Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

(The TQCC of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Integrating temporal and spatial variabilities for identifying ion binding proteins in phage27
Prediction and validation of avascular tumor growth pattern in different metabolic conditions using in silico and in vitro models17
Involving repetitive regions in scaffolding improvement15
A novel method for predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine sites based on deep forest algorithm11
PANDA: Predicting the change in proteins binding affinity upon mutations by finding a signal in primary structures9
Amino acid environment affinity model based on graph attention network6
A new Bayesian approach for QTL mapping of family data6
In silico de novo drug design of a therapeutic peptide inhibitor against UBE2C in breast cancer6
Identifying duplications and lateral gene transfers simultaneously and rapidly6
Structural bioinformatics survey on disease-inducing missense mutations5
RMI-DBG algorithm: A more agile iterative de Bruijn graph algorithm in short read genome assembly5
Integratedin silicoin vitrorational design of oncogenic EGFR-derived specific monoclonal antibody-binding peptide mimotopes4
CBDT-Oglyc: Prediction of O-glycosylation sites using ChiMIC-based balanced decision table and feature selection4
Identification of genes associated with cancer prognosis in glioma: In silico data analyses of Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)4
A novel method addressing NGS-based mappability bias for sensitive detection of DNA alterations4
iRNA5hmC-HOC: High-order correlation information for identifying RNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine modification4
Construction of transcript regulation mechanism prediction models based on binding motif environment of transcription factor AoXlnR in Aspergillus oryzae4
SS-DTI: A deep learning method integrating semantic and structural information for drug-target interaction prediction3
DBP-GAPred: An intelligent method for prediction of DNA-binding proteins types by enhanced evolutionary profile features with ensemble learning3
Prediction model for synergistic anti-tumor multi-compound combinations from traditional Chinese medicine based on extreme gradient boosting, targets and gene expression data3
Numerical study of chronic hepatitis B infection using Marchuk–Petrov model3
CW-PRED: Prediction of C-terminal surface anchoring sorting signals in bacteria and Archaea3
RNA modification writers influence tumor microenvironment in gastric cancer and prospects of targeted drug therapy3
Algorithms for the Uniqueness of the Longest Common Subsequence3
DNA sequences alignment method using sparse index on pan-genome graph3
Improving drug–target interaction prediction through dual-modality fusion with InteractNet3
Facilitating the drug repurposing with iC/E strategy: A practice on novel nNOS inhibitor discovery3
Behavioral dynamics of bacteriophage gene regulatory networks3
Testing and improving the performance of protein thermostability predictors for the engineering of cellulases3
RepeatsPlus — program for finding motifs and repeats in data sequences2
Introduction to the Special Issue of the 18th Annual International RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Comparative Genomics2
Mining sponge phenomena in RNA expression data2
NDMNN: A novel deep residual network based MNN method to remove batch effects from scRNA-seq data2
Response of gene regulatory networks after infection of H3N2 virus2
SAKit: An all-in-one analysis pipeline for identifying novel proteins resulting from variant events at both large and small scales2
Construction of a multi-tissue compound–target interaction network of Qingfei Paidu decoction in COVID-19 treatment based on deep learning and transcriptomic analysis2
PfgPDI: Pocket feature-enabled graph neural network for protein-drug interaction prediction2
An alignment-independent three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship study on ron receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors2
Population-specific adaptation in malaria-endemic regions of asia2
Distance matrices for nitrogenous bases and amino acids of SARS-CoV-2 via structural metric2
Introduction to Selected Papers from InCoB 20212
Imputation for Single-cell RNA-seq Data with Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Transfer Learning2
Invariant transformers of Robinson and Foulds distance matrices for Convolutional Neural Network2
Antimicrobial peptides recognition using weighted physicochemical property encoding2
TemporalGSSA: A numerically robust R-wrapper to facilitate computation of a metabolite-specific and simulation time-dependent trajectory from stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA)-generated datasets2
NuKit: A deep learning platform for fast nucleus segmentation of histopathological images2
The impact of simulation time in predicting binding free energies using end-point approaches2
Root locus-based stability analysis for biological systems2
Trade-offs among transcription elongation rate, number, and duration of ubiquitous pauses on highly transcribed bacterial genes2
Local RNA folding revisited2
Obstacles to effective model deployment in healthcare2
ASAP-DTA: Predicting Drug-Target Binding Affinity with Adaptive Structure Aware Networks2
Compression for population genetic data through finite-state entropy2
Utilization of systematic error-assessment software to improve phylogenetic accuracy2
Support vector machine-based prediction of pore-forming toxins (PFT) using distributed representation of reduced alphabets2