Group Algebras2
(1+2)-Dimensional Radially Symmetric Wave Maps Revisit2
On Existence of the Even Lp Gaussian Minkowski Problem for p > n2
The Ground State Solutions for Kirchhoff-Schrödinger Type Equations with Singular Exponential Nonlinearities in ℝN2
A Study on the Second Order Tangent Bundles over Bi-Kählerian Manifolds2
Gradient Convergence of Deep Learning-Based Numerical Methods for BSDEs2
C*-Isomorphisms Associated with Two Projections on a Hilbert C*-Module2
On a Lotka-Volterra Competition Diffusion Model with Advection1
Weighted Estimates of Variable Kernel Fractional Integral and Its Commutators on Vanishing Generalized Morrey Spaces with Variable Exponent1
Locally Conformal Kähler and Hermitian Yang-Mills Metrics1
Long-time Asymptotic Behavior for the Derivative Schrödinger Equation with Finite Density Type Initial Data1
Existence of Global Solutions to the Nonlocal mKdV Equation on the Line1
A Generalization of Vosper’s Theorem1
∞-Tilting Subcategories in Extriangulated Categories1
Weak Graph Map Homotopy and Its Applications1
Multiple Nontrivial Solutions for Superlinear Double Phase Problems Via Morse Theory1
Lp Solutions for Multidimensional BDSDEs with Locally Weak Monotonicity Coefficients1
Hermitian-Poisson Metrics on Flat Bundles over Complete Hermitian Manifolds1
Generalized Persistence of Entropy Weak Solutions for System of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws1
Coburn Type Operators and Compact Perturbations1
Conjugate Surfaces of a Family of Minimal Surfaces of Genus 1 with 4 Planar Ends in ℝ31
Critical Trace Trudinger-Moser Inequalities on a Compact Riemann Surface with Smooth Boundary1
Willmore Surfaces in Spheres via Loop Groups IV: On Totally Isotropic Willmore Two-Spheres in S61
Splitting Method for Support Vector Machine in Reproducing Kernel Banach Space with a Lower Semi-continuous Loss Function1
Pseudo-Effective Vector Bundles with Vanishing First Chern Class on Astheno-Kähler Manifolds1
Turnpike Properties for Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems1
Boundary Hölder Estimates for a Class of Degenerate Elliptic Equations in Piecewise Smooth Domains1
Time-Periodic Solutions to Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems on General Networks1
A Künneth Formula for Finite Sets1
On the Kernel of Restriction of Characters1
Tree-Indexed Markov Chains in Random Environment and Some of Their Strong Limit Properties1
Hayward Quasilocal Energy of Tori1
The Stochastic Control Model for Use Conversion of Land1
Difference Independence of the Euler Gamma Function1
Computations of the Adams-Novikov E2-term1
Commutation of Geometry-Grids and Fast Discrete PDE Eigen-Solver GPA1
An Attempt at Axiomatization of Extending Mechanism of Solutions to the Fluid Dynamical Systems1
Exact Convergence Rate of the Local Limit Theorem for a Branching Random Walk in ℤd with a Random Environment in Time1
Lattice-Based Cryptography: A Survey1
A Criterion of Nonparabolicity by the Ricci Curvature1
Exact Internal Controllability and Synchronization for a Coupled System of Wave Equations1
Asymptotics of the Solution to a Stationary Piecewise-Smooth Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Equation1
Existence in the Large for Pressure-Gradient System1
Ricci-Bourguignon Flow on Manifolds with Boundary1
Extension Operators Preserving Biholomorphic Mappings on Hartogs Domains1
Fixed Subgroups are not Compressed in Direct Products of Surface Groups1
Open Cones and K-Theory for ℓp Roe Algebras1
Congruence Pairs of Decomposable MS-Algebras0
A Generalized Blow up Criteria with One Component of Velocity for 3D Incompressible MHD System0
On Some Model Equations of Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations0
