Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry

(The median citation count of Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Locally conformally flat Kähler and para-Kähler manifolds8
Uniformization of Riemann surfaces revisited8
Explicit harmonic morphisms and p-harmonic functions from the complex and quaternionic Grassmannians7
First integrals for Finsler metrics with vanishing $$\chi $$-curvature7
VB-structures and generalizations6
From complex contact structures to real almost contact 3-structures6
Relative non-pluripolar product of currents6
On subelliptic harmonic maps with potential5
Existence of a complete holomorphic vector field via the Kähler–Einstein metric5
Normalized Yamabe flow on manifolds with bounded geometry5
Compact geodesic orbit spaces with a simple isotropy group4
Liouville theorems of subelliptic harmonic maps4
Left-invariant almost complex structures on the higher dimensional Kodaira–Thurston manifolds4
Scalar curvature, mean curvature and harmonic maps to the circle4
On the eigenforms of compact stratified spaces4
Isothermic constrained Willmore tori in 3-space4
Kummer-type constructions of almost Ricci-flat 5-manifolds4
Ricci flow on certain homogeneous spaces4
Modified conformal extensions4
Deformations of Dolbeault cohomology classes for Lie algebra with complex structures3
Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps from strongly rectifiable spaces into regular balls in $${\text {CAT}}(1)$$ spaces3
Free boundary constant mean curvature surfaces in a strictly convex three-manifold3
Correction to: On the existence of balanced metrics on six-manifolds of cohomogeneity one3
Some regularity of submetries3
Core reduction for singular Riemannian foliations and applications to positive curvature3
Sobolev inequalities and convergence for Riemannian metrics and distance functions3
Upper bounds for Steklov eigenvalues of subgraphs of polynomial growth Cayley graphs3
Cohomology vanishing theorems for free boundary submanifolds3
Para-Sasakian $$\phi -$$symmetric spaces3
Solution to the n-bubble problem on $$\mathbb {R}^1$$ with log-concave density3
The r-mean curvature and rigidity of compact hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space3
Weak curvatures of irregular curves in high-dimensional Euclidean spaces3
A heat flow for the critical Trudinger-Moser functional on a closed Riemann surface3
Topological degree for Kazdan–Warner equation in the negative case on finite graph3
Hadamard expansions for powers of causal Green’s operators and “resolvents”2
Transverse J-holomorphic curves in nearly Kähler $$\mathbb {CP}^3$$2
Levi-flat CR structures on compact Lie groups2
Locally constrained inverse curvature flow and Hu–Li’s conjecture2
On the fluid ball conjecture2
Manifolds of mappings on Cartesian products2
Constructions of helicoidal minimal surfaces and minimal annuli in $$\widetilde{E(2)}$$2
The classification of flat Riemannian metrics on the plane2
Fundamental gaps of spherical triangles2
Positive Hermitian curvature flow on nilpotent and almost-abelian complex Lie groups2
Harmonic mappings between singular metric spaces2
The $$L^p$$-Calderón–Zygmund inequality on non-compact manifolds of positive curvature2
A note on gradient k-Yamabe solitons2
Holomorphic maps into Grassmann manifolds (harmonic maps into Grassmann manifolds III)2
Prescribed mean curvature flow of non-compact space-like Cauchy hypersurfaces2
Complexes, residues and obstructions for log-symplectic manifolds2
On the index of a free-boundary minimal surface in Riemannian Schwarzschild-AdS2
Homogeneous non-degenerate 3-(α,δ)-Sasaki manifolds and submersions over quaternionic Kähler spaces2
Noncritical maps on geodesically complete spaces with curvature bounded above2
Almost contact metric manifolds with certain condition2
Flows of G2-structures on contact Calabi–Yau 7-manifolds2
Compact surfaces with boundary with prescribed mean curvature depending on the Gauss map2
On the Markus conjecture in convex case2
