
(The median citation count of Statistics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Orderings of extremes from dependent Gaussian variables with Archimedean copula under simple tree order restrictions12
Robust estimation for generalized case–cohort design under the proportional hazards model9
Robust estimation based on one-shot device test data under log-normal lifetimes8
Ridge estimation in linear mixed measurement error models using generalized maximum entropy8
New closed form estimators for a bivariate gamma distribution7
Convergence in mean and central limit theorems for weighted sums of martingale difference random vectors with infinite rth moments7
Bayesian semiparametric approach to quantile nonlinear dynamic factor analysis models with mixed ordered and nonignorable missing data7
Variation of the expectation and quantiles of the mixture of ordered distributions under imprecise choice of prior7
Bernstein-based estimation of the cross ratio function6
Quantiles of the conditional residual lifetime6
Liu-type shrinkage estimations in linear models6
Universally optimal designs for three interference models under circulant correlation6
Characterization-based approach for construction of goodness-of-fit test for Lévy distribution6
A new kernel two-parameter prediction under multicollinearity in partially linear mixed measurement error model5
The risk of tensor Stein-rules in elliptically contoured distributions5
Dimension-reduced empirical likelihood estimation and inference for M-estimators with nonignorable nonresponse5
Trimmed estimator for circular–circular regression: breakdown properties and an exact algorithm for computation5
Stochastic ordering of variability measure estimators5
Empirical likelihood inference for the mean past lifetime function5
The Bahadur representation of sample quantiles for φ-mixing random variables and its application4
On statistical estimation and inferences in optional regression models4
Automatic selection by penalized asymmetric L q -norm in a high-dimensional model with grouped variables4
Parameter estimation of stochastic differential equation driven by small fractional noise4
Central limit theorem and almost sure results for the empirical estimator of superquantiles/CVaR in the stationary case4
Bias reduction estimation for drift coefficient in diffusion models with jumps4
An efficient variance estimator for cross-validation under partition sampling4
Novel techniques for performing successful follow-up experiments based on prior information from initial-stage experiments3
On local power of likelihood-based tests in von Mises regressions3
Reliability estimation of a stress-strength model with non-identical component strengths under generalized progressive hybrid censoring scheme3
An identity for two integral transforms applied to the uniqueness of a distribution via its Laplace–Stieltjes transform3
Equivariant estimation following selection from two normal populations having common unknown variance3
Penalized empirical likelihood inference for the GINAR(p) model3
Gaussian modeling with B-splines for spatial functional data on irregular domains3
Explainable machine learning for financial risk management: two practical use cases3
Some new flexible classes of normal distribution for fitting multimodal data3
A Berry–Esseen theorem for sample quantiles under martingale difference sequences3
Statistical inference of generalized progressive hybrid censored step-stress accelerated dependent competing risks model for Marshall-Olkin bivariate Weibull distribution3
A data-driven test approach to identify COVID-19 surge phases: an alert-warning tool3
Sequentially weighted uniform designs3
Construction of balanced sliced orthogonal arrays3
Theϕ-divergence family of measures based on quantile function3
Uniformity pattern of mixed two- and three-level factorials under average projection mixture discrepancy3
Minimizing distance between distribution functions: discrete counterparts to continuous random variables with applications in non-life insurance and stochastic reliability3
An optimization method for change-point monitoring in finite samples sequence3
New continuous bivariate distributions generated from shock models3
The convergence properties for randomly weighted sums of widely negative dependent random variables under sub-linear expectations with related statistical applications3
Estimation of extremes for heavy-tailed and light-tailed distributions in the presence of random censoring2
Constrained estimation for the binomial AR(1) model: on Bayesian approach2
Knowledge distillation with adapted weight2
Monitoring mean changes in persistent multivariate time series2
Robust scale estimation under shifts in the mean2
Corrigendum: a note on Liu-type shrinkage estimations in linear models (Statistics 56, 396–420)2
Reliability estimation for Kumaraswamy distribution under block progressive type-II censoring2
The entropic log odds as a measure of distribution asymmetry2
High-dimensional semiparametric mixed-effects model for longitudinal data with non-normal errors2
Evaluating SAFE AI principles using Wasserstein distance: a comparative study of Machine Learning models2
Transformed central quantile subspace2
Generalized log-logistic proportional hazard model: a non-penalty shrinkage approach2
Two new distribution-free two-sample tests for versatile alternative2