Harmonic Measures and Numerical Computation of Cauchy Problems for Laplace Equations0
Multi-dimensional Backward Stochastic Differential Equations of Diagonally Quadratic Generators with a Special Structure0
Essentially Commuting Dual Truncated Toeplitz Operators0
Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Electron Euler-Poisson Equation0
Generalized Maximum Principles and Stochastic Completeness for Pseudo-Hermitian Manifolds0
Rotational Hypersurfaces with Constant Gauss-Kronecker Curvature0
Equicontinuity and Sensitivity of Group Actions0
The Convergence Rate from Discrete to Continuous Optimal Investment Stopping Problem0
A Characterization of the Standard Tori in ℂ2 as Compact Lagrangian ξ-Submanifolds0
Global Dynamics of a Multi-group SEIR Epidemic Model with Infection Age0
Estimation of IIR Systems with Binary-Valued Observations0
Sufficient Conditions for Amalgamated 3-Manifolds to be ∂-Irreducible0
The Refined Schwarz-Pick Estimates for Positive Real Part Holomorphic Functions in Several Complex Variables0
Revisit of the Faddeev Model in Dimension Two0
Stochastic Maximum Principle for Square-Integrable Optimal Control of Linear Stochastic Systems0
Existence of the Eigenvalues for the Cone Degenerate p-Laplacian0
Global Stability of a Viral Infection Model with Defectively Infected Cells and Latent Age0
Metrics with Positive Scalar Curvature at Infinity and Localization Algebra0
Boundedness of Vector Valued Bilinear Calderón-Zygmund Operators on Products of Weighted Herz-Morrey Spaces with Variable Exponents0
Mean Field Games with Common Noises and Conditional Distribution Dependent FBSDEs0
Two Applications of the $$\partial \overline \partial $$-Hodge Theory0
A Hermitian Curvature Flow0
On a Supercongruence Conjecture of Z.-W. Sun0
Equivariant Cobordism of Torus Orbifolds0
Holomorphic Curves into Projective Varieties Intersecting Closed Subschemes in Subgeneral Position0
Shock Formation for 2D Isentropic Euler Equations with Self-similar Variables0
Integral Operators Between Fock Spaces0
The Isoperimetric Inequality in Steady Ricci Solitons0
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Ground State Solutions for Quasilinear Schrödinger Equations with Unbounded Potential0
The Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for a Submanifold in Manifolds with Nonnegative Sectional Curvature0
Range-Renewal Processes: SLLNs and Power Laws0
Exact Boundary Controllability of Weak Solutions for a Kind of First Order Hyperbolic System — the HUM Method0
Maximal Operators of Multilinear Singular Integrals on Weighted Hardy Type Spaces0
Picard-Type Theorem and Curvature Estimate on an Open Riemann Surface with Ramification0
The Dirac Equation on Metrics of Eguchi-Hanson Type II with Negative Constant Scalar Curvature0
Extrapolated Smoothing Descent Algorithm for Constrained Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Composite Problems0
On the Turán Numbers of Linear Forests in Bipartite Graphs0
On Mixed Pressure-Velocity Regularity Criteria to the Navier-stokes Equations in Lorentz Spaces, Part II: The Non-slip Boundary Value Problem0
Riemannian Geometry on Hom-ρ-commutative Algebras0
Discrete Differential Calculus on Simplicial Complexes and Constrained Homology0
An Explicit Example of a Reich Sequence for a Uniquely Extremal Quasiconformal Mapping0
Reduced Crossed Products of Pro-Banach Algebras0
A Theory of Orbit Braids0
Pythagorean Theorem & Curvature with Lower or Upper Bound0
Distance Between Unitary Orbits of Self-Adjoint Elements in C*-Algebras of Tracial Rank One0
A Quasilinear System Related with the Asymptotic Equation of the Nematic Liquid Crystal’s Director Field0
Stability of Rotation Relations of Three Unitaries with the Flip Action in C*-Algebras0