A hyper-Kähler metric on the moduli spaces of monopoles with arbitrary symmetry breaking2
Conformal Bach flow2
The anomaly flow on nilmanifolds1
Gradient ambient obstruction solitons on homogeneous manifolds1
Deformations of $$\mathrm {G}_2$$-instantons on nearly $$\mathrm {G}_2$$ manifolds1
Existence, uniqueness and regularity of the projection onto differentiable manifolds1
Quantitative version of Weyl’s law1
The Weyl functional on 4-manifolds of positive Yamabe invariant1
Well-posedness of nonlinear flows on manifolds of bounded geometry1
Completeness in affine and statistical geometry1
The homogeneous holonomies of complex hyperbolic space1
$$L^2$$-Poisson integral representations of eigensections of invariant differential operators on a homogeneous line bundle over the complex Grassmann manifold $$SU(r,r+b)/S( U(r)\times U(r+b))$$1
Almost CR manifolds with contracting CR automorphism1
Laplace eigenvalues of ellipsoids obtained as analytic perturbations of the unit sphere1
Skew Killing spinors in four dimensions1
Multiple tubular excisions and large Steklov eigenvalues1
Unique continuation property for biharmonic hypersurfaces in spheres1
Modular geodesics and wedge domains in non-compactly causal symmetric spaces1
A variational characterization of contact metric structures1
Sharp upper diameter bounds for compact shrinking Ricci solitons1
A two-point function, non-collapsing property and pinching estimates for inverse curvature flow in space forms1
Sobolev spaces and $$\nabla $$-differential operators on manifolds I: basic properties and weighted spaces1
Integrable LCK manifolds1
Isometry groups of three-dimensional Lie groups1
On the Ricci flow of homogeneous metrics on spheres1
Pullback functors for reduced and unreduced $$L^{q,p}$$-cohomology1
The metric structure of compact rank-one ECS manifolds1
Compact minimal submanifolds of the Riemannian symmetric spaces $${{\textbf {S}}U}(n)/\textbf{SO}(n)$$, $${{\textbf {S}}p}(n)/{{\textbf {U}}}(n)$$, $$\textbf{SO}(2n)/{{\textbf {U}}}(n)$$, $${{\textbf 1
Products of manifolds with fibered corners1
Correction to: Hypercohomologies of truncated twisted holomorphic de Rham complexes1
Lie groupoids and semi-local models of singular Riemannian foliations1
Einstein metrics on conformal products1
Greatest Ricci lower bounds of projective horospherical manifolds of Picard number one1
Boundary properties for a Monge-Ampère equation of prescribed affine Gauss curvature1
The contact mappings of a flat (2,3,5)-distribution1
Asymptotics of G-equivariant Szegő kernels1
Integral formulas for a Riemannian manifold with orthogonal distributions1
Variation formulae for the volume of coassociative submanifolds1
Instability of a family of examples of harmonic maps1
On the second variation of the biharmonic Clifford torus in $$\mathbb S^4$$1
Calabi type functionals for coupled Kähler–Einstein metrics1
Timelike surfaces in the de Sitter space $$\mathbb S_1^3(1)\subset {{\mathbb R}_{1}^{4}}$$1
Pseudo-Kähler and pseudo-Sasaki structures on Einstein solvmanifolds1
Anticanonically balanced metrics and the Hilbert–Mumford criterion for the $$\delta _m$$-invariant of Fujita–Odaka1
Locally conformally Kähler spaces and proper open morphisms1
A note on the moduli spaces of holomorphic and logarithmic connections over a compact Riemann surface1
Higher-power harmonic maps and sections1
Kohn–Rossi cohomology of spherical CR manifolds1
Self-dual almost-Kähler four-manifolds1
Publisher Correction to: The Measurement and Analysis of Shapes0
Extrinsic eigenvalues upper bounds for submanifolds in weighted manifolds0
Parallel spinors on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian four-manifolds0
Locally conformally symplectic reduction of the cotangent bundle0
Correction to: Besse conjecture with positive isotropic curvature0
The metric completion of the space of vector-valued one-forms0
On the Steklov spectrum of covering spaces and total spaces0
Fill-ins with scalar curvature lower bounds and applications to positive mass theorems0
Universal covers of non-negatively curved manifolds and formality0
