Water International

(The TQCC of Water International is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Governing water insecurity: navigating indigenous water rights and regulatory politics in settler colonial states39
Mercury pollution in Colombia: challenges to reduce the use of mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the light of the Minamata Convention28
A review on implementing managed aquifer recharge in the Middle East and North Africa region: methods, progress and challenges26
The destruction of the Kakhovka dam and its consequences24
COVID-19 ‘free water’ initiatives in the Global South: what does the Ghanaian case mean for equitable and sustainable water services?20
Water: consumption, usage patterns, and residential infrastructure. A comparative analysis of three regions in the Lima metropolitan area18
Autogestiónand water sharing networks in Puerto Rico after Hurricane María17
Exploring water access in rural Kenya: narratives of social capital, gender inequalities and household water security in Kitui county16
Economy-wide assessment of potential long-term impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Sudan16
Integrating spatial and social characteristics in the DPSIR framework for the sustainable management of river basins: case study of the Katari River Basin, Bolivia15
Water research and nationalism in the post-truth era15
A source-to-sea approach to emerging pollutants in freshwater and oceans: pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea region15
The devil’s in the details: data exchange in transboundary waters14
‘We were displaced several times since 1956’: the Tonga– Goba involuntary resettlement experiences at the Kariba Dam12
Unpacking wastewater reuse arrangements through a new framework: insights from the analysis of Egypt11
A methodology to identify vulnerable transboundary aquifer hotspots for multi-scale groundwater management11
Lesson learning in the Colorado River Basin10
Drip irrigation as a socio-technical configuration: policy design and technological choice in Western India10
Advancing urban water security: The urbanization of water–society relations and entry–points for political engagement9
A multifaceted quantitative index for sustainability assessment of groundwater management: application for aquifers around Iran8
The effect of policy incoherence on the emergence of groundwater-related subsidence phenomena: a case study from Iran8
When the virtual water runs out: local and global responses to addressing unsustainable groundwater consumption8
Environmental management in the Bohai and Baltic seas from a source-to-sea perspective: challenges and opportunities8
Water law and the response to COVID-197
Livelihood security enhancement though innovative water management in dryland India7
Land reclamation projects in the Egyptian Western Desert: management of 1.5 million acres of groundwater irrigation7
Mapping and navigating ontologies in water governance: the case of the Ganges7
Rural water provision at the state-society interface in Latin America7
Community response to the provision of alternative water supplies: A focus on chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in rural Sri Lanka7
Evaluating the effectiveness of land and water integrative practices for achieving water sustainability within the Colorado River Basin: perceptions and indicators7
A comparative analysis of urban and rural household water insecurity experiences during the 2011–17 drought in Ceará, Brazil7
Contested baselines and transboundary water resources management, with illustrations from the Nile6
Anticipating elite capture: the social devaluation of municipal tap water users in the Phoenix metropolitan area6
Building foundations for source-to-sea management: the case of sediment management in the Lake Hawassa sub-basin of the Ethiopian Rift Valley6
Mixing waters: stakeholder influence in transboundary water conflict and cooperation6
Fifty years of water research: has it made a difference?6
Achieving drinking water and sanitation related targets of SDG 6 at Shahidbug slum, Dhaka6
The practical challenges of achieving sustainable wetland agriculture in Nigeria’s Cross River basin6
A critical review of the transboundary aquifers in South-Eastern Europe and new insights from the EU’s water framework directive implementation process5
A visualization tool for citizen-science marine debris big data5
The implications of social and economic barriers to safe drinking water for municipal level policy in Ghana5
Persisting narratives undermine potential water scarcity solutions for informal areas of Mexico City: the case of two settlements in Xochimilco5
Mobilization of bias: learning from drought and flood crises in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Jakarta5
Climate change and the water quality threats posed by the emerging contaminants per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and microplastics5
Untapping the sustainable water bank’s public financing for Dutch drinking water companies5
Success and sustainability of nutrient pollution reduction in the Danube River Basin: recovery and future protection of the Black Sea Northwest shelf5
Between development and banking: the KfW Development Bank in Latin America’s water sector5
Water insecurity and patchwork adaptability in Bangalore’s low-income neighbourhoods4
The water–man eristic dialectics for sustainable hydro-governance4
Masculinity and smart water management: why we need a critical perspective4
Changing the development paradigm in African agricultural water management to resolve water and food challenges4
Transparency, regional diversity, and capacity building: cornerstones for trust and engagement in good water governance4
Promoting water conservation habits in shower use: review of water utility websites in OECD cities4
Strategies for climate change adaptation: lessons learnt from long-term planning in the Netherlands and Bangladesh4
When the water runs dry: supporting adaptive governance in transboundary river basins4
Lake Victoria water levels declining (2000-2006): the role of absent and uncertain data in a transboundary water controversy4
Community-of-interests across source-to-sea systems: an international law perspective4
Sino-Kazakhstan transboundary water allocation cooperation study: analysis of willingness and policy implementation4
Boldly boring: public banks and public water in the Nordic region4
Binational reflections on pathways to groundwater security in the Mexico–United States borderlands4
Ozymandias in the desert: irrigation in Saudi Arabia4
Agri-vector water: boosting rainfed agriculture with urban water allocation to support urban–rural linkages4
Water governance indicators in theory and practice: applying the OECD’s water governance indicators in the North American Great Lakes region4
Advances in monitoring transboundary water cooperation? Reflecting on the development and implementation of SDG indicator 6.5.23
The current legal framework for pollution control in the Niger River Basin relative to SDG 6.33
So near, yet so far: an Egyptian perspective on the US-facilitated negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam3
Learning from the past to build the future governance of groundwater use in agriculture3
Public water without (public) financial mediation? Remunicipalizing water in Valladolid, Spain3
Water insecurity, water borrowing and psychosocial stress among Daasanach pastoralists in northern Kenya3
Mismatches between policy planning and implementation on the actively living with flood approach in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta3
Can a ‘modern’ irrigation system and a traditional smallholder gravitational system coexist? A view from Marakwet, Kenya3
Editors’ introduction to the IWRA Mentored Articles section3
Systems approach and performance-based water resources management3
The environment comes later: when and how environmental considerations are included in transboundary water agreements3
Do needs motivate the exchange of data in transboundary waters? Insights from Africa’s shared basins3
Water wars, conflict and cooperation – how the virtual water concept helped change the discourse3
The evolution of the modern dam conflict on the Snake River, USA3
The Information Strategy Model: a framework for developing a monitoring strategy for national policy making and SDG6 reporting3
Diffusion of small-scale pumped irrigation technologies and their association with farmer-led irrigation development in Malawi3
Public banks and the remunicipalization of water services in Paris3
Power plus: Tony Allan’s contributions to understanding transboundary water arrangements3
Climate change is increasing global salt pollution3
Impact of land use and occupation on potential groundwater recharge in a Brazilian savannah watershed3
Irrigated agriculture: more than ‘big water’ and ‘accountants will [not] save the world’3
Dam operation using satellite data and hydrological models: the case of Roseires dam and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the Blue Nile River3
The future of piped water3
Institutions for reoperating reservoirs in semi-arid regions facing climate change and competing societal water demands: insights from Colorado3