Equivariant Chern Classes of Orientable Toric Origami Manifolds0
Steady Compressible Euler Equations of Concentration Layers for Hypersonic-limit Flows Passing Three-dimensional Bodies and Generalized Newton-Busemann Pressure Law0
Stability of the Rarefaction Wave for a Non-isentropic Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System0
Time-Periodic Fitzhugh-Nagumo Equation and the Optimal Control Problems0
Convergence of Gradient Algorithms for Nonconvex C1+α Cost Functions0
On the Refined Esitmates of All Homogeneous Expansions for a Subclass of Biholomorphic Starlike Mappings in Several Complex Variables0
Weighted Moore-Penrose Inverses and Weighted Core Inverses in Rings with Involution0
Remarks on the Global Existence for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations0
Regular and Maximal Graphs with Prescribed Tripartite Graph as a Star Complement0
On the Asymptotic Stability of Wave Equations Coupled by Velocities of Anti-symmetric Type0
Nonsolvable Groups with Three Nonlinear Irreducible Character Codegrees0
Holomorphic Retractions of Bounded Symmetric Domains onto Totally Geodesic Complex Submanifolds0
3-Bihom-ρ-Lie Algebras, 3-Pre-Bihom-ρ-Lie Algebras0
Weighted Composition Operators from the Bloch Spaces to Weighted Hardy Spaces on Bounded Symmetric Domains0
Deformations of Compact Complex Manifolds with Ample Canonical Bundles0
Orbifold Stiefel-Whitney Classes of Real Orbifold Vector Bundles over Right-Angled Coxeter Complexes0
Zero Problems of the Bergman Kernel Function on the First Type of Cartan-Hartogs Domain0
Extremal Kähler Metrics of Toric Manifolds0
Limits of Riemann Solutions for Isentropic MHD in a Variable Cross-Section Duct as Magnetic Field Vanishes0
Complete λ-Hypersurfaces in Euclidean Spaces0
On Blow-up of Regular Solutions to the Isentropic Euler and Euler-Boltzmann Equations with Vacuum0
High Speed Flight and Partial Differential Equations0
Recent Progress in Applications of the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation Approach to Atmosphere-Ocean Sciences0
Global Stability of Multi-wave Configurations for the Compressible Non-isentropic Euler System0
Perfect State Transfer on Weighted Abelian Cayley Graphs0
Markovian Quadratic BSDEs with an Unbounded Sub-quadratic Growth0
Small Cycles Property of Some Cremer Rational Maps and Polynomials0
A Metric Space with Transfinite Asymptotic Dimension 2ω + 10
A Dual Yamabe Flow and Related Integral Flows0
Erratum to: Turnpike Properties for Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems0
Regularity and Compactness of Stationary Map-Varifold Pairs0
On the Generalized Geroch Conjecture for Complete Spin Manifolds0
Persistence Approximation Property for Lp Operator Algebras0
Uniqueness of Solution to Systems of Elliptic Operators and Application to Asymptotic Synchronization of Linear Dissipative Systems II: Case of Multiple Feedback Dampings0
Translating Solutions of the Nonparametric Mean Curvature Flow with Nonzero Neumann Boundary Data in Product Manifold Mn × ℝ0
Error Estimate for Semi-implicit Method of Sphere-Constrained High-Index Saddle Dynamics0
On the Minimal Solutions of Variational Inequalities in Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces0
Bresse Beam with Damping and Logarithmic Source0
Global Solvability for a Predator-Prey Model with Prey-Taxis and Rotational Flux Terms0
Local Well-posedness of the Derivative Schrödinger Equation in Higher Dimension for Any Large Data0
Translating Surfaces of the Non-parametric Mean Curvature Flow in Lorentz Manifold M2 × ℝ*0
A Note on Gradient Estimates for Elliptic Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients0
Carleson Measures on the Weighted Bergman Spaces with Békollé Weights0