Hierarchies of holonomy groupoids for foliated bundles0
A critical perturbation result in prescribing scalar curvature under boundary conditions0
Parametric pseudodifferential operators with point-singularity in the covariable0
Contact foliations and generalised Weinstein conjectures0
Correction to: A no expanding breather theorem for noncompact Ricci flows0
Willmore surfaces and Hopf tori in homogeneous 3-manifolds0
The effect of pinching conditions in prescribing $$ Q $$-curvature on standard spheres0
Quaternionic contact 4n + 3-manifolds and their 4n-quotients0
Covering spaces of symplectic toric orbifolds0
Anticanonically balanced metrics on Fano manifolds0
Extrinsic geometry and linear differential equations of $$\mathfrak {sl}_3$$-type0
Counterexamples to a divergence lower bound for the covariant derivative of skew-symmetric 2-tensor fields0
Self-similar Hessian and conformally Kähler manifolds0
On non-compact gradient solitons0
Twisted basic Dolbeault cohomology on transverse Kähler foliations0
Homogeneous Einstein metrics and butterflies0
Compact hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature with free boundary in a ball0
G-invariant spin structures on spheres0
Gromov hyperbolicity of the Hilbert distance0
Nonhomogeneous expanding flows in hyperbolic spaces0
A volume comparison theorem for characteristic numbers0
Integral decompositions of varifolds0
Self-intersections of closed parametrized minimal surfaces in generic Riemannian manifolds0
On the generalized $$\text {SO}(2n,{{\mathbb {C}}})$$-opers0
Delorme’s intertwining conditions for sections of homogeneous vector bundles on two- and three-dimensional hyperbolic spaces0
Typical field lines of Beltrami flows and boundary field line behaviour of Beltrami flows on simply connected, compact, smooth manifolds with boundary0
Upper bounds for the ground state energy of the Laplacian with zero magnetic field on planar domains0
When does gradient Ricci soliton have one end?0
Rotationally symmetric symphonic maps0
A comparison of the absolute and relative real analytic torsion forms0
Compactness of harmonic maps of surfaces with regular nodes0
A no expanding breather theorem for noncompact Ricci flows0
Graded hypoellipticity of BGG sequences0
Correction: The geometry of compact homogeneous spaces with two isotropy summands0
Extra-twisted connected sum $$G_2$$-manifolds0
Immersions of Sasaki–Ricci solitons into homogeneous Sasakian manifolds0
Projective invariants of almost $$C(\lambda )$$-manifolds0
Normal form of equivariant maps in infinite dimensions0
Umehara algebra and complex submanifolds of indefinite complex space forms0
Estimates of Kähler metrics on noncompact finite volume hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, and their symmetric products0
Schwartz correspondence for real motion groups in low dimensions0
On length measures of planar closed curves and the comparison of convex shapes0
On blow-up formula of integral Bott–Chern cohomology0
Reverse comparison theorems with upper integral Ricci curvature condition0
On the non-existence of common submanifolds of Kähler manifolds and complex space forms0
Smooth Yamabe invariant with boundary0
On the existence of balanced metrics on six-manifolds of cohomogeneity one0
Resolution of four-dimensional symplectic orbifolds0
Symmetric solutions of the singular minimal surface equation0
Dispersive equations on asymptotically conical manifolds: time decay in the low-frequency regime0
Harmonic flow of geometric structures0
The gluing formula, conformal scaling, and geometry0
Stationary surfaces with boundaries0
Geodesics on a K3 surface near the orbifold limit0
Higher-order neck analysis of harmonic maps and its applications0
The zeta-determinant of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator on forms0
A shape optimization problem for the first mixed Steklov–Dirichlet eigenvalue0
Taut contact hyperbolas on three-manifolds0
Nonexistence and rigidity of spacelike mean curvature flow solitons immersed in a GRW spacetime0