A note on simultaneous estimation of order restricted location parameters of a general bivariate symmetric distribution under a general loss function2
Asymptotic behaviours for maximum likelihood estimator of drift parameter in α-Wiener bridge process2
Asymptotic properties of inverse probability of censored weighted U-empirical process for right-censored data with applications2
Kernel Liu prediction approach in partially linear mixed measurement error models2
Empirical likelihood and estimation in a partially linear varying coefficient model with right censored data2
M-estimation for linear models with exchangeable errors2
New regression model and machine learning for fitting proportional data with application2
The robust desparsified lasso and the focused information criterion for high-dimensional generalized linear models2
Modified intrinsic Bayes factor for multivariate regression models2
Univariate measurement error selection likelihood for variable selection of additive model2
Stress-strength reliability: a quantile approach2
Recurrence times and the expected number of renewal epochs over a finite interval2
Parameter estimation in optional semimartingale regression models2
Second-order skewness of the maximum likelihood estimators in symmetric nonlinear regressions2
A maximum likelihood and regenerative bootstrap approach for estimation and forecasting of INAR( p ) processes with zero-inflated innovations2
Copula deep learning control chart for multivariate zero inflated count response variables2
On the posterior property of the Rician distribution2
The application of Bayesian inference under SAFE model2
Prediction intervals with controlled length in the heteroscedastic Gaussian regression2
On interval weighted cumulative residual and past extropies2
Robust high-dimensional alpha test for conditional time-varying factor models1
Two-stage communication-efficient distributed sparse M -estimation with missing data1
Analyzing competing risks data using bivariate Weibull-geometric distribution1
Covariance based moment equations for improved variance component estimation1
Estimating parameters in multichannel fundamental frequency with harmonics model1
Penalized wavelet nonparametric univariate logistic regression for irregular spaced data1
Robust statistical inference for longitudinal data with nonignorable dropouts1
Estimation of order restricted standard deviations of normal populations with a common mean1
Stochastic comparisons of second-order statistics from dependent and heterogenous modified proportional hazard rate observations1
A dynamic measure of divergence between two inactivity lifetime distributions1
Building forecasting model for time series based on improvements in establishing fuzzy relationships and clustering algorithm1
Uniformly complete consistency of frequency polygon estimation for dependent samples and an application1
On weighted cumulative residual extropy: characterization, estimation and testing1
Inference on the common mean direction of several Fisher-von Mises-Langevin populations with unknown concentration parameters1
Acceptance reliability sampling plan for discrete lifetime models1
Multiplicative deconvolution in survival analysis under dependency1
Variable selection for single-index-driven autoregressive model with linear explanatory variables1
Nonparametric statistical inference for compound models1
Inference of high quantiles of a heavy-tailed distribution from block data1
Corrigendum to: A bimodal gamma distribution: properties, regression model and applications (Statistics, 54, 469–493)1
Least-square estimators in linear regression models under negatively superadditive dependent random observations1
Exponential and Pareto-type bounds for the renewal function and the excess lifetime of a renewal process1
Forecasting vital rates by a trimodal extension of the flexible generalized skew normal probability density function1
Uniformly most accurate confidence intervals under weak restrictions1
Noncentral Wishart matrices, asymptotic normality of vec and smooth statistics1
Accuracy and explainability of statistical and machine learning xG models in football1
A new type of multivariate records: depth-based records1
Componentwise estimation of ordered scale parameters of two exponential distributions under a general class of loss function1
Estimating positive powers of the scale parameters under order restriction for two normal populations with a common mean1
On precedence tests with double sampling1
Inference of dependent left-truncated and right-censored competing risks data from a general bivariate class of inverse exponentiated distributions1
Closed form estimators for a multivariate gamma distribution1
The use of aggregate time series for testing conditional heteroscedasticity1
Minimum distance estimation of the Lehmann receiver operating characteristic curve1
A mixture of ellipsoidal densities for 3D data modelling1
Bayesian time-varying quantile regression on exceedance1
Compound sum distributions with dependence1
Variable selection in sparse GLARMA models1
A permutation approach to goodness-of-fit testing in regression models1
Consistency properties for the nearest neighbour estimator of the density function and applications based on α-mixing samples1
Retrospective sampling of survival data based on a Poisson birth process: conditional maximum likelihood1
Some improved results on Berry–Esséen bounds for strong mixing random variables and applications1
