International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Non-inertial effects on relativistic scalar massive charged bosons in a topologically nontrivial space-time and Aharonov–Bohm effect50
Novel solitary wave solutions to the fractional new (3+1)-dimensional Mikhailov–Novikov–Wang equation47
The matter Lagrangian of a non-perfect fluid44
Geometry of almost contact metrics as almost ∗-Ricci solitons42
The GUP for non-relativistic Feynman propagator with energy-dependent mass35
Aspects of Einstein’s general relativity: A classical deformation of Schwarzschild spacetime33
Novel extended Zn-Heisenberg ferromagnet models33
Remarks on the algebraic structure of (2,2) double forms30
Unraveling new exact solutions to relativistic compact objects via the segre classification approach29
Octonion Wigner distribution of 3D signals in the quadratic-phase fourier transform domain and associated uncertainty principles28
Complexity of charged self-gravitating system in f(R,G) theory28
Observational Constraints on Quintessence Dark Energy: A Model-Independent Approach27
Energy–momentum-squared gravity model-ℱ(ℛ,????2) coupled with perfect fluid admitting solitonic-type symmetries27
RKHS, Berezin and Odzijewicz- type quantizations on arbitrary compact smooth manifolds27
Maximum mass and radius of higher dimensional anisotropic strange quark star in presence of charge25
Variational structure of the Benjamin-Ono equation for fluid mechanics24
pp-wave potential functions: A complete study using Noether symmetries23
On a Bianchi type-I space-time with bulk viscosity in f(R,T) gravity22
Kupershmidt operators on Hom-Malcev algebras and their deformation22
Kraus operators and symmetric groups21
On Hosoya polynomial and subsequent indices of pent–heptagonal carbon nanosheets21
The pseudo-null geometric phase along optical fiber21
Generalizing the constant-roll condition in scalar inflation19
Spherically symmetric collapsing star with the background of dark energy19
Optics in anisotropic inhomogeneous media and Lagrange geometry19
Generalized quaternionic free rotational Dirac equation and spinor solutions in the electromagnetic field19
General fractional calculus with respect to exponential function used in fundamental viscoelastic models19
Riemannian-polarized k-symplectic manifolds18
Contextual extensions of quantum gravity models18
Average of geometric structures in Finsler spaces with Lorentzian signature18
Dynamics of quasi-de Sitter and linear combination of exponential models in extended gravity18
The Gauss–Bonnet topological scalar in the geometric trinity of gravity18
Almost quasi-Yamabe solitons and gradient almost quasi-Yamabe solitons in f-kenmotsu manifolds17
Particle dynamics around the Einstein–Maxwell–Yang–Mills black hole17
On the existence of parallel one forms17
Self-similar cosmological solutions in f(R,T) gravity theory17
Effect of nonlocal transformations on the linearizability and exact solvability of the nonlinear generalized modified Emden-type equations17
A look into the mass–radius relation of the neutron star in modified Chaplygin gas background16
A geometrical model for the evolution of spherical planetary nebulae based on thin-shell formalism16
Cosmic bounce with power law f(G, T) model15
Cosmology inflation in viscous mimetic f(R,T) gravity15
Wedging spacetime principal null directions15
Fold bifurcation entangled surfaces for one-dimensional Kitaev lattice model15
Curvature inheritance symmetry on M-projectively flat spacetimes14
Wormhole solutions in f(R,T) = R + αR2 + βlnT gravity14
Cosmological models of generalized ghost pilgrim dark energy (GGPDE) in the gravitation theory of Saez–Ballester14
Study of ideal gases in curved spacetimes14
Stable Morris Thorne wormholes supported by non-exotic matter14
On generalization of Hermite–Hadamard–Mercer inequalities for interval-valued functions with generalized geometric–arithmetic convexity14
Characterizations of mixed quasi-Einstein spacetimes under Gray’s decomposition14
Magnetic field effect on the dynamics of entanglement for time-dependent harmonic oscillator14
Testing a conjecture on quantum chromodynamics13
Some thermodynamics aspects in Regular Gaussian Black Hole13
Anisotropic quark stars within 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity13
Unified theories metrics and primordial magnetic fields in Riemann–Cartan spacetime12
Helicoidal surfaces in some conformally flat pseudo-spaces of dimensional three12
Superintegrability, symmetry and point particle T-duality12
Bouncing behavior in f(R,Lm) gravity: Phantom crossing and energy conditions12
⋆-cohomology, third type Chern character and anomalies in general translation-invariant noncommutative Yang–Mills12
Statefinder hierarchy of Kaniadakis holographic dark energy with composite null diagnostic12
A hybrid Euclidean–Lorentzian universe12
Compact object formation from collapsing magnetized strange quark matter in rainbow gravity12
A generalized Wintgen inequality in quaternion Kähler geometry12
