Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du D

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du D is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Pandemic, informality, and vulnerability: impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods in India93
The Wall Street Consensus in pandemic times: what does it mean for climate-aligned development?47
COVID-19 and crises of capitalism: intensifying inequalities and global responses35
What does COVID-19 tell us about the Peruvian health system?24
Commodity exporter’s vulnerabilities in times of COVID-19: the case of Ghana18
Why positionalities matter: reflections on power, hierarchy, and knowledges in “development” research18
Turbulence ahead: labour and struggles in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in India18
Room for money or manoeuvre? How green financialization and de-risking shape Zambia’s renewable energy transition17
Beyond partnerships: embracing complexity to understand and improve research collaboration for global development15
Strengthening resilience in response to COVID-19: a call to integrate social reproduction in sustainable food systems12
Global citizenship amid COVID-19: why climate change and a pandemic spell the end of international experiential learning11
The Green Revolution and transversal countermovements: recovering alternative agronomic imaginaries in Tunisia and India11
Latin America at the crossroads yet again: what income policies in the post-pandemic era?7
Safety nets as a means of tackling chronic food insecurity in rural southern Ethiopia: what is constraining programme contributions?7
The patriarchy of accumulation: homework, fieldwork and the production-reproduction nexus in rural Indonesia7
When push came to shove: COVID-19 and debt crises in low-income countries7
Civil society legitimacy as a balancing act: competing priorities for land rights advocacy organisations working with local communities in Kenya6
Doing Businessguidance, legal origins theory, and the politics of governance by knowledge5
Wealth inequality: the Indian case5
The great Indian lockdown 1.0: exploring the labour market dynamics5
Diversification of sugar production in Zimbabwe: wealth accumulation from below by outgrowers4
Transforming a praetorian polity: the political economy of democratization in Pakistan4
Labour unions under neoliberal authoritarianism in the Global South: the cases of Turkey and Egypt4
Migration, crop diversification, and adverse incorporation: understanding the repertoire of contention in rural Tajikistan3
Does economic complexity enhance governance quality in Africa?3
Extraversion versus développement agricole autocentré: Le cas des pays du Maghreb3
Next Generation of knowledge partnerships for global development. Introduction / Prochaine génération de partenariat de savoir pour le développement global. Introduction3
Meeting the challenge of gender inequality through gender transformative research: lessons from research in Africa, Asia, and Latin America3
Thinking about developmental statehood, manufacturing and international capital: the case of Ethiopia2
A tragedy of juridification in international development finance2
Yumi stanap strong: La localisation de l’aide en contexte de COVID-19 au Vanuatu2
Innovation as translation in Indigenous entrepreneurship: lessons from Mapuche entrepreneurs in Chile2
The win-win discourse of impact investing: legitimising accumulation for a new generation of Brazilian wealth elites2
“They are my people, add them!” The politicisation of poverty reduction programmes in the Global South: Ghana’s Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty cash transfer programme in focus2
Analyse comparative des régimes de protection sociale en Afrique subsaharienne2
Landscapes as drivers of ecotourism development: a case study in Northern Laos2
Rationality, regularity and rule – juridical governance of/by Official Development Assistance2
Macro barriers to business and innovation in developing economies: evidence from Egyptian, Moroccan, and Tunisian SMEs2
Lunettes féministes intersectionnelles pour envisager une localisation de l'aide inclusive et sensible au genre2
Being vulnerable in a vulnerable activity: women market gardeners of Kinshasa2
Que faire de la révolution verte? Dilemmes de l’agriculture de l’Inde en crise1
Étude descriptive de l’agilité et de la résilience de l’humanitaire canadien au temps de la COVID-191
The problem of doing more: success and paradoxes in scaling up informal initiatives for disaster risk reduction and climate action1
A critique of building a developmental state in the EPRDF's Ethiopia1
Mining self-interest? Canadian foreign aid and the extractive sector in Mongolia1
Do information and communication technologies (ICTs) make Africans happy?1
Vers un institutionnalisme féministe et anthropologique: expériences congolaises multi-scalaires des femmes, du développement et du droit1
UK aid to Africa: ‘nationalisation’ and neoliberalism1
Juridifying agrarian reform: the role of law in the reconstitution of neoliberalism in Bolivia1
Do state-subsidized contractual arrangements improve farmers’ income? Empirical evidence from Algeria1
La localisation de l’aide humanitaire : un chantier de recherche en pleine émergence*1
Distorted linkages and labor devaluation: an exploration of automotive value chain-driven ‘development’ in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico1
Financing green transformation in developing countries1
Gender analysis of access to formal credit and rice productivity: evidence from Togo1
Malevolent inclusion and immiserizing growth1
Food as right, food as bribe: the politicization of food distribution in rural Egypt1
Exports with equity? Land, income, and agrarian transition in Vietnam1
Unpacking policies for the development of agricultural growth poles in West Africa1
Populism, extractivism, and the social transformation of Brazil1
Dilemmes agricoles et alimentaires en temps de crise1
Special issue: labour unions in the Global South in times of neoliberalism/Les syndicats du Sud global à l’ère néolibérale1
Expanding profit and power. The National Union of Road Transport Workers in Nigeria1
Entre « universalisme » et « localisme », les degrés de percolation des standards SPHÈRE1
In the shadow of violence: the Madagascan nexus1
Shifting states: the constitutional risks of extractive development1
Logiques d’acteurs et qualité des partenariats multisectoriels Nord-Sud: le cas d’un projet de microfinance agricole au Burkina Faso1
‘We endure because we need money’: everyday violence, COVID-19 and domestic workers in South Africa1
Militant minority at work: a successful case of unionisation of garment workers in Istanbul1
A radical turn in International Law and Development? Corporations, capitalist states and imperial governance1
E-volunteering asinternationalexperiential learning: student and community perspectives1