Jackknife empirical likelihood ratio test for testing mean residual life and mean past life ordering1
Almost unbiased ridge estimator in Bell regression model: theory and application to plastic polywood data1
A study on average Lee discrepancy measure1
Optimal designs for the prediction of mixed effects in linear mixed models0
Acceptance reliability sampling plan for items with two failure modes0
Robust and efficient estimation in ordinal response models using the density power divergence0
Covariance analysis and GMM estimation of Markov switching bilinear processes0
The extended Bregman divergence and parametric estimation0
Improving linear quantile regression for replicated data0
On the applicability of several tests to models with not identically distributed random effects0
Moderate deviations for the mildly stationary autoregressive model with dependent errors0
A distribution-free adaptive CUSUM-sign chart for monitoring shifts in the location of unknown industrial process0
Calibrating sufficiently0
The marginal distribution function of threshold-type processes with central symmetric innovations0
Optimal subsampling algorithms for composite quantile regression in massive data0
Use of cross-validation Bayes factors to test equality of two densities0
A two-parameter estimator in linear measurement error model0
A count-based nonparametric test on strict bivariate Stochastic arrangement increasing property0
An ordered approach on geometric vitality function for risk measurement and its application in stock market analysis0
General Hannan and Quinn criterion for common time series0
Predicting future failures in generalized order statistics and related models0
Augmented inverse probability weighted estimation and prediction for cause-specific proportional hazards regression with missing covariates0
Zero-inflated binomial integer-valued ARCH models for time series0
An exact test for exponentiality against renewal increasing mean residual life class0
Two-step online estimation and inference for expected shortfall regression with streaming data0
R-optimal two-level supersaturated designs0
Inadmissibility results for the selected hazard rates0
Expectile trace regression via low-rank and group sparsity regularization0
Survival analysis with censored data: a further twist on ignorability conditions0
U-Statistics for left truncated and right censored data0
Rényi entropy onk-records and its applications in characterizing distributions0
Asymptotic properties of the uppermost and the lowestmth exponential spacings based on records0
Impact assessment of correlated measurement errors using logarithmic-type estimators0
Robust estimator of the ruin probability in infinite time for heavy-tailed distributions0
A new Marshall-Olkin lomax distribution with application using failure and insurance data0
On cumulative residual Renyi's entropy for double truncated distribution0
Supervised learning with indefinite topological Kernels0
Convergence of series of moments on general exponential inequality0
Elegant robustification of sparse partial least squares by robustness-inducing transformations0
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Convergence in quadratic mean of averaged stochastic gradient algorithms without strong convexity nor bounded gradient0
CUSUM multi-chart for detecting unknown abrupt changes under finite measure space for network observation sequences0
Errors-in-variables model fitting for partially unpaired data utilizing mixture models0
Cumulative entropy of progressively type-II censored order statistics and associated optimal life testing-plans0
The Berry–Esseen-type bound for the G-M estimator in a nonparametric regression model withα-mixing errors0
Fiducialize statistical significance: transformingp-values into conservative posterior probabilities and Bayes factors0
Asymptotics of lower dimensional zero-density regions0
Deconvolution of ℙ( X t < Y t 0
Statement of Retraction: Convergence in quadratic mean of averaged stochastic gradient algorithms without strong convexity nor bounded gradient0
Modelling additive extremile regression by iteratively penalized least asymmetric weighted squares and gradient descent boosting0
The conditional maximum likelihood estimation for the Cox–Aalen model with doubly truncated data0
Novel credibility approaches for Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient estimation0
Stochastic properties of varentropy based on residual lifetime0
Statistical estimation for single-index varying-coefficient models with multiplicative distortion measurement errors0
Strong laws of large numbers for generalizations of Fréchet mean sets0
On conditional spacings and their properties under coherent system setting0
High-dimensional MANOVA under weak conditions0
Wilcoxon rank test for change in persistence0
Consistent model selection procedure for general integer-valued time series0
Optimal plan for ordered step-stress stage life testing0
Integrated partially linear model for multi-centre studies with heterogeneity and batch effect in covariates0
Robust penalized empirical likelihood estimation method for linear regression0
Hold-out estimates of prediction models for Markov processes0
Simultaneous best linear invariant prediction of future order statistics for location-scale and scale families and associated optimality properties0