(2 + 1)-dimensional f(R) gravity solutions via Hojman symmetry12
On the N-waves hierarchy with constant boundary conditions. Spectral properties11
Dynamics of some compact structures and moment of inertia in f(ℛ,???? ) gravity11
Evolution of physical systems and nonlinear realized symmetries11
Upper limit on the acceleration of a quantum evolution in projective Hilbert space11
Quantum mechanics on a p-adic Hilbert space: Foundations and prospects11
Fractal modeling of non-integer Newtonian fluid through comparison of Sumudu and Laplace transforms10
Charged traversable wormholes in f(R) gravity10
On Kähler structures of Taub-Nut and kerr spaces10
Study of stellar structures in f(ℛ,????μν????μν) theory10
f-biharmonic and bi-f-harmonic Riemannian submersions10
Model of a charged compact star: A brief study in f(T) gravity10
On the remarkable universality of Einstein’s gravity theory10
Constant Gaussian curvature, FLRW conditions and a universe without matter10
Anisotropic stellar compact spheres in f(R) gravity via Karmarkar approach10
Electromagnetic effects on cylindrical gravastar-like strings in f(R, T, RσηTση) gravity10
Geodesic conjugacy for geodesically reversible Finsler metrics10
Charging effect on traversable wormholes in f(R) = R + αRm + βR−n gravity10
Symmetry reductions, bifurcation and exact solutions for a nonlinear evolution equation10
Weighted Čebyšev- and Ostrowski-type inequalities on time scales10
A note on traces of conformal twisted signature operators9
Engineering non-classical correlation and teleportation with Robust fidelity using Jaynes–Cummings model9
Geometric phases for three cases of the electric field with new type Bishop frame in ℝ139
Anisotropic stellar structures in energy–momentum squared theory with Tolman–Kuchowicz spacetime9
A new characterization of null scrolls as parallel surfaces9
Geometric phase for two-mode entangled squeezed-coherent states9
Quasinormal modes, Hawking radiation and absorption of the massless scalar field for Reissner–Nordström black hole surrounded by a cloud of strings in Rastall gravity9
KCC theory for a type of nonlinear damped SD oscillators9
Existence and stability results for a Langevin system with Caputo–Hadamard fractional operators9
Cosmological evolution of new Tsallis agegraphic dark energy with conformal time as IR-cutoff9
A note on generalized weakly ℋ-symmetric manifolds and relativistic applications9
Noether symmetry analysis in f(T,TG) gravity theory: A study of classical cosmology9
Cold dark matter and holographic dark energy cosmological model with big rip singularity9
Scalar bosons with gravitational effects near Schwarzschild’s black hole: The Rindler recipe9
Holographic bounce cosmological models induced by viscous dark fluid from a generalized non-singular entropy function8
Characterizations of perfect fluid spacetimes obeying f(ℛ)-gravity equipped with different gradient solitons8
Discrete mechanics on unitary octonions8
Cartan approach to Teleparallel Equivalent to General Relativity: A review8
Cosmological constant effect on charged and rotating black hole shadows8
Cosmological bounce scenario with a novel parametrization of bulk viscosity8
Geometry of semi-Riemannian group manifold and its applications in spacetime admitting Ricci solitons8
Role of constant jerk parameter in f(R,T) gravity8
Asymptotic de Sitter inflation in different geometric backgrounds8
Torsional anomaly in Kerr black hole and quantization in Einstein–Cartan gravity8
Equivalent quantum systems8
Plane wave analysis of the second post-Newtonian hydrodynamic equations8
On Finsler surfaces with certain flag curvatures8
A study of elliptic biquaternionic angular momentum and Dirac equation8
On soliton solutions for higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic-quintic-septic law8
Departure to pure de Sitter geometry based on Planck data8
The failure of Wigner function negativity to detect quantum dissonance in an open bipartite system8
Charged thin-shell wormholes in f(R) gravity8
Energy conditions in f(R,A) gravity7
Darboux and generalized Darboux transformations for the fractional integrable derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation7
Perturbations in the interacting vacuum7
Bianchi Type-V space time with Tsallis holographic dark energy7
Novel approach of Hubble parameter in f(R,Tϕ) gravity7
Realization of the quantum Toffoli gate based on a six-level atomic system7
Bäcklund transformations of multi-component Boussinesq and Degasperis–Procesi equations7
Characterization of general relativistic spacetime equipped with different types of solitons7
Effects of variable equations of state on the stability of nonlinear electrodynamics thin-shell wormholes7
Impact of projective curvature tensor in f(R,G), f(R,T) and f(R,Lm)-gravity7
Characterizations of spacetimes admitting critical point equation and f(r)-gravity7
Geometric properties of lightlike magnetic curves and magnetic flux surfaces in Minkowski 3-space7
Studying the behavior of radial free geodesics in ΛCDM model7