Some Gradient Estimates and Liouville Properties of the Fast Diffusion Equation on Riemannian Manifolds0
Tilings of the Sphere by Congruent Quadrilaterals I: Edge Combination a2bc0
Well-Posedness of Stochastic Continuity Equations on Riemannian Manifolds0
Survey on Path-Dependent PDEs0
Exact Boundary Synchronization by Groups for a Kind of System of Wave Equations Coupled with Velocities0
Projection Body and Isoperimetric Inequalities for s-Concave Functions0
Homogenization with the Quasistatic Tresca Friction Law: Qualitative and Quantitative Results0
Equivariant Tautological Integrals on Flag Varieties0
Computational Tools in Weighted Persistent Homology0
A Note on 3-Divisibility of Class Number of Quadratic Field0
Liouville Type Theorems for Nonlinear p-Laplacian Equation on Complete Noncompact Riemannian Manifolds0
A Note on the Indirect Controls for a Coupled System of Wave Equations0
Eigenvalues of Second-Order Left-Definite Linear Difference Operator with Spectral Parameters in Boundary Conditions0
Two Commuting Involutions Fixing RP1(2m + 1) ∪ RP2(2m + 1)0
An Overview of the Dynamic Framework in Earth-System Model and Its Well-Posedness0
Almansi-Type Decomposition Theorem for Bi-k-regular Functions in the Clifford Algebra Cl2n+2;0(ℝ)0
Four Families of Nontrivial Product Elements in the Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres0
Boundedness of Iterated Spherical Average on α-Modulation Spaces0
Global Tangentially Analytical Solutions of the 3D Axially Symmetric Prandtl Equations0
The Inviscid Limit for the Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in the Three Dimension0
Heat Transfer Problem for the Boltzmann Equation in a Channel with Diffusive Boundary Condition0
Sample Numbers and Optimal Lagrange Interpolation of Sobolev Spaces Wr10
Cartan’s Second Main Theorem and Mason’s Theorem for Jackson Difference Operator0
Convergence in Conformal Field Theory0
Unique Continuation on Quadratic Curves for Harmonic Functions0
Darboux Transformation and Exact Solutions for Two Dimensional A(2)2n−1 Toda Equations0
On Geometric Realization of the General Manakov System0
Sufficiency of Kalman’s Rank Condition for the Approximate Boundary Controllability on an Annular Domain0
Digital Cofibration and Digital Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category in the Sense of Subdivision0
Remarks on Sharp Interface Limit for an Incompressible Navier-Stokes and Allen-Cahn Coupled System0
Volterra Type Operators on Weighted Dirichlet Spaces0
Bochner-Martinelli Formula for Higher Spin Operators of Several ℝ6 Variables0
Approximations to Isentropic Planar Magneto-Hydrodynamics Equations by Relaxed Euler-Type Systems0
Spreading Speeds of Time-Dependent Partially Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Systems0
Mean Curvature Flow of Arbitrary Codimension in Complex Projective Spaces0
The Coarse ℓp-Novikov Conjecture and Banach Spaces with Property (H)0
A Brief Approach to a Riemann-Hilbert Problem on Quasi-circles0
Holomorphic Connections and Problems of Lifts0
Equivariant Mapping Class Group and Orbit Braid Group0
Moduli Space of Quasi-Polarized K3 Surfaces of Degree 6 and 80
A Generalization of Lappan’s Theorem to Higher Dimensional Complex Projective Space0
Multiplicity of Solutions of the Weighted p-Laplacian with Isolated Singularity and Diffusion Suppressed by Convection0
Hardy-Rellich Type Inequalities Associated with Dunkl Operators0
Boundary Regularity for Minimal Graphs of Higher Codimensions0
Limits of One-dimensional Interacting Particle Systems with Two-scale Interaction0
On the Range of Certain ASH Algebras of Real Rank Zero0
A Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithm Combining Line-Search and Trust-Region Techniques0