Estimation for a hybrid model of functional and linear measurement errors regression with missing response0
Robust confidence regions for the index and functional coefficients in the single-index varying coefficients regression model0
Novel goodness-of-fit tests for binomial count time series0
A class of dependent Dirichlet processes via latent multinomial processes0
Matrix variate receiver operating characteristic curve for binary classification0
Design-based estimators of the distribution function in ranked set sampling with an application0
A lower bound of average mixture discrepancy for row augmented designs0
Estimating the higher-order co-moment with non-Gaussian components and its application in portfolio selection0
A new approach for time domain analysis of multivariate and functional time series0
Characterizations of continuous log-symmetric distributions based on properties of order statistics0
Bayesian estimation in generalized linear models for longitudinal data with hyperspherical coordinates0
Asymptotic confidence interval for R 2 in multiple linear regression0
Outlier detection in non-parametric profile monitoring0
The application of Bayesian method in estimating heterogeneity of treatment effect0
Self-exciting threshold -valued autoregressive processes for non-stationary time series of counts0
Robust time series clustering of GARCH (1,1) models with outliers0
Hypothesis testing for the population mean and variance based onr-size biased samples0
Estimating reciprocals of scale parameters of two exponential populations with common location and ordered scales using censored samples0
On asymptotic properties of spacings0
Refined normal approximations for the central and noncentral chi-square distributions and some applications0
Goodness-of-fit tests for generalized Poisson distributions0
Uniformly strong consistency and the rates of asymptotic normality for the edge frequency polygons0
Measuring multidimensional inequality: a new proposal based on the Fourier transform0
On classes of consistent tests for the Type I Pareto distribution based on a characterization involving order statistics0
Bayesian bootstrapping for symmetric distributions0
Tuning parameter selection for nonparametric derivative estimation in random design0
Safe machine learning0
A generalized stochastic condensation mechanism for inducing underdispersion in count models0
Statistical inference for scale mixture models via Mellin transform approach0
Weighted likelihood transfer learning for high-dimensional generalized linear models0
The extended skew-normal-based stochastic frontier model with a solution to ‘wrong skewness’ problem0
Robust link functions0
On optimal joint prediction of order statistics0
High-dimensional generalized semiparametric model for longitudinal data0
Refinement bounds for the expected number of renewal epochs over a finite interval0
Multi-component stress–strength parameter estimation of a non-identical-component strengths system under the adaptive hybrid progressive censoring samples0
Optimal convergence rates of Bayesian wavelet estimation with a novel empirical prior in nonparametric regression model0
A non-parametric test for independence of time to failure and cause of failure for discrete competing risks data0
Weak convergence for weighted sums of a class of random variables with related statistical applications0
A novel test of missing completely at random: U -statistics-based approach0
A joint model for mixed longitudinalk-category inflation ordinal and continuous responses0
A regression approach to the two-dataset problem0
Second-order stochastic comparisons of order statistics0
Rank-based correlation matrix estimation for high dimensional microbiome data0
Stochastic comparison results between two finite mixture models with generalized Weibull distributed components0
MRL ordering of largest order statistics from heterogeneous scale variables0
Stochastic comparisons of lifetimes of fail-safe systems with dependent and heterogeneous components under random shocks0
Detection of long range dependence in the time domain for (in)finite-variance time series0
A p-value based dimensionality reduction test for high dimensional means0
Bayesian estimation for longitudinal data in a joint model with HPCs0
Local likelihood of quantile difference under left-truncated, right-censored and dependent assumptions0
Liu-type estimator in Conway–Maxwell–Poisson regression model: theory, simulation and application0
Robust tests for equality of regression curves based on characteristic functions0
On the relation between data science and statistics0
High-dimensional rank-based graphical models for non-Gaussian functional data0
On two exponential populations under a joint adaptive type-II progressive censoring0
Dimension reduction techniques for conditional expectiles0
Long-range dependence and rational Gaussian noise0
On the status of component failures in a working coherent system when the lifetimes are DNID random variables0
Explicit and combined estimators for parameters of stable distributions0
Gaussian-related undirected graphical models for circular variables0
On the estimation of varextropy0
Universal kernel-type estimation of random fields0
On general weighted cumulative residual extropy and general weighted negative cumulative extropy0
Poisson-modification of the Quasi Lindley optimal generalized regression estimator0
Optimal designs for linear regression models with skew-normal errors0