Conformal vector field and gradient Einstein solitons on η-Einstein cosymplectic manifolds7
Generalized Ricci recurrent spacetimes and GRW spacetimes7
Anomaly cancellation in string theory7
Explicit solutions from Darboux transformation for the two-component nonlocal Hirota and Maxwell–Bloch system7
THDE models with specific cutoffs and correspondence with quintessence field7
A new perspective on quantum field theory revealing possible existence of another kind of fermions forming dark matter7
Tilted congruence with big rip singularity in f(T) theory of gravity6
The effect of thermal radiation on singularities in the dark universe6
On a submersion of generic submanifold of a nearly Kaehler manifold6
The generalized stockwell transform associated with the spherical mean operator and uncertainty principles6
A new look at Levi-Civita connection in noncommutative geometry6
Riemannian 3-manifolds and Ricci–Yamabe solitons6
Gauge fixing in QFT and the dressing field method6
Barrow holographic dark energy with Granda–Oliveros cut-off in Chern–Simons gravity6
Warped product manifolds: Characterizations through the symmetry of the semiconformal curvature tensor and applications6
Scalar fields described by Dirac quaternion wave equation6
Perfect fluid locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi Type-I spacetimes admitting concircular vector fields in f(T) gravity6
Application of the L2-orthogonal decomposition of the second fundamental form of the hypersurfaces and the Ahlfors Laplacian to the study of the general relativistic vacuum constraint equations6
Holomorphic manifolds and lifts in the bundle of 2-jets6
Non-minimally coupled transit cosmology in f(R, T) gravity6
Physically viable strange quark star models in modified teleparallel gravity6
Alternative entropies and consistent black hole thermodynamics6
Self-Interacting Quantum Particles6
Cylindrically symmetric unimodular f(R) black holes6
Energy density inhomogeneities with self-gravitating charged fluid in modified teleparallel gravity6
Noether symmetries of tachyonic teleparallel cosmology with boundary term6
The Hodge–Dirac operator and Dabrowski–Sitarz–Zalecki-type theorems for manifolds with boundary6
Complete classification of cosmological teleparallel geometries6
The inflationary era of the universe via Tsallis cosmology6
On the anisotropic bouncing universe with viscosity6
Viscous coupled fluids in terms of a log-corrected equation-of-state6
On constraint manifolds of spatial closed chains in Lorentzian space6
Wormhole Formation with Gravitational Particle Creation Mechanism5
Non-local probes of entanglement in the scale-invariant gravity5
A variational framework for higher order perturbations5
Anisotropic stellar models with quintessence dark energy in rastall gravity5
Information geometric aspects of probability paths with minimum entropy production for quantum state evolution5
Variational principle, Hamiltonian, bifurcation analysis, chaotic behaviors and the diverse solitary wave solutions of the simplified modified Camassa–Holm equation5
Nonlinear evolution equations in dispersive media: Analyzing the semilinear dispersive-fisher model5
Artificial neural network model for convectively heated Casson fluid with the appliance of solar energy5
Dynamics of uniformally collapsing system and the horizon formation5
Relativistic configurations of Tolman stellar spheres in f(????,???? ) gravity5
A new approach to find the magnetic flux surfaces5
Letter to Editor (or Editorial): History of ICMAACS, Qin-Jiu-Shao prize and Yang-Hui award5
On the absence of weak solutions for a sequential time-fractional Klein-Gordon equation with quadratic nonlinearity5
Non-relativistic quantum dynamics in Born–Infeld gravity inspired by Eddington spacetime global monopole5
Gradient solitons on twisted product manifolds and their applications in general relativity5
Monotone metric tensors in quantum information geometry5
Discussion of singularity-free embedding stellar structures in f(R) gravity utilizing scalar potential5
Regular fractal Dirac systems5
Relativistic spacetimes admitting h-almost conformal ω-Ricci–Bourguignon solitons5
PDM relativistic quantum oscillator in Einstein–Maxwell–Lambda space-time5
Dark matter from evaporating primordial black holes in the early universe5
Yukawa–Casimir wormhole model in F(R,T) framework5
Quantum gases on a torus5
Multi-peak and rational soliton propagations for (3 + 1)-dimensional generalized Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky–Kaup Kupershmidt model in fluid mechanics, ocean dynamics and plasma physics5
Magnetic black holes in 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet massive gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics5
Non-vacuum relativistic extensions of MOND using metric theories of gravity with curvature–matter couplings and their applications to the accelerated expansion of the universe without dark components5
Bardeen compact stars in modified f(R) gravity with conformal motion5