Some remarks on almost Hermitian functionals0
Banach manifold structure and infinite-dimensional analysis for causal fermion systems0
On Alan Schoen’s I-WP minimal surface0
Geometric inequalities for free boundary hypersurfaces in a ball0
Besse conjecture with positive isotropic curvature0
Periodic magnetic geodesics on Heisenberg manifolds0
Remarks on astheno-Kähler manifolds, Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomology groups0
The scalar curvature in conical manifolds: some results on existence and obstructions0
Schauder estimates on smooth and singular spaces0
Subgraphs of BV functions on RCD spaces0
Escobar constants of planar domains0
A horizontal Chern–Gauss–Bonnet formula on totally geodesic foliations0
Generalized positive scalar curvature on spin$$^c$$ manifolds0
Generalized complex structure on certain principal torus bundles0
Generalised Bianchi permutability for isothermic surfaces0
Correction to: Killing spinor-valued forms and their integrability conditions0
Some geometric inequalities for varifolds on Riemannian manifolds based on monotonicity identities0
Coclosed $$G_2$$-structures on $$\text {SU}(2)^2$$-invariant cohomogeneity one manifolds0
Commutativity of quantization with conic reduction for torus actions on compact CR manifolds0
Cyclic Higgs bundles, subharmonic functions, and the Dirichlet problem0
p-Kähler and balanced structures on nilmanifolds with nilpotent complex structures0
Enlargeable length-structure and scalar curvatures0
Special metrics and scales in parabolic geometry0
Frölicher spectral sequence of compact complex manifolds with special Hermitian metrics0
Multiple solutions for Schrödinger equations on Riemannian manifolds via $$\nabla $$-theorems0
The Lax equation and weak regularity of asymptotic estimate Lie groups0
Existence results for a super Toda system0
Conformal solitons for the mean curvature flow in hyperbolic space0
The spinor and tensor fields with higher spin on spaces of constant curvature0
Rigidity results of weighted area-minimizing hypersurfaces0
Correction to: Hypercohomologies of truncated twisted holomorphic de Rham complexes0
Quasi-positive curvature on Bazaikin spaces0
Berglund–Hübsch transpose rule and Sasakian geometry0
Classification of left-invariant Einstein metrics on $$\textrm{SL}(2,\mathbb {R})\times \textrm{SL}(2,\mathbb {R})$$ that are bi-invariant under a one-parameter subgroup0
Asymptotic topological regularity of CAT(0) spaces0
Stability of Einstein metrics on symmetric spaces of compact type0
On the intrinsic and extrinsic boundary for metric measure spaces with lower curvature bounds0
Characterization of hypersurfaces in four-dimensional product spaces via two different Spinc structures0
Isoperimetric estimates in low-dimensional Riemannian products0
On effects of the null energy condition on totally umbilic hypersurfaces in a class of static spacetimes0
Boundary behaviors of spacelike constant mean curvature surfaces in Schwarzschild spacetime0
Gauss maps of harmonic and minimal great circle fibrations0
First $$\frac{2}{n}$$-stability eigenvalue of singular minimal hypersurfaces in space forms0
The Measurement and Analysis of Shapes0
On the Gromov–Hausdorff limits of compact surfaces with boundary0
Anti-quasi-Sasakian manifolds0
A fully nonlinear locally constrained curvature flow for capillary hypersurface0
Families of degenerating Poincaré–Einstein metrics on $$\mathbb {R}^4$$0
Conformal scattering theory for the linearized gravity fields on Schwarzschild spacetime0
Rigidity results for Riemannian twistor spaces under vanishing curvature conditions0
Polar varieties and bipolar surfaces of minimal surfaces in the n-sphere0
On triangulations of orbifolds and formality0
Sasaki–Einstein 7-manifolds and Orlik’s conjecture0
Optimal transport approach to Michael–Simon–Sobolev inequalities in manifolds with intermediate Ricci curvature lower bounds0
Tachibana-type theorems and special Holonomy0
Heat-type equations on manifolds with fibered boundaries I: Schauder estimates0