Sufficient conditions for a pseudosymmetric spacetime to be a perfect fluid spacetime5
Influence of scalar field parameter on the stability of lower-dimensional thin-shell wormholes5
A topological approach for emerging D-branes and its implications for gravity5
Cosmic evolution of holographic dark energy in f(Q,T) gravity5
A note on classification of Kantowski–Sachs and Bianchi type III solutions in f(T) gravity via conformal vector fields5
New dynamical behaviors and soliton solutions of the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation5
One-dimensional primordial gravitational waves in pure quadratic gravity5
A family of timeless six-dimensional universes5
Cohomology of semi-invariant submanifolds in metallic Riemannian manifolds5
Interaction of the generalized Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation with a non-minimal coupling under the cosmic rainbow gravity5
Berry phase models and the electromagnetic trajectories of an optical fiber with a geodesic Frenet frame5
Relation between the minimal Lorentz surfaces in ℝ24 and ℝ135
Accelerating dark energy universe with LRS Bianchi type-I space-time5
Spin frame transformations and Dirac equations5
3D Helmholtz resonator with two close point-like windows: Regularisation for Dirichlet case4
Affine connections on singular warped products4
A β-tensor on Kaehler manifolds and its geometric characterizations4
Interacting Rényi holographic dark energy with parametrization on the interaction term4
Wormholes solutions in f(R,T) gravity with photon sphere at the throat4
Exploring wormholes in f(R,T) gravity4
Observational constraints on transit reconstructed Tsallis f(T) gravity4
Viscous generalized Chaplygin gas model in Brans–Dicke theory4
On completeness of the Alexandrov topology on a spacetime: Some remarks and questions4
Topological structures of event horizons along framed null Cartan curves in Minkowski space4
Anti-invariant Riemannian submersions from Sasakian manifolds with totally umbilical fibers4
Dynamical profile and multi-stability of ion-acoustic waves with soliton solution arising in plasma physics4
Conformally invariant nonlinear electrodynamic actions and its non-abelian extensions4
Ternary algebras associated with irreducible tensor representations of SO(3) and the quark model4
Noether symmetry in new extended modified f(R,G,T) theory of gravity4
Implementation of cosmological bounce inflation with Nojiri–Odintsov generalized holographic dark fluid4
Mechanical and Maxwell’s equations relative to an observer and principle of general relativity4
Viscous fluid accelerating model in modified gravity4
Applications of some types of solitons within the framework of Kählerian spacetime manifolds4
Cosmic acceleration and ekpyrotic bounce with Chameleon field4
Effects of external field and potential on non-relativistic quantum particles in disclinations background4
Anisotropic effect on barrow holographic dark energy4
Multi-soliton solutions of Ito-type coupled KdV equation with conservation laws in Darboux framework4
On the dynamic of the isotropic star4
A study of critical point equation and *-critical point equation on Sasakian manifolds4
Wormhole solutions in Rastall teleparallel gravity4
Observational limits on the Nash theory of gravity with matter contents4
On affine geometrical structure, generalized of Born–Infeld models and Eddington’s world conjectures4
Bifurcation analysis based on new macro two-velocity difference model4
Conformal vector fields for some vacuum classes of pp-waves space-times in ghost free infinite derivative gravity4
On the cosmological constant as a quantum operator4
Gravitational baryogenesis in f(Q,C) gravity4
Barrow’s holographic dark energy model in axially symmetric spacetime4
Little Rip, Pseudo Rip and bounce cosmology from generalized equation of state in the universe with spatial curvature4
Observational constraints on modified CPL models for dark energy4
Computational analysis of the conformable nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Kudryashov’s refractive index model and generalized non-local nonlinearity4
Quantization in Cartesian coordinates and the Hofer metric4
Possible dark energy stars in Rastall gravity4
Erratum: Curvature inheritance symmetry on M-projectively flat spacetimes4
The meaning of torsion in teleparallel theories4
Generalized evolutes of planar curves4
Holographic quantum singularity4
Gamma ray bursters and black holes in gravity’s rainbow4
On multiplicative universal Zagreb and its subsequent indices of C4C8 carbon nanostructures4
Family of Yang–Yu ????-functions associated with fractional kinetic equations4
Erratum: Fractional linear maps in general relativity and quantum mechanics4
Use of optimal subalgebra for the analysis of Lie symmetry, symmetry reductions, invariant solutions and conservation laws of the (3 + 1)-dimensional extended Sakovich equation4
Traversable wormholes in 4D EGB gravity4
The J-twist DJ of the Dirac operator and the Kastler–Kalau–Walze type theorem for six-dimensional manifolds